#!/usr/bin/python import re import subprocess import yaml uplinkmatch = re.compile('^\s*Uplinks:\s*(.*)') nodename = None for inf in open('/etc/confluent/confluent.info', 'r').read().split('\n'): if inf.startswith('NODENAME: '): nodename = inf.replace('NODENAME: ', '') break deploycfg = open('/etc/confluent/confluent.deploycfg', 'r').read().split('\n') cfg = {} nslist = False nameservers = [] for line in deploycfg: kv = line.split(': ') if not kv[0]: continue if len(kv) == 2: cfg[kv[0]] = kv[1] if kv[0] == 'nameservers:': nslist = True continue if nslist and kv[0].startswith('- '): nameservers.append(kv[0].split(' ', 1)[1]) else: nslist=False cfg['nameservers'] = ','.join(nameservers) vswinfo = subprocess.check_output(['localcli', 'network', 'vswitch', 'standard', 'list']).decode('utf8') vmnic = None for info in vswinfo.split('\n'): upinfo = uplinkmatch.match(info) if upinfo: vmnic = upinfo.group(1) try: with open('/tmp/confluentident/cnflnt.yml') as identin: identcfg = yaml.safe_load(identin) ncfg = identcfg['net_cfgs'][0] cfg['ipv4_method'] = ncfg['ipv4_method'] cfg['ipv4_address'] = ncfg['ipv4_address'].split('/')[0] cfg['ipv4_netmask'] = ncfg['ipv4_netmask'] cfg['ipv4_gateway'] = ncfg['ipv4_gateway'] except Exception: pass netline = 'network --hostname={0} --bootproto={1}'.format(nodename, cfg['ipv4_method']) if vmnic: netline += ' --device={0}'.format(vmnic) if cfg['ipv4_method'] == 'static': netline += ' --ip={0} --netmask={1}'.format(cfg['ipv4_address'], cfg['ipv4_netmask']) if cfg.get('ipv4_gateway', 'null') not in (None, '', 'null'): netline += ' --gateway={0}'.format(cfg['ipv4_gateway']) if cfg['nameservers']: netline += ' --nameserver={0}'.format(cfg['nameservers']) print(netline)