mirror of https://github.com/xcat2/confluent.git synced 2025-03-25 17:47:12 +00:00
Jarrod Johnson 72e26caf36 Change to unix domain for vtbuffer communication
The semaphore arbitrated single channel sharing
was proving to be too slow.  Make the communication
lockless by having dedicated sockets per request.
2024-02-22 15:07:42 -05:00

299 lines
9.4 KiB

#include <asm-generic/socket.h>
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "tmt.h"
#define HASHSIZE 2053
#define MAXNAMELEN 256
#define MAXDATALEN 8192
struct terment {
struct terment *next;
char *name;
int fd;
TMT *vt;
#define SETNODE 1
#define WRITE 2
#define READBUFF 0
#define CLOSECONN 3
#define MAXEVTS 16
static struct terment *buffers[HASHSIZE];
static char* nodenames[HASHSIZE];
unsigned long hash(char *str)
/* djb2a */
unsigned long idx = 5381;
int c;
while ((c = *str++))
idx = ((idx << 5) + idx) + c;
return idx % HASHSIZE;
TMT *get_termentbyname(char *name) {
struct terment *ret;
for (ret = buffers[hash(name)]; ret != NULL; ret = ret->next)
if (strcmp(name, ret->name) == 0)
return ret->vt;
return NULL;
TMT *set_termentbyname(char *name, int fd) {
struct terment *ret;
int idx;
if (nodenames[fd] == NULL) {
nodenames[fd] = strdup(name);
idx = hash(name);
for (ret = buffers[idx]; ret != NULL; ret = ret->next)
if (strcmp(name, ret->name) == 0)
return ret->vt;
ret = (struct terment *)malloc(sizeof(*ret));
ret->next = buffers[idx];
ret->name = strdup(name);
ret->fd = fd;
ret->vt = tmt_open(31, 100, NULL, NULL, L"→←↑↓■◆▒°±▒┘┐┌└┼⎺───⎽├┤┴┬│≤≥π≠£•");
buffers[idx] = ret;
return ret->vt;
void dump_vt(TMT* outvt, int outfd) {
const TMTSCREEN *out = tmt_screen(outvt);
const TMTPOINT *curs = tmt_cursor(outvt);
int line, idx, maxcol, maxrow;
bool bold = false;
bool dim = false;
bool underline = false;
bool blink = false;
bool reverse = false;
bool invisible = false;
bool intensitychg = false;
tmt_color_t fg = TMT_COLOR_DEFAULT;
tmt_color_t bg = TMT_COLOR_DEFAULT;
wchar_t sgrline[30];
char strbuffer[128];
size_t srgidx = 0;
char colorcode = 0;
write(outfd, "\033c", 2);
maxcol = 0;
maxrow = 0;
for (line = out->nline - 1; line >= 0; --line) {
for (idx = out->ncol - 1; idx > maxcol; --idx) {
if (out->lines[line]->chars[idx].c != L' ') {
if (maxrow < line)
maxrow = line;
maxcol = idx;
for (line = 0; line <= maxrow; line++) {
for (idx = 0; idx <= maxcol; idx++) {
sgrline[0] = L'\x00';
intensitychg = false;
if (out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.bold != bold) {
bold = out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.bold;
intensitychg = true; // Can't unbold without changing dim
if (out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.dim != dim) {
dim = out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.dim;
intensitychg = true; // Can't undim without changing bold
if (intensitychg) {
intensitychg = false;
wcscat(sgrline, L"22;");
if (bold)
wcscat(sgrline, L"1;");
if (dim)
wcscat(sgrline, L"2;");
if (out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.underline != underline) {
underline = out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.underline;
if (underline)
wcscat(sgrline, L"4;");
wcscat(sgrline, L"24;");
if (out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.blink != blink) {
blink = out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.blink;
if (blink)
wcscat(sgrline, L"5;");
wcscat(sgrline, L"25;");
if (out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.reverse != reverse) {
reverse = out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.reverse;
if (reverse)
wcscat(sgrline, L"7;");
wcscat(sgrline, L"27;");
if (out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.invisible != invisible) {
invisible = out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.invisible;
if (invisible)
wcscat(sgrline, L"8;");
wcscat(sgrline, L"28;");
