mirror of https://github.com/xcat2/confluent.git synced 2025-03-25 17:47:12 +00:00
Jarrod Johnson a54a9a5d09 Enable ipmi user if required
If redfish models ipmi as an account type, and user wants ipmi, add it to the account.
2022-06-27 14:34:37 -04:00

609 lines
28 KiB

# Copyright 2017-2019 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import base64
import codecs
import confluent.discovery.handlers.imm as immhandler
import confluent.exceptions as exc
import confluent.netutil as netutil
import confluent.util as util
import errno
import eventlet
import eventlet.support.greendns
import json
import os
import pyghmi.exceptions as pygexc
import eventlet.green.socket as socket
webclient = eventlet.import_patched('pyghmi.util.webclient')
import struct
getaddrinfo = eventlet.support.greendns.getaddrinfo
def fixuuid(baduuid):
# SMM dumps it out in hex
uuidprefix = (baduuid[:8], baduuid[9:13], baduuid[14:18])
a = codecs.encode(struct.pack('<IHH', *[int(x, 16) for x in uuidprefix]),
a = util.stringify(a)
uuid = (a[:8], a[8:12], a[12:16], baduuid[19:23], baduuid[24:])
return '-'.join(uuid).lower()
class LockedUserException(Exception):
class NodeHandler(immhandler.NodeHandler):
devname = 'XCC'
def __init__(self, info, configmanager):
self._wc = None
self.nodename = None
self.tmpnodename = None
self.tmppasswd = None
self._atdefaultcreds = True
self._needpasswordchange = True
self._currcreds = (None, None)
super(NodeHandler, self).__init__(info, configmanager)
def adequate(cls, info):
# We can sometimes receive a partially initialized SLP packet
# This is not adequate for being satisfied
return bool(info.get('attributes', {}))
def probe(self):
return None
def scan(self):
ip, port = self.get_web_port_and_ip()
c = webclient.SecureHTTPConnection(ip, port,
i = c.grab_json_response('/api/providers/logoninfo')
modelname = i.get('items', [{}])[0].get('machine_name', None)
if modelname:
self.info['modelname'] = modelname
for attrname in list(self.info.get('attributes', {})):
val = self.info['attributes'][attrname]
if '-uuid' == attrname[-5:] and len(val) == 32:
val = val.lower()
self.info['attributes'][attrname] = '-'.join([val[:8], val[8:12], val[12:16], val[16:20], val[20:]])
attrs = self.info.get('attributes', {})
room = attrs.get('room-id', None)
if room:
self.info['room'] = room
rack = attrs.get('rack-id', None)
if rack:
self.info['rack'] = rack
name = attrs.get('name', None)
if name:
self.info['hostname'] = name
unumber = attrs.get('lowest-u', None)
if unumber:
self.info['u'] = unumber
location = attrs.get('location', None)
if location:
self.info['location'] = location
mtm = attrs.get('enclosure-machinetype-model', None)
if mtm:
self.info['modelnumber'] = mtm.strip()
sn = attrs.get('enclosure-serial-number', None)
if sn:
self.info['serialnumber'] = sn.strip()
if attrs.get('enclosure-form-factor', None) == 'dense-computing':
encuuid = attrs.get('chassis-uuid', None)
if encuuid:
self.info['enclosure.uuid'] = fixuuid(encuuid)
slot = int(attrs.get('slot', 0))
if slot != 0:
self.info['enclosure.bay'] = slot
def preconfig(self, possiblenode):
self.tmpnodename = possiblenode
ff = self.info.get('attributes', {}).get('enclosure-form-factor', '')
if ff not in ('dense-computing', [u'dense-computing']):
# skip preconfig for non-SD530 servers
currfirm = self.info.get('attributes', {}).get('firmware-image-info', [{}])[0]
if not currfirm.get('build', '').startswith('TEI'):
self.trieddefault = None # Reset state on a preconfig attempt
# attempt to enable SMM
#it's normal to get a 'not supported' (193) for systems without an SMM
# need to branch on 3.00+ firmware
currfirm = currfirm.get('version', '0.0')
if currfirm:
currfirm = float(currfirm)
currfirm = 0
disableipmi = False
if currfirm >= 3:
# IPMI is disabled and we need it, also we need to go to *some* password
wc = self.wc
if not wc:
# We cannot try to enable SMM here without risking real credentials
# on the wire to untrusted parties
wc.set_basic_credentials(self._currcreds[0], self._currcreds[1])
rsp = wc.grab_json_response('/redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol')
if not rsp.get('IPMI', {}).get('ProtocolEnabled', True):
