diff --git a/src/Config b/src/Config index 81144763..81cfb462 100644 --- a/src/Config +++ b/src/Config @@ -204,24 +204,6 @@ # Both of the above # -DCONSOLE_DIRECT_VGA # Set for direct VGA console (only for x86). -# -DCOMCONSOLE -# Set port, e.g. 0x3F8. -# -DCONSPEED -# Set speed, e.g. 57600. -# -DCOMPARM -# Set Line Control Register value for data bits, stop -# bits and parity. See a National Semiconditor 8250/ -# 16450/16550 data sheet for bit meanings. -# If undefined, defaults to 0x03 = 8N1. -# -DCOMPRESERVE -# Ignore COMSPEED and COMPARAM and instead preserve -# the com port parameters from the previous user -# of the com port. Examples of previous user are a BIOS -# that implements console redirection, lilo and LinuxBIOS. -# This makes it trivial to keep the serial port -# speed setting in sync between multiple users. -# You set the speed in the first user and the -# rest follow along. # # Interface export options: # @@ -380,9 +362,6 @@ CFLAGS+= -DBACKOFF_LIMIT=7 -DCONGESTED # CFLAGS+= -DTRY_FLOPPY_FIRST=4 # CFLAGS+= -DEXIT_IF_NO_OFFER -# For a serial console, which can run in parallel with FIRMWARE console -# CFLAGS+= -DCONSOLE_DUAL -DCOMCONSOLE=0x3F8 -DCONSPEED=9600 - # Enable tagged image, generic ELF, Multiboot ELF # or FreeBSD ELF/a.out boot image support CFLAGS+= -DTAGGED_IMAGE -DELF_IMAGE @@ -482,7 +461,6 @@ CFLAGS+= -DPXE_IMAGE -DPXE_EXPORT CFLAGS_3c503 = -DINCLUDE_3C503 # -DT503_SHMEM -MAKEROM_FLAGS_3c503= -3 CFLAGS_ne = -DINCLUDE_NE -DNE_SCAN=0x300,0x280,0x320,0x340,0x380 CFLAGS_ns8390 = -DINCLUDE_NS8390 # NE2000/PCI! CFLAGS_wd = -DINCLUDE_WD -DWD_DEFAULT_MEM=0xCC000