mirror of https://github.com/xcat2/confluent.git synced 2025-02-28 16:21:40 +00:00
Jarrod Johnson b27d07f304 Fix nic index map with bonding
The assumption that /sys/class/net is interfaces is incorrect,
when encountering entries that are not interfaces, do not
mess up the call.
2021-03-04 10:47:28 -05:00

326 lines
12 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# this will implement noderange grammar
import confluent.exceptions as exc
import codecs
import netifaces
import struct
import eventlet.green.socket as socket
import eventlet.support.greendns
import os
getaddrinfo = eventlet.support.greendns.getaddrinfo
def mask_to_cidr(mask):
maskn = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, mask)
maskn = struct.unpack('!I', maskn)[0]
cidr = 32
while maskn & 0b1 == 0 and cidr > 0:
cidr -= 1
maskn >>= 1
return cidr
def cidr_to_mask(cidr):
return socket.inet_ntop(
socket.AF_INET, struct.pack('!I', (2**32 - 1) ^ (2**(32 - cidr) - 1)))
def ip_on_same_subnet(first, second, prefix):
if first.startswith('::ffff:') and '.' in first:
first = first.replace('::ffff:', '')
if second.startswith('::ffff:') and '.' in second:
second = second.replace('::ffff:', '')
addrinf = socket.getaddrinfo(first, None, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)[0]
fam = addrinf[0]
ip = socket.inet_pton(fam, addrinf[-1][0])
ip = int(codecs.encode(bytes(ip), 'hex'), 16)
addrinf = socket.getaddrinfo(second, None, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)[0]
if fam != addrinf[0]:
return False
txtaddr = addrinf[-1][0].split('%')[0]
oip = socket.inet_pton(fam, txtaddr)
oip = int(codecs.encode(bytes(oip), 'hex'), 16)
if fam == socket.AF_INET:
addrlen = 32
elif fam == socket.AF_INET6:
addrlen = 128
raise Exception("Unknown address family {0}".format(fam))
mask = 2 ** prefix - 1 << (addrlen - prefix)
return ip & mask == oip & mask
def address_is_local(address):
for iface in netifaces.interfaces():
for i4 in netifaces.ifaddresses(iface).get(2, []):
cidr = mask_to_cidr(i4['netmask'])
if ip_on_same_subnet(i4['addr'], address, cidr):
return True
for i6 in netifaces.ifaddresses(iface).get(10, []):
cidr = int(i6['netmask'].split('/')[1])
laddr = i6['addr'].split('%')[0]
if ip_on_same_subnet(laddr, address, cidr):
return True
return False
_idxtoifnamemap = {}
def _rebuildidxmap():
for iname in os.listdir('/sys/class/net'):
ci = int(open('/sys/class/net/{0}/ifindex'.format(iname)).read())
_idxtoifnamemap[ci] = iname
except Exception: # there may be non interface in /sys/class/net
def myiptonets(svrip):
fam = netifaces.AF_INET
if ':' in svrip:
fam = netifaces.AF_INET6
relevantnic = None
for iface in netifaces.interfaces():
for addr in netifaces.ifaddresses(iface).get(fam, []):
addr = addr.get('addr', '')
addr = addr.split('%')[0]
if addresses_match(addr, svrip):
relevantnic = iface
return inametonets(relevantnic)
def _iftonets(ifidx):
if isinstance(ifidx, int):
ifidx = _idxtoifnamemap.get(ifidx, None)
return inametonets(ifidx)
def inametonets(iname):
addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(iname)
addrs = addrs[netifaces.AF_INET]
except KeyError:
for addr in addrs:
ip = struct.unpack('!I', socket.inet_aton(addr['addr']))[0]
mask = struct.unpack('!I', socket.inet_aton(addr['netmask']))[0]
net = ip & mask
net = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!I', net))
yield (net, mask_to_cidr(addr['netmask']), addr['addr'])
# TODO(jjohnson2): have a method to arbitrate setting methods, to aid
# in correct matching of net.* based on parameters, mainly for pxe
# The scheme for pxe:
# For one: the candidate net.* should have pxe set to true, to help
# disambiguate from interfaces meant for bmc access
# bmc relies upon hardwaremanagement.manager, plus we don't collect
# that mac address
# the ip as reported by recvmsg to match the subnet of that net.* interface
# if switch and port available, that should match.
def get_nic_config(configmanager, node, ip=None, mac=None, ifidx=None,
"""Fetch network configuration parameters for a nic
For a given node and interface, find and retrieve the pertinent network
configuration data. The desired configuration can be searched
either by ip or by mac.
:param configmanager: The relevant confluent.config.ConfigManager
:param node: The name of the node
:param ip: An IP address on the intended subnet
:param mac: The mac address of the interface
:param ifidx: The local index relevant to the network.
:returns: A dict of parameters, 'ipv4_gateway', ....