disableipmi = True
_, _ = wc.grab_json_response_with_status(
{'IPMI': {'ProtocolEnabled': True}}, method='PATCH')
ipmicmd = None
ipmicmd = self._get_ipmicmd(self._currcreds[0], self._currcreds[1])
ipmicmd.xraw_command(netfn=0x3a, command=0xf1, data=(1,))
except pygexc.IpmiException as e:
if (e.ipmicode != 193 and 'Unauthorized name' not in str(e) and
'Incorrect password' not in str(e) and
str(e) != 'Session no longer connected'):
# raise an issue if anything other than to be expected
if disableipmi:
_, _ = wc.grab_json_response_with_status(
{'IPMI': {'ProtocolEnabled': False}}, method='PATCH')
self.trieddefault = True
if disableipmi:
_, _ = wc.grab_json_response_with_status(
{'IPMI': {'ProtocolEnabled': False}}, method='PATCH')
#TODO: decide how to clean out if important
#as it stands, this can step on itself
#if ipmicmd:
# ipmicmd.ipmi_session.logout()
def validate_cert(self, certificate):
# broadly speaking, merely checks consistency moment to moment,
# but if https_cert gets stricter, this check means something
fprint = util.get_fingerprint(self.https_cert)
return util.cert_matches(fprint, certificate)
def get_webclient(self, username, password, newpassword):
wc = self._wc.dupe()
except socket.error as se:
if se.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED:
return (None, None)
pwdchanged = False
adata = json.dumps({'username': util.stringify(username),
'password': util.stringify(password)
headers = {'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
rsp, status = wc.grab_json_response_with_status('/api/providers/get_nonce', {})
nonce = None
if status == 200:
nonce = rsp.get('nonce', None)
headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = 'nonce={0}'.format(nonce)
wc.request('POST', '/api/login', adata, headers)
rsp = wc.getresponse()
rspdata = json.loads(rsp.read())
except Exception:
rspdata = {}
if rsp.status != 200 and password == 'PASSW0RD':
if rspdata.get('locktime', 0) > 0:
raise LockedUserException(
'The user "{0}" has been locked out for too many incorrect password attempts'.format(username))
adata = json.dumps({
'username': username,
'password': newpassword,
headers = {'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
if nonce:
wc.request('POST', '/api/providers/get_nonce', '{}')
rsp = wc.getresponse()
tokbody = rsp.read()
if rsp.status == 200:
rsp = json.loads(tokbody)
nonce = rsp.get('nonce', None)
headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = 'nonce={0}'.format(nonce)
wc.request('POST', '/api/login', adata, headers)
rsp = wc.getresponse()
rspdata = json.loads(rsp.read())
except Exception:
rspdata = {}
if rsp.status == 200:
pwdchanged = True
password = newpassword
if rspdata.get('locktime', 0) > 0:
raise LockedUserException(
'The user "{0}" has been locked out for too many incorrect password attempts'.format(username))
return (None, rspdata)
if rsp.status == 200:
self._currcreds = (username, password)
wc.set_basic_credentials(username, password)
wc.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
wc.set_header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + rspdata['access_token'])
if '_csrf_token' in wc.cookies:
wc.set_header('X-XSRF-TOKEN', wc.cookies['_csrf_token'])
if rspdata.get('pwchg_required', None) == 'true':
if newpassword is None:
# a normal login hit expired condition
tmppassword = 'Tmp42' + password[5:]
wc.request('POST', '/api/function', json.dumps(
{'USER_UserPassChange': '1,{0}'.format(tmppassword)}))
rsp = wc.getresponse()
# We must step down change interval and reusecycle to restore password
wc.grab_json_response('/api/dataset', {'USER_GlobalMinPassChgInt': '0', 'USER_GlobalMinPassReuseCycle': '0'})
wc.request('POST', '/api/function', json.dumps(
{'USER_UserPassChange': '1,{0}'.format(password)}))
rsp = wc.getresponse()
return (wc, {})
wc.request('POST', '/api/function', json.dumps(
{'USER_UserPassChange': '1,{0}'.format(newpassword)}))
rsp = wc.getresponse()
if rsp.status != 200:
return (None, None)
self._currcreds = (username, newpassword)
wc.set_basic_credentials(username, newpassword)
pwdchanged = True
if '_csrf_token' in wc.cookies:
wc.set_header('X-XSRF-TOKEN', wc.cookies['_csrf_token'])
