nodesupport(8) -- Utilities for interacting with vendor support ================================================================= ## SYNOPSIS `nodesupport <noderange> servicedata <directory or filename>` ## DESCRIPTION `nodesupport` provides capabilities associated with interactiong with support. Currently it only has the `servicedata` subcommand. `servicedata` takes an argument that is either a directory name (that can be used for a single node or multiple nodes) or a file name (only to be used with single node noderange). Note that the file will be downloaded to the confluent server that actually connects to the managed system, so it will download to the remote system if running remotely and will download to the collective.manager indicated system if running in collective mode. ## EXAMPLES * Download support data from a single node to a specific filename `# nodesupport d1 servicedata svcdata.out` `d1:initializing: 15%` * Download support data from multiple nodes to a directory `# nodesupport d1-d4 servicedata service/` `d1:initializing: 0% d2:initializing: 0% d3:initializing: 0% d4:initializing: 0%` `# ls service/` `d1.svcdata d2.svcdata d3.svcdata d4.svcdata`