mirror of https://github.com/xcat2/xNBA.git synced 2025-03-23 11:57:42 +00:00

[build] Speed up rebuilding on header file changes

Split src_template into deps_template (which handles the definition of
foo_DEPS) and rules_template (which handles the rules referencing
foo_DEPS).  The rules_template is not affected by any included header
files and so does not need to be reprocessed following a change to an
included header file.

This reduces the time required to rebuild the Makefile rules following
a change to stdint.h by around 45%, at a cost of increasing the time
required to rebuild after a "make veryclean" by around 3%.

Signed-off-by: Michael Brown <mcb30@ipxe.org>
This commit is contained in:
Michael Brown 2010-07-14 18:29:16 +01:00
parent f00c3c619a
commit 770317a57d

View File

@ -455,45 +455,52 @@ DEBUG_TARGETS += dbg%.o c s
# using the following set of templates. It would be cleaner to use
# $(eval ...), but this function exists only in GNU make >= 3.80.
# src_template : generate Makefile rules for a given source file
# deps_template : generate dependency list for a given source file
# $(1) is the full path to the source file (e.g. "drivers/net/rtl8139.c")
# $(2) is the full path to the .d file (e.g. "bin/deps/drivers/net/rtl8139.d")
# $(3) is the source type (e.g. "c")
# $(4) is the source base name (e.g. "rtl8139")
# $(2) is the source type (e.g. "c")
# $(3) is the source base name (e.g. "rtl8139")
define src_template
define deps_template
@$(ECHO) " [DEPS] $(1)"
@$(MKDIR) -p $(dir $(2))
@$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_$(3)) $(CFLAGS_$(4)) -DOBJECT=$(4) \
@$(MKDIR) -p $(BIN)/deps/$(dir $(1))
@$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_$(2)) $(CFLAGS_$(3)) -DOBJECT=$(3) \
-Wno-error -M $(1) -MG -MP | \
sed 's/\.o\s*:/_DEPS =/' > $(2)
@$(ECHO_E) '\n$$(BIN)/$(4).o :' \
'$(1) $$(MAKEDEPS) $$(POST_O_DEPS) $$($(4)_DEPS)' \
'\n\t$$(QM)$(ECHO) " [BUILD] $$@"' \
'\n\t$$(RULE_$(3))\n' \
'\nBOBJS += $$(BIN)/$(4).o\n' \
$(foreach TGT,$(DEBUG_TARGETS), \
$(if $(RULE_$(3)_to_$(TGT)), \
'\n$$(BIN)/$(4).$(TGT) :' \
'$(1) $$(MAKEDEPS) $$(POST_O_DEPS) $$($(4)_DEPS)' \
'\n\t$$(QM)$(ECHO) " [BUILD] $$@"' \
'\n\t$$(RULE_$(3)_to_$(TGT))\n' \
'\n$(TGT)_OBJS += $$(BIN)/$(4).$(TGT)\n' ) ) \
'\n$(2) : $$($(4)_DEPS)\n' \
'\nTAGS : $$($(4)_DEPS)\n' \
>> $(2)
@$(PERL) $(PARSEROM) $(1) >> $(2)
sed 's/\.o\s*:/_DEPS =/' > $(BIN)/deps/$(1).d
# Rule to generate the Makefile rules files to be included
# rules_template : generate rules for a given source file
$(BIN)/deps/%.d : % $(MAKEDEPS) $(PARSEROM)
$(if $(filter $(AUTO_SRCS),$<),$(call src_template,$<,$@,$(subst .,,$(suffix $<)),$(basename $(notdir $<))),@$(ECHO) 'ERROR: $< is not an AUTO_SRC' ; exit 1)