if pwdchanged:
# Remove the minimum change interval, to allow sane
# password changes after provisional changes
wc = self.wc
self.set_password_policy('', wc)
return (wc, pwdchanged)
elif rspdata.get('locktime', 0) > 0:
raise LockedUserException(
'The user "{0}" has been locked out by too many incorrect password attempts'.format(username))
return (None, rspdata)
def wc(self):
passwd = None
isdefault = True
errinfo = {}
if self._wc is None:
ip, port = self.get_web_port_and_ip()
self._wc = webclient.SecureHTTPConnection(
ip, port, verifycallback=self.validate_cert)
nodename = None
if self.nodename:
nodename = self.nodename
inpreconfig = False
elif self.tmpnodename:
nodename = None
inpreconfig = True
if self._currcreds[0] is not None:
wc, pwdchanged = self.get_webclient(self._currcreds[0], self._currcreds[1], None)
if wc:
return wc
if nodename:
creds = self.configmanager.get_node_attributes(
nodename, ['secret.hardwaremanagementuser',
'secret.hardwaremanagementpassword'], decrypt=True)
user, passwd, isdefault = self.get_node_credentials(
nodename, creds, 'USERID', 'PASSW0RD')
if not inpreconfig and isdefault:
raise Exception('Default user/password is not supported. Please set "secret.hardwaremanagementuser" and "secret.hardwaremanagementpassword" for {} to a non-default value. If the XCC is currently at defaults, it will automatically change to the specified values'.format(nodename))
savedexc = None
if not self.trieddefault:
if not passwd:
# So in preconfig context, we don't have admin permission to
# actually divulge anything to the target
# however the target *will* demand a new password... if it's currently
# use TempW0rd42 to avoid divulging a real password on the line
# This is replacing one well known password (PASSW0RD) with another
# (TempW0rd42)
passwd = 'TempW0rd42'
wc, pwdchanged = self.get_webclient('USERID', 'PASSW0RD', passwd)
except LockedUserException as lue:
wc = None
pwdchanged = 'The user "USERID" has been locked out by too many incorrect password attempts'
savedexc = lue
if wc:
if pwdchanged:
if inpreconfig:
self.tmppasswd = passwd
self._needpasswordchange = False
return wc
errinfo = pwdchanged
self.trieddefault = True
if isdefault:
self._atdefaultcreds = False
if self.tmppasswd:
if savedexc:
raise savedexc
wc, errinfo = self.get_webclient('USERID', self.tmppasswd, passwd)
if user == 'USERID' and savedexc:
raise savedexc
wc, errinfo = self.get_webclient(user, passwd, None)
if wc:
return wc
if errinfo.get('description', '') == 'Invalid credentials':
raise Exception('The stored confluent password for user "{}" was not accepted by the XCC'.format(user))
raise Exception('Error connecting to webservice: ' + repr(errinfo))
def set_password_policy(self, strruleset, wc):
ruleset = {'USER_GlobalMinPassChgInt': '0'}
for rule in strruleset.split(','):
if '=' not in rule:
name, value = rule.split('=')
if value.lower() in ('no', 'none', 'disable', 'disabled'):
value = '0'
if name.lower() in ('expiry', 'expiration'):
ruleset['USER_GlobalPassExpPeriod'] = value
if int(value) < 5:
ruleset['USER_GlobalPassExpWarningPeriod'] = value
if name.lower() in ('lockout', 'loginfailures'):
if value.lower() in ('no', 'none', 'disable', 'disabled'):
value = '0'
ruleset['USER_GlobalMaxLoginFailures'] = value
if name.lower() == 'complexity':
ruleset['USER_GlobalPassComplexRequired'] = value
if name.lower() == 'reuse':
ruleset['USER_GlobalMinPassReuseCycle'] = value
wc.grab_json_response('/api/dataset', ruleset)
except Exception as e:
def _get_next_userid(self, wc):
userinfo = wc.grab_json_response('/api/dataset/imm_users')
userinfo = userinfo['items'][0]['users']
for user in userinfo:
if user['users_user_name'] == '':
return user['users_user_id']
def _setup_xcc_account(self, username, passwd, wc):
userinfo = wc.grab_json_response('/api/dataset/imm_users')
uid = None
for user in userinfo['items'][0]['users']:
if user['users_user_name'] == username:
uid = user['users_user_id']
for user in userinfo['items'][0]['users']:
if user['users_user_name'] == 'USERID':
uid = user['users_user_id']
if not uid:
raise Exception("XCC has neither the default user nor configured user")
