nodestorage(8) -- Examine/Modify storage configuration of a node


`nodestorage <noderange> [show|create|delete|diskset] [hotspare|jbod|unconfigured] [options]`  


`nodestorage` provides access to the remote storage configuration of
the noderange. The `show` subcommand will show current storage configuration,
`create` can be used to create new arrays or volumes, `delete` can be used to
remove volumes and arrays, and `diskset` can modify the usage of disks
indicated by `-d` to either be `unconfigured`, `jbod`, or `hotspare`.

* `-r` **RAIDLEVEL**, `--raidlevel`=**RAIDLEVEL**:
  RAID level to use when creating an array

* `-d` **DISKS**, `--disks`=**DISKS**:
   Comma separated list of disks to use, or the word "rest" to
   indicate use of all available disks

* `-s` **SIZE**, `--size`=**SIZE**:
  Comma separated list of sizes to use when creating
  volumes.  The sizes may be absolute size (e.g. 16gb),
  percentage (10%) or the word "rest" to use remaining
  capacity, default behavior is to use all capacity to
  make a volume
* `-n` **NAME**, `--name`=**NAME**:
  Comma separated list of names to use when naming
  volumes, or selecting a volume for delete.  Default
  behavior is to use implementation provided default

* `-z` **STRIPSIZES**, `--stripsizes`=**STRIPSIZES**:
  Comma separated list of stripsizes to use when creating volumes.
  This value is in kilobytes.  The default behavior is to allow the
  storage controller to decide

* `-m` **MAXNODES**, `--maxnodes`=**MAXNODES**:
  Specify a maximum number of nodes to configure storage on, prompting
  if over the threshold


* Deleting the volume `somedata`:
    `$ nodestorage d5 delete somedata`  
    `Deleted: somedata`  

* Creating a raid5 of 4 disks and a volume named `somedata`:
    `$ nodestorage d5 create -r 5 -d drive0,drive_1,drive_2,drive_3 -n somedata`  
    `d5: Volume somedata: Size: 1.905 TB`  
    `d5: Volume somedata: State: Optimal`  
    `d5: Volume somedata: Array 1-2`  

* Showing current storage configuration of `d3`:
    `$ nodestorage d3`  
    `d3: Disk m.2-0 Description: 128GB M.2 SATA SSD`  
    `d3: Disk m.2-0 State: online`  
    `d3: Disk m.2-0 FRU: 00LF428`  
    `d3: Disk m.2-0 Serial Number: H6B80054`  
    `d3: Disk m.2-0 Array: 0-0`  
    `d3: Disk m.2-1 Description: 128GB M.2 SATA SSD`  
    `d3: Disk m.2-1 State: online`  
    `d3: Disk m.2-1 FRU: 00LF428`  
    `d3: Disk m.2-1 Serial Number: H6B80059`  
    `d3: Disk m.2-1 Array: 0-0`  
    `d3: Array 0-0 Available Capacity: 0.000 MB`  
    `d3: Array 0-0 Total Capacity: 131.072 GB`  
    `d3: Array 0-0 RAID: RAID 1`  
    `d3: Array 0-0 Disks: m.2-0,m.2-1`  
    `d3: Array 0-0 Volumes: new_vd`  
    `d3: Volume new_vd: Size: 122.040 GB`  
    `d3: Volume new_vd: State: Optimal`  
    `d3: Volume new_vd: Array 0-0`