#!/usr/bin/python2 # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2017 Lenovo # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This is a utility to bring xcoll (plus enhancements) to confluent # the core engine is textgroup.py, this simply provides a CLI to use # generically import optparse import os import select import sys path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(path, '..', 'lib', 'python')) if path.startswith('/opt'): sys.path.append(path) import confluent.textgroup as tg import confluent.client argparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="Usage: <other command> | %prog [options]") argparser.add_option('-a', '--abbreviate', action='store_true', help='Attempt to use confluent server to shorten noderanges') argparser.add_option('-b', '--base', help='Use given node as reference for comparison when ' 'using -d, instead of using the most common result') argparser.add_option('-d', '--diff', action='store_true', help='Show what differs between most common ' 'output group and others') argparser.add_option('-w', '--watch', action='store_true', help='Show intermediate results while running') argparser.add_option('-g', '--groupcount', action='store_true', help='Show count of output groups rather than the actual output') argparser.add_option('-s', '--skipcommon', action='store_true', help='Do not print most common result, only non modal ' 'groups, useful when combined with -d') argparser.add_option('-c', '--count', action='store_true', help='Also display count of nodes in a given group') argparser.add_option('-r', '--reverse', action='store_true', help='Reverse sort order to show biggest output group ' 'last') argparser.add_option('-l', '--log', action='store', type='string', dest='log', help='Log each output to file, using {node} as a placeholder for node.') (options, args) = argparser.parse_args() if sys.stdin.isatty(): argparser.print_help() sys.exit(1) grouped = tg.GroupedData() if options.abbreviate: grouped = tg.GroupedData(confluent.client.Command()) else: grouped = tg.GroupedData() def print_current(): if options.diff: grouped.print_deviants(skipmodal=options.skipcommon, count=options.count, reverse=options.reverse, basenode=options.base) elif options.groupcount: grouped.generate_byoutput() print(len(grouped.byoutput)) else: grouped.print_all(skipmodal=options.skipcommon, count=options.count, reverse=options.reverse) sys.stdout.flush() fullline = sys.stdin.readline() printpending = True clearpending = False holdoff = 0 while fullline: for line in fullline.split('\n'): if not line: continue if ':' not in line: line = 'UNKNOWN: ' + line if options.log: node, output = line.split(':', 1) output = output.lstrip() currlog = options.log.format(node=node, nodename=node) with open(currlog, mode='a') as log: log.write(output + '\n') continue node, output = line.split(':', 1) output = output.lstrip() grouped.add_line(node, output) if options.watch: if not holdoff: holdoff = os.times()[4] + 0.250 if (holdoff < os.times()[4] or not select.select((sys.stdin,), (), (), 0.250)[0]): # print now, nothing pending holdoff = 0 sys.stdout.write('\x1b[2J\x1b[;H') # clear screen print_current() printpending = False clearpending = True else: printpending = True fullline = sys.stdin.readline() if printpending: if clearpending: sys.stdout.write('\x1b[2J\x1b[;H') # clear screen print_current()