2021-12-01 16:23:28 +00:00
Unseal Key 1: oMGA8W+TK7m5j6+Q03+2lPbWWQh+jpXG2SAY2CAlFhjV
Unseal Key 2: C02Te6hwirjAGwVpkcgjbgBwy4yLjRNF78zONv08DTdE
Unseal Key 3: iR6klzFrGeNBBYy+3iPHjWmdZEF2laQ/6UekkV9P8OSD
Unseal Key 4: c4o5tfs2mbP6NxXEd2IZHG+pgE79r4CQYxjRPNcEgKlw
Unseal Key 5: HocK1RoX8Yi2vMVS6PpA69dd5fQzWDLj8mbm/tyfV4aW
2021-10-29 09:57:19 +01:00
2021-12-01 16:23:28 +00:00
Initial Root Token: s.ueSOq2WWU9SY9Ikaj91EvTA9
2021-10-29 09:57:19 +01:00
Vault initialized with 5 key shares and a key threshold of 3. Please securely
distribute the key shares printed above. When the Vault is re-sealed,
restarted, or stopped, you must supply at least 3 of these keys to unseal it
before it can start servicing requests.
Vault does not store the generated master key. Without at least 3 key to
reconstruct the master key, Vault will remain permanently sealed!
It is possible to generate new unseal keys, provided you have a quorum of
existing unseal keys shares. See "vault operator rekey" for more information.