nodedefine(8) -- Define new confluent nodes ## SYNOPSIS `nodedefine [nodeattribute1=value1> ...]` ## DESCRIPTION `nodedefine` allows the definition of new nodes for the confluent management system. It has the same syntax as `nodeattrib(8)`, and the commands differ in that `nodeattrib(8)` will error if a node does not exist. ## EXAMPLES * Define two racks of nodes, named r{rack}u{u}: `# nodedefine r1u1-r2u4` `r1u4: created` `r1u1: created` `r1u2: created` `r1u3: created` `r2u4: created` `r2u3: created` `r2u2: created` `r2u1: created` ## SEE ALSO noderange(5), nodeattribexpressions(8)