nodeshell(8) -- Execute command on many nodes in a noderange through ssh ========================================================================= ## SYNOPSIS `nodeshell <noderange> <command to execute on each node>` ## DESCRIPTION Allows execution of a command on many nodes in parallel. Like noderun(8), it accepts and interpolates confluent attribute expressions as documented in nodeattribexpressions(5). `nodeshell` provides stdout as stdout and stderr as stderr, unlike psh which combines all stdout and stderr into stdout. ## EXAMPLES * Running `echo hi` on for nodes: `# nodeshell n1-n4 echo hi` `n1: hi` `n2: hi` `n3: hi` `n4: hi` * Setting a new static ip address temporarily on secondary interface of four nodes: `# nodeshell n1-n4 ifconfig eth1 172.30.93.{n1}` ## SEE ALSO noderun(8)