mirror of https://opendev.org/x/pyghmi synced 2025-03-19 09:57:43 +00:00

Switch to faster EFI decompressor

The pure python EFI decompressor was extraordinarily
slow. Dramatically improve performance by switching to
the C version of the function.

Change-Id: Ib931d46a4b5b4937cb8dfc3d37bfa63b92e84ead
This commit is contained in:
Jarrod Johnson 2020-12-08 12:54:20 -05:00
parent 22133c4aca
commit d61f6d5e6e
2 changed files with 1 additions and 201 deletions

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@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import struct
range = xrange
except NameError:
class BitArray(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self._Data = bytearray(data)
self._DataBitsLeft = len(data) * 8
self._ByteIdx = 0
self._BitIdx = 0
def mask(bitcount):
return (1 << bitcount) - 1
def read(self, bitsleftcount):
result = 0
while bitsleftcount:
curbitsleftcount = 8 - self._BitIdx
curdata = self._Data[self._ByteIdx] & self.mask(
if curbitsleftcount >= bitsleftcount:
result <<= bitsleftcount
result |= curdata >> (curbitsleftcount - bitsleftcount)
self._BitIdx += bitsleftcount
bitsleftcount = 0
result <<= curbitsleftcount
result |= curdata
bitsleftcount -= curbitsleftcount
self._BitIdx += curbitsleftcount
if self._BitIdx >= 8:
self._BitIdx = 0
self._ByteIdx += 1
return result
def loadhuffmansyms(bits, symscountbits, zeroskipidx):
symscount = bits.read(symscountbits)
if symscount == 0:
v = bits.read(symscountbits)
huffsyms = [[v, 1, 0], [v, 1, 1]]
# Decode the horrible bit length encoding thing!
huffsyms = []
idx = 0
while idx < symscount:
bitlen = bits.read(3)
if bitlen == 7:
while bits.read(1):
bitlen += 1
if bitlen != 0:
huffsyms += ([idx, bitlen, None],)
idx += 1
# decode the extra special nasty zero-skip hack!
if idx == zeroskipidx:
idx += bits.read(2)
# Now, sort them by bit length
huffsyms = sorted(huffsyms, key=lambda length: length[1])
# Allocate huffman codes to the length-ordered symbols
huffsyms[0][2] = 0
for idx in range(1, len(huffsyms)):
huffsyms[idx][2] = (huffsyms[idx - 1][2] + 1) << (
huffsyms[idx][1] - huffsyms[idx - 1][1])
return huffsyms
def buildhuffmantree(huffsyms):
hufftree = [None, None]
for huffsym in huffsyms:
symbol = huffsym[0]
bitlen = huffsym[1]
huffcode = huffsym[2]
if bitlen == 0:
huffsubtree = hufftree
for bit in range(0, bitlen):
lr = huffcode & (1 << (bitlen - bit - 1)) != 0
if bit < bitlen - 1:
if huffsubtree[lr] is None:
huffsubtree[lr] = [None, None]
huffsubtree = huffsubtree[lr]
huffsubtree[lr] = symbol
return hufftree
def huffmandecode(hufftree, bits):
while type(hufftree) == list:
hufftree = hufftree[bits.read(1)]
return hufftree
def loadcharlenhuffmansyms(bits, extra_hufftree):
symscount = bits.read(9)
if symscount == 0:
v = bits.read(9)
huffsyms = [[v, 1, 0], [v, 1, 1]]
# Decode the horrible bit length encoding thing!
huffsyms = []
idx = 0
while idx < symscount:
bitlen = huffmandecode(extra_hufftree, bits)
if bitlen == 0:
bitlen = 0
elif bitlen == 1:
idx += bits.read(4) + 3 - 1
bitlen = 0
elif bitlen == 2:
idx += bits.read(9) + 20 - 1
bitlen = 0
bitlen -= 2
if bitlen != 0:
huffsyms += ([idx, bitlen, None],)
idx += 1
# Now, sort them by bit length
huffsyms = sorted(huffsyms, key=lambda length: length[1])
# Allocate huffman codes to the length-ordered symbols
huffsyms[0][2] = 0
for idx in range(1, len(huffsyms)):
huffsyms[idx][2] = (huffsyms[idx - 1][2] + 1) << (
huffsyms[idx][1] - huffsyms[idx - 1][1])
return huffsyms
def decompress(buf):
(compressed_size, decompressed_size) = struct.unpack("<II", buf[0:8])
bits = BitArray(buf[8:])
outbuf = bytearray()
blocksize = 0
charlen_hufftree = None
positionset_hufftree = None
while decompressed_size:
if blocksize == 0:
blocksize = bits.read(16)
extra_hufftree = buildhuffmantree(loadhuffmansyms(bits, 5, 3))
charlen_hufftree = buildhuffmantree(
loadcharlenhuffmansyms(bits, extra_hufftree))
positionset_hufftree = buildhuffmantree(
loadhuffmansyms(bits, 5, -1))
c = huffmandecode(charlen_hufftree, bits)
blocksize -= 1
if c < 256:
decompressed_size -= 1
data_length = (c & 0xff) + 3
pos_bitlen = huffmandecode(positionset_hufftree, bits)
data_offset = pos_bitlen
if pos_bitlen > 1:
data_offset = (1 << (pos_bitlen - 1)) + bits.read(
pos_bitlen - 1)
data_idx = len(outbuf) - data_offset - 1
for i in range(0, data_length):
outbuf.append(outbuf[data_idx + i])
decompressed_size -= data_length
return bytes(outbuf)

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@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import struct
import six
import pyghmi.exceptions as pygexc
from pyghmi.ipmi.oem.lenovo import EfiDecompressor
import EfiCompressor
@ -260,7 +259,7 @@ class LenovoFirmwareConfig(object):
size = self.imm_size(cfgfilename)
data = self.imm_read(filehandle, size)
data = EfiDecompressor.decompress(data)
data = EfiCompressor.FrameworkDecompress(data, len(data))
if len(data) != 0: