import os import confluent.collective.manager as collective from os.path import exists import shutil import socket import as subprocess import tempfile def get_openssl_conf_location(): if exists('/etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf'): return '/etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf' elif exists('/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf'): return '/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf' else: raise Exception("Cannot find openssl config file") def get_ip_addresses(): lines = subprocess.check_output('ip addr'.split(' ')) if not isinstance(lines, str): lines = lines.decode('utf8') for line in lines.split('\n'): if line.startswith(' inet6 '): line = line.replace(' inet6 ', '').split('/')[0] if line == '::1': continue elif line.startswith(' inet '): line = line.replace(' inet ', '').split('/')[0] if line == '': continue if line.startswith('169.254.'): continue else: continue yield line def create_certificate(outdir): keyout = os.path.join(outdir, 'key.pem') certout = os.path.join(outdir, 'cert.pem') shortname = socket.gethostname().split('.')[0] longname = socket.getfqdn() subprocess.check_call( ['openssl', 'ecparam', '-name', 'secp384r1', '-genkey', '-out', keyout]) san = ['IP:{0}'.format(x) for x in get_ip_addresses()] # It is incorrect to put IP addresses as DNS type. However # there exists non-compliant clients that fail with them as IP san.extend(['DNS:{0}'.format(x) for x in get_ip_addresses()]) san.append('DNS:{0}'.format(shortname)) san.append('DNS:{0}'.format(longname)) san = ','.join(san) sslcfg = get_openssl_conf_location() tmpconfig = tempfile.mktemp() shutil.copy2(sslcfg, tmpconfig) try: with open(tmpconfig, 'a') as cfgfile: cfgfile.write('\n[SAN]i\nbasicConstraints = CA:true\nsubjectAltName={0}'.format(san)) subprocess.check_call([ 'openssl', 'req', '-new', '-x509', '-key', keyout, '-days', '7300', '-out', certout, '-subj', '/CN={0}'.format(longname), '-extensions', 'SAN', '-config', tmpconfig ]) finally: os.remove(tmpconfig) fname = '/var/lib/confluent/public/site/tls/{0}.cert'.format( collective.get_myname()) shutil.copy2(certout, fname) hv = subprocess.check_output( ['openssl', 'x509', '-in', certout, '-hash', '-noout']) if not isinstance(hv, str): hv = hv.decode('utf8') hv = hv.strip() hashname = '/var/lib/confluent/public/site/tls/{0}.0'.format(hv) certname = '{0}.cert'.format(collective.get_myname()) for currname in os.listdir('/var/lib/confluent/public/site/tls/'): currname = os.path.join('/var/lib/confluent/public/site/tls/', currname) if currname.endswith('.0'): try: realname = os.readlink(currname) if realname == certname: os.unlink(currname) except OSError: pass os.symlink(certname, hashname) if __name__ == '__main__': create_certificate(os.getcwd())