mirror of https://github.com/xcat2/confluent.git synced 2025-02-05 21:42:24 +00:00
Jarrod Johnson fada9336ee Fix swapsize float in image install
If it undergoes float arithmetic, it must be made int again.
2021-07-16 17:23:21 -04:00

235 lines
9.0 KiB

import json
import os
import re
import struct
import subprocess
def get_next_part_meta(img, imgsize):
if img.tell() == imgsize:
return None
pathlen = struct.unpack('!H', img.read(2))[0]
mountpoint = img.read(pathlen).decode('utf8')
jsonlen = struct.unpack('!I', img.read(4))[0]
metadata = json.loads(img.read(jsonlen).decode('utf8'))
img.seek(16, 1) # skip the two 64-bit values we don't use, they are in json
nextlen = struct.unpack('!H', img.read(2))[0]
img.seek(nextlen, 1) # skip filesystem type
nextlen = struct.unpack('!H', img.read(2))[0]
img.seek(nextlen, 1) # skip orig devname (redundant with json)
nextlen = struct.unpack('!H', img.read(2))[0]
img.seek(nextlen, 1) # skip padding
nextlen = struct.unpack('!Q', img.read(8))[0]
img.seek(nextlen, 1) # go to next section
return metadata
def get_multipart_image_meta(img):
img.seek(0, 2)
imgsize = img.tell()
partinfo = get_next_part_meta(img, imgsize)
while partinfo:
yield partinfo
partinfo = get_next_part_meta(img, imgsize)
def get_image_metadata(imgpath):
with open(imgpath, 'rb') as img:
header = img.read(16)
if header == b'\x63\x7b\x9d\x26\xb7\xfd\x48\x30\x89\xf9\x11\xcf\x18\xfd\xff\xa1':
for md in get_multipart_image_meta(img):
yield md
raise Exception('Installation from single part image not supported')
class PartedRunner():
def __init__(self, disk):
self.disk = disk
def run(self, command):
command = command.split()
command = ['parted', '-a', 'optimal', '-s', self.disk] + command
return subprocess.check_output(command).decode('utf8')
def fixup(rootdir, vols):
devbymount = {}
for vol in vols:
devbymount[vol['mount']] = vol['targetdisk']
fstabfile = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/fstab')
with open(fstabfile) as tfile:
fstab = tfile.read().split('\n')
while not fstab[0]:
fstab = fstab[1:]
with open(fstabfile, 'w') as tfile:
for tab in fstab:
entry = tab.split()
if tab.startswith('#ORIGFSTAB#'):
if entry[1] in devbymount:
targetdev = devbymount[entry[1]]
if targetdev.startswith('/dev/localstorage/'):
entry[0] = targetdev
uuid = subprocess.check_output(['blkid', '-s', 'UUID', '-o', 'value', targetdev]).decode('utf8')
uuid = uuid.strip()
entry[0] = 'UUID={}'.format(uuid)
elif entry[2] == 'swap':
entry[0] = '/dev/mapper/localstorage-swap'
entry[0] = entry[0].ljust(42)
entry[1] = entry[1].ljust(16)
entry[3] = entry[3].ljust(28)
tab = '\t'.join(entry)
tfile.write(tab + '\n')
def had_swap():
with open('/etc/fstab') as tabfile:
tabs = tabfile.read().split('\n')
for tab in tabs:
tab = tab.split()
if len(tab) < 3:
if tab[2] == 'swap':
return True
return False
def install_to_disk(imgpath):
lvmvols = {}
deftotsize = 0
mintotsize = 0
deflvmsize = 0
minlvmsize = 0
biggestsize = 0
biggestfs = None
plainvols = {}
allvols = []
swapsize = 0
if had_swap():
with open('/proc/meminfo') as meminfo:
swapsize = meminfo.read().split('\n')[0]
swapsize = int(swapsize.split()[1])
if swapsize < 2097152:
swapsize = swapsize * 2
elif swapsize > 8388608 and swapsize < 67108864:
swapsize = swapsize * 0.5
elif swapsize >= 67108864:
swapsize = 33554432
swapsize = int(swapsize * 1024)
deftotsize = swapsize
mintotsize = swapsize
for fs in get_image_metadata('/run/imginst/sourceimage/rootimg.sfs'):
deftotsize += fs['initsize']
mintotsize += fs['minsize']
if fs['initsize'] > biggestsize:
biggestfs = fs
biggestsize = fs['initsize']
if fs['device'].startswith('/dev/mapper'):
lvmvols[fs['device'].replace('/dev/mapper/', '')] = fs
deflvmsize += fs['initsize']
