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synced 2025-02-05 21:42:24 +00:00
By default, pyparsing consumes only as much of the input as matches the grammar. Tell it to consume all of the noderange and error if there's more string than matches our grammar.
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285 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2014 IBM Corporation
# Copyright 2015-2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# this will implement noderange grammar
# considered ast, but a number of things violate python grammar like [] in
# the middle of strings and use of @ for anything is not in their syntax
import copy
import itertools
import pyparsing as pp
import re
range = xrange
except NameError:
# construct custom grammar with pyparsing
_nodeword = pp.Word(pp.alphanums + '~^$/=-_:.*+!')
_nodebracket = pp.QuotedString(quoteChar='[', endQuoteChar=']',
_nodeatom = pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(_nodeword | _nodebracket))
_paginationstart = pp.Group(pp.Word('<', pp.nums))
_paginationend = pp.Group(pp.Word('>', pp.nums))
_grammar = _nodeatom | ',-' | ',' | '@' | _paginationstart | _paginationend
_parser = pp.nestedExpr(content=_grammar)
_numextractor = pp.OneOrMore(pp.Word(pp.alphas + '-') | pp.Word(pp.nums))
numregex = re.compile('([0-9]+)')
lastnoderange = None
def humanify_nodename(nodename):
"""Analyzes nodename in a human way to enable natural sort
:param nodename: The node name to analyze
:returns: A structure that can be consumed by 'sorted'
return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
for text in re.split(numregex, nodename)]
class ReverseNodeRange(object):
"""Abbreviate a set of nodes to a shorter noderange representation
:param nodes: List of nodes as a list, tuple, etc.
:param config: Config manager
def __init__(self, nodes, config):
self.cfm = config
self.nodes = set(nodes)
def noderange(self):
subsetgroups = []
for group in self.cfm.get_groups(sizesort=True):
if lastnoderange:
for nr in lastnoderange:
if lastnoderange[nr] - self.nodes:
if self.nodes - lastnoderange[nr]:
return nr
nl = set(
self.cfm.get_nodegroup_attributes(group).get('nodes', []))
if len(nl) > len(self.nodes) or not nl:
if not nl - self.nodes:
self.nodes -= nl
if not self.nodes:
return ','.join(sorted(subsetgroups) + sorted(self.nodes))
# TODO: pagination operators <pp.nums and >pp.nums for begin and end respective
class NodeRange(object):
"""Iterate over a noderange
:param noderange: string representing a noderange to evaluate
:param config: Config manager object to use to vet elements
def __init__(self, noderange, config=None):
global lastnoderange
self.beginpage = None
self.endpage = None
self.cfm = config
elements = _parser.parseString("(" + noderange + ")", parseAll=True).asList()[0]
except pp.ParseException as pe:
raise Exception("Invalid syntax")
if noderange[0] in ('<', '>'):
# pagination across all nodes
self._noderange = set(self.cfm.list_nodes())
self._noderange = self._evaluate(elements)
lastnoderange = {noderange: set(self._noderange)}
def nodes(self):
if self.beginpage is None and self.endpage is None:
return self._noderange
sortedlist = list(self._noderange)
except TypeError:
# The natural sort attempt failed, fallback to ascii sort
if self.beginpage is not None:
sortedlist = sortedlist[self.beginpage:]
if self.endpage is not None:
sortedlist = sortedlist[:self.endpage]
return set(sortedlist)
def _evaluate(self, parsetree, filternodes=None):
current_op = 0 # enum, 0 union, 1 subtract, 2 intersect
current_range = set([])
if not isinstance(parsetree[0], list): # down to a plain text thing
return self._expandstring(parsetree, filternodes)
for elem in parsetree:
if elem == ',-':
current_op = 1
elif elem == ',':
current_op = 0
elif elem == '@':
current_op = 2
elif current_op == 0:
current_range |= self._evaluate(elem)
elif current_op == 1:
current_range -= self._evaluate(elem, current_range)
elif current_op == 2:
current_range &= self._evaluate(elem, current_range)
return current_range
def failorreturn(self, atom):
if self.cfm is not None:
raise Exception(atom + " not valid")
return set([atom])
def expandrange(self, seqrange, delimiter):
pieces = seqrange.split(delimiter)
if len(pieces) % 2 != 0:
return self.failorreturn(seqrange)
halflen = len(pieces) // 2
left = delimiter.join(pieces[:halflen])
right = delimiter.join(pieces[halflen:])
leftbits = _numextractor.parseString(left).asList()
rightbits = _numextractor.parseString(right).asList()
if len(leftbits) != len(rightbits):
return self.failorreturn(seqrange)
finalfmt = ''
iterators = []
for idx in range(len(leftbits)):
if leftbits[idx] == rightbits[idx]:
finalfmt += leftbits[idx]
elif leftbits[idx][0] in pp.alphas:
# if string portion unequal, not going to work
return self.failorreturn(seqrange)
curseq = []
finalfmt += '{%d}' % len(iterators)
leftnum = int(leftbits[idx])
rightnum = int(rightbits[idx])
if leftnum > rightnum:
width = len(rightbits[idx])
minnum = rightnum
maxnum = leftnum + 1 # range goes to n-1...
