From 16430e1ec93569e99f325a829a4d147bd4269f55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jarrod Johnson <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2019 14:23:30 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Enhance collective usage output

Collective usage output provided no hints as to how to access more detailed
help.  Amend the wording to make this more clear/obvious.
 confluent_server/bin/collective | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/confluent_server/bin/collective b/confluent_server/bin/collective
index c8d31e62..27b12566 100644
--- a/confluent_server/bin/collective
+++ b/confluent_server/bin/collective
@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ def main():
     sl = sp.add_parser('show', help='Show information about the collective')
     ic = sp.add_parser('invite', help='Generate a invitation to allow a new '
                                     'confluent instance to join as a '
-                                    'collective member')
+                                    'collective member.  Run collective invite -h for more information')
     ic.add_argument('name', help='Name of server to invite to join the '
-    jc = sp.add_parser('join', help='Join a collective')
-    jc.add_argument('server', help='A server currently in the collective')
+    jc = sp.add_parser('join', help='Join a collective.  Run collective join -h for more information')
+    jc.add_argument('server', help='Existing collective member that ran invite and generated a token')
     jc.add_argument('-i', help='Invitation provided by runniing invite on an '
                                'existing collective member')
     cmdset = a.parse_args()