# Useful Landscape Commands Useful links * [Landscape API package](https://landscape.canonical.com/static/doc/api/api-client-package.html) * [Landscape user Guide](https://landscape.canonical.com/static/doc/user-guide/) * [Landscape API Guide](https://landscape.canonical.com/static/doc/api/) Retreiving the CA file for self-signed ``` juju run --application landscape-haproxy 'sudo openssl x509 -in /var/lib/haproxy/default.pem' > landscape_cert.crt ``` Landscape RC file, after generating API and SECRET key from the UI ``` export LANDSCAPE_API_KEY="EF414M7SAO1RP7ZNPA9A" export LANDSCAPE_API_SECRET="vFAojXSy9IiUj1T/Q4ggYDcIn4LIpcWyQsq7uSKk" export LANDSCAPE_API_URI="" export LANDSCAPE_API_SSL_CA_FILE="$PWD/landscape_cert.crt" ``` Adding tags to machines The following command will tag all machines that have `as1-maas-node-` in the name with `asrock01` ``` landscape-api add-tags-to-computers "as1-maas-node-" "asrock01" ``` Choosing specific hosts and tagging them ``` landscape-api add-tags-to-computers "title:apnc01appf001-1" OR "title:apnc01appf002-2" OR "title:apnc01appf003-3" appformix ``` Searching something with regex, and then adding the correspongding tag ```bash for c in $(landscape-api get-computers --json | jq -r ".[] | select(.title |test(\"^as1\")) |.title") do landscape-api add-tags-to-computers hostname:${c} asrock01 done ```