if (out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.fg != fg) {
fg = out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.fg;
colorcode = 39;
colorcode = 29 + fg;
swprintf(sgrline + wcslen(sgrline), 4, L"%d;", colorcode);
if (out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.bg != bg) {
bg = out->lines[line]->chars[idx].a.bg;
colorcode = 49;
colorcode = 39 + bg;
swprintf(sgrline + wcslen(sgrline), 4, L"%d;", colorcode);
if (sgrline[0] != 0) {
sgrline[wcslen(sgrline) - 1] = 0; // Trim last ;
snprintf(strbuffer, sizeof(strbuffer), "\033[%lsm", sgrline);
write(outfd, strbuffer, strlen(strbuffer));
write(outfd, "\033[]", 3);
snprintf(strbuffer, sizeof(strbuffer), "%lc", out->lines[line]->chars[idx].c);
write(outfd, strbuffer, strlen(strbuffer));
if (line < maxrow)
write(outfd, "\r\n", 2);
snprintf(strbuffer, sizeof(strbuffer), "\x1b[%ld;%ldH", curs->r + 1, curs->c + 1);
write(outfd, strbuffer, strlen(strbuffer));
int handle_traffic(int fd) {
int cmd, length;
char currnode[MAXNAMELEN];
char cmdbuf[MAXDATALEN];
char *nodename;
TMT *currvt = NULL;
TMT *outvt = NULL;
length = read(fd, &cmd, 4);
if (length <= 0) {
return 0;
length = cmd & 536870911;
cmd = cmd >> 29;
if (cmd == SETNODE) {
cmd = read(fd, currnode, length);
currnode[length] = 0;
if (cmd < 0)
return 0;
currvt = set_termentbyname(currnode, fd);
} else if (cmd == WRITE) {
if (currvt == NULL) {
nodename = nodenames[fd];
currvt = set_termentbyname(nodename, fd);
cmd = read(fd, cmdbuf, length);
cmdbuf[length] = 0;
if (cmd < 0)
return 0;
tmt_write(currvt, cmdbuf, length);
} else if (cmd == READBUFF) {
cmd = read(fd, cmdbuf, length);
cmdbuf[length] = 0;
if (cmd < 0)
return 0;
outvt = get_termentbyname(cmdbuf);
if (outvt != NULL)
dump_vt(outvt, fd);
length = write(fd, "\x00", 1);
if (length < 0)
return 0;
} else if (cmd == CLOSECONN) {
return 0;
return 1;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
struct sockaddr_un addr;
int numevts;
int status;
int poller;
int n;
socklen_t len;
int ctlsock, currsock;
socklen_t addrlen;
struct ucred ucr;
struct epoll_event epvt, evts[MAXEVTS];
stdin = freopen(NULL, "rb", stdin);
if (stdin == NULL) {
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
strncpy(addr.sun_path + 1, argv[1], sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 2); // abstract namespace socket
ctlsock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
status = bind(ctlsock, (const struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(sa_family_t) + strlen(argv[1]) + 1); //sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
if (status < 0) {
perror("Unable to open unix socket - ");
listen(ctlsock, 128);
poller = epoll_create(1);
memset(&epvt, 0, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
epvt.events = EPOLLIN;
epvt.data.fd = ctlsock;
if (epoll_ctl(poller, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, ctlsock, &epvt) < 0) {
perror("Unable to poll the socket");
// create a unix domain socket for accepting, each connection is only allowed to either read or write, not both
while (1) {
numevts = epoll_wait(poller, evts, MAXEVTS, -1);
if (numevts < 0) {
perror("Failed wait");
for (n = 0; n < numevts; ++n) {
if (evts[n].data.fd == ctlsock) {
currsock = accept(ctlsock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &addrlen);
len = sizeof(ucr);
getsockopt(currsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &ucr, &len);
if (ucr.uid != getuid()) { // block access for other users
memset(&epvt, 0, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
epvt.events = EPOLLIN;
epvt.data.fd = currsock;
epoll_ctl(poller, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, currsock, &epvt);
} else {
if (!handle_traffic(evts[n].data.fd)) {
epoll_ctl(poller, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, evts[n].data.fd, NULL);
if (nodenames[evts[n].data.fd] != NULL) {
nodenames[evts[n].data.fd] = NULL;