nodeconsole(8) -- Open a console to a confluent node ===================================================== ## SYNOPSIS `nodeconsole [options] ` ## DESCRIPTION **nodeconsole** opens an interactive console session to a given node. This is the text or serial console of a system. Exiting is done by hitting `Ctrl-e`, then `c`, then `.`. Note that console output by default is additionally logged to `/var/log/confluent/consoles/`**NODENAME**. When the console connection to the target is broken, then confluent on backend will initiate an automatic retry interval that is randomized between 2 and 4 minutes. The reopen escape sequence below requests an immediate retry, as does connecting a new session. ## OPTIONS * `-t`, `--tile`: Use tmux to arrange consoles of the given noderange into a tiled layout on the terminal screen * `-l`, `--log`: Perform a log reply on the current, local log in /var/log/confluent/consoles. If in collective mode, this only makes sense to use on the current collective manager at this time. * `-w`, `--windowed`: Open terminal windows for each node. The environment variable **NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND** must be set, which should be a text string corresponding to a command that can be used to open a windowed console, omitting the `nodeconsole ` part of the command, for example, to open a set of consoles for a range of nodes in separate xterm windows, set **NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND** to `xterm -e`. To open a set of consoles for a range of nodes in separate GNOME Terminal windows with a size of 100 columns and 31 rows, set **NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND** to `gnome-terminal --geometry 100x31 --` or in a WSL environment, to open a set of consoles for a range of nodes in separate Windows Terminal windows, with the title set for each node, set **NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND** to `wt.exe --title node wsl.exe -d AlmaLinux-8 --shell-type login`. Note that **"node"** when in the NODECONSOLE_WINDOWED_COMMAND environment variable is treated as a keyword, not a literal. ## ESCAPE SEQUENCE COMMANDS While connected to a console, a number of commands may be performed through escape sequences. To begin an command escape sequence, hit `Ctrl-e`, then `c`. The next keystroke will be interpreted as a command. The following commands are available. * `.`: Exit the session and return to the command prompt * `b`: [send Break] Send a break to the remote console when possible (some console plugins may not support this) * `o`: [reOpen] Request confluent to disconnect and reconnect to console. For example if there is suspicion that the console has gone inoperable, but would work if reconnected. * `po`: [Power Off] Power off server immediately, without waiting for OS to shutdown * `ps`: [Power Shutdown] Request OS shut down gracefully, and then power off * `pb`: [Power Boot] Cause system to immediately boot, resetting or turning on as appropriate. Hitting enter is required to execute the reboot rather than another pb sequence * `pbs`: [Power Boot Setup] Request immediate boot ultimately landing in interactive firmware setup * `pbn`: [Power Boot Network] Request immediate boot to network * `r`: [send Resize] This queries the current terminal and sends stty commands to advertise the user termineal size to the remote console * `?`: Get a list of supported commands * ``: Hit enter to skip entering a command at the escape prompt.