mirror of https://github.com/xcat2/confluent.git synced 2025-03-15 16:07:47 +00:00

Add missing files from the ThinkSystem merge

This commit is contained in:
Jarrod Johnson 2017-06-21 14:02:59 -04:00
parent e0cc67f57a
commit f4267e6013
30 changed files with 3126 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
for i in *.ronn; do echo -n `head -n 1 $i|awk '{print $1}'`; echo " $i"; done > index.txt

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
confluent(8) -- Start the confluent server
**confluent** is the name of the server daemon. It is normally run
through the init subsystem rather than executed directly. All confluent
commands connect to confluent daemon. It provides the web interface, debug,
and unix socket connectivity.

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
confluentdbutil(8) -- Backup or restore confluent database
`confluentdbutil [options] <dump|restore> <path>`
**confluentdbutil** is a utility to export/import the confluent attributes
to/from json files. The path is a directory that holds the json version.
In order to perform restore, the confluent service must not be running. It
is required to indicate how to treat the usernames/passwords are treated in
the json files (password protected, removed from the files, or unprotected).
* `-p`, `--password`:
If specified, information such as usernames and passwords will be encrypted
using the given password.
* `-r`, `--redact`:
Indicates to replace usernames and passwords with a dummy string rather
than included.
* `-u`, `--unprotected`:
The keys.json file will include the encryption keys without any protection.

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
nodeattribexpressions(5) -- Confluent attribute expression syntax
In confluent, any attribute may either be a straightforward value, or an
expression to generate the value.
An expression will contain some directives wrapped in `{}` characters. Within
`{}` are a number of potential substitute values and operations.
The most common operation is to extract a number from the nodename. These
values are available as n1, n2, etc. So for example attributes for a node named
b1o2r3u4 would have {n1} as 1, {n2} as 2, {n3} as 3, and {n4} as 4.
Additionally, {n0} is special as representing the last number in a name, so in
the b1o2r3u4 example, {n0} would be 4.
Frequently a value derives from a number in the node name, but must undergo a
transform to be useful. As an example, if we have a scheme where nodes are
numbered n1-n512, and they are arranged 1-42 in rack1, 43-84 in rack2, and so
forth, it is convenient to perform arithmetic on the extracted number. Here is
an example of codifying the above scheme, and setting the u to the remainder:
Note how text may be mixed into expressions, only data within {} will receive
special treatment. Here we also had to adjust by subtracting 1 and adding it
back to make the math work as expected.
It is sometimes the case that the number must be formatted a different way,
either specifying 0 padding or converting to hexadecimal. This can be done by a
number of operators at the end to indicate formatting changes.
`{n1:02x} - Zero pad to two decimal places, and convert to hexadecimal, as mightbe used for generating MAC addresses`
`{n1:x} - Hexadecimal without padding, as may be used in a generated IPv6 address`
`{n1:X} - Uppercase hexadecimal`
`{n1:02d} - Zero pad a normal numeric representation of the number.`
Another common element to pull into an expression is the node name in whole:
Additionally other attributes may be pulled in:
Multiple expressions are permissible within a single attribute:
A note to developers: in general the API layer will automatically recognize a
generic set attribute to string with expression syntax and import it as an
expression. For example, submitting the following JSON:
`{ 'location.rack': '{n1}' }`
Will auto-detect {n1} as an expression and assign it normally. If wanting to
set that value verbatim, it can either be escaped by doubling the {} or by
explicitly declaring it as a value:
`{ 'location.rack': '{{n1}}' }`
`{ 'location.rack': { 'value': '{n1}' } }`

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
nodeboot(8) -- Reboot a confluent node to a specific device
`nodeboot <noderange>`
`nodeboot <noderange>` [net|setup]
**nodeboot** reboots nodes in a noderange. If an additional argument is given,
it sets the node to specifically boot to that as the next boot.
* Booting n3 and n4 to the default boot behavior:
`# nodeboot n3-n4`
`n3: default`
`n4: default`
`n3: on->reset`
`n4: on->reset`
* Booting n1 and n2 to setup menu:
`# nodeboot n1-n2 setup`
`n2: setup`
`n1: setup`
`n2: on->reset`
`n1: on->reset`
* Booting n3 and n4 to network:
`# nodeboot n3-n4 net`
`n3: network`
`n4: network`
`n4: on->reset`
`n3: off->on`

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
nodeeventlog(8) -- Pull eventlog from confluent nodes
`nodeeventlog <noderange>`
`nodeeventlog <noderange> [clear]`
`nodeeventlog` pulls and optionally clears the event log from the requested
* Pull the event log from n2 and n3:
`# nodeeventlog n2,n3`
`n2: 05/03/2017 11:44:25 Event Log Disabled - SEL Fullness - Log clear`
`n2: 05/03/2017 11:44:56 System Firmware - Progress - Unspecified`
`n3: 05/03/2017 11:44:39 Event Log Disabled - SEL Fullness - Log clear`
`n3: 05/03/2017 11:45:00 System Firmware - Progress - Unspecified`
`n3: 05/03/2017 11:47:22 System Firmware - Progress - Starting OS boot`
* Pull and clear the event log from n2 and n3:
`# nodeeventlog n2,n3 clear`
`n2: 05/03/2017 11:44:25 Event Log Disabled - SEL Fullness - Log clear`
`n2: 05/03/2017 11:44:56 System Firmware - Progress - Unspecified`
`n2: 05/03/2017 11:48:29 System Firmware - Progress - Starting OS boot`
`n3: 05/03/2017 11:44:39 Event Log Disabled - SEL Fullness - Log clear`
`n3: 05/03/2017 11:45:00 System Firmware - Progress - Unspecified`
`n3: 05/03/2017 11:47:22 System Firmware - Progress - Starting OS boot`
`# nodeeventlog n2,n3`
`n2: 05/03/2017 11:48:48 Event Log Disabled - SEL Fullness - Log clear`
`n3: 05/03/2017 11:48:52 Event Log Disabled - SEL Fullness - Log clear`

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
nodefirmware(8) -- Report firmware information on confluent nodes
`nodefirmware <noderange>`
`nodefirmware` reports various pieces of firmware on confluent nodes.
* Pull firmware from a node:
`# nodefirmware r1`
`r1: IMM: 3.70 (TCOO26H 2016-11-29T05:09:51)`
`r1: IMM Backup: 1.71 (TCOO10D 2015-04-17T00:00:00)`
`r1: IMM Trusted Image: TCOO26H`
`r1: UEFI: 2.31 (TCE128I 2016-12-13T00:00:00)`
`r1: UEFI Backup: 2.20 (TCE126O)`
`r1: FPGA: 3.2.0`
`r1: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Controller Bootcode: 1.38`
`r1: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Controller MBA: 16.8.0`
`r1: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Controller Firmware Package: 0.0.0a`
`r1: ServeRAID M1215 MegaRAID Controller Firmware: 24.12.0-0038 (2016-10-20T00:00:00)`
`r1: ServeRAID M1215 Disk 28 MBF2600RC: SB2C`
`r1: ServeRAID M1215 Disk 29 MBF2600RC: SB2C`
`r1: ServeRAID M5210 Disk 0 MBF2600RC: SB2C`
`r1: ServeRAID M5210 Disk 1 MBF2600RC: SB2C`
`r1: ServeRAID M5210 Disk 2 MBF2600RC: SB2C`

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
nodegroupattrib(8) -- List or change confluent nodegroup attributes
`nodegroupattrib <group> [ current | all ]`
`nodegroupattrib <group> [<nodeattribute>...]`
`nodegroupattrib <group> [<nodeattribute1=value1> <nodeattribute2=value2> ...]`
`nodegroupattrib <group> [-c] [<nodeattribute1> <nodeattribute2=value2> ...]`
`nodegroupattrip` queries the confluent server to get information about nodes.
In the simplest form, it simply takes the given group and lists the attributes of that group.
Contrasted with nodeattrib(8), settings managed by nodegroupattrib will be added
and removed from a node as it is added or removed from a group. If an attribute
is set using nodeattrib(8) against a noderange(5) that happens to be a group name,
nodeattrib(8) individually sets attributes directly on each individual node that is
currently a member of that group. Removing group membership or adding a new
node after using the nodeattrib(8) command will not have attributes change automatically.
It's easiest to see by using the `nodeattrib <noderange> -b` to understand how
the attributes are set on the node versus a group to which a node belongs.
* `-c`, `--clear`:
Clear specified nodeattributes.
* Show attributes of a group called `demogrp`:
`# nodegroupattrib demogrp`
`demogrp: hardwaremanagement.manager: (will derive from expression 10.30.{n0/255}.{n0%255})`
`demogrp: nodes: n12,n13,n10,n11,n9,n1,n2,n3,n4`
* Set location.u to be the remainder of first number in node name when divided by 42:
`# nodegroupattrib demogrp location.u={n1%42}`
nodeattrib(8), nodeattribexpressions(5)

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
nodehealth(8) -- Show health summary of confluent nodes
`nodehealth <noderange>`
`nodehealth` reports the current health assessment of a confluent node. It
will report either `ok`, `warning`, `critical`, or `failed`, along with
a string explaining the reason for any result other than `ok`.
* Pull health summary of 5 nodes:
`# nodehealth n1-n4,r1`
`n1: critical (Mezz Exp 2 Fault:Critical)`
`n3: ok`
`n2: ok`
`r1: ok`
`n4: ok`

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
nodeidentify(8) -- Control the identify LED of confluent nodes
`nodidentify <noderange> [on|off]`
`nodeidentify` allows you to turn on or off the location LED of conflueunt nodes,
making it easier to determine the physical location of the nodes. The following
options are supported:
* `on`: Turn on the identify LED
* `off`: Turn off the identify LED
* Turn on the identify LED on nodes n1 through n4:
`# nodeidentify n1-n4 on`
`n1: on`
`n2: on`
`n3: on`
`n4: on`
* Turn off the identify LED on nodes n1 thorugh n4:
`# nodeidentify n1-n4 off`
`n1: off`
`n2: off`
`n4: off`
`n3: off`