# The following will work if the password is force change or normal..
if self._needpasswordchange and self.tmppasswd != passwd:
{'USER_UserPassChange': '{0},{1}'.format(uid, passwd)})
if username != 'USERID':
rsp, status = wc.grab_json_response_with_status(
{'USER_UserModify': '{0},{1},,1,4,0,0,0,0,,8,'.format(uid, username)})
if status == 200 and rsp.get('return', 0) == 762:
rsp, status = wc.grab_json_response_with_status(
{'USER_UserModify': '{0},{1},,1,Administrator,0,0,0,0,,8,'.format(uid, username)})
elif status == 200 and rsp.get('return', 0) == 13:
rsp, status = wc.grab_json_response_with_status(
{'USER_UserModify': '{0},{1},,1,4,0,0,0,0,,8,,,'.format(uid, username)})
if status == 200 and rsp.get('return', 0) == 13:
wc.set_basic_credentials(self._currcreds[0], self._currcreds[1])
status = 503
while status != 200:
rsp, status = wc.grab_json_response_with_status(
{'UserName': username}, method='PATCH')
if status != 200:
rsp = json.loads(rsp)
if rsp.get('error', {}).get('code', 'Unknown') in ('Base.1.8.GeneralError', 'Base.1.12.GeneralError'):
self.tmppasswd = None
self._currcreds = (username, passwd)
def _convert_sha256account(self, user, passwd, wc):
# First check if the specified user is sha256...
userinfo = wc.grab_json_response('/api/dataset/imm_users')
curruser = None
uid = None
user = util.stringify(user)
passwd = util.stringify(passwd)
for userent in userinfo['items'][0]['users']:
if userent['users_user_name'] == user:
curruser = userent
if curruser.get('users_pass_is_sha256', 0):
self._wc = None
wc = self.wc
nwc = wc.dupe()
# Have to convert it for being useful with most Lenovo automation tools
# This requires deleting the account entirely and trying again
tmpuid = self._get_next_userid(wc)
tpass = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(9)) + 'Iw47$'
userparams = "{0},6pmu0ezczzcp,{1},1,4,0,0,0,0,,8,".format(tmpuid, tpass)
result = wc.grab_json_response('/api/function', {'USER_UserCreate': userparams})
adata = json.dumps({
'username': '6pmu0ezczzcp',
'password': tpass,
headers = {'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
wc.request('POST', '/api/providers/get_nonce', '{}')
rsp = wc.getresponse()
tokbody = rsp.read()
if rsp.status == 200:
rsp = json.loads(tokbody)
nonce = rsp.get('nonce', None)
headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = 'nonce={0}'.format(nonce)
nwc.request('POST', '/api/login', adata, headers)
rsp = nwc.getresponse()
if rsp.status == 200:
rspdata = json.loads(rsp.read())
nwc.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
nwc.set_header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + rspdata['access_token'])
if '_csrf_token' in wc.cookies:
nwc.set_header('X-XSRF-TOKEN', wc.cookies['_csrf_token'])
if rspdata.get('reason', False):
newpass = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(9)) + 'q4J$'
{'USER_UserPassChange': '{0},{1}'.format(tmpuid, newpass)})
nwc.grab_json_response('/api/function', {'USER_UserDelete': "{0},{1}".format(curruser['users_user_id'], user)})
userparams = "{0},{1},{2},1,4,0,0,0,0,,8,".format(curruser['users_user_id'], user, tpass)
nwc.grab_json_response('/api/function', {'USER_UserCreate': userparams})
nwc, pwdchanged = self.get_webclient(user, tpass, passwd)
if not nwc:
if not pwdchanged:
pwdchanged = 'Unknown'
raise Exception('Error converting from sha356account: ' + repr(pwdchanged))
if not pwdchanged:
{'USER_UserPassChange': '{0},{1}'.format(curruser['users_user_id'], passwd)})
self._wc = None
wc = self.wc
wc.grab_json_response('/api/function', {'USER_UserDelete': "{0},{1}".format(tmpuid, '6pmu0ezczzcp')})
def config(self, nodename, reset=False):
