#!/usr/bin/python import importlib import tempfile import json import os import shutil from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader try: apiclient = SourceFileLoader('apiclient', '/opt/confluent/bin/apiclient').load_module() except FileNotFoundError: apiclient = SourceFileLoader('apiclient', '/etc/confluent/apiclient').load_module() def partitionhostsline(line): comment = '' try: cmdidx = line.index('#') comment = line[cmdidx:] line = line[:cmdidx].strip() except ValueError: pass if not line: return '', [], comment ipaddr, names = line.split(maxsplit=1) names = names.split() return ipaddr, names, comment class HostMerger(object): def __init__(self): self.byip = {} self.byname = {} self.sourcelines = [] self.targlines = [] def read_source(self, sourcefile): with open(sourcefile, 'r') as hfile: self.sourcelines = hfile.read().split('\n') while not self.sourcelines[-1]: self.sourcelines = self.sourcelines[:-1] for x in range(len(self.sourcelines)): line = self.sourcelines[x] currip, names, comment = partitionhostsline(line) if currip: self.byip[currip] = x for name in names: self.byname[name] = x def read_target(self, targetfile): with open(targetfile, 'r') as hfile: lines = hfile.read().split('\n') if not lines[-1]: lines = lines[:-1] for y in range(len(lines)): line = lines[y] currip, names, comment = partitionhostsline(line) if currip in self.byip: x = self.byip[currip] if self.sourcelines[x] is None: # have already consumed this enntry continue self.targlines.append(self.sourcelines[x]) self.sourcelines[x] = None continue for name in names: if name in self.byname: x = self.byname[name] if self.sourcelines[x] is None: break self.targlines.append(self.sourcelines[x]) self.sourcelines[x] = None break else: self.targlines.append(line) def write_out(self, targetfile): while not self.targlines[-1]: self.targlines = self.targlines[:-1] if not self.targlines: break while not self.sourcelines[-1]: self.sourcelines = self.sourcelines[:-1] if not self.sourcelines: break with open(targetfile, 'w') as hosts: for line in self.targlines: hosts.write(line + '\n') for line in self.sourcelines: if line is not None: hosts.write(line + '\n') class CredMerger: def __init__(self): try: with open('/etc/login.defs', 'r') as ldefs: defs = ldefs.read().split('\n') except FileNotFoundError: defs = [] lkup = {} self.discardnames = {} self.shadowednames = {} for line in defs: try: line = line[:line.index('#')] except ValueError: pass keyval = line.split() if len(keyval) < 2: continue lkup[keyval[0]] = keyval[1] self.uidmin = int(lkup.get('UID_MIN', 1000)) self.uidmax = int(lkup.get('UID_MAX', 60000)) self.gidmin = int(lkup.get('GID_MIN', 1000)) self.gidmax = int(lkup.get('GID_MAX', 60000)) self.shadowlines = None def read_passwd(self, source, targfile=False): self.read_generic(source, self.uidmin, self.uidmax, targfile) def read_group(self, source, targfile=False): self.read_generic(source, self.gidmin, self.gidmax, targfile) def read_generic(self, source, minid, maxid, targfile): if targfile: self.targdata = [] else: self.sourcedata = [] with open(source, 'r') as inputfile: for line in inputfile.read().split('\n'): try: name, _, uid, _ = line.split(':', 3) uid = int(uid) except ValueError: continue if targfile: if uid <= minid or uid >= maxid: self.targdata.append(line) else: self.discardnames[name] = 1 else: if uid >= minid and uid <= maxid: self.sourcedata.append(line) def read_shadow(self, source): self.shadowlines = [] try: with open(source, 'r') as inshadow: for line in inshadow.read().split('\n'): try: name, _ = line.split(':' , 1) except ValueError: continue if name in self.discardnames: continue self.shadowednames[name] = 1 self.shadowlines.append(line) except FileNotFoundError: return def write_out(self, outfile): with open(outfile, 'w') as targ: for line in self.targdata: targ.write(line + '\n') for line in self.sourcedata: targ.write(line + '\n') if outfile == '/etc/passwd': if self.shadowlines is None: self.read_shadow('/etc/shadow') with open('/etc/shadow', 'w') as shadout: for line in self.shadowlines: shadout.write(line + '\n') for line in self.sourcedata: name, _ = line.split(':', 1) if name in self.shadowednames: continue shadout.write(name + ':!:::::::\n') if outfile == '/etc/group': if self.shadowlines is None: self.read_shadow('/etc/gshadow') with open('/etc/gshadow', 'w') as shadout: for line in self.shadowlines: shadout.write(line + '\n') for line in self.sourcedata: name, _ = line.split(':' , 1) if name in self.shadowednames: continue shadout.write(name + ':!::\n') def synchronize(): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: ac = apiclient.HTTPSClient() data = json.dumps({'merge': tmpdir}) status, rsp = ac.grab_url_with_status('/confluent-api/self/remotesyncfiles', data) if status == 202: while status != 204: status, rsp = ac.grab_url_with_status('/confluent-api/self/remotesyncfiles') if not isinstance(rsp, str): rsp = rsp.decode('utf8') pendpasswd = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'etc/passwd') if os.path.exists(pendpasswd): cm = CredMerger() cm.read_passwd(pendpasswd, targfile=False) cm.read_passwd('/etc/passwd', targfile=True) cm.write_out('/etc/passwd') pendgroup = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'etc/group') if os.path.exists(pendgroup): cm = CredMerger() cm.read_group(pendgroup, targfile=False) cm.read_group('/etc/group', targfile=True) cm.write_out('/etc/group') pendhosts = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'etc/hosts') if os.path.exists(pendhosts): cm = HostMerger() cm.read_source(pendhosts) cm.read_target('/etc/hosts') cm.write_out('/etc/hosts') finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) if __name__ == '__main__': synchronize()