diff --git a/confluent_client/doc/man/collate.ronn b/confluent_client/doc/man/collate.ronn index ee0e24a1..f50e3330 100644 --- a/confluent_client/doc/man/collate.ronn +++ b/confluent_client/doc/man/collate.ronn @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ collate(1) -- Organize text input by node ## SYNOPSIS -` | collate [-a] [-d] [-w] [-s] [-c] [-r] [-l lognametemplate]` +` | collate [-a] [-b] [-d] [-w] [-g] [-s] [-c] [-r] [-l lognametemplate]` ## DESCRIPTION @@ -21,19 +21,23 @@ node and group names sorted alphanumerically. when output differs along a telling group boundary. For example, if output suggests a large number of nodes are unreachable, abbreviate showing 'rack1' as being unreachable may make more obvious a possible cause. + +* `-b`, `--base`: + Use given node as reference for comparison when using + -d, instead of using the most common result * `-d`, `--diff`: Express all but the most common result group in terms of diff from the most common result group - -* `-l`, `--log`: - Save output per node to individual log files, replacing {node} in the name - with the nodename of each - + * `-w`, `--watch`: Update results dynamically as data becomes available, rather than waiting for the command to fully complete. - + +* `-g`, `--groupcount`: + Show count of output groups rather than the actual + output + * `-s`, `--skipcommon`: Suppress printing of the most common result text group. This is used to focus on stray output against a well known and expected result. @@ -45,6 +49,10 @@ node and group names sorted alphanumerically. * `-r`, `--reverse`: Rather than starting with most common to least common, start with the least common and print the most common last. + +* `-l`, `--log`: + Save output per node to individual log files, replacing {node} in the name + with the nodename of each ## EXAMPLES * Organizing power state of multiple nodes: diff --git a/confluent_client/doc/man/collective.ronn b/confluent_client/doc/man/collective.ronn index 2fc67ed2..2c462c61 100644 --- a/confluent_client/doc/man/collective.ronn +++ b/confluent_client/doc/man/collective.ronn @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ collective(1) -- Check and manage a confluent collective `collective invite ` `collective join [-i TOKEN]` `collective show` -`collective gencert` +`collective gencert` +`collective delete` ## DESCRIPTION diff --git a/confluent_client/doc/man/confetty.ronn b/confluent_client/doc/man/confetty.ronn index 8c4d3e60..f4d367c9 100644 --- a/confluent_client/doc/man/confetty.ronn +++ b/confluent_client/doc/man/confetty.ronn @@ -15,6 +15,18 @@ be mostly an aid for developing client software, with day to day administration generally being easier with the various function specific commands. +## OPTIONS + +* `-s`, `--server`: + Confluent instance to connect to + +* `-c`, `--control`: + Path to offer terminal control + +* `-m`, `--mintime`: + Minimum time to run or else pause for input (used to + keep a terminal from closing quickly on error) + ## COMMANDS The CLI may be navigated by shell commands and some other