#!/usr/bin/python2 import argparse import glob import os import os.path import pwd import shutil import sys import time path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(path, '..', 'lib', 'python')) if path.startswith('/opt'): sys.path.append(path) import confluent.collective.manager as collective import eventlet.green.subprocess as subprocess import confluent.selfservice as selfservice import confluent.util as util import confluent.client as client import confluent.sshutil as sshutil import confluent.certutil as certutil try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass def emprint(txt): if sys.stdout.isatty(): print('\x1b[1m\x1b[4m' + txt + '\x1b[0m') else: print(txt) fnamechars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.^' def main(args): ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Manage OS deployment resources') sp = ap.add_subparsers(dest='command') wiz = sp.add_parser('initialize', help='Do OS deployment preparation') wiz.add_argument('-g', help='Initialize a Genesis profile to boot systems into a rescue or staging environment', action='store_true') wiz.add_argument('-u', help='Pull in root user key for node deployment', action='store_true') wiz.add_argument('-s', help='Set up SSH CA for managing node to node ssh and known hosts', action='store_true') wiz.add_argument('-k', help='Update local global known hosts file with confluent CA', action='store_true') wiz.add_argument('-t', help='Generate new TLS key for HTTPS operation and register with confluent repository', action='store_true') wiz.add_argument('-p', help='Copy in TFTP contents required for PXE support', action='store_true') wiz.add_argument('-i', help='Interactively prompt for behaviors', action='store_true') wiz.add_argument('-l', help='Set up local management node to allow login from managed nodes', action='store_true') osip = sp.add_parser('import', help='Import an OS image from an ISO image') osip.add_argument('imagefile', help='File to use for source of importing') upb = sp.add_parser( 'updateboot', help='Push profile.yaml of the named profile data into boot assets as appropriate') upb.add_argument('profile', help='Profile to update boot assets') cmdset = ap.parse_args() if cmdset.command == 'import': return osimport(cmdset.imagefile) if cmdset.command == 'initialize': return initialize(cmdset) if cmdset.command == 'updateboot': return updateboot(cmdset.profile) ap.print_help() def initialize_genesis(): if not os.path.exists('/opt/confluent/genesis/x86_64/boot/kernel'): emprint('Install the confluent-genesis package to have the ' 'resources for a genesis profile') return 1 hasconfluentuser = None try: hasconfluentuser = pwd.getpwnam('confluent') except KeyError: pass pid = os.fork() if pid: retval = os.waitpid(pid, 0) return retval[1] retcode = 0 try: if hasconfluentuser: os.setgid(hasconfluentuser.pw_gid) os.setuid(hasconfluentuser.pw_uid) os.umask(0o22) os.makedirs('/var/lib/confluent/public/os/genesis-x86_64/boot/efi/boot', 0o755) os.makedirs('/var/lib/confluent/public/os/genesis-x86_64/boot/initramfs', 0o755) os.symlink('/opt/confluent/genesis/x86_64/boot/efi/boot/BOOTX64.EFI', '/var/lib/confluent/public/os/genesis-x86_64/boot/efi/boot/BOOTX64.EFI') os.symlink('/opt/confluent/genesis/x86_64/boot/efi/boot/grubx64.efi', '/var/lib/confluent/public/os/genesis-x86_64/boot/efi/boot/grubx64.efi') os.symlink('/opt/confluent/genesis/x86_64/boot/initramfs/distribution', '/var/lib/confluent/public/os/genesis-x86_64/boot/initramfs/distribution') os.symlink('/var/lib/confluent/public/site/initramfs.cpio', '/var/lib/confluent/public/os/genesis-x86_64/boot/initramfs/site.cpio') os.symlink('/opt/confluent/lib/osdeploy/genesis/initramfs/addons.cpio', '/var/lib/confluent/public/os/genesis-x86_64/boot/initramfs/addons.cpio') os.symlink('/opt/confluent/genesis/x86_64/boot/kernel', '/var/lib/confluent/public/os/genesis-x86_64/boot/kernel') shutil.copytree('/opt/confluent/lib/osdeploy/genesis/profiles/default/scripts/', '/var/lib/confluent/public/os/genesis-x86_64/scripts/') shutil.copyfile('/opt/confluent/lib/osdeploy/genesis/profiles/default/profile.yaml', '/var/lib/confluent/public/os/genesis-x86_64/profile.yaml') except Exception: retcode = 1 finally: os._exit(retcode) def local_node_trust_setup(): allnodes, domain = selfservice.get_cluster_list() myname = collective.get_myname() myprincipals = set([myname]) restorecon = os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/restorecon') neededlines = set([ 'HostbasedAuthentication yes', 'HostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly yes', 'IgnoreRhosts no']) if domain and not myname.endswith(domain): myprincipals.add('{0}.