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
nodeinventory(8) -- Get hardware inventory of confluent node
`nodeinventory <noderange>`
`nodeinventory` pulls information about hardware of a node. This includes
information such as adapters, serial numbers, processors, and memory modules,
as supported by the platforms hardware management implementation.
* Pulling inventory of a node named r1:
`# nodeinventory r1`
`r1: System MAC Address 1: 40:f2:e9:af:45:a0`
`r1: System MAC Address 2: 40:f2:e9:af:45:a1`
`r1: System MAC Address 3: 40:f2:e9:af:45:a2`
`r1: System MAC Address 4: 40:f2:e9:af:45:a3`
`r1: System Board manufacturer: IBM`
`r1: System Product name: System x3650 M5`
`r1: System Device ID: 32`
`r1: System Revision: 9`
`r1: System Product ID: 323`
`r1: System Board model: 00KG915`
`r1: System Device Revision: 0`
`r1: System Serial Number: E2K4831`
`r1: System Board manufacture date: 2014-10-20T12:00`
`r1: System Board serial number: Y010UF4AL0B5`
`r1: System Manufacturer: IBM`
`r1: System FRU Number: 00FK639`
`r1: System Board product name: System Board`
`r1: System Model: 5462AC1`
`r1: System UUID: 1B29CE46-765E-31A3-A3B9-B5FB934F15AB`
`r1: System Hardware Version: 0x0000`
`r1: System Manufacturer ID: 20301`
`r1: System Chassis serial number: E2K4831`
`r1: System Asset Number: `
`r1: System Chassis type: Other`
`r1: Power Supply 1 Board model: 94Y8136`
`r1: Power Supply 1 Board manufacturer: EMER`
`r1: Power Supply 1 FRU Number: 94Y8137`
`r1: Power Supply 1 Board product name: IBM Designed Device`
`r1: Power Supply 1 Board manufacture date: 2014-11-08T00:00`
`r1: Power Supply 1 Board serial number: K13814B88ED`
`r1: Power Supply 1 Revision: 49`
`r1: Power Supply 2: Not Present`
`r1: DASD Backplane 1 Board model: 00JY139`
`r1: DASD Backplane 1 Board manufacturer: WIST`
`r1: DASD Backplane 1 FRU Number: 00FJ756`
`r1: DASD Backplane 1 Board product name: IBM Designed Device`
`r1: DASD Backplane 1 Board manufacture date: 2014-08-28T00:00`
`r1: DASD Backplane 1 Board serial number: Y011UF48W02U`
`r1: DASD Backplane 1 Revision: 0`
`r1: DASD Backplane 2: Not Present`
`r1: DASD Backplane 3: Not Present`
`r1: DASD Backplane 4: Not Present`
`r1: DASD Backplane 5 Board model: 00YJ530`
`r1: DASD Backplane 5 Board manufacturer: WIST`
`r1: DASD Backplane 5 FRU Number: 00AL953`
`r1: DASD Backplane 5 Board product name: IBM Designed Device`
`r1: DASD Backplane 5 Board manufacture date: 2016-02-04T00:00`
`r1: DASD Backplane 5 Board serial number: Y010UF624024`
`r1: DASD Backplane 5 Revision: 0`
`r1: DASD Backplane 6: Not Present`
`r1: CPU 1 Hardware Version: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v3 @ 2.60GHz`
`r1: CPU 1 Asset Number: Unknown`
`r1: CPU 1 Manufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation`
`r1: CPU 2: Not Present`
`r1: ML2 Card: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 1: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 2: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 3: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 4: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 5: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 6: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 7: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 8: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 9: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 10: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 11: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 12: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 13: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 14: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 15: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 16: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 17: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 18: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 19: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 20: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 21: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 22: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 23: Not Present`
`r1: DIMM 24: Not Present`
`r1: X8 PCI 1: Not Present`
`r1: X8 PCI 2: Not Present`
`r1: X8 PCI 6: Not Present`
`r1: X8 PCI 7: Not Present`
`r1: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Controller MAC Address 1: 40:f2:e9:af:45:a0`
`r1: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Controller MAC Address 2: 40:f2:e9:af:45:a1`
`r1: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Controller MAC Address 3: 40:f2:e9:af:45:a2`
`r1: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Controller MAC Address 4: 40:f2:e9:af:45:a3`
`r1: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Controller PCI slot: 1b:00`
`r1: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Controller location: Onboard`

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
nodepower(8) -- Check or change power state of confluent nodes
`nodepower <noderange>`
`nodepower <noderange> [on|off|boot|shutdown|reset|status]`
**nodepower** with only a noderange will retrieve current power state of nodes
through confluent. When given an additional argument, it will request a change
to the power state of the nodes. The following arguments are recognized:
* `on`: Turn on the specified noderange. Nothing will happen to nodes of
the noderange that are already on.
* `off`: Immediately turn off the specified noderange, without waiting for OS
to shutdown. Nothing will happen to nodes of the noderange that are already on.
* `boot`: Immediately boot a system. This will power on nodes of the noderange
that are off, and reset nodes of the noderange that are on. The previous state
will be reflected in the output.
* `shutdown`: Request the OS gracefully shut down. Nothing will happen for
nodes that are off, and nodes will not shutdown if the OS fails to gracefully
* `reset`: Request immediate reset of nodes of the noderange. Nodes that are
off will not react to this request.
* `status`: Behave identically to having no argument passed at all.
* Get power state of nodes n1 through n4:
`# nodepower n1-n4`
`n1: on`
`n2: on`
`n3: on`
`n4: off`
* Forcing a reboot of nodes n1-n4:
`# nodepower n1-n4 boot`
`n3: on->reset`
`n1: on->reset`
`n2: on->reset`
`n4: off->on`

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
noderun(8) -- Run arbitrary commands per node in a noderange
`noderun <noderange> <command string>`
`noderun` will take a given command and execute it in parallel once per node
in the specified noderange. Attribute expressions as documented in
nodeattribexpressions(5) are expanded prior to execution of the command. For
noderun, the commands are locally executed. To execute commands on the nodes
themselves, see nodeshell(8).
* Run ping against nodes n1 through n4:
`# noderun n1-n4 ping -c 1 {nodename}`
`n3: PING n3 ( 56(84) bytes of data.`
`n3: 64 bytes from n3 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.387 ms`
`n3: `
`n3: --- n3 ping statistics ---`
`n3: 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms`
`n3: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.387/0.387/0.387/0.000 ms`
`n4: PING n4 ( 56(84) bytes of data.`
`n4: 64 bytes from n4 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.325 ms`
`n4: `
`n4: --- n4 ping statistics ---`
`n4: 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms`
`n4: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.325/0.325/0.325/0.000 ms`
`n2: PING n2 ( 56(84) bytes of data.`
`n2: From odin ( icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable`
`n2: `
`n2: --- n2 ping statistics ---`
`n2: 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet loss, time 3000ms`
`n2: `
`n1: PING n1 ( 56(84) bytes of data.`
`n1: `
`n1: --- n1 ping statistics ---`
`n1: 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 10000ms`
`n1: `
* Run an ipmitool raw command against the management controllers of n1 through n4:
`# noderun n1-n4 ipmitool -I lanplus -U USERID -E -H {hardwaremanagement.manager} raw 0 1`
`n3: 01 10 00`
`n1: 01 10 00`
`n4: 01 10 00`
`n2: 01 10 00`

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
nodesetboot(8) -- Check or set next boot device for noderange
`nodesetboot <noderange>`
`nodesetboot [options] <noderang> [default|cd|network|setup|hd]`
Requests that the next boot occur from the specified device. Unless otherwise
specified, this is a one time boot option, and does not change the normal boot
behavior of the system. This is useful for taking a system that normally boots
to the hard drive and startking a network install, or to go into the firmware
setup menu without having to hit a keystroke at the correct time on the console.
Generally, it's a bit more convenient and direct to use the nodeboot(8) command,
which will follow up the boot device with an immediate power directive to take
effect. The `nodesetboot` command is still useful, particularly if you want
to use `nodesetboot <noderange> setup` and then initiate a reboot from within
the operating system with ssh or similar rather than using the remote hardware
* `-b`, `--bios`:
For a system that supports both BIOS and UEFI style boot, request BIOS style
boot if supported (some platforms will UEFI boot with this flag anyway).
* `-p`, `--persist`:
For a system that supports it, mark the boot override to persist rather than
be a one time change. Many systems do not support this functionality.
* `default`:
Request a normal default boot with no particular device override
* `cd`:
Request boot from media. Note that this can include physical CD,
remote media mounted as CD/DVD, and detachable hard disks drives such as usb
key devices.
* `network`:
Request boot to network
* `setup`:
Request to enter the firmware configuration menu (e.g. F1 setup) on next boot.
* `hd`:
Boot straight to hard disk drive
* Set next boot to setup for four nodes:
`# nodesetboot n1-n4 setup`
`n1: setup`
`n3: setup`
`n2: setup`
`n4: setup`
* Check boot override settings on four nodes:
`# nodesetboot n1-n4`
`n1: setup`
`n2: setup`
`n3: setup`
`n4: setup`

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
nodeshell(8) -- Execute command on many nodes in a noderange through ssh
`nodeshell <noderange> <command to execute on each node>`
Allows execution of a command on many nodes in parallel. Like noderun(8), it
accepts and interpolates confluent attribute expressions as documented in
* Running `echo hi` on for nodes:
`# nodeshell n1-n4 echo hi`
`n1: hi`
`n2: hi`
`n3: hi`
`n4: hi`
* Setting a new static ip address temporarily on secondary interface of four nodes:
`# nodeshell n1-n4 ifconfig eth1 172.30.93.{n1}`

confluent_client/makeman Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
cd `dirname $0`/doc/man
mkdir -p ../../man/man5
mkdir -p ../../man/man8
ronn -r *.ronn
mv *.5 ../../man/man5/
mv *.8 ../../man/man8/

