mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 06:36:48 +00:00
376 lines
16 KiB
376 lines
16 KiB
import glob
import json
import os
import re
import time
import shutil
import socket
import stat
import struct
import sys
import subprocess
def get_next_part_meta(img, imgsize):
if img.tell() == imgsize:
return None
pathlen = struct.unpack('!H', img.read(2))[0]
mountpoint = img.read(pathlen).decode('utf8')
jsonlen = struct.unpack('!I', img.read(4))[0]
metadata = json.loads(img.read(jsonlen).decode('utf8'))
img.seek(16, 1) # skip the two 64-bit values we don't use, they are in json
nextlen = struct.unpack('!H', img.read(2))[0]
img.seek(nextlen, 1) # skip filesystem type
nextlen = struct.unpack('!H', img.read(2))[0]
img.seek(nextlen, 1) # skip orig devname (redundant with json)
nextlen = struct.unpack('!H', img.read(2))[0]
img.seek(nextlen, 1) # skip padding
nextlen = struct.unpack('!Q', img.read(8))[0]
img.seek(nextlen, 1) # go to next section
return metadata
def get_multipart_image_meta(img):
img.seek(0, 2)
imgsize = img.tell()
seekamt = img.read(1)
img.seek(struct.unpack('B', seekamt)[0], 1)
partinfo = get_next_part_meta(img, imgsize)
while partinfo:
yield partinfo
partinfo = get_next_part_meta(img, imgsize)
def get_image_metadata(imgpath):
with open(imgpath, 'rb') as img:
header = img.read(16)
if header == b'\x63\x7b\x9d\x26\xb7\xfd\x48\x30\x89\xf9\x11\xcf\x18\xfd\xff\xa1':
for md in get_multipart_image_meta(img):
yield md
raise Exception('Installation from single part image not supported')
class PartedRunner():
def __init__(self, disk):
self.disk = disk
def run(self, command):
command = command.split()
command = ['parted', '-a', 'optimal', '-s', self.disk] + command
return subprocess.check_output(command).decode('utf8')
def fixup(rootdir, vols):
devbymount = {}
for vol in vols:
devbymount[vol['mount']] = vol['targetdisk']
fstabfile = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/fstab')
with open(fstabfile) as tfile:
fstab = tfile.read().split('\n')
while not fstab[0]:
fstab = fstab[1:]
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(rootdir, '.autorelabel')):
os.unlink(os.path.join(rootdir, '.autorelabel'))
with open(fstabfile, 'w') as tfile:
for tab in fstab:
entry = tab.split()
if tab.startswith('#ORIGFSTAB#'):
if entry[1] in devbymount:
targetdev = devbymount[entry[1]]
if targetdev.startswith('/dev/localstorage/'):
entry[0] = targetdev
uuid = subprocess.check_output(['blkid', '-s', 'UUID', '-o', 'value', targetdev]).decode('utf8')
uuid = uuid.strip()
entry[0] = 'UUID={}'.format(uuid)
elif entry[2] == 'swap':
entry[0] = '/dev/mapper/localstorage-swap'
entry[0] = entry[0].ljust(42)
entry[1] = entry[1].ljust(16)
entry[3] = entry[3].ljust(28)
tab = '\t'.join(entry)
tfile.write(tab + '\n')
with open(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/hostname'), 'w') as nameout:
nameout.write(socket.gethostname() + '\n')
selinuxconfig = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/selinux/config')
policy = None
if os.path.exists(selinuxconfig):
with open(selinuxconfig) as cfgin:
sec = cfgin.read().split('\n')
for l in sec:
l = l.split('#', 1)[0]
if l.startswith('SELINUXTYPE='):
_, policy = l.split('=')
for sshkey in glob.glob(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/ssh/*_key*')):
for sshkey in glob.glob('/etc/ssh/*_key*'):
newkey = os.path.join(rootdir, sshkey[1:])
shutil.copy2(sshkey, newkey)
finfo = os.stat(sshkey)
os.chown(newkey, finfo[stat.ST_UID], finfo[stat.ST_GID])
for ifcfg in glob.glob(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/*')):
for ifcfg in glob.glob(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/*')):
for ifcfg in glob.glob('/run/NetworkManager/system-connections/*'):
newcfg = ifcfg.split('/')[-1]
newcfg = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/{0}'.format(newcfg))
shutil.copy2(ifcfg, newcfg)
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/confluent/'))
shutil.copytree('/etc/confluent', os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/confluent'))
if policy:
sys.stdout.write('Applying SELinux labeling...')
