dracut_install /usr/bin/clevis-encrypt-tpm2 /usr/bin/clevis-decrypt-tpm2 /usr/bin/jose /usr/bin/mktemp dracut_install /lib64/libtss2-tcti-device.so.0 dracut_install /usr/bin/tpm2_create /usr/bin/tpm2_pcrread /usr/bin/tpm2_createpolicy /usr/bin/tpm2_createprimary /usr/bin/tpm2_load /usr/bin/tpm2_unseal dracut_install curl openssl tar cpio gzip lsmod ethtool xz lsmod ethtool dracut_install modprobe touch echo cut wc bash netstat uniq grep ip hostname dracut_install awk egrep dirname expr sort dracut_install ssh sshd reboot parted mkfs mkfs.ext4 mkfs.xfs xfs_db mkswap dracut_install efibootmgr uuidgen dracut_install du df ssh-keygen scp clear dhclient dracut_install /lib64/libnss_dns-2.28.so /lib64/libnss_dns.so.2 dracut_install /usr/lib64/libnl-3.so.200 dracut_install /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/services /etc/protocols dracut_install chmod whoami head tail basename tr dracut_install /usr/sbin/arping /usr/sbin/dhclient-script ipcalc logger hostnamectl inst /bin/bash /bin/sh dracut_install /lib64/libfuse.so.2 /lib64/libfuse.so.2.9.7 dracut_install chown chroot dd expr kill parted rsync sort blockdev findfs insmod lvm dracut_install /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/10-dm.rules /usr/sbin/dmsetup /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/95-dm-notify.rules dracut_install /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-net.rules /lib/udev/rename_device /usr/lib/systemd/network/99-default.link #this would be nfs with lock, but not needed, go nolock #dracut_install mount.nfs rpcbind rpc.statd /etc/netconfig sm-notify dracut_install mount.nfs /etc/netconfig inst /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh /lib/net-lib.sh # network mount, and disk imaging helpers can come from a second stage # this is narrowly focused on getting network up and fetching images # and those images may opt to do something with cloning or whatever