# $(1) is the full path to the source file (e.g. "drivers/net/rtl8139.c")
# $(2) is the source type (e.g. "c")
# $(3) is the source base name (e.g. "rtl8139")
define rules_template
@$(ECHO) " [RULES] $(1)"
@$(MKDIR) -p $(BIN)/rules/$(dir $(1))
@$(ECHO_E) '\n$$(BIN)/$(3).o :' \
'$(1) $$(MAKEDEPS) $$(POST_O_DEPS) $$($(3)_DEPS)' \
'\n\t$$(QM)$(ECHO) " [BUILD] $$@"' \
'\n\t$$(RULE_$(2))\n' \
'\nBOBJS += $$(BIN)/$(3).o\n' \
$(foreach TGT,$(DEBUG_TARGETS), \
$(if $(RULE_$(2)_to_$(TGT)), \
'\n$$(BIN)/$(3).$(TGT) :' \
'$(1) $$(MAKEDEPS) $$(POST_O_DEPS) $$($(3)_DEPS)' \
'\n\t$$(QM)$(ECHO) " [BUILD] $$@"' \
'\n\t$$(RULE_$(2)_to_$(TGT))\n' \
'\n$(TGT)_OBJS += $$(BIN)/$(3).$(TGT)\n' ) ) \
'\n$(BIN)/deps/$(1).d : $$($(3)_DEPS)\n' \
'\nTAGS : $$($(3)_DEPS)\n' > $(BIN)/rules/$(1).r
@$(PERL) $(PARSEROM) $(1) >> $(BIN)/rules/$(1).r
# Calculate and include the list of Makefile rules files
# Rule to generate the dependency list file
$(BIN)/deps/%.d : % $(MAKEDEPS)
$(call deps_template,$<,$(subst .,,$(suffix $<)),$(basename $(notdir $<)))
# Calculate and include the list of dependency list files
AUTO_DEPS = $(patsubst %,$(BIN)/deps/%.d,$(AUTO_SRCS))
@ -505,7 +512,24 @@ autodeps :
# The following variables are created by the Makefile rules files
# Rule to generate the rules file
$(BIN)/rules/%.r : % $(MAKEDEPS) $(PARSEROM)
$(call rules_template,$<,$(subst .,,$(suffix $<)),$(basename $(notdir $<)))
# Calculate and include the list of rules files
AUTO_RULES = $(patsubst %,$(BIN)/rules/%.r,$(AUTO_SRCS))
ifneq ($(AUTO_RULES),)
-include $(AUTO_RULES)
autorules :
# The following variables are created by the rules files
bobjs :
@ -807,36 +831,31 @@ automedia :
# media_template : create Makefile rules for specified media
# $(1) is the media name (e.g. "rom")
# $(2) is the full path to the .d file (e.g. "bin/deps/rom.media.d")
define media_template
@$(ECHO) " [MEDIADEPS] $(1)"
@$(MKDIR) -p $(dir $(2))
@$(ECHO) " [MEDIARULES] $(1)"
@$(MKDIR) -p $(BIN)/rules/$(dir $(1))
@$(ECHO_E) '$$(BIN)/%.$(1) : $$(BIN)/%.$(1).zbin' \
'\n\t$$(QM)$(ECHO) " [FINISH] $$@"' \
'\n\t$$(Q)$$(CP) $$< $$@' \
'\n\t$$(Q)$$(PAD_$(1))' \
'\n\t$$(Q)$$(FINALISE_$(1))' \
> $(2)
> $(BIN)/rules/$(1).media.r
# Rule to generate the Makefile rules to be included
$(BIN)/deps/%.media.d : $(MAKEDEPS)
$(if $(filter $(AUTO_MEDIA),$*), \
$(call media_template,$*,$@), \
@$(ECHO) 'ERROR: $* is not an AUTO_MEDIA' ; exit 1)
$(BIN)/rules/%.media.r : $(MAKEDEPS)
$(call media_template,$*)
# Calculate and include the list of Makefile rules files
MEDIA_DEPS = $(patsubst %,$(BIN)/deps/%.media.d,$(AUTO_MEDIA))
mediadeps :
MEDIA_RULES = $(patsubst %,$(BIN)/rules/%.media.r,$(AUTO_MEDIA))
mediarules :
ifneq ($(MEDIA_DEPS),)
-include $(MEDIA_DEPS)
ifneq ($(MEDIA_RULES),)
-include $(MEDIA_RULES)