subprocess.check_call(['setfiles', '-r', rootdir, os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/selinux/{}/contexts/files/file_contexts'.format(policy)), os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc')])
subprocess.check_call(['setfiles', '-r', rootdir, os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/selinux/{}/contexts/files/file_contexts'.format(policy)), os.path.join(rootdir, 'opt')])
for metafs in ('proc', 'sys', 'dev'):
subprocess.check_call(['mount', '-o', 'bind', '/{}'.format(metafs), os.path.join(rootdir, metafs)])
with open(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/sysconfig/grub')) as defgrubin:
defgrub = defgrubin.read().split('\n')
with open(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/sysconfig/grub'), 'w') as defgrubout:
for gline in defgrub:
gline = gline.split()
newline = []
for ent in gline:
if ent.startswith('resume=') or ent.startswith('rd.lvm.lv'):
defgrubout.write(' '.join(newline) + '\n')
grubcfg = subprocess.check_output(['find', os.path.join(rootdir, 'boot'), '-name', 'grub.cfg']).decode('utf8').strip().replace(rootdir, '/')
subprocess.check_call(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub2-mkconfig', '-o', grubcfg])
newroot = None
with open('/etc/shadow') as shadowin:
shents = shadowin.read().split('\n')
for shent in shents:
shent = shent.split(':')
if not shent:
if shent[0] == 'root' and shent[1] not in ('*', '!!', ''):
newroot = shent[1]
if newroot:
shlines = None
with open(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/shadow')) as oshadow:
shlines = oshadow.read().split('\n')
with open(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/shadow'), 'w') as oshadow:
for line in shlines:
if line.startswith('root:'):
line = line.split(':')
line[1] = newroot
line = ':'.join(line)
oshadow.write(line + '\n')
partnum = None
targblock = None
for vol in vols:
if vol['mount'] == '/boot/efi':
targdev = vol['targetdisk']
partnum = re.search('(\d+)$', targdev).group(1)
targblock = re.search('(.*)\d+$', targdev).group(1)
if targblock:
shimpath = subprocess.check_output(['find', os.path.join(rootdir, 'boot/efi'), '-name', 'shimx64.efi']).decode('utf8').strip()
shimpath = shimpath.replace(rootdir, '/').replace('/boot/efi', '').replace('//', '/').replace('/', '\\')
subprocess.check_call(['efibootmgr', '-c', '-d', targblock, '-l', shimpath, '--part', partnum])
#other network interfaces
def had_swap():
with open('/etc/fstab') as tabfile:
tabs = tabfile.read().split('\n')
for tab in tabs:
tab = tab.split()
if len(tab) < 3:
if tab[2] == 'swap':
return True
return False
def install_to_disk(imgpath):
lvmvols = {}
deftotsize = 0
mintotsize = 0
deflvmsize = 0
minlvmsize = 0
biggestsize = 0
biggestfs = None
plainvols = {}
allvols = []
swapsize = 0
if had_swap():
with open('/proc/meminfo') as meminfo:
swapsize = meminfo.read().split('\n')[0]
swapsize = int(swapsize.split()[1])
if swapsize < 2097152:
swapsize = swapsize * 2
elif swapsize > 8388608 and swapsize < 67108864:
swapsize = swapsize * 0.5
elif swapsize >= 67108864:
swapsize = 33554432
swapsize = int(swapsize * 1024)
deftotsize = swapsize
mintotsize = swapsize
for fs in get_image_metadata(imgpath):
deftotsize += fs['initsize']
mintotsize += fs['minsize']
if fs['initsize'] > biggestsize:
biggestfs = fs
biggestsize = fs['initsize']
if fs['device'].startswith('/dev/mapper'):
lvmvols[fs['device'].replace('/dev/mapper/', '')] = fs
deflvmsize += fs['initsize']
minlvmsize += fs['minsize']
plainvols[int(re.search('(\d+)$', fs['device'])[0])] = fs
with open('/tmp/installdisk') as diskin:
instdisk = diskin.read()
instdisk = '/dev/' + instdisk
parted = PartedRunner(instdisk)
dinfo = parted.run('unit s print')
dinfo = dinfo.split('\n')
sectors = 0
sectorsize = 0
for inf in dinfo:
if inf.startswith('Disk {0}:'.format(instdisk)):
_, sectors = inf.split(': ')
sectors = int(sectors.replace('s', ''))
if inf.startswith('Sector size (logical/physical):'):
_, sectorsize = inf.split(':')
sectorsize = sectorsize.split('/')[0]
sectorsize = sectorsize.replace('B', '')
sectorsize = int(sectorsize)
# for now, only support resizing/growing the largest partition
minexcsize = deftotsize - biggestfs['initsize']
mintotsize = deftotsize - biggestfs['initsize'] + biggestfs['minsize']
minsectors = mintotsize // sectorsize
if sectors < (minsectors + 65536):
raise Exception('Disk too small to fit image')