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@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
# Copyright 2016-2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This manages the detection and auto-configuration of nodes.
# Discovery sources may implement scans and may be passive or may provide
# both.
# The phases and actions:
# - Detect - Notice the existance of a potentially supported target
# - Potentially apply a secure replacement for default credential
# (perhaps using some key identifier combined with some string
# denoting temporary use, and use confluent master integrity key
# to generate a password in a formulaic way?)
# - Do some universal reconfiguration if applicable (e.g. if something is
# part of an enclosure with an optionally enabled enclosure manager,
# check and request enclosure manager enablement
# - Throughout all of this, at this phase no sensitive data is divulged,
# only using credentials that are factory default or equivalent to
# factory default
# - Request transition to Locate
# - Locate - Use available cues to ascertain the physical location. This may
# be mac address lookup through switch or correlated by a server
# enclosure manager. If the location data suggests a node identity,
# then proceed to the 'verify' state
# - Verify - Given the current information and candidate upstream verifier,
# verify the authenticity of the servers claim in an automated way
# if possible. A few things may happen at this juncture
# - Verification outright fails (confirmed negative response)
# - Audit log entry created, element is not *allowed* to
# proceed
# - Verification not possible (neither good or bad)
# - If security policy is set to low, proceed to 'Manage'
# - Otherwise, log the detection event and stop (user
# would then manually bless the endpoint if applicable
# - Verification succeeds
# - If security policy is set to strict (or manual, whichever
# word works best, note the successfull verification, but
# do not manage
# - Otherwise, proceed to 'Manage'
# -Pre-configure - Given data up to this point, try to do some pre-config.
# For example, if located and X, then check for S, enable S
# This happens regardless of verify, as verify may depend on
# S
# - Manage
# - Create the node if autonode (Deferred)
# - If there is not a defined ip address, collect the current LLA and use
# that value.
# - If no username/password defined, generate a unique password, 20 bytes
# long, written to pass most complexity rules (15 random bytes, base64,
# retry until uppercase, lowercase, digit, and symbol all present)
# - Apply defined configuration to endpoint
import confluent.config.configmanager as cfm
import confluent.discovery.protocols.pxe as pxe
#import confluent.discovery.protocols.ssdp as ssdp
import confluent.discovery.protocols.slp as slp
import confluent.discovery.handlers.imm as imm
import confluent.discovery.handlers.pxe as pxeh
import confluent.discovery.handlers.smm as smm
import confluent.discovery.handlers.xcc as xcc
import confluent.exceptions as exc
import confluent.log as log
import confluent.messages as msg
import confluent.networking.macmap as macmap
import confluent.noderange as noderange
import confluent.util as util
import traceback
import eventlet
import eventlet.semaphore
class nesteddict(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
v = self[key] = nesteddict()
return v
nodehandlers = {
'service:lenovo-smm': smm,
'service:management-hardware.Lenovo:lenovo-xclarity-controller': xcc,
'service:management-hardware.IBM:integrated-management-module2': imm,
'pxe-client': pxeh,
servicenames = {
'pxe-client': 'pxe-client',
'service:lenovo-smm': 'lenovo-smm',
'service:management-hardware.Lenovo:lenovo-xclarity-controller': 'lenovo-xcc',
'service:management-hardware.IBM:integrated-management-module2': 'lenovo-imm2',
servicebyname = {
'pxe-client': 'pxe-client',
'lenovo-smm': 'service:lenovo-smm',
'lenovo-xcc': 'service:management-hardware.Lenovo:lenovo-xclarity-controller',
'lenovo-imm2': 'service:management-hardware.IBM:integrated-management-module2',
# Passive-only auto-detection protocols:
# Both passive and active
# SLP (passive mode listens for SLP DA and unicast interrogation of the system)
# mDNS
# Also there are location providers
# Switch
# chassis
# chassis may in turn describe more chassis
# We normalize discovered node data to the following pieces of information:
# * Detected node name (if available, from switch discovery or similar or
# auto generated node name.
# * Model number
# * Model name
# * Serial number
# * System UUID (in x86 space, specifically whichever UUID would be in DMI)
# * Network interfaces and addresses
# * Switch connectivity information
# * enclosure information
# * Management TLS fingerprint if validated (switch publication or enclosure)
# * System TLS fingerprint if validated (switch publication or system manager)
#TODO: by serial, by uuid, by node
known_info = {}
known_services = {}
known_serials = {}
known_nodes = nesteddict()
unknown_info = {}
pending_nodes = {}
def send_discovery_datum(info):
addresses = info.get('addresses', [])
yield msg.KeyValueData({'nodename': info.get('nodename', '')})
yield msg.KeyValueData({'ipaddrs': [x[0] for x in addresses]})
yield msg.KeyValueData({'serialnumber': info.get('serialnumber', '')})
yield msg.KeyValueData({'modelnumber': info.get('modelnumber', '')})
yield msg.KeyValueData({'macs': [info.get('hwaddr', '')]})
types = []
for infotype in info.get('services', []):
if infotype in servicenames:
yield msg.KeyValueData({'types': types})
def _info_matches(info, criteria):
model = criteria.get('by-model', None)
devtype = criteria.get('by-type', None)
node = criteria.get('by-node', None)
serial = criteria.get('by-serial', None)
status = criteria.get('by-state', None)
if model and info.get('modelnumber', None) != model:
return False
if devtype and devtype not in info.get('services', []):
return False
if node and info.get('nodename', None) != node:
return False
if serial and info.get('serialnumber', None) != serial:
return False
if status and info.get('discostatus', None) != status:
return False
return True
def list_matching_nodes(criteria):
retnodes = []
for node in known_nodes:
for mac in known_nodes[node]:
info = known_info[mac]
if _info_matches(info, criteria):
return [msg.ChildCollection(node + '/') for node in retnodes]
def list_matching_serials(criteria):
for serial in sorted(list(known_serials)):
info = known_serials[serial]
if _info_matches(info, criteria):
yield msg.ChildCollection(serial + '/')
def list_matching_states(criteria):
return [msg.ChildCollection(x) for x in ('discovered/', 'identified/',
def list_matching_macs(criteria):
for mac in sorted(list(known_info)):
info = known_info[mac]
if _info_matches(info, criteria):
yield msg.ChildCollection(mac.replace(':', '-'))
def list_matching_types(criteria):
rettypes = []
for infotype in known_services:
typename = servicenames[infotype]
if ('by-model' not in criteria or
criteria['by-model'] in known_services[infotype]):
return [msg.ChildCollection(typename + '/')
for typename in sorted(rettypes)]
def list_matching_models(criteria):
for model in sorted(list(detected_models())):
if ('by-type' not in criteria or
model in known_services[criteria['by-type']]):
yield msg.ChildCollection(model + '/')
def show_info(mac):
mac = mac.replace('-', ':')
if mac not in known_info:
raise exc.NotFoundException(mac + ' not a known mac address')
for i in send_discovery_datum(known_info[mac]):
yield i
list_info = {
'by-node': list_matching_nodes,
'by-serial': list_matching_serials,
'by-type': list_matching_types,
'by-model': list_matching_models,
'by-mac': list_matching_macs,
'by-state': list_matching_states,
multi_selectors = set([
node_selectors = set([
single_selectors = set([
def _parameterize_path(pathcomponents):
listrequested = False
childcoll = True
if len(pathcomponents) % 2 == 1:
listrequested = pathcomponents[-1]
pathcomponents = pathcomponents[:-1]
pathit = iter(pathcomponents)
keyparams = {}
validselectors = multi_selectors | node_selectors | single_selectors
for key, val in zip(pathit, pathit):
if key not in validselectors:
raise exc.NotFoundException('{0} is not valid here'.format(key))
if key == 'by-type':
keyparams[key] = servicebyname.get(val, None)
keyparams[key] = val
if key in single_selectors:
childcoll = False
validselectors = set([])
elif key in node_selectors:
validselectors = single_selectors | set([])
return validselectors, keyparams, listrequested, childcoll
def handle_api_request(configmanager, inputdata, operation, pathcomponents):
if operation == 'retrieve':
return handle_read_api_request(pathcomponents)
elif (operation in ('update', 'create') and
pathcomponents == ['discovery', 'rescan']):
if inputdata != {'rescan': 'start'}:
raise exc.InvalidArgumentException()
return (msg.KeyValueData({'rescan': 'started'}),)
elif (operation in ('update', 'create')):
if 'node' not in inputdata:
raise exc.InvalidArgumentException('Missing node name in input')
_, queryparms, _, _ = _parameterize_path(pathcomponents[1:])
if 'by-mac' not in queryparms:
raise exc.InvalidArgumentException('Must target using "by-mac"')
mac = queryparms['by-mac'].replace('-', ':')
if mac not in known_info:
raise exc.NotFoundException('{0} not found'.format(mac))
info = known_info[mac]
handler = info['handler'].NodeHandler(info, configmanager)
eval_node(configmanager, handler, info, inputdata['node'],
return [msg.AssignedResource(inputdata['node'])]
raise exc.NotImplementedException(
'Unable to {0} to {1}'.format(operation, '/'.join(pathcomponents)))
def handle_read_api_request(pathcomponents):
# TODO(jjohnson2): This should be more generalized...
# odd indexes into components are 'by-'*, even indexes
# starting at 2 are parameters to previous index
subcats, queryparms, indexof, coll = _parameterize_path(pathcomponents[1:])
if len(pathcomponents) == 1:
dirlist = [msg.ChildCollection(x + '/') for x in sorted(list(subcats))]
return dirlist
if not coll:
return show_info(queryparms['by-mac'])
if not indexof:
return [msg.ChildCollection(x + '/') for x in sorted(list(subcats))]
if indexof not in list_info:
raise exc.NotFoundException('{0} is not found'.format(indexof))
return list_info[indexof](queryparms)
def detected_services():
for srv in known_services:
yield servicenames[srv]
def detected_models():
knownmodels = set([])
for info in known_info:
info = known_info[info]
if 'modelnumber' in info and info['modelnumber'] not in knownmodels:
yield info['modelnumber']
def _recheck_nodes(nodeattribs, configmanager):
global rechecker
# for the nodes whose attributes have changed, consider them as potential
# strangers
for node in nodeattribs:
if node in known_nodes:
for somemac in known_nodes[node]:
unknown_info[somemac] = known_nodes[node][somemac]
unknown_info[somemac]['discostatus'] = 'unidentified'
# Now we go through ones we did not find earlier
for mac in list(unknown_info):
_recheck_single_unknown(configmanager, mac)
except Exception:
# now we go through ones that were identified, but could not pass
# policy or hadn't been able to verify key
for nodename in pending_nodes:
info = pending_nodes[nodename]
handler = info['handler'].NodeHandler(info, configmanager)
eventlet.spawn_n(eval_node, configmanager, handler, info, nodename)
def _recheck_single_unknown(configmanager, mac):
global rechecker
global rechecktime
info = unknown_info.get(mac, None)
if not info:
if info['handler'] != pxeh and not info.get('addresses', None):
log.log({'info': 'Missing address information in ' + repr(info)})
handler = info['handler'].NodeHandler(info, configmanager)
if handler.https_supported and not handler.https_cert:
if handler.cert_fail_reason == 'unreachable':
'info': '{0} with hwaddr {1} is not reachable at {2}'
handler.devname, info['hwaddr'], handler.ipaddr
# addresses data is bad, clear it, to force repair next
# opportunity
info['addresses'] = []
# TODO(jjohnson2): rescan due to bad peer addr data?
# not just wait around for the next announce
'info': '{0} with hwaddr {1} at address {2} is not yet running '
'https, will examine later'.format(
handler.devname, info['hwaddr'], handler.ipaddr
if rechecker is not None and rechecktime > util.monotonic_time() + 60:
# if cancel did not result in dead, then we are in progress
if rechecker is None or rechecker.dead:
rechecktime = util.monotonic_time() + 60
rechecker = eventlet.spawn_after(60, _periodic_recheck,
nodename = get_nodename(configmanager, handler, info)
if nodename:
if handler.https_supported:
dp = configmanager.get_node_attributes([nodename],
lastfp = dp.get(nodename, {}).get('pubkeys.tls_hardwaremanager',
{}).get('value', None)
if util.cert_matches(lastfp, handler.https_cert):
info['nodename'] = nodename
known_nodes[nodename][info['hwaddr']] = info
info['discostatus'] = 'discovered'
return # already known, no need for more
eventlet.spawn_n(eval_node, configmanager, handler, info, nodename)
def safe_detected(info):
eventlet.spawn_n(eval_detected, info)
def eval_detected(info):
return detected(info)
except Exception as e:
def detected(info):
global rechecker
global rechecktime
if 'hwaddr' not in info:
return # For now, require hwaddr field to proceed
# later, manual and CMM discovery may act on SN and/or UUID
for service in info['services']:
if nodehandlers.get(service, None):
if service not in known_services:
known_services[service] = set([])
handler = nodehandlers[service]
info['handler'] = handler
else: # no nodehandler, ignore for now
snum = info['attributes']['enclosure-serial-number'][0].rstrip()
if snum:
info['serialnumber'] = snum
known_serials[info['serialnumber']] = info
except (KeyError, IndexError):
info['modelnumber'] = info['attributes']['enclosure-machinetype-model'][0]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
if info['hwaddr'] in known_info and 'addresses' in info:
# we should tee these up for parsing when an enclosure comes up
# also when switch config parameters change, should discard
# and there's also if wiring is fixed...
# of course could periodically revisit known_nodes
# replace potentially stale address info
#TODO(jjohnson2): remove this
# temporary workaround for XCC not doing SLP DA over dedicated port
# bz 93219, fix submitted, but not in builds yet
# strictly speaking, going ipv4 only legitimately is mistreated here,
# but that should be an edge case
oldaddr = known_info[info['hwaddr']].get('addresses', [])
for addr in info['addresses']:
if addr[0].startswith('fe80::'):
for addr in oldaddr:
if addr[0].startswith('fe80::'):
if known_info[info['hwaddr']].get(
'addresses', []) == info['addresses']:
# if the ip addresses match, then assume no changes
# now something resetting to defaults could, in theory
# have the same address, but need to be reset
# in that case, however, a user can clear pubkeys to force a check
known_info[info['hwaddr']] = info
cfg = cfm.ConfigManager(None)
