#!/usr/libexec/platform-python # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2015 Lenovo # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import optparse import os import subprocess import sys path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(path, '..', 'lib', 'python')) if path.startswith('/opt'): sys.path.append(path) import confluent.client as client import confluent.sortutil as sortutil import confluent.logreader as logreader import time import socket import re confettypath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'confetty') argparser = optparse.OptionParser( usage="Usage: %prog [options] <noderange> [kill][-- [passthroughoptions]]", epilog="Command sequences are available while connected to a console, hit " "ctrl-'e', then release ctrl, then 'c', then '?' for a full list. " "For example, ctrl-'e', then 'c', then '.' will exit the current " "console") argparser.add_option('-t', '--tile', action='store_true', default=False, help='Tile console windows in the terminal') argparser.add_option('-l', '--log', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enter log replay mode instead of showing a live console') argparser.add_option('-T', '--Timestamp', action='store_true', default=False, help= 'Dump log in stdout with timestamps') argparser.add_option('-w','--windowed', action='store_true', default=False, help='Open terminal windows for each node. The ' 'environment variable NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND ' 'should be set, which should be a text string corresponding ' 'to a command that can be used to open a windowed console,' ' omitting the "nodeconsole <noderange>" part of the ' 'command, for example, to open a set of consoles for a ' 'range of nodes in separate xterm windows, set ' 'NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND to "xterm -e". To open a ' 'set of consoles for a range of nodes in separate ' 'GNOME Terminal windows with a size of 100 columns and ' '31 rows, set NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND ' 'to "gnome-terminal --geometry 100x31 --" or in a WSL ' 'environment, to open a set of consoles for a range of ' 'nodes in separate Windows Terminal windows, with the ' 'title set for each node, set NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND' ' to "wt.exe wsl.exe -d AlmaLinux-8 ' '--shell-type login". If the NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND ' 'environment variable isn\'t set, xterm will be used by' 'default.') (options, args) = argparser.parse_args() pass_through_args = [] killcon = False try: noderange = args[0] if len(args) > 1: if args[1] == 'kill': killcon = True pass_through_args = args[1:] args = args[:1] except IndexError: argparser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if len(args) != 1: argparser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if options.log: logname = args[0] if not os.path.exists(logname) and logname[0] != '/': logname = os.path.join('/var/log/confluent/consoles', logname) if not os.path.exists(logname): sys.stderr.write('Unable to locate {0} on local system\n'.format(logname)) sys.exit(1) logreader.replay_to_console(logname) sys.exit(0) if options.Timestamp: logname = args[0] if not os.path.exists(logname) and logname[0] != '/': logname = os.path.join('/var/log/confluent/consoles', logname) if not os.path.exists(logname): sys.stderr.write('Unable to locate {0} on local system\n'.format(logname)) sys.exit(1) logreader.dump_to_console(logname) sys.exit(0) def kill(noderange): sess = client.Command() envstring=os.environ.get('NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND') if not envstring: envstring = 'xterm' nodes = [] for res in sess.read('/noderange/{0}/nodes/'.format(args[0])): node = res.get('item', {}).get('href', '/').replace('/', '') if not node: sys.stderr.write(res.get('error', repr(res)) + '\n') sys.exit(1) nodes.append(node) for node in nodes: s=socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) winid=None try: win=subprocess.Popen(['xwininfo', '-tree', '-root'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) wintr=win.communicate()[0] for line in wintr.decode('utf-8').split('\n'): if 'console: {0}'.format(node) in line or 'confetty' in line: win_obj = [ele for ele in line.split(' ') if ele.strip()] winid = win_obj[0] except: print("Error: cannot retrieve window id of node {}".format(node)) if winid: ps_data=subprocess.Popen(['xkill', '-id', winid ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) sys.exit(0) def handle_geometry(envlist, sizegeometry, side_pad=0, top_pad=0, first=False): if '-geometry' in envlist: g_index = envlist.index('-geometry') elif '-g' in envlist: g_index = envlist.index('-g') else: g_index = 0 if g_index: if first: envlist[g_index+1] = '{0}+{1}+{2}'.format(envlist[g_index+1],side_pad, top_pad) else: envlist[g_index+1] = '{0}+{1}+{2}'.format(sizegeometry,side_pad, top_pad) else: envlist.insert(1, '-geometry') envlist.insert(2, '{0}+{1}+{2}'.format(sizegeometry,side_pad, top_pad)) g_index = 1 return envlist # add funcltionality to close/kill all open consoles if killcon: kill(noderange) #added functionality for wcons if options.windowed: result=subprocess.Popen(['xwininfo', '-root'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) rootinfo=result.communicate()[0] result.wait() for line in rootinfo.decode('utf-8').split('\n'): if 'Width' in line: screenwidth = int(line.split(':')[1]) if 