biggestsectors = sectors - (minexcsize // sectorsize)
biggestsize = sectorsize * biggestsectors
parted.run('mklabel gpt')
curroffset = 2048
for volidx in sorted(plainvols):
vol = plainvols[volidx]
if vol is not biggestfs:
size = vol['initsize'] // sectorsize
size = biggestsize // sectorsize
size += 2047 - (size % 2048)
end = curroffset + size
if end > sectors:
end = sectors
parted.run('mkpart primary {}s {}s'.format(curroffset, end))
vol['targetdisk'] = instdisk + '{0}'.format(volidx)
curroffset += size + 1
if not lvmvols:
if swapsize:
swapsize = swapsize // sectorsize
swapsize += 2047 - (size % 2048)
end = curroffset + swapsize
if end > sectors:
end = sectors
parted.run('mkpart swap {}s {}s'.format(curroffset, end))
subprocess.check_call(['mkswap', instdisk + '{}'.format(volidx + 1)])
parted.run('mkpart lvm {}s 100%'.format(curroffset))
lvmpart = instdisk + '{}'.format(volidx + 1)
subprocess.check_call(['pvcreate', '-ff', '-y', lvmpart])
subprocess.check_call(['vgcreate', 'localstorage', lvmpart])
vginfo = subprocess.check_output(['vgdisplay', 'localstorage', '--units', 'b']).decode('utf8')
vginfo = vginfo.split('\n')
pesize = 0
pes = 0
for infline in vginfo:
infline = infline.split()
if len(infline) >= 3 and infline[:2] == ['PE', 'Size']:
pesize = int(infline[2])
if len(infline) >= 5 and infline[:2] == ['Free', 'PE']:
pes = int(infline[4])
takeaway = swapsize // pesize
for volidx in lvmvols:
vol = lvmvols[volidx]
if vol is biggestfs:
takeaway += vol['initsize'] // pesize
takeaway += 1
biggestextents = pes - takeaway
for volidx in lvmvols:
vol = lvmvols[volidx]
if vol is biggestfs:
extents = biggestextents
extents = vol['initsize'] // pesize
extents += 1
if vol['mount'] == '/':
lvname = 'root'
lvname = vol['mount'].replace('/', '_')
subprocess.check_call(['lvcreate', '-l', '{}'.format(extents), '-y', '-n', lvname, 'localstorage'])
vol['targetdisk'] = '/dev/localstorage/{}'.format(lvname)
if swapsize:
subprocess.check_call(['lvcreate', '-y', '-l', '{}'.format(swapsize // pesize), '-n', 'swap', 'localstorage'])
subprocess.check_call(['mkswap', '/dev/localstorage/swap'])
for vol in allvols:
with open(vol['targetdisk'], 'wb') as partition:
partition.write(b'\x00' * 1 * 1024 * 1024)
subprocess.check_call(['mkfs.{}'.format(vol['filesystem']), vol['targetdisk']])
subprocess.check_call(['mount', vol['targetdisk'], '/run/imginst/targ'])
source = vol['mount'].replace('/', '_')
source = '/run/imginst/sources/' + source
blankfsstat = os.statvfs('/run/imginst/targ')
blankused = (blankfsstat.f_blocks - blankfsstat.f_bfree) * blankfsstat.f_bsize
sys.stdout.write('\nWriting {0}: '.format(vol['mount']))
with subprocess.Popen(['cp', '-ax', source + '/.', '/run/imginst/targ']) as copier:
stillrunning = copier.poll()
lastprogress = 0.0
while stillrunning is None:
currfsstat = os.statvfs('/run/imginst/targ')
currused = (currfsstat.f_blocks - currfsstat.f_bfree) * currfsstat.f_bsize
currused -= blankused
with open('/proc/meminfo') as meminf:
for line in meminf.read().split('\n'):
if line.startswith('Dirty:'):
_, dirty, _ = line.split()
dirty = int(dirty) * 1024
progress = (currused - dirty) / vol['minsize']
if progress < lastprogress:
progress = lastprogress
if progress > 0.99:
progress = 0.99
lastprogress = progress
progress = progress * 100
sys.stdout.write('\x1b[1K\rWriting {0}: {1:3.2f}%'.format(vol['mount'], progress))
stillrunning = copier.poll()
if stillrunning != 0:
raise Exception("Error copying volume")
with subprocess.Popen(['sync']) as syncrun:
stillrunning = syncrun.poll()
while stillrunning is None:
with open('/proc/meminfo') as meminf:
for line in meminf.read().split('\n'):
if line.startswith('Dirty:'):
_, dirty, _ = line.split()
dirty = int(dirty) * 1024
progress = (vol['minsize'] - dirty) / vol['minsize']
if progress < lastprogress:
progress = lastprogress
if progress > 0.99:
progress = 0.99
lastprogress = progress
progress = progress * 100
sys.stdout.write('\x1b[1K\rWriting {0}: {1:3.2f}%'.format(vol['mount'], progress))
stillrunning = syncrun.poll()
sys.stdout.write('\x1b[1K\rDone writing {0}'.format(vol['mount']))
subprocess.check_call(['umount', '/run/imginst/targ'])
for vol in allvols:
subprocess.check_call(['mount', vol['targetdisk'], '/run/imginst/targ/' + vol['mount']])
fixup('/run/imginst/targ', allvols)
if __name__ == '__main__':
install_to_disk(os.environ['mountsrc']) |