#!/bin/bash # This script runs at the end of install in the installed system # but still under the installer kernel. # This is a good place to run most customizations that do not have any # dependency upon the install target kernel being active. # If there are dependencies on the kernel (drivers or special filesystems) # then firstboot.sh would be the script to customize. chmod 700 /var/log/confluent exec >> /var/log/confluent/confluent-post.log exec 2>> /var/log/confluent/confluent-post.log chmod 600 /var/log/confluent/confluent-post.log confluent_mgr=$(grep ^deploy_server /etc/confluent/confluent.deploycfg|awk '{print $2}') confluent_profile=$(grep ^profile: /etc/confluent/confluent.deploycfg|sed -e 's/^profile: //') nodename=$(grep ^NODENAME /etc/confluent/confluent.info|awk '{print $2}') confluent_apikey=$(cat /etc/confluent/confluent.apikey) chmod 700 /etc/confluent chmod og-rwx /etc/confluent/* export confluent_mgr confluent_profile nodename . /etc/confluent/functions # This will induce server side processing of the syncfile contents if # present run_remote_python syncfileclient run_remote post.custom # Also, scripts may be placed into 'post.d', e.g. post.d/01-runfirst.sh, post.d/02-runsecond.sh run_remote_parts post.d # Induce execution of remote configuration, e.g. ansible plays in ansible/post.d/ run_remote_config post.d curl -X POST -d 'status: staged' -H "CONFLUENT_NODENAME: $nodename" -H "CONFLUENT_APIKEY: $confluent_apikey" https://$confluent_mgr/confluent-api/self/updatestatus