2011-02-22 17:16:58 +00:00

105 lines
1.9 KiB

=head1 NAME
B<tabprune> - Deletes records from the eventlog, auditlog or x_teