collate(1) -- Organize text input by node ============================== ## SYNOPSIS `<other command> | collate [-a] [-d] [-w] [-s] [-c] [-r] [-l lognametemplate]` ## DESCRIPTION **collate** takes input in the form of <nodename>: <data> and groups the output for each <nodename> together, and checks for identical data to further group nodes together. Output groups are sorted in descending size such that the topmost group is the largest, and the last output group is the smallest. In the event of equally sized output groups, the groups are sorted alphanumerically by their header, and each header has node and group names sorted alphanumerically. ## OPTIONS * `-a`, `--abbreviate`: Use confluent to attempt to shorten the noderange. This can help identify when output differs along a telling group boundary. For example, if output suggests a large number of nodes are unreachable, abbreviate showing 'rack1' as being unreachable may make more obvious a possible cause. * `-d`, `--diff`: Express all but the most common result group in terms of diff from the most common result group * `-l`, `--log`: Save output per node to individual log files, replacing {node} in the name with the nodename of each * `-w`, `--watch`: Update results dynamically as data becomes available, rather than waiting for the command to fully complete. * `-s`, `--skipcommon`: Suppress printing of the most common result text group. This is used to focus on stray output against a well known and expected result. * `-c`, `--count`: Print a count of the number of nodes in an output group under the noderange. * `-r`, `--reverse`: Rather than starting with most common to least common, start with the least common and print the most common last. ## EXAMPLES * Organizing power state of multiple nodes: `# nodepower n1-n12 | collate` `====================================` `n1,n2,n3,n4,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12` `====================================` `on` ` ` `====================================` `n5,n6` `====================================` `off` * Using diff to detect distinct UEFI configuration `# pasu n1-n4 show Processors|collate -d -s` `====================================` `n3` `====================================` `@@` ` Processors.ProcessorPerformanceStates=Enable` ` Processors.C-States=Enable` ` Processors.PackageACPIC-StateLimit=ACPI C3` `- Processors.C1EnhancedMode=Enable` `+ Processors.C1EnhancedMode=Disable` `- Processors.Hyper-Threading=Enable` `+ Processors.Hyper-Threading=Disable` ` Processors.ExecuteDisableBit=Enable` ` Processors.IntelVirtualizationTechnology=Enable` ` ` `====================================` `n1` `====================================` `@@` ` Processors.ProcessorPerformanceStates=Enable` ` Processors.C-States=Enable` ` Processors.PackageACPIC-StateLimit=ACPI C3` `- Processors.C1EnhancedMode=Enable` `+ Processors.C1EnhancedMode=Disable` ` Processors.Hyper-Threading=Enable` ` Processors.ExecuteDisableBit=Enable`