# ip parameter *could* be the result of recvmsg with cmsg to tell
# pxe *our* ip address, or it could be the desired ip address
#TODO(jjohnson2): ip address, prefix length, mac address,
# join a bond/bridge, vlan configs, etc.
# also other nic criteria, physical location, driver and index...
nodenetattribs = configmanager.get_node_attributes(
node, 'net*').get(node, {})
cfgbyname = {}
for attrib in nodenetattribs:
segs = attrib.split('.')
if len(segs) == 2:
name = None
name = segs[1]
if name not in cfgbyname:
cfgbyname[name] = {}
cfgbyname[name][segs[-1]] = nodenetattribs[attrib].get('value',
cfgdata = {
'ipv4_gateway': None,
'ipv4_address': None,
'ipv4_method': None,
'prefix': None,
nets = None
needsvrip = False
if ifidx is not None:
dhcprequested = False
nets = list(_iftonets(ifidx))
if not nets:
cfgdata['ipv4_broken'] = True
if serverip is not None:
needsvrip = True
dhcprequested = False
nets = list(myiptonets(serverip))
genericmethod = 'static'
ipbynodename = None
ipbynodename = socket.getaddrinfo(
node, 0, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)[0][-1][0]
except Exception:
ipbynodename = None
if nets is not None:
candgws = []
candsrvs = []
for net in nets:
net, prefix, svrip = net
cfgdata['deploy_server'] = svrip
for candidate in cfgbyname:
ipmethod = cfgbyname[candidate].get('ipv4_method', 'static')
if ipmethod == 'dhcp':
dhcprequested = True
if ipmethod == 'firmwaredhcp':
genericmethod = ipmethod
candip = cfgbyname[candidate].get('ipv4_address', None)
if candip and '/' in candip:
candip, candprefix = candip.split('/')
if int(candprefix) != prefix:
candgw = cfgbyname[candidate].get('ipv4_gateway', None)
if candip:
if ip_on_same_subnet(net, candip, prefix):
cfgdata['ipv4_address'] = candip
cfgdata['ipv4_method'] = ipmethod
cfgdata['ipv4_gateway'] = cfgbyname[candidate].get(
'ipv4_gateway', None)
cfgdata['prefix'] = prefix
if ipbynodename and ipbynodename == candip:
cfgdata['matchesnodename'] = True
return cfgdata
except Exception as e:
cfgdata['error_msg'] = "Error trying to evaluate net.*ipv4_address attribute value '{0}' on {1}: {2}".format(candip, node, str(e))
elif candgw:
if ip_on_same_subnet(net, candgw, prefix):
if dhcprequested:
if not cfgdata.get('ipv4_method', None):
cfgdata['ipv4_method'] = 'dhcp'
return cfgdata
if ipbynodename == None:
return cfgdata
for net in nets:
net, prefix, svrip = net
if ip_on_same_subnet(net, ipbynodename, prefix):
cfgdata['matchesnodename'] = True
cfgdata['ipv4_address'] = ipbynodename
cfgdata['ipv4_method'] = genericmethod
cfgdata['prefix'] = prefix
for svr in candsrvs:
if ip_on_same_subnet(svr, ipbynodename, prefix):
cfgdata['deploy_server'] = svr
for gw in candgws:
if ip_on_same_subnet(gw, ipbynodename, prefix):
cfgdata['ipv4_gateway'] = gw
return cfgdata
if ip is not None:
prefixlen = get_prefix_len_for_ip(ip)
cfgdata['prefix'] = prefixlen
for setting in nodenetattribs:
if 'ipv4_gateway' not in setting:
gw = nodenetattribs[setting].get('value', None)
if gw is None or not gw:
if ip_on_same_subnet(ip, gw, prefixlen):
cfgdata['ipv4_gateway'] = gw
return cfgdata
def get_prefix_len_for_ip(ip):
# for now, we'll use the system route table
# later may provide for configuration lookup to override the route
# table
ip = getaddrinfo(ip, 0, socket.AF_INET)[0][-1][0]
ipn = socket.inet_aton(ip)
except socket.error: # For now, assume 64 for ipv6
return 64
# It comes out big endian, regardless of host arch
ipn = struct.unpack('>I', ipn)[0]
rf = open('/proc/net/route')
ri = rf.read()
ri = ri.split('\n')[1:]
for rl in ri:
if not rl:
rd = rl.split('\t')
if rd[1] == '00000000': # default gateway, not useful for this
# don't have big endian to look at, assume that it is host endian
maskn = struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('>I', int(rd[7], 16)))[0]
netn = struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('>I', int(rd[1], 16)))[0]
if ipn & maskn == netn:
nbits = 0
while maskn:
nbits += 1
maskn = maskn << 1 & 0xffffffff
return nbits
raise exc.NotImplementedException("Non local addresses not supported")
def addresses_match(addr1, addr2):
"""Check two network addresses for similarity
Is it zero padded in one place, not zero padded in another? Is one place by name and another by IP??
Is one context getting a normal IPv4 address and another getting IPv4 in IPv6 notation?
This function examines the two given names, performing the required changes to compare them for equivalency
:param addr1:
:param addr2:
:return: True if the given addresses refer to the same thing
for addrinfo in socket.getaddrinfo(addr1, 0, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
rootaddr1 = socket.inet_pton(addrinfo[0], addrinfo[4][0])
if addrinfo[0] == socket.AF_INET6 and rootaddr1[:12] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff':
# normalize to standard IPv4
rootaddr1 = rootaddr1[-4:]
for otherinfo in socket.getaddrinfo(addr2, 0, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
otheraddr = socket.inet_pton(otherinfo[0], otherinfo[4][0])
if otherinfo[0] == socket.AF_INET6 and otheraddr[:12] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff':
otheraddr = otheraddr[-4:]
if otheraddr == rootaddr1:
return True
return False