{1}'.format(myname, domain)) if '.' in myname and myname.endswith(domain): myprincipals.add(myname.split('.')[0]) for pubkey in glob.glob('/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*_key.pub'): currpubkey = open(pubkey, 'rb').read() cert = sshutil.sign_host_key(currpubkey, myname, myprincipals) certfile = pubkey.replace('key.pub', 'key-cert.pub') neededlines.add('HostCertificate {0}'.format(certfile)) if os.path.exists(certfile): os.unlink(certfile) with open(certfile, 'w') as certout: certout.write(cert) if restorecon: subprocess.check_call(['/usr/sbin/restorecon', certfile]) with open('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', 'r') as sshconf: currconfig = sshconf.read().split('\n') for conline in currconfig: conline = conline.strip() neededlines.discard(conline) if neededlines: with open('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', 'a') as cfgout: for currline in neededlines: cfgout.write(currline) cfgout.write('\n') with open('/etc/ssh/shosts.equiv', 'w') as equivout: for node in util.natural_sort(allnodes): equivout.write(node + '\n') with open('/root/.shosts', 'w') as equivout: for node in util.natural_sort(allnodes): equivout.write(node + '\n') if restorecon: subprocess.check_call( ['/usr/sbin/restorecon', '/etc/ssh/shosts.equiv', '/root/.shosts']) def install_tftp_content(): tftplocation = None candidates = ('/tftpboot', '/var/lib/tftpboot', '/srv/tftpboot', '/srv/tftp') for cand in candidates: if os.path.isdir(cand): tftplocation = cand break if not tftplocation: emprint('Unable to detect a directory for tftp content (check that tftp server is installed)') return 1 if os.path.exists('/usr/lib/systemd/system/tftp.socket'): subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'enable', 'tftp.socket', '--now']) else: print( 'Unable to automatically enable TFTP server, please enable manually') tftplocation = '{0}/confluent/x86_64'.format(tftplocation) try: os.makedirs(tftplocation) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 17: raise shutil.copy('/opt/confluent/lib/ipxe/ipxe.efi', tftplocation) shutil.copy('/opt/confluent/lib/ipxe/ipxe.kkpxe', tftplocation) def initialize(cmdset): if os.getuid() != 0: sys.stderr.write('This command must run as root user\n') sys.exit(1) if cmdset.i: didsomething = True sys.stdout.write('Add root user key to be authorized to log into nodes (-u)? (y/n): ') sys.stdout.flush() cmdset.u = input().strip().lower().startswith('y') sys.stdout.write('Initialize a profile to boot Genesis on target systems (a small Linux environment for rescue and staging use)? (y/n): ') cmdset.g = input().strip().lower().startswith('y') sys.stdout.write('Set up an SSH authority to help manage known_hosts and node to node ssh for all users (-s)? (y/n): ') cmdset.s = input().strip().lower().startswith('y') sys.stdout.write('Update global known hosts on this server to trust local CA certificates (-k)? (y/n): ') cmdset.k = input().strip().lower().startswith('y') sys.stdout.write('Allow managed nodes to ssh to this management node without a password (-l)? (y/n): ') cmdset.l = input().strip().lower().startswith('y') sys.stdout.write('Update tftp directory with binaries to support PXE (-p) (y/n): ') cmdset.p = input().strip().lower().startswith('y') sys.stdout.write('Generate new TLS certificates for HTTP, replacing any existing certificate (-t)? (y/n): ') cmdset.t = input().strip().lower().startswith('y') if not cmdset.t: print( 'In order to use your own certificate authority, make sure ' 'to put the certificate authority into ' '/var/lib/confluent/public/site/tls/ directory as a .pem file ' 'as well as named (hash).0 where (hash) is the hash of the ' 'subject.') else: didsomething = False if cmdset.u: didsomething = True if not glob.glob('/root/.ssh/*.pub'): sys.stderr.write('No user keys for root detected, it is recommended ' 'to run ssh-keygen -t ed25519 to generate a user ' 'key. For optimal security, a passphrase should be ' 'used. ssh-agent may be used to make use of a ' 'passphrase protected ssh key easier.