#!/bin/bash # Grab bionic image name bionic_json=$(gcloud compute images list --project ubuntu-os-cloud --filter="family:ubuntu-1804-lts" --show-deprecated --format=json) bionic_image=$(echo ${bionic_json} | jq -rc '.[] | select(.architecture == "X86_64") | .name' | sort | tail -n 1) echo ${bionic_image} # Grab IDs for the other images families="ubuntu-2004-lts ubuntu-2204-lts ubuntu-2404-lts-amd64 ubuntu-minimal-2404-lts-amd64" for family in ${families} do distro_json=$(gcloud compute images list --project ubuntu-os-cloud --filter="family:${family}" --format=json) distro_image=$(echo ${distro_json} | jq -rc '.[] | select(.architecture == "X86_64") | .name') echo $distro_image done # For testing for the next daily release depdning on LTS or non-LTS gcloud compute images list --project ubuntu-os-cloud-devel --filter="family:ubuntu-2410-amd64" gcloud compute images list --project ubuntu-os-cloud-devel --filter="family:ubuntu-2404-lts-amd64"