handler = handler.NodeHandler(info, cfg)
if handler.https_supported and not handler.https_cert:
if handler.cert_fail_reason == 'unreachable':
'info': '{0} with hwaddr {1} is not reachable at {2}'
handler.devname, info['hwaddr'], handler.ipaddr
info['addresses'] = []
{'info': '{0} with hwaddr {1} at address {2} is not yet running '
'https, will examine later'.format(
handler.devname, info['hwaddr'], handler.ipaddr
if rechecker is not None and rechecktime > util.monotonic_time() + 60:
if rechecker is None or rechecker.dead:
rechecktime = util.monotonic_time() + 60
rechecker = eventlet.spawn_after(60, _periodic_recheck, cfg)
unknown_info[info['hwaddr']] = info
info['discostatus'] = 'unidentfied'
#TODO, eventlet spawn after to recheck sooner, or somehow else
# influence periodic recheck to shorten delay?
nodename = get_nodename(cfg, handler, info)
if nodename and handler.https_supported:
dp = cfg.get_node_attributes([nodename],
lastfp = dp.get(nodename, {}).get('pubkeys.tls_hardwaremanager',
{}).get('value', None)
if util.cert_matches(lastfp, handler.https_cert):
info['nodename'] = nodename
known_nodes[nodename][info['hwaddr']] = info
info['discostatus'] = 'discovered'
return # already known, no need for more
#TODO(jjohnson2): We might have to get UUID for certain searches...
#for now defer probe until inside eval_node. We might not have
#a nodename without probe in the future.
if nodename:
eval_node(cfg, handler, info, nodename)
{'info': 'Detected unknown {0} with hwaddr {1} at '
'address {2}'.format(
handler.devname, info['hwaddr'], handler.ipaddr
info['discostatus'] = 'unidentified'
unknown_info[info['hwaddr']] = info
def get_nodename(cfg, handler, info):
if not handler.https_supported:
curruuid = info['uuid']
nodename = nodes_by_uuid.get(curruuid, None)
if nodename is None:
# TODO: if there are too many matches on port for a
# given type, error! Can't just arbitarily limit,
# shared nic with vms is possible and valid
nodename = macmap.find_node_by_mac(info['hwaddr'], cfg)
return nodename
currcert = handler.https_cert
if not currcert:
info['discofailure'] = 'nohttps'
return None
currprint = util.get_fingerprint(currcert)
nodename = nodes_by_fprint.get(currprint, None)
if not nodename:
nodename = macmap.find_node_by_mac(info['hwaddr'], cfg)
return nodename
def eval_node(cfg, handler, info, nodename, manual=False):
handler.probe() # unicast interrogation as possible to get more data
# for now, we search switch only, ideally we search cmm, smm, and
# switch concurrently
# do some preconfig, for example, to bring a SMM online if applicable
except Exception as e:
unknown_info[info['hwaddr']] = info
info['discostatus'] = 'unidentified'
errorstr = 'An error occured during discovery, check the ' \
'trace and stderr logs, mac was {0} and ip was {1}' \
', the node or the containing enclosure was {2}' \
''.format(info['hwaddr'], handler.ipaddr, nodename)
if manual:
raise exc.InvalidArgumentException(errorstr)
log.log({'error': errorstr})
# first, if had a bay, it was in an enclosure. If it was discovered by
# switch, it is probably the enclosure manager and not
# the node directly. switch is ambiguous and we should leave it alone
if 'enclosure.bay' in info and handler.is_enclosure:
unknown_info[info['hwaddr']] = info
info['discostatus'] = 'unidentified'
log.log({'error': 'Something that is an enclosure reported a bay, '
'not possible'})
if manual:
raise exc.InvalidArgumentException()
nl = list(cfg.filter_node_attributes('enclosure.manager=' + nodename))
if not handler.is_enclosure and nl:
# The specified node is an enclosure (has nodes mapped to it), but
# what we are talking to is *not* an enclosure
if 'enclosure.bay' not in info:
unknown_info[info['hwaddr']] = info
info['discostatus'] = 'unidentified'
errorstr = '{2} with mac {0} is in {1}, but unable to ' \
'determine bay number'.format(info['hwaddr'],
if manual:
raise exc.InvalidArgumentException(errorstr)
log.log({'error': errorstr})
# search for nodes fitting our description using filters
# lead with the most specific to have a small second pass
nl = cfg.filter_node_attributes(
'enclosure.bay=' + info['enclosure.bay'], nl)
nl = list(nl)
if len(nl) != 1:
info['discofailure'] = 'ambigconfig'
if len(nl):
errorstr = 'The following nodes have duplicate ' \
'enclosure attributes: ' + ','.join(nl)
errorstr = 'The {0} in enclosure {1} bay {2} does not ' \
'seem to be a defined node ({3})'.format(
handler.devname, nodename,
if manual:
raise exc.InvalidArgumentException(errorstr)
log.log({'error': errorstr})
unknown_info[info['hwaddr']] = info
info['discostatus'] = 'unidentified'
nodename = nl[0]
if not discover_node(cfg, handler, info, nodename, manual):
# store it as pending, assuming blocked on enclosure
# assurance...
pending_nodes[nodename] = info
# we can and did accurately discover by switch or in enclosure
if not discover_node(cfg, handler, info, nodename, manual):
pending_nodes[nodename] = info
def discover_node(cfg, handler, info, nodename, manual):
known_nodes[nodename][info['hwaddr']] = info
if info['hwaddr'] in unknown_info:
del unknown_info[info['hwaddr']]
info['discostatus'] = 'identified'
dp = cfg.get_node_attributes(
[nodename], ('discovery.policy',
policy = dp.get(nodename, {}).get('discovery.policy', {}).get(
'value', None)
lastfp = dp.get(nodename, {}).get('pubkeys.tls_hardwaremanager',
{}).get('value', None)
# TODO(jjohnson2): permissive requires we guarantee storage of
# the pubkeys, which is deferred for a little bit
# Also, 'secure', when we have the needed infrastructure done
# in some product or another.
if (policy == 'permissive' and handler.https_supported and lastfp and
not manual):
info['discofailure'] = 'fingerprint'
log.log({'info': 'Detected replacement of {0} with existing '
'fingerprint and permissive discovery policy, not '
'doing discovery unless discovery.policy=open or '
'pubkeys.tls_hardwaremanager attribute is cleared '
return False # With a permissive policy, do not discover new
elif policy in ('open', 'permissive') or manual:
info['nodename'] = nodename
if not handler.https_supported:
# use uuid based scheme in lieu of tls cert, ideally only
# for stateless 'discovery' targets like pxe, where data does not
# change
if info['uuid'] in known_pxe_uuids:
return True
uuidinfo = cfg.get_node_attributes(nodename, 'id.uuid')
known_pxe_uuids[info['uuid']] = nodename
# TODO(jjohnson2): This is messing with the attrib database
# so it should only be possible if policy is 'open'
if manual or policy == 'open':
olduuid = uuidinfo.get(nodename, {}).get('id.uuid', None)
if 'uuid' in info and info['uuid'] != olduuid:
{nodename: {'id.uuid': info['uuid']}})
log.log({'info': 'Detected {0} ({1} with mac {2})'.format(
nodename, handler.devname, info['hwaddr'])})
return True
elif manual or not util.cert_matches(lastfp, handler.https_cert):
# only 'discover' if it is not the same as last time
except Exception as e:
info['discofailure'] = 'bug'
'Error encountered trying to set up {0}, {1}'.format(
nodename, str(e))})
return False
newnodeattribs = {}
if 'uuid' in info:
newnodeattribs['id.uuid'] = info['uuid']
if handler.https_cert:
newnodeattribs['pubkeys.tls_hardwaremanager'] = \
if newnodeattribs:
cfg.set_node_attributes({nodename: newnodeattribs})
log.log({'info': 'Discovered {0} ({1})'.format(nodename,
info['discostatus'] = 'discovered'
return True
log.log({'info': 'Detected {0}, but discovery.policy is not set to a '
'value allowing discovery (open or permissive)'.format(
info['discofailure'] = 'policy'
return False
attribwatcher = None
nodeaddhandler = None
needaddhandled = False
def _handle_nodelist_change(configmanager):
global needaddhandled
global nodeaddhandler
_recheck_nodes((), configmanager)
if needaddhandled:
needaddhandled = False
nodeaddhandler = eventlet.spawn(_handle_nodelist_change, configmanager)
nodeaddhandler = None
def newnodes(added, deleting, configmanager):
global attribwatcher
global needaddhandled
global nodeaddhandler
allnodes = configmanager.list_nodes()
attribwatcher = configmanager.watch_attributes(
allnodes, ('discovery.policy', 'net*.switch',
'hardwaremanagement.manager', 'net*.switchport', 'id.uuid',
'pubkeys.tls_hardwaremanager'), _recheck_nodes)
if nodeaddhandler:
needaddhandled = True
nodeaddhandler = eventlet.spawn(_handle_nodelist_change, configmanager)
rechecker = None
rechecktime = None
rechecklock = eventlet.semaphore.Semaphore()
def _periodic_recheck(configmanager):
global rechecker
global rechecktime
rechecker = None
# There shouldn't be anything causing this to double up, but just in case
# use a semaphore to absolutely guarantee this doesn't multiply
with rechecklock:
_recheck_nodes((), configmanager)
except Exception:
log.log({'error': 'Unexpected error during discovery, check debug '
# if rechecker is set, it means that an accelerated schedule
# for rechecker was requested in the course of recheck_nodes
if rechecker is None:
rechecktime = util.monotonic_time() + 900
rechecker = eventlet.spawn_after(900, _periodic_recheck,
def rescan():
eventlet.spawn_n(slp.active_scan, safe_detected)
def start_detection():
global attribwatcher
global rechecker
cfg = cfm.ConfigManager(None)
allnodes = cfg.list_nodes()
attribwatcher = cfg.watch_attributes(
allnodes, ('discovery.policy', 'net*.switch',
'hardwaremanagement.manager', 'net*.switchport', 'id.uuid',
'pubkeys.tls_hardwaremanager'), _recheck_nodes)
eventlet.spawn_n(slp.snoop, safe_detected)
eventlet.spawn_n(pxe.snoop, safe_detected)
if rechecker is None:
rechecktime = util.monotonic_time() + 900
rechecker = eventlet.spawn_after(900, _periodic_recheck, cfg)
# eventlet.spawn_n(ssdp.snoop, safe_detected)
nodes_by_fprint = {}
nodes_by_uuid = {}
known_pxe_uuids = {}
def _map_unique_ids(nodes=None):
global nodes_by_uuid
global nodes_by_fprint
nodes_by_uuid = {}
nodes_by_fprint = {}
# Map current known ids based on uuid and fingperprints for fast lookup
cfg = cfm.ConfigManager(None)
if nodes is None:
nodes = cfg.list_nodes()
bigmap = cfg.get_node_attributes(nodes,
uuid_by_nodes = {}
fprint_by_nodes = {}
for uuid in nodes_by_uuid:
node = nodes_by_uuid[uuid]
if node in bigmap:
uuid_by_nodes[node] = uuid
for fprint in nodes_by_fprint:
node = nodes_by_fprint[fprint]
if node in bigmap:
fprint_by_nodes[node] =fprint
for node in bigmap:
if node in uuid_by_nodes:
del nodes_by_uuid[uuid_by_nodes[node]]
if node in fprint_by_nodes:
del nodes_by_fprint[fprint_by_nodes[node]]
uuid = bigmap[node].get('id.uuid', {}).get('value', None)
if uuid:
nodes_by_uuid[uuid] = node
fprint = bigmap[node].get(
'pubkeys.tls_hardwaremanager', {}).get('value', None)
if fprint:
nodes_by_fprint[fprint] = node
for uuid in known_pxe_uuids:
if uuid not in nodes_by_uuid:
nodes_by_uuid[uuid] = known_pxe_uuids[uuid]
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import confluent.discovery.handlers.generic as generic
import confluent.exceptions as exc
import confluent.netutil as netutil
import eventlet.support.greendns
# Provide foundation for general IPMI device configuration
import pyghmi.exceptions as pygexc
ipmicommand = eventlet.import_patched('pyghmi.ipmi.command')
ipmicommand.session.select = eventlet.green.select
ipmicommand.session.threading = eventlet.green.threading
ipmicommand.session.socket.getaddrinfo = eventlet.support.greendns.getaddrinfo
getaddrinfo = eventlet.support.greendns.getaddrinfo
class NodeHandler(generic.NodeHandler):
def _get_ipmicmd(self, user=DEFAULT_USER, password=DEFAULT_PASS):
return ipmicommand.Command(self.ipaddr, user, password)
def __init__(self, info, configmanager):
super(NodeHandler, self).__init__(info, configmanager)
def probe(self):
# TODO(jjohnson2): probe serial number and uuid
def config(self, nodename, reset=False):
# TODO(jjohnson2): set ip parameters, user/pass, alert cfg maybe
# In general, try to use https automation, to make it consistent
# between hypothetical secure path and today.
ic = self._get_ipmicmd()
except pygexc.IpmiException as pi:
creds = self.configmanager.get_node_attributes(
'secret.hardwaremanagementpassword'], decrypt=True)
user = creds.get(nodename, {}).get(
'secret.hardwaremanagementuser', {}).get('value', None)
havecustomcreds = False
if user is not None and user != DEFAULT_USER:
havecustomcreds = True
passwd = creds.get(nodename, {}).get(
'secret.hardwaremanagementpassword', {}).get('value', None)
if passwd is not None and passwd != DEFAULT_PASS:
havecustomcreds = True
if havecustomcreds:
ic = self._get_ipmicmd(user, passwd)
currusers = ic.get_users()
lanchan = ic.get_network_channel()
userdata = ic.xraw_command(netfn=6, command=0x44, data=(lanchan,
userdata = bytearray(userdata['data'])
maxusers = userdata[0] & 0b111111
enabledusers = userdata[1] & 0b111111
lockedusers = userdata[2] & 0b111111
cfg = self.configmanager
cd = cfg.get_node_attributes(
nodename, ['secret.hardwaremanagementuser',
'hardwaremanagement.manager'], True)
cd = cd.get(nodename, {})
if ('secret.hardwaremanagementuser' not in cd or
'secret.hardwaremanagementpassword' not in cd):
raise exc.TargetEndpointBadCredentials(
'Missing user and/or password')
if ('hardwaremanagement.manager' in cd and
cd['hardwaremanagement.manager']['value'] and
not cd['hardwaremanagement.manager']['value'].startswith(
newip = cd['hardwaremanagement.manager']['value']
newipinfo = getaddrinfo(newip, 0)[0]
# This getaddrinfo is repeated in get_nic_config, could be
# optimized, albeit with a more convoluted api..
newip = newipinfo[-1][0]
if ':' in newip:
raise exc.NotImplementedException('IPv6 remote config TODO')
netconfig = netutil.get_nic_config(cfg, nodename, ip=newip)
plen = netconfig['prefix']
newip = '{0}/{1}'.format(newip, plen)
elif self.ipaddr.startswith('fe80::'):
{nodename: {'hardwaremanagement.manager': self.ipaddr}})
raise exc.TargetEndpointUnreachable(
'hardwaremanagement.manager must be set to desired address')
newuser = cd['secret.hardwaremanagementuser']['value']
newpass = cd['secret.hardwaremanagementpassword']['value']
for uid in currusers:
if currusers[uid]['name'] == newuser:
# Use existing account that has been created
newuserslot = uid
newuserslot = lockedusers + 1
if newuserslot < 2:
newuserslot = 2
ic.set_user_name(newuserslot, newuser)
ic.set_user_access(newuserslot, lanchan,
if newpass != passwd: # don't mess with existing if no change
ic.set_user_password(newuserslot, password=newpass)
# Now to zap others
for uid in currusers:
if uid != newuserslot:
if uid <= lockedusers: # we cannot delete, settle for disable
ic.disable_user(uid, 'disable')
# lead with the most critical thing, removing user access
ic.set_user_access(uid, channel=None, callback=False,
link_auth=False, ipmi_msg=False,
# next, try to disable the password
ic.set_user_password(uid, mode='disable', password=None)
# ok, now we can be less paranoid
except pygexc.IpmiException as ie:
if ie.ipmicode != 0xd5: # some response to the 0xff
# name...
# the user will remain, but that is life
if reset:

