Assuming the following details, and we are trying to recover `mysql-innodb-cluster/0` ``` mysql-innodb-cluster/0 active idle 0/lxd/6 Unit is ready: Mode: R/O, Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure. mysql-innodb-cluster/1 active idle 1/lxd/6 Unit is ready: Mode: R/W, Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure. mysql-innodb-cluster/2* active idle 2/lxd/6 Unit is ready: Mode: R/O, Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure. ``` 1. Grab a backup of the mysql Database ``` juju run-action --wait mysql-innodb-cluster/leader mysqldump ``` 1. Stop the mysql on the unit `mysql-innodb-cluster/0` ``` sudo systemctl stop mysql ``` 1. Remove the member from the cluster ``` juju run-action --wait mysql-innodb-cluster/leader remove-instance address= ``` If the above command doesn't work run with the parameter `force=true` ``` juju run-action --wait mysql-innodb-cluster/leader remove-instance address= force=true ``` Confirm it worked by checking the IP is removed from: ``` juju run-action --wait mysql-innodb-cluster/leader cluster-status ``` 1. Re-initialise the DB on the machine locally on problematic node i.e. `mysql-innodb-cluster/0` ``` juju ssh mysql-innodb-cluster/0 sudo -i cd /var/lib mv mysql mysql.old.$(date +%s) mkdir mysql chown mysql:mysql mysql chmod 700 mysql mysqld --initialize systemctl start mysql ``` Check the mysql status: `sudo systemctl status mysql` 1. A temporary password would have been created via the `--initialize` above, so this needs to be updated. You will find the temporary password in `/var/log/mysql/error.log`, and the line should look similar to the one below ``` [Note] [MY-010454] [Server] A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: wyPd_?kEd03p ``` This can easily grabbed by running the following command ``` grep temporary /var/log/mysql/error.log ``` First we need to get the root password that is stored ``` juju run --unit mysql-innodb-cluster/leader 'leader-get mysql.passwd' ``` Now, we can update the password, login using the password that was suggested in the error.log i.e. `wyPd_?kEd03p` ``` mysql -p -u root ``` Once logged in, we can update the password to the value that mysql-innodb-cluster charm knows about ``` ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'zn8K73dmqnkZd99JZxXwcFmxWqTxPYgw3Hjx5sk'; ``` 1. Remove the flags using Juju: Clear flags to force charm to re-create cluster users ``` juju run --unit mysql-innodb-cluster/0 -- charms.reactive clear_flag local.cluster.user-created juju run --unit mysql-innodb-cluster/0 -- charms.reactive clear_flag local.cluster.all-users-created juju run --unit mysql-innodb-cluster/0 -- ./hooks/update-status ``` After that, you can confirm it worked by getting the password: ``` juju run --unit mysql-innodb-cluster/leader leader-get cluster-password ``` Connect to the unit `mysql-innodb-cluster/0` and use the password above: ``` mysql -u clusteruser -p -e 'SELECT user,host FROM mysql.user' ``` 1. Re-add instance to cluster (you may need to replace `leader` by the unit number that is `Mode: R/W`: ``` juju run-action --wait mysql-innodb-cluster/leader add-instance address= juju run-action --wait mysql-innodb-cluster/leader cluster-status ``` Note: If the instance is not added to the cluster use mysqlsh to do this with the step below: ``` juju ssh mysql-innodb-cluster/2 mysqlsh clusteruser@ --password= --cluster cluster.add_instance("") ``` Choose the option => `"[C]lone YES"` You might need to run the command below to configure your instance if you have the error-output below: "NOTE: Please use the `dba.configure_instance()` command to repair these issues." If you have the output above run the command below using the `mysqlsh` CLI: ``` dba.configure_instance("clusteruser@") ``` Note: You will be asked for the password of the user `clusteruser` and after this step you can add the instance back to the cluster: ``` cluster.add_instance("") ``` choose the option => `"[C]lone YES"` After that check the cluster status: ``` juju run-action --wait mysql-innodb-cluster/leader cluster-status ```