'Height' in line: screenheight = int(line.split(':')[1]) envstring=os.environ.get('NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND') if not envstring: sizegeometry='100x31' corrected_x, corrected_y = (13,84) envlist = handle_geometry(['xterm'] + pass_through_args + ['-e'],sizegeometry, first=True) #envlist=['xterm', '-bg', 'black', '-fg', 'white', '-geometry', '{sizegeometry}+0+0'.format(sizegeometry=sizegeometry), '-e'] else: envlist=os.environ.get('NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND').split(' ') if envlist[0] == 'xterm': if '-geometry' in envlist: g_index = envlist.index('-geometry') elif '-g' in envlist: g_index = envlist.index('-g') else: g_index = 0 if g_index: envlist[g_index+1] = envlist[g_index+1] + '+0+0' else: envlist.insert(1, '-geometry') envlist.insert(2, '100x31+0+0') g_index = 1 nodes = [] sess = client.Command() for res in sess.read('/noderange/{0}/nodes/'.format(args[0])): node = res.get('item', {}).get('href', '/').replace('/', '') if not node: sys.stderr.write(res.get('error', repr(res)) + '\n') sys.exit(1) nodes.append(node) if options.tile and not envlist[0] == 'xterm': sys.stderr.write('[ERROR] UNSUPPORTED OPTIONS. \nWindowed and tiled consoles are only supported when using xterm \n') sys.exit(1) firstnode=nodes[0] nodes.pop(0) with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull: xopen=subprocess.Popen(envlist + [confettypath, '-c', '/tmp/controlpath-{0}'.format(firstnode), '-m', '5', 'start', '/nodes/{0}/console/session'.format(firstnode) ] , stdin=devnull) time.sleep(2) s=socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) winid='' try: s.connect('/tmp/controlpath-{firstnode}'.format(firstnode=firstnode)) s.recv(64) s.send(b'GETWINID') winid=s.recv(64).decode('utf-8') except: time.sleep(2) # try to get id of first panel/xterm window using name win=subprocess.Popen(['xwininfo', '-tree', '-root'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) wintr=win.communicate()[0] for line in wintr.decode('utf-8').split('\n'): if 'console: {firstnode}'.format(firstnode=firstnode) in line or 'confetty' in line: win_obj = [ele for ele in line.split(' ') if ele.strip()] winid = win_obj[0] if winid: firstnode_window=subprocess.Popen(['xwininfo', '-id', '{winid}'.format(winid=winid)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) xinfo=firstnode_window.communicate()[0] xinfl = xinfo.decode('utf-8').split('\n') for line in xinfl: if 'Absolute upper-left X:' in line: side_pad = int(line.split(':')[1]) elif 'Absolute upper-left Y:' in line: top_pad = int(line.split(':')[1]) elif 'Width:' in line: window_width = int(line.split(':')[1]) elif 'Height' in line: window_height = int(line.split(':')[1]) elif '-geometry' in line: l = re.split(' |x|-|\+', line) l_nosp = [ele for ele in l if ele.strip()] wmxo = int(l_nosp[1]) wmyo = int(l_nosp[2]) sizegeometry = str(wmxo) + 'x' + str(wmyo) else: pass window_width += side_pad*2 window_height += side_pad+top_pad screenwidth -= wmxo screenheight -= wmyo currx = window_width curry = 0 maxcol = int(screenwidth/window_width) for node in sortutil.natural_sort(nodes): if options.tile and envlist[0] == 'xterm': corrected_x = currx corrected_y = curry xgeometry = '{0}+{1}+{2}'.format(sizegeometry, corrected_x, corrected_y) currx += window_width if currx >= screenwidth: currx=0 curry += window_height if curry > screenheight: curry =top_pad if not envstring: envlist= handle_geometry(envlist, sizegeometry, corrected_x, corrected_y) else: if g_index: envlist[g_index+1] = xgeometry elif envlist[0] == 'xterm': envlist=handle_geometry(envlist, sizegeometry, side_pad, top_pad) side_pad+=(side_pad+1) top_pad+=(top_pad+30) else: pass with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull: xopen=subprocess.Popen(envlist + [confettypath, '-c', '/tmp/controlpath-{0}'.format(node), '-m', '5', 'start', '/nodes/{0}/console/session'.format(node)] , stdin=devnull) sys.exit(0) #end of wcons if options.tile: null = open('/dev/null', 'w') nodes = [] sess = client.Command() for res in sess.read('/noderange/{0}/nodes/'.format(args[0])): node = res.get('item', {}).get('href', '/').replace('/', '') if not node: sys.stderr.write(res.get('error', repr(res)) + '\n') sys.exit(1) nodes.append(node) initial = True in_tmux = False pane = 0 sessname = 'nodeconsole_{0}'.format(os.getpid()) if os.environ.get("TMUX"): initial = False in_tmux = True subprocess.call(['tmux', 'rename-session', sessname]) for node in sortutil.natural_sort(nodes): panename = '{0}:{1}'.format(sessname, pane) if initial: initial = False subprocess.call( ['tmux', 'new-session', '-d', '-s', sessname, '-x', '800', '-y', '800', '{0} -m 5 start /nodes/{1}/console/session'.format( confettypath, node)]) else: subprocess.call(['tmux', 'select-pane', '-t', sessname]) subprocess.call(['tmux', 'set-option', '-t', panename, 'pane-border-status', 'top'], stderr=null) subprocess.call( ['tmux', 'split', '-h', '-t', sessname, '{0} -m 5 start /nodes/{1}/console/session'.format( confettypath, node)]) subprocess.call(['tmux', 'select-layout', '-t', sessname, 'tiled'], stdout=null) pane += 1 subprocess.call(['tmux', 'select-pane', '-t', sessname]) subprocess.call(['tmux', 'set-option', '-t', panename, 'pane-border-status', 'top'], stderr=null) if not in_tmux: os.execlp('tmux', 'tmux', 'attach', '-t', sessname) else: os.execl(confettypath, confettypath, 'start', '/nodes/{0}/console/session'.format(args[0]))