\n') sys.exit(1) sshutil.initialize_root_key(False) if cmdset.t: didsomething = True certutil.create_certificate() if os.path.exists('/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service'): subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'try-restart', 'httpd']) print('HTTP server has been restarted if it was running') elif os.path.exists('/usr/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service'): subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'try-restart', 'apache2']) print('HTTP server has been restarted if it was running') else: emprint('New HTTPS certificates generated, restart the web server manually') if cmdset.s: didsomething = True sshutil.initialize_ca() if cmdset.p: install_tftp_content() if cmdset.l: local_node_trust_setup() if cmdset.k: with open('/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts', 'a+b') as skh: for cafile in glob.glob('/var/lib/confluent/public/site/ssh/*.ca'): cacert = open(cafile, 'rb').read() cacert = b'@cert-authority * ' + cacert skh.write(cacert) if cmdset.g: initialize_genesis() if not didsomething and (cmdset.k or cmdset.l or cmdset.g or cmdset.p): if cmdset.g: updateboot('genesis-x86_64') sys.exit(0) if not didsomething: sys.stderr.write('Nothing was done, use initialize -i for ' 'interactive mode, or see initialize -h for more options\n') sys.exit(1) tmpname = '/var/lib/confluent/public/site/initramfs.cpio.' for x in bytearray(os.urandom(22)): tmpname += fnamechars[x >> 2] topack = [] opath = os.getcwd() os.chdir('/var/lib/confluent/public/site') topack.append('ssh/') for currd, _, files in os.walk('ssh'): for fname in files: topack.append(os.path.join(currd, fname)) topack.append('tls/') for currd, _, files in os.walk('tls'): for fname in files: topack.append(os.path.join(currd, fname)) with open(tmpname, 'wb') as initramfs: packit = subprocess.Popen(['cpio', '-H', 'newc', '-o'], stdout=initramfs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) for packfile in topack: if not isinstance(packfile, bytes): packfile = packfile.encode('utf8') packit.stdin.write(packfile) packit.stdin.write(b'\n') packit.stdin.close() res = packit.wait() if res: sys.stderr.write('Error occurred while packing site initramfs') sys.exit(1) os.rename(tmpname, '/var/lib/confluent/public/site/initramfs.cpio') if cmdset.g: updateboot('genesis-x86_64') tmptarname = tmpname.replace('cpio', 'tgz') tarcmd = ['tar', '-czf', tmptarname, 'ssh', 'tls'] subprocess.check_call(tarcmd) os.chdir(opath) os.rename(tmptarname, '/var/lib/confluent/public/site/initramfs.tgz') print('Site initramfs content packed successfully') if not os.path.exists('/etc/confluent/srvcert.pem'): subprocess.check_call(['collective', 'gencert']) # TODO: check selinux and segetbool for httpd_can_network_connect # httpd available and enabled? def updateboot(profilename): c = client.Command() for rsp in c.update('/deployment/profiles/{0}'.format(profilename), {'updateboot': 1}): if 'updated' in rsp: print('Updated: {0}'.format(rsp['updated'])) else: print(repr(rsp)) def osimport(imagefile): c = client.Command() imagefile = os.path.abspath(imagefile) importing = False shortname = None for rsp in c.create('/deployment/importing/', {'filename': imagefile}): if 'target' in rsp: importing = True shortname = rsp['name'] print('Importing from {0} to {1}'.format(imagefile, rsp['target'])) else: print(repr(rsp)) while importing: for rsp in c.read('/deployment/importing/{0}'.format(shortname)): if 'progress' in rsp: sys.stdout.write('{0}: {1:.2f}% \r'.format(rsp['phase'], rsp['progress'])) if rsp['phase'] == 'complete': importing = False sys.stdout.write('\n') for profile in rsp['profiles']: print('Deployment profile created: {0}'.format(profile)) sys.stdout.flush() else: print(repr(rsp)) time.sleep(0.5) if shortname: list(c.delete('/deployment/importing/{0}'.format(shortname))) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)