minlvmsize += fs['minsize']
plainvols[int(re.search('(\d+)$', fs['device'])[0])] = fs
with open('/tmp/installdisk') as diskin:
instdisk = diskin.read()
instdisk = '/dev/' + instdisk
parted = PartedRunner(instdisk)
dinfo = parted.run('unit s print')
dinfo = dinfo.split('\n')
sectors = 0
sectorsize = 0
for inf in dinfo:
if inf.startswith('Disk {0}:'.format(instdisk)):
_, sectors = inf.split(': ')
sectors = int(sectors.replace('s', ''))
if inf.startswith('Sector size (logical/physical):'):
_, sectorsize = inf.split(':')
sectorsize = sectorsize.split('/')[0]
sectorsize = sectorsize.replace('B', '')
sectorsize = int(sectorsize)
# for now, only support resizing/growing the largest partition
minexcsize = deftotsize - biggestfs['initsize']
mintotsize = deftotsize - biggestfs['initsize'] + biggestfs['minsize']
minsectors = mintotsize // sectorsize
if sectors < (minsectors + 65536):
raise Exception('Disk too small to fit image')
biggestsectors = sectors - (minexcsize // sectorsize)
biggestsize = sectorsize * biggestsectors
parted.run('mklabel gpt')
curroffset = 2048
for volidx in sorted(plainvols):
vol = plainvols[volidx]
if vol is not biggestfs:
size = vol['initsize'] // sectorsize
size = biggestsize // sectorsize
size += 2047 - (size % 2048)
end = curroffset + size
if end > sectors:
end = sectors
parted.run('mkpart primary {}s {}s'.format(curroffset, end))
vol['targetdisk'] = instdisk + '{0}'.format(volidx)
curroffset += size + 1
if not lvmvols:
if swapsize:
swapsize = swapsize // sectorsize
swapsize += 2047 - (size % 2048)
end = curroffset + swapsize
if end > sectors:
end = sectors
parted.run('mkpart swap {}s {}s'.format(curroffset, end))
subprocess.check_call(['mkswap', instdisk + '{}'.format(volidx + 1)])
parted.run('mkpart lvm {}s 100%'.format(curroffset))
lvmpart = instdisk + '{}'.format(volidx + 1)
subprocess.check_call(['pvcreate', '-ff', '-y', lvmpart])
subprocess.check_call(['vgcreate', 'localstorage', lvmpart])
vginfo = subprocess.check_output(['vgdisplay', 'localstorage', '--units', 'b']).decode('utf8')
vginfo = vginfo.split('\n')
pesize = 0
pes = 0
for infline in vginfo:
infline = infline.split()
if len(infline) >= 3 and infline[:2] == ['PE', 'Size']:
pesize = int(infline[2])
if len(infline) >= 5 and infline[:2] == ['Free', 'PE']:
pes = int(infline[4])
takeaway = swapsize // pesize
for volidx in lvmvols:
vol = lvmvols[volidx]
if vol is biggestfs:
takeaway += vol['initsize'] // pesize
takeaway += 1
biggestextents = pes - takeaway
for volidx in lvmvols:
vol = lvmvols[volidx]
if vol is biggestfs:
extents = biggestextents
extents = vol['initsize'] // pesize
extents += 1
if vol['mount'] == '/':
lvname = 'root'
lvname = vol['mount'].replace('/', '_')
subprocess.check_call(['lvcreate', '-l', '{}'.format(extents), '-y', '-n', lvname, 'localstorage'])
vol['targetdisk'] = '/dev/localstorage/{}'.format(lvname)
if swapsize:
subprocess.check_call(['lvcreate', '-y', '-l', '{}'.format(swapsize // pesize), '-n', 'swap', 'localstorage'])
subprocess.check_call(['mkswap', '/dev/localstorage/swap'])
for vol in allvols:
with open(vol['targetdisk'], 'wb') as partition:
partition.write(b'\x00' * 1 * 1024 * 1024)
subprocess.check_call(['mkfs.{}'.format(vol['filesystem']), vol['targetdisk']])
subprocess.check_call(['mount', vol['targetdisk'], '/run/imginst/targ'])
source = vol['mount'].replace('/', '_')
source = '/run/imginst/sources/' + source
subprocess.check_call(['cp', '-ax', source + '/.', '/run/imginst/targ'])
subprocess.check_call(['umount', '/run/imginst/targ'])
for vol in allvols:
subprocess.check_call(['mount', vol['targetdisk'], '/run/imginst/targ/' + vol['mount']])
fixup('/run/imginst/targ', allvols)
if __name__ == '__main__':