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import errno
import eventlet
webclient = eventlet.import_patched('pyghmi.util.webclient')
class NodeHandler(object):
https_supported = True
is_enclosure = False
def __init__(self, info, configmanager):
self._certfailreason = None
self._fp = None
self.info = info
self.configmanager = configmanager
targsa = None
# first let us prefer LLA if possible, since that's most stable
for sa in info['addresses']:
if sa[0].startswith('fe80'):
targsa = sa
targsa = info['addresses'][0]
self.ipaddr = targsa[0]
def probe(self):
# Use appropriate direct strategy to gather data such as
# serial number and uuid to flesh out data as needed
def preconfig(self):
def discoverable_by_switch(self):
return True
def _savecert(self, certificate):
self._fp = certificate
return True
def cert_fail_reason(self):
if self._certfailreason == 1:
return 'refused'
elif self._certfailreason == 2:
return 'unreachable'
def https_cert(self):
if self._fp:
return self._fp
if ':' in self.ipaddr:
ip = '[{0}]'.format(self.ipaddr)
ip = self.ipaddr
wc = webclient.SecureHTTPConnection(ip, verifycallback=self._savecert)
except IOError as ie:
if ie.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED:
self._certfailreason = 1
return None
elif ie.errno == errno.EHOSTUNREACH:
self._certfailreason = 2
return None
self._certfailreason = 2
return None
except Exception:
self._certfailreason = 2
return None
return self._fp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import confluent.discovery.handlers.bmc as bmchandler
import pyghmi.exceptions as pygexc
import pyghmi.ipmi.private.util as pygutil
class NodeHandler(bmchandler.NodeHandler):
devname = 'IMM'
def probe(self):
ipmicmd = self._get_ipmicmd()
guiddata = ipmicmd.xraw_command(netfn=6, command=8)
self.info['uuid'] = pygutil.decode_wireformat_uuid(
bayid = ipmicmd._oem.immhandler.get_property(
if not bayid:
self.info['enclosure.bay'] = bayid
# enclosure.bay only happens for Flex, nextscale doesn't do it
# this way
except pygexc.IpmiException as ie:
# TODO(jjohnson2): web based init config for future prevalidated cert scheme
# def config(self, nodename):
# return