self.nodename = nodename
# TODO(jjohnson2): set ip parameters, user/pass, alert cfg maybe
# In general, try to use https automation, to make it consistent
# between hypothetical secure path and today.
dpp = self.configmanager.get_node_attributes(
nodename, 'discovery.passwordrules')
strruleset = dpp.get(nodename, {}).get(
'discovery.passwordrules', {}).get('value', '')
wc = self.wc
creds = self.configmanager.get_node_attributes(
self.nodename, ['secret.hardwaremanagementuser',
'secret.hardwaremanagementpassword'], decrypt=True)
user, passwd, isdefault = self.get_node_credentials(nodename, creds, 'USERID', 'PASSW0RD')
self.set_password_policy(strruleset, wc)
if self._atdefaultcreds:
if isdefault and self.tmppasswd:
raise Exception(
'Request to use default credentials, but refused by target after it has been changed to {0}'.format(self.tmppasswd))
if not isdefault:
self._setup_xcc_account(user, passwd, wc)
wc = self.wc
self._convert_sha256account(user, passwd, wc)
cd = self.configmanager.get_node_attributes(
nodename, ['secret.hardwaremanagementuser',
'hardwaremanagement.manager', 'hardwaremanagement.method', 'console.method'],
cd = cd.get(nodename, {})
if (cd.get('hardwaremanagement.method', {}).get('value', 'ipmi') != 'redfish'
or cd.get('console.method', {}).get('value', None) == 'ipmi'):
nwc = wc.dupe()
nwc.set_basic_credentials(self._currcreds[0], self._currcreds[1])
rsp = nwc.grab_json_response('/redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol')
if not rsp.get('IPMI', {}).get('ProtocolEnabled', True):
# User has indicated IPMI support, but XCC is currently disabled
# change XCC to be consistent
_, _ = nwc.grab_json_response_with_status(
{'IPMI': {'ProtocolEnabled': True}}, method='PATCH')
rsp, status = nwc.grab_json_response_with_status(
if status == 200:
allowable = rsp.get('AccountTypes@Redfish.AllowableValues', [])
current = rsp.get('AccountTypes', [])
if 'IPMI' in allowable and 'IPMI' not in current:
updateinf = {
'AccountTypes': current,
'Password': self._currcreds[1]
rsp, status = nwc.grab_json_response_with_status(
updateinf, method='PATCH')
if ('hardwaremanagement.manager' in cd and
cd['hardwaremanagement.manager']['value'] and
not cd['hardwaremanagement.manager']['value'].startswith(
newip = cd['hardwaremanagement.manager']['value']
newipinfo = getaddrinfo(newip, 0)[0]
newip = newipinfo[-1][0]
if ':' in newip:
raise exc.NotImplementedException('IPv6 remote config TODO')
netconfig = netutil.get_nic_config(self.configmanager, nodename, ip=newip)
newmask = netutil.cidr_to_mask(netconfig['prefix'])
currinfo = wc.grab_json_response('/api/providers/logoninfo')
currip = currinfo.get('items', [{}])[0].get('ipv4_address', '')
# do not change the ipv4_config if the current config looks right already
if currip != newip:
statargs = {
'ENET_IPv4Ena': '1', 'ENET_IPv4AddrSource': '0',
'ENET_IPv4StaticIPAddr': newip, 'ENET_IPv4StaticIPNetMask': newmask
if netconfig['ipv4_gateway']:
statargs['ENET_IPv4GatewayIPAddr'] = netconfig['ipv4_gateway']
wc.grab_json_response('/api/dataset', statargs)
elif self.ipaddr.startswith('fe80::'):
{nodename: {'hardwaremanagement.manager': self.ipaddr}})
raise exc.TargetEndpointUnreachable(
'hardwaremanagement.manager must be set to desired address (No IPv6 Link Local detected)')
ff = self.info.get('attributes', {}).get('enclosure-form-factor', '')
if ff not in ('dense-computing', [u'dense-computing']):
enclosureuuid = self.info.get('enclosure.uuid', None)
if enclosureuuid:
enclosureuuid = enclosureuuid.lower()
em = self.configmanager.get_node_attributes(nodename,
em = em.get(nodename, {}).get('enclosure.manager', {}).get(
'value', None)
# ok, set the uuid of the manager...
if em:
{em: {'id.uuid': enclosureuuid}})
def remote_nodecfg(nodename, cfm):
cfg = cfm.get_node_attributes(
nodename, 'hardwaremanagement.manager')
ipaddr = cfg.get(nodename, {}).get('hardwaremanagement.manager', {}).get(
'value', None)
ipaddr = getaddrinfo(ipaddr, 0)[0][-1]
if not ipaddr:
raise Excecption('Cannot remote configure a system without known '
info = {'addresses': [ipaddr]}
nh = NodeHandler(info, cfm)