elif rightnum > leftnum:
width = len(leftbits[idx])
minnum = leftnum
maxnum = rightnum + 1
else: # differently padded, but same number...
return self.failorreturn(seqrange)
numformat = '{0:0%d}' % width
for num in range(minnum, maxnum):
results = set([])
for combo in itertools.product(*iterators):
entname = finalfmt.format(*combo)
results |= self.expand_entity(entname)
return results
def expand_entity(self, entname):
if self.cfm is None or self.cfm.is_node(entname):
return set([entname])
if self.cfm.is_nodegroup(entname):
grpcfg = self.cfm.get_nodegroup_attributes(entname)
nodes = copy.copy(grpcfg['nodes'])
if 'noderange' in grpcfg and grpcfg['noderange']:
nodes |= NodeRange(
grpcfg['noderange']['value'], self.cfm).nodes
return nodes
raise Exception('Unknown node ' + entname)
def _expandstring(self, element, filternodes=None):
prefix = ''
if element[0][0] in ('/', '~'):
element = ''.join(element)
nameexpression = element[1:]
if self.cfm is None:
raise Exception('Verification configmanager required')
return set(self.cfm.filter_nodenames(nameexpression, filternodes))
elif '=' in element[0] or '!~' in element[0]:
element = ''.join(element)
if self.cfm is None:
raise Exception('Verification configmanager required')
return set(self.cfm.filter_node_attributes(element, filternodes))
for idx in range(len(element)):
if element[idx][0] == '[':
nodes = set([])
for numeric in NodeRange(element[idx][1:-1]).nodes:
nodes |= self._expandstring(
[prefix + numeric] + element[idx + 1:])
return nodes
prefix += element[idx]
element = prefix
if self.cfm is not None:
# this is where we would check for exactly this
if self.cfm.is_node(element):
return set([element])
if self.cfm.is_nodegroup(element):
grpcfg = self.cfm.get_nodegroup_attributes(element)
nodes = copy.copy(grpcfg['nodes'])
if 'noderange' in grpcfg and grpcfg['noderange']:
nodes |= NodeRange(
grpcfg['noderange']['value'], self.cfm).nodes
return nodes
if ':' in element: # : range for less ambiguity
return self.expandrange(element, ':')
elif '..' in element:
return self.expandrange(element, '..')
elif '-' in element:
return self.expandrange(element, '-')
elif '+' in element:
element, increment = element.split('+')
nodename, domain = element.split('.')
except ValueError:
nodename = element
domain = ''
increment = int(increment)
elembits = _numextractor.parseString(nodename).asList()
endnum = str(int(elembits[-1]) + increment)
left = ''.join(elembits)
if domain:
left += '.' + domain
right = ''.join(elembits[:-1])
right += endnum
if domain:
right += '.' + domain
nrange = left + ':' + right
return self.expandrange(nrange, ':')
elif '<' in element:
self.beginpage = int(element[1:])
return set([])
elif '>' in element:
self.endpage = int(element[1:])
return set([])
if self.cfm is None:
return set([element])
raise Exception(element + ' not a recognized node, group, or alias')