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This contains functionality for passive detection and, one day, active
# response to pxe
import confluent.discovery.handlers.generic as generic
class NodeHandler(generic.NodeHandler):
https_supported = False
is_enclosure = False
devname = 'PXE'
def __init__(self, info, configmanager):
self.ipaddr = ''
self.cfm = configmanager
def cert_fail_reason(self):
return 'unsupported'
def https_cert(self):
return None
def config(self, nodename):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import confluent.discovery.handlers.bmc as bmchandler
class NodeHandler(bmchandler.NodeHandler):
is_enclosure = True
devname = 'SMM'
def config(self, nodename):
# SMM for now has to reset to assure configuration applies
super(NodeHandler, self).config(nodename)
# notes for smm:
# POST to:
# oripwd=PASSW0RD&newpwd=Passw0rd!4321
# got response:
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root><statusCode>0-ChangePwd</statusCode><fowardUrl>login.html</fowardUrl><status>ok</status></root>
# requires relogin
# post to:
# with body user=USERID&password=Passw0rd!4321
# yields:
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root> <status>ok</status> <authResult>0</authResult> <forwardUrl>index.html</forwardUrl> </root>
# note forwardUrl, if password change needed, will indicate something else

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import confluent.discovery.handlers.bmc as bmchandler
import pyghmi.exceptions as pygexc
import pyghmi.ipmi.private.util as pygutil
class NodeHandler(bmchandler.NodeHandler):
devname = 'XCC'
def probe(self):
ipmicmd = self._get_ipmicmd()
guiddata = ipmicmd.xraw_command(netfn=6, command=8)
self.info['uuid'] = pygutil.decode_wireformat_uuid(
bayid = ipmicmd._oem.immhandler.get_property(
if not bayid:
self.info['enclosure.bay'] = bayid
smmid = ipmicmd._oem.immhandler.get_property(
if not smmid:
smmid = smmid.lower().replace(' ', '')
smmid = '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}'.format(smmid[:8], smmid[8:12],
smmid[12:16], smmid[16:20],
self.info['enclosure.uuid'] = smmid
self.info['enclosure.type'] = 'smm'
except pygexc.IpmiException as ie:
def preconfig(self):
# attempt to enable SMM
#it's normal to get a 'not supported' (193) for systems without an SMM
ipmicmd = None
ipmicmd = self._get_ipmicmd()
ipmicmd.xraw_command(netfn=0x3a, command=0xf1, data=(1,))
except pygexc.IpmiException as e:
if e.ipmicode != 193:
# raise an issue if anything other than to be expected
#TODO: decide how to clean out if important
#as it stands, this can step on itself
#if ipmicmd:
# ipmicmd.ipmi_session.logout()
# TODO(jjohnson2): web based init config for future prevalidated cert scheme
# def config(self, nodename):
# return

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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# We can listen to port 69 with SO_REUSEADDR to snoop port 69 *even* if dhcp
# is running (because the other dhcp servers do it already)
# Goal is to detect and act on a DHCPDISCOVER, without actually having to do
# any offer
# option 97 = UUID (wireformat)
import eventlet.green.socket as socket
import struct
pxearchs = {
'\x00\x00': 'bios-x86',
'\x00\x07': 'uefi-x64',
'\x00\x09': 'uefi-x64',
'\x00\x0b': 'uefi-aarch64',
def decode_uuid(rawguid):
lebytes = struct.unpack_from('<IHH', buffer(rawguid[:8]))
bebytes = struct.unpack_from('>HHI', buffer(rawguid[8:]))
return '{0:08X}-{1:04X}-{2:04X}-{3:04X}-{4:04X}{5:08X}'.format(
lebytes[0], lebytes[1], lebytes[2], bebytes[0], bebytes[1], bebytes[2])
def find_info_in_options(rq, optidx):
uuid = None
arch = None
while uuid is None or arch is None:
if rq[optidx] == 53: # DHCP message type
# we want only length 1 and only discover (type 1)
if rq[optidx + 1] != 1 or rq[optidx + 2] != 1:
return uuid, arch
optidx += 3
elif rq[optidx] == 97:
if rq[optidx + 1] != 17:
# 16 bytes of uuid and one reserved byte
return uuid, arch
if rq[optidx + 2] != 0: # the reserved byte should be zero,
# anything else would be a new spec that we don't know yet
return uuid, arch
uuid = decode_uuid(rq[optidx + 3:optidx + 19])
optidx += 19
elif rq[optidx] == 93:
if rq[optidx + 1] != 2:
return uuid, arch
archraw = bytes(rq[optidx + 2:optidx + 4])
if archraw in pxearchs:
arch = pxearchs[archraw]
optidx += 4
optidx += rq[optidx + 1] + 2
except IndexError:
return uuid, arch
return uuid, arch
def snoop(handler):
#TODO(jjohnson2): ipv6 socket and multicast for DHCPv6, should that be
#TODO(jjohnson2): IP_PKTINFO, recvmsg to get the destination ip, per
#proxydhcp.c from xCAT
net4 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
net4.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
net4.bind(('', 67))
while True:
# Just need some delay, picked a prime number so that overlap with other
# timers might be reduced, though it really is probably nothing
(rq, peer) = net4.recvfrom(9000)
# if we have a small packet, just skip, it can't possible hold enough
# data and avoids some downstream IndexErrors that would be messy
# with try/except
if len(rq) < 64:
rq = bytearray(rq)
if rq[0] == 1: # Boot request
addrlen = rq[2]
if addrlen > 16: # max address size in bootp is 16 bytes
netaddr = rq[28:28+addrlen]
netaddr = ':'.join(['{0:02x}'.format(x) for x in netaddr])
optidx = 0
optidx = rq.index('\x63\x82\x53\x63') + 4
except ValueError:
uuid, arch = find_info_in_options(rq, optidx)
if uuid is None:
# We will fill out service to have something to byte into,
# but the nature of the beast is that we do not have peers,
# so that will not be present for a pxe snoop
handler({'hwaddr': netaddr, 'uuid': uuid, 'architecture': arch,
'services': ('pxe-client',)})
if __name__ == '__main__':
def testsnoop(info):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import confluent.neighutil as neighutil
import confluent.util as util
import os
import random
import eventlet.green.select as select
import eventlet.green.socket as socket
import struct
import subprocess
_slp_services = set([
# SLP has a lot of ambition that was unfulfilled in practice.
# So we have a static footer here to always use 'DEFAULT' scope, no LDAP
# predicates, and no authentication for service requests
srvreqfooter = b'\x00\x07DEFAULT\x00\x00\x00\x00'
# An empty instance of the attribute list extension
# which is defined in RFC 3059, used to indicate support for that capability
attrlistext = b'\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
def _parse_slp_header(packet):
packet = bytearray(packet)
if len(packet) < 16 or packet[0] != 2:
# discard packets that are obviously useless
return None
parsed = {
'function': packet[1],
(offset, parsed['xid'], langlen) = struct.unpack('!IHH',
bytes(b'\x00' + packet[7:14]))
parsed['lang'] = packet[14:14 + langlen].decode('utf-8')
parsed['payload'] = packet[14 + langlen:]
if offset:
parsed['offset'] = 14 + langlen
parsed['extoffset'] = offset
return parsed
def _pop_url(payload):
urllen = struct.unpack('!H', bytes(payload[3:5]))[0]
url = bytes(payload[5:5+urllen]).decode('utf-8')
if payload[5+urllen] != 0:
raise Exception('Auth blocks unsupported')
payload = payload[5+urllen+1:]
return url, payload
def _parse_SrvRply(parsed):
""" Modify passed dictionary to have parsed data
:param parsed:
payload = parsed['payload']
ecode, ucount = struct.unpack('!HH', bytes(payload[0:4]))
if ecode:
parsed['errorcode'] = ecode
payload = payload[4:]
parsed['urls'] = []
while ucount:
ucount -= 1
url, payload = _pop_url(payload)
def _parse_slp_packet(packet, peer, rsps, xidmap):
parsed = _parse_slp_header(packet)
if not parsed:
addr = peer[0]
if '%' in addr:
addr = addr[:addr.index('%')]
mac = None
if addr in neighutil.neightable:
identifier = neighutil.neightable[addr]
mac = identifier
identifier = addr
if (identifier, parsed['xid']) in rsps:
# avoid obviously duplicate entries
parsed = rsps[(identifier, parsed['xid'])]
rsps[(identifier, parsed['xid'])] = parsed
if mac and 'hwaddr' not in parsed:
parsed['hwaddr'] = mac
if parsed['xid'] in xidmap:
parsed['services'] = [xidmap[parsed['xid']]]
if 'addresses' in parsed:
if peer not in parsed['addresses']:
parsed['addresses'] = [peer]
if parsed['function'] == 2: # A service reply
def _v6mcasthash(srvtype):
# The hash algorithm described by RFC 3111
nums = bytearray(srvtype.encode('utf-8'))
hashval = 0
for i in nums:
hashval *= 33
hashval += i
hashval &= 0xffff # only need to track the lowest 16 bits
hashval &= 0x3ff
hashval |= 0x1000
return '{0:x}'.format(hashval)
def _generate_slp_header(payload, multicast, functionid, xid, extoffset=0):
if multicast:
flags = 0x2000
flags = 0
packetlen = len(payload) + 16 # we have a fixed 16 byte header supported
if extoffset: # if we have an offset, add 16 to account for this function
# generating a 16 byte header
extoffset += 16
if packetlen > 1400:
# For now, we aren't intending to support large SLP transmits
# raise an exception to help identify if such a requirement emerges
raise Exception("TODO: Transmit overflow packets")
# We always do SLP v2, and only v2
header = bytearray([2, functionid])
# SLP uses 24 bit packed integers, so in such places we pack 32 then
# discard the high byte
header.extend(struct.pack('!IH', packetlen, flags)[1:])
# '2' below refers to the length of the language tag
header.extend(struct.pack('!IHH', extoffset, xid, 2)[1:])
# we only do english (in SLP world, it's not like non-english appears...)
return header
def _generate_attr_request(service, xid):
service = service.encode('utf-8')
payload = bytearray(struct.pack('!HH', 0, len(service)) + service)
header = _generate_slp_header(payload, False, functionid=6, xid=xid)
return header + payload
def _generate_request_payload(srvtype, multicast, xid, prlist=''):
prlist = prlist.encode('utf-8')
payload = bytearray(struct.pack('!H', len(prlist)) + prlist)
srvtype = srvtype.encode('utf-8')
payload.extend(struct.pack('!H', len(srvtype)) + srvtype)
extoffset = len(payload)
header = _generate_slp_header(payload, multicast, functionid=1, xid=xid,
return header + payload
def _find_srvtype(net, net4, srvtype, addresses, xid):
"""Internal function to find a single service type
Helper to do singleton requests to srvtype
:param net: Socket active
:param srvtype: Service type to do now
:param addresses: Pass through of addresses argument from find_targets
if addresses is None:
data = _generate_request_payload(srvtype, True, xid)
net4.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
v6addrs = []
v6hash = _v6mcasthash(srvtype)
# do 'interface local' and 'link local'
# it shouldn't make sense, but some configurations work with interface
# local that do not work with link local
v6addrs.append(('ff01::1:' + v6hash, 427, 0, 0))
v6addrs.append(('ff02::1:' + v6hash, 427, 0, 0))
for idx in util.list_interface_indexes():
# IPv6 multicast is by index, so lead with that
net.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, idx)
for sa in v6addrs:
net.sendto(data, sa)
except socket.error:
# if we hit an interface without ipv6 multicast,
# this can cause an error, skip such an interface
# case in point, 'lo'
for i4 in util.list_ips():
if 'broadcast' not in i4:
addr = i4['addr']
bcast = i4['broadcast']
net4.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF,
net4.sendto(data, ('', 427))
net4.sendto(data, (bcast, 427))
def _grab_rsps(socks, rsps, interval, xidmap):
r, _, _ = select.select(socks, (), (), interval)
while r:
for s in r:
(rsp, peer) = s.recvfrom(9000)
_parse_slp_packet(rsp, peer, rsps, xidmap)
r, _, _ = select.select(socks, (), (), interval)
def _parse_attrlist(attrstr):
attribs = {}
while attrstr:
if attrstr[0] == '(':
if ')' not in attrstr:
attribs['INCOMPLETE'] = True
return attribs
currattr = attrstr[1:attrstr.index(')')]
if '=' not in currattr: # Not allegedly kosher, but still..
currattr = currattr.decode('utf-8')
attribs[currattr] = None
attrname, attrval = currattr.split('=')
attrname = attrname.decode('utf-8')
attribs[attrname] = []
for val in attrval.split(','):
val = val.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
if val[:3] == '\\FF': # we should make this bytes
finalval = bytearray([])
for bnum in attrval[3:].split('\\'):
if bnum == '':
finalval.append(int(bnum, 16))
val = finalval
if 'uuid' in attrname and len(val) == 16:
lebytes = struct.unpack_from(
'<IHH', buffer(val[:8]))
bebytes = struct.unpack_from(
'>HHI', buffer(val[8:]))
val = '{0:08X}-{1:04X}-{2:04X}-{3:04X}-' \
lebytes[0], lebytes[1], lebytes[2], bebytes[0],
bebytes[1], bebytes[2]
attrstr = attrstr[attrstr.index(')'):]
elif attrstr[0] == ',':
attrstr = attrstr[1:]
elif ',' in attrstr:
currattr = attrstr[:attrstr.index(',')]
attribs[currattr] = None
attrstr = attrstr[attrstr.index(','):]
currattr = attrstr
attribs[currattr] = None
attrstr = None
return attribs
def _parse_attrs(data, parsed):
headinfo = _parse_slp_header(data)
if headinfo['function'] != 7 or headinfo['xid'] != parsed['xid']:
payload = headinfo['payload']
if struct.unpack('!H', bytes(payload[:2]))[0] != 0:
length = struct.unpack('!H', bytes(payload[2:4]))[0]
attrstr = bytes(payload[4:4+length])
parsed['attributes'] = _parse_attrlist(attrstr)
def _add_attributes(parsed):
attrq = _generate_attr_request(parsed['services'][0], parsed['xid'])
target = None
# prefer reaching out to an fe80 if present, to be highly robust
# in face of network changes
for addr in parsed['addresses']:
if addr[0].startswith('fe80'):
target = addr
# however if no fe80 seen, roll with the first available address
if not target:
target = parsed['addresses'][0]
if len(target) == 4:
net = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
net = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except socket.error:
rsp = net.recv(8192)
_parse_attrs(rsp, parsed)
def query_srvtypes(target):
"""Query the srvtypes advertised by the target
:param target: A sockaddr tuple (if you get the peer info)
payload = b'\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\x07DEFAULT'
header = _generate_slp_header(payload, False, functionid=9, xid=1)
packet = header + payload
if len(target) == 2:
net = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
elif len(target) == 4:
net = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
raise Exception('Unrecognized target {0}'.format(repr(target)))
tries = 3
connected = False
while tries and not connected:
tries -= 1
connected = True
except socket.error:
if not connected:
return [u'']
rs = net.recv(8192)
parsed = _parse_slp_header(rs)
if parsed:
payload = parsed['payload']
if payload[:2] != '\x00\x00':
stypelen = struct.unpack('!H', bytes(payload[2:4]))[0]
stypes = payload[4:4+stypelen].decode('utf-8')
return stypes.split(',')
def rescan(handler):
known_peers = set([])
for scanned in scan():
for addr in scanned['addresses']:
ip = addr[0].partition('%')[0] # discard scope if present
if ip not in neighutil.neightable:
if addr in known_peers:
def snoop(handler):
"""Watch for SLP activity
handler will be called with a dictionary of relevant attributes
:param handler:
net = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
net.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1)
slpg = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, 'ff01::123')
slpg2 = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, 'ff02::123')
for i6idx in util.list_interface_indexes():
mreq = slpg + struct.pack('=I', i6idx)
net.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, mreq)
mreq = slpg2 + struct.pack('=I', i6idx)
net.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, mreq)
net4 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
net.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
net4.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
for i4 in util.list_ips():
if 'broadcast' not in i4:
slpmcast = socket.inet_aton('') + \
net4.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
except socket.error as e:
if e.errno != 98:
# socket in use can occur when aliased ipv4 are encountered
net.bind(('', 427))
net4.bind(('', 427))
while True:
newmacs = set([])
r, _, _ = select.select((net, net4), (), (), 60)
# clear known_peers and peerbymacaddress
# to avoid stale info getting in...
# rely upon the select(0.2) to catch rapid fire and aggregate ip
# addresses that come close together
# calling code needs to understand deeper context, as snoop
# will now yield dupe info over time
known_peers = set([])
peerbymacaddress = {}
while r:
for s in r:
(rsp, peer) = s.recvfrom(9000)
ip = peer[0].partition('%')[0]
if ip not in neighutil.neightable:
if peer in known_peers:
mac = neighutil.neightable[ip]
if mac in peerbymacaddress:
q = query_srvtypes(peer)
if not q or not q[0]:
# SLP might have started and not ready yet
# ignore for now
peerbymacaddress[mac] = {
'services': q,
'addresses': [peer],
r, _, _ = select.select((net, net4), (), (), 0.2)
for mac in newmacs:
peerbymacaddress[mac]['xid'] = 1
peerbymacaddress[mac]['hwaddr'] = mac
def active_scan(handler):
known_peers = set([])
for scanned in scan():
for addr in scanned['addresses']:
ip = addr[0].partition('%')[0] # discard scope if present
if ip not in neighutil.neightable:
if addr in known_peers:
def scan(srvtypes=_slp_services, addresses=None):
"""Find targets providing matching requested srvtypes
This is a generator that will iterate over respondants to the SrvType
:param srvtypes: An iterable list of the service types to find
:param addresses: An iterable of addresses/ranges. Default is to scan
local network segment using multicast and broadcast.
Each address can be a single address, hyphen-delimited
range, or an IP/CIDR indication of a network.
:return: Iterable set of results
net = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
net4 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# TODO: increase RCVBUF to max, mitigate chance of
# failure due to full buffer.
# SLP is very poor at scanning large counts and managing it, so we
# must make the best of it
# Some platforms/config default to IPV6ONLY, we are doing IPv4
# too, so force it
net.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 0)
# we are going to do broadcast, so allow that...
initxid = random.randint(0, 32768)
xididx = 0
xidmap = {}
# First we give fast repsonders of each srvtype individual chances to be
# processed, mitigating volume of response traffic
rsps = {}
for srvtype in srvtypes:
xididx += 1
_find_srvtype(net, net4, srvtype, addresses, initxid + xididx)
xidmap[initxid + xididx] = srvtype
_grab_rsps((net, net4), rsps, 0.1, xidmap)
# now do a more slow check to work to get stragglers,
# but fortunately the above should have taken the brunt of volume, so
# reduced chance of many responses overwhelming receive buffer.
_grab_rsps((net, net4), rsps, 1, xidmap)
# now to analyze and flesh out the responses
for id in rsps:
del rsps[id]['payload']
del rsps[id]['function']
del rsps[id]['xid']
yield rsps[id]
if __name__ == '__main__':
def testsnoop(a):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Documented somewhat at
# http://buildingskb.schneider-electric.com/view.php?AID=15197
# Here is the payload of an SSDP 'announce', sent to the multicast v4/v6 1900
# CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=1800
# AL:
# SERVER: Linux/3.14.28-ltsi Redfish/1.0
# NT: urn:dmtf-org:service:redfish-rest:1
# USN: uuid:00000000-0000-0000-0005-000000000001::urn:dmtf-org:service:redfish-rest:1
# NTS: ssdp:alive
import confluent.neighutil as neighutil
import confluent.util as util
import eventlet.green.select as select
import eventlet.green.socket as socket
import struct
mcastv4addr = ''
mcastv6addr = 'ff02::c'
ssdp6mcast = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, mcastv6addr)
smsg = ('M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'HOST: {0}:1900\r\n'
'MAN: "ssdp:discover"\r\n'
'ST: {1}\r\n'
'MX: 3\r\n\r\n')
def scan(services, target=None):
for service in services:
for rply in _find_service(service, target):
yield rply
def snoop(handler, byehandler=None):
"""Watch for SSDP notify messages
The handler shall be called on any service coming online.
byehandler is called whenever a system advertises that it is departing.
If no byehandler is specified, byebye messages are ignored. The handler is
given (as possible), the mac address, a list of viable sockaddrs to reference
the peer, and the notification type (e.g.
:param handler: A handler for online notifications from network
:param byehandler: Optional handler for devices going off the network
# Normally, I like using v6/v4 agnostic socket. However, since we are
# dabbling in multicast wizardry here, such sockets can cause big problems,
# so we will have two distinct sockets
known_peers = set([])
net6 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
net6.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1)
for ifidx in util.list_interface_indexes():
v6grp = ssdp6mcast + struct.pack('=I', ifidx)
net6.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, v6grp)
net6.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
net4 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
for i4 in util.list_ips():
ssdp4mcast = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, mcastv4addr) + \
net4.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
net4.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
net4.bind(('', 1900))
net6.bind(('', 1900))
peerbymacaddress = {}
while True:
newmacs = set([])
machandlers = {}
r, _, _ = select.select((net4, net6), (), (), 60)
while r:
for s in r:
(rsp, peer) = s.recvfrom(9000)
rsp = rsp.split('\r\n')
method, _, _ = rsp[0].split(' ', 2)
if method == 'NOTIFY':
ip = peer[0].partition('%')[0]
if ip not in neighutil.neightable:
if peer in known_peers:
mac = neighutil.neightable[ip]
if mac in peerbymacaddress:
peerbymacaddress[mac] = {
'hwaddr': mac,
'peers': [peer],
peerdata = peerbymacaddress[mac]
for headline in rsp[1:]:
if not headline:
header, _, value = headline.partition(':')
header = header.strip()
value = value.strip()
if header == 'NT':
peerdata['service'] = value
elif header == 'NTS':
if value == 'ssdp:byebye':
machandlers[mac] = byehandler
elif value == 'ssdp:alive':
machandlers[mac] = handler
r, _, _ = select.select((net4, net6), (), (), 0.1)
for mac in newmacs:
thehandler = machandlers.get(mac, None)
if thehandler:
def _find_service(service, target):
net4 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
net6 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
net6.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1)
if target:
addrs = socket.getaddrinfo(target, 1900, 0, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
for addr in addrs:
host = addr[4][0]
if addr[0] == socket.AF_INET:
net4.sendto(smsg.format(host, service), addr[4])
elif addr[0] == socket.AF_INET6:
host = '[{0}]'.format(host)
net6.sendto(smsg.format(host, service), addr[4])
net4.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
for idx in util.list_interface_indexes():
net6.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF,
net6.sendto(smsg.format('[{0}]'.format(mcastv6addr), service
), (mcastv6addr, 1900, 0, 0))
except socket.error:
# ignore interfaces without ipv6 multicast causing error
for i4 in util.list_ips():
if 'broadcast' not in i4:
addr = i4['addr']
bcast = i4['broadcast']
net4.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF,
net4.sendto(smsg.format(mcastv4addr, service),
(mcastv4addr, 1900))
net4.sendto(smsg.format(bcast, service), (bcast, 1900))
# SSDP by spec encourages responses to spread out over a 3 second interval
# hence we must be a bit more patient
r, _, _ = select.select((net4, net6), (), (), 4)
peerdata = {}
while r:
for s in r:
(rsp, peer) = s.recvfrom(9000)
_parse_ssdp(peer, rsp, peerdata)
r, _, _ = select.select((net4, net6), (), (), 4)
for nid in peerdata:
yield peerdata[nid]
def _parse_ssdp(peer, rsp, peerdata):
ip = peer[0].partition('%')[0]
nid = ip
mac = None
if ip in neighutil.neightable:
nid = neighutil.neightable[ip]
mac = nid
headlines = rsp.split('\r\n')
_, code, _ = headlines[0].split(' ', 2)
except ValueError:
myurl = None
if code == '200':
if nid in peerdata:
peerdatum = peerdata[nid]
peerdatum = {
'peers': [peer],
'hwaddr': mac,
peerdata[nid] = peerdatum
for headline in headlines[1:]:
if not headline:
header, _, value = headline.partition(':')
header = header.strip()
value = value.strip()
if header == 'AL' or header == 'LOCATION':
myurl = value
if 'urls' not in peerdatum:
peerdatum['urls'] = [value]
elif value not in peerdatum['urls']:
elif header == 'ST':
if 'services' not in peerdatum:
peerdatum['services'] = [value]
elif value not in peerdatum['services']:
if __name__ == '__main__':
for rsp in scan(['urn:dmtf-org:service:redfish-rest:1']):
def fun(a):
def byefun(a):
print('bye' + repr(a))
snoop(fun, byefun)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2016 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# A consolidated manage of neighbor table information management.
# Ultimately, this should use AF_NETLINK, but in the interest of time,
# use ip neigh for the moment
import eventlet.green.subprocess as subprocess
import os
neightable = {}
neightime = 0
import re
_validmac = re.compile('..:..:..:..:..:..')
def update_neigh():
global neightable
global neightime
neightable = {}
if os.name == 'nt':
ipn = subprocess.Popen(['ip', 'neigh'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
(neighdata, err) = ipn.communicate()
for entry in neighdata.split('\n'):
entry = entry.split(' ')
if len(entry) < 5 or not entry[4]:
if entry[0] in ('', '', ''):
# Note that these addresses are common static ip addresses
# that are hopelessly ambiguous if there are many
# so ignore such entries and move on
# ideally the system network steers clear of this landmine of
# a subnet, but just in case
if not _validmac.match(entry[4]):
neightable[entry[0]] = entry[4]
neightime = os.times()[4]
def refresh_neigh():
global neightime
if os.name == 'nt':
if os.times()[4] > (neightime + 30):

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@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# this will implement noderange grammar
import codecs
import struct
import eventlet.green.socket as socket
import eventlet.support.greendns
getaddrinfo = eventlet.support.greendns.getaddrinfo
def ip_on_same_subnet(first, second, prefix):
addrinf = socket.getaddrinfo(first, None, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)[0]
fam = addrinf[0]
ip = socket.inet_pton(fam, addrinf[-1][0])
ip = int(codecs.encode(bytes(ip), 'hex'), 16)
addrinf = socket.getaddrinfo(second, None, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)[0]
if fam != addrinf[0]:
return False
oip = socket.inet_pton(fam, addrinf[-1][0])
oip = int(codecs.encode(bytes(oip), 'hex'), 16)
if fam == socket.AF_INET:
addrlen = 32
elif fam == socket.AF_INET6:
addrlen = 128
raise Exception("Unknown address family {0}".format(fam))
mask = 2 ** prefix - 1 << (addrlen - prefix)
return ip & mask == oip & mask
# TODO(jjohnson2): have a method to arbitrate setting methods, to aid
# in correct matching of net.* based on parameters, mainly for pxe
# The scheme for pxe:
# For one: the candidate net.* should have pxe set to true, to help
# disambiguate from interfaces meant for bmc access
# bmc relies upon hardwaremanagement.manager, plus we don't collect
# that mac address
# the ip as reported by recvmsg to match the subnet of that net.* interface
# if switch and port available, that should match.
def get_nic_config(configmanager, node, ip=None, mac=None):
"""Fetch network configuration parameters for a nic
For a given node and interface, find and retrieve the pertinent network
configuration data. The desired configuration can be searched
either by ip or by mac.
:param configmanager: The relevant confluent.config.ConfigManager
:param node: The name of the node
:param ip: An IP address on the intended subnet
:param mac: The mac address of the interface
:returns: A dict of parameters, 'ipv4_gateway', ....
# ip parameter *could* be the result of recvmsg with cmsg to tell
# pxe *our* ip address, or it could be the desired ip address
#TODO(jjohnson2): ip address, prefix length, mac address,
# join a bond/bridge, vlan configs, etc.
# also other nic criteria, physical location, driver and index...
nodenetattribs = configmanager.get_node_attributes(
node, 'net*.ipv4_gateway').get(node, {})
cfgdata = {
'ipv4_gateway': None,
'prefix': None,
if ip is not None:
prefixlen = get_prefix_len_for_ip(ip)
cfgdata['prefix'] = prefixlen
for setting in nodenetattribs:
gw = nodenetattribs[setting].get('value', None)
if gw is None:
if ip_on_same_subnet(ip, gw, prefixlen):
cfgdata['ipv4_gateway'] = gw
return cfgdata
def get_prefix_len_for_ip(ip):
# for now, we'll use the system route table
# later may provide for configuration lookup to override the route
# table
ip = getaddrinfo(ip, 0, socket.AF_INET)[0][-1][0]
ipn = socket.inet_aton(ip)
except socket.error: # For now, assume 64 for ipv6
return 64
# It comes out big endian, regardless of host arch
ipn = struct.unpack('>I', ipn)[0]
rf = open('/proc/net/route')
ri = rf.read()
ri = ri.split('\n')[1:]
for rl in ri:
if not rl:
rd = rl.split('\t')
if rd[1] == '00000000': # default gateway, not useful for this
# don't have big endian to look at, assume that it is host endian
maskn = struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('>I', int(rd[7], 16)))[0]
netn = struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('>I', int(rd[1], 16)))[0]
if ipn & maskn == netn:
nbits = 0
while maskn:
nbits += 1
maskn = maskn << 1 & 0xffffffff
return nbits
raise exc.NotImplementedException("Non local addresses not supported")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2016 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This provides the implementation of locating MAC addresses on ethernet
# switches. It is, essentially, a port of 'MacMap.pm' to confluent.
# However, there are enhancements.
# For one, each switch interrogation is handled in an eventlet 'thread'
# For another, MAC addresses are checked in the dictionary on every
# switch return, rather than waiting for all switches to check in
# (which makes it more responsive when there is a missing or bad switch)
# Also, we track the quantity, actual ifName value, and provide a mechanism
# to detect ambiguous result (e.g. if two matches are found, can log an error
# rather than doing the wrong one, complete with the detected ifName value).
# Further, the map shall be available to all facets of the codebase, not just
# the discovery process, so that the cached data maintenance will pay off
# for direct queries
# Provides support for viewing and processing lldp data for switches
import confluent.exceptions as exc
import confluent.log as log
import confluent.snmputil as snmp
from eventlet.greenpool import GreenPool
import re
# The interesting OIDs are:
# 1.0.8802. - Lookup of LLDP index id to description
# Yet another fun fact, the LLDP port index frequent
# does *not* map to ifName, like a sane
# implementation would do. Assume ifName equality
# but provide a way for indicated
# ids to provide custom functions
# (1.0.8802. - theoretically this process is only very useful
# if this is '5' meaning 'same as ifName per
# 802.1AB-2005, however at *least* 7 has
# been observed to produce same results
# For now we'll optimistically assume
# equality to ifName
# 1.0.8802. - The information about the remote systems attached
# indexed by time index, local port, and an
# incrementing value
# 1.0.8802. - chassis id - in theory might have been useful, in
# practice limited as the potential to correlate
# to other contexts is limited. As a result,
# our strategy will be to ignore this and focus
# instead on bridge-mib/qbridge-mib indicate data
# a potential exception would be pulling in things
# that are fundamentally network equipment,
# where significant ambiguity may exist.
# While in a 'host' scenario, there is ambiguity
# it is more controlled (virtual machines are given
# special treatment, and strategies exist for
# disambiguating shared management/data port, and
# other functions do not interact with our discovery
# framework
# # 1.0.8802. - SysName - could be handy hint in some scenarios
# # 1.0.8802. - SysDesc - good stuff
def lenovoname(idx, desc):
if desc.isdigit():
return 'Ethernet' + str(idx)
return desc
nameoverrides = [
(re.compile('20301\..*'), lenovoname),
def _lldpdesc_to_ifname(switchid, idx, desc):
for tform in nameoverrides:
if tform[0].match(switchid):
desc = tform[1](idx, desc)
return desc
def _extract_neighbor_data_b(args):
"""Build LLDP data about elements connected to switch
args are carried as a tuple, because of eventlet convenience
switch, password, user = args
conn = snmp.Session(switch, password, user)
sid = None
lldpdata = {}
for sysid in conn.walk(''):
sid = str(sysid[1][6:])
idxtoifname = {}
for oidindex in conn.walk('1.0.8802.'):
idx = oidindex[0][-1]
idxtoifname[idx] = _lldpdesc_to_ifname(sid, idx, str(oidindex[1]))
for remotedesc in conn.walk('1.0.8802.'):
iname = idxtoifname[remotedesc[0][-2]]
lldpdata[iname] = {'description': str(remotedesc[1])}
for remotename in conn.walk('1.0.8802.'):
iname = idxtoifname[remotename[0][-2]]
if iname not in lldpdata:
lldpdata[iname] = {}
lldpdata[iname]['name'] = str(remotename[1])
for remoteid in conn.walk('1.0.8802.'):
iname = idxtoifname[remoteid[0][-2]]
if iname not in lldpdata:
lldpdata[iname] = {}
lldpdata[iname]['chassisid'] = str(remoteid[1])
def _extract_neighbor_data(args):
except Exception:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# a quick one-shot test, args are switch and snmpv1 string for now
# (should do three argument form for snmpv3 test
import sys
_extract_neighbor_data((sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2017 Lenovo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Note that this script has a high chance of breaking confluent, so
# do not be surprised if confluent crashes as you exit...
import select
import socket
import readline
import sys
import threading
readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
pendingoutput = None
class GetInput(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
global pendingoutput
while True:
pendingoutput = raw_input('')
except EOFError:
pendingoutput = False
inputthread = GetInput()
while True:
r, _, _ = select.select((conn,), (), (), 0.1)
if conn in r:
if pendingoutput is not None:
if pendingoutput is False:
conn.sendall(pendingoutput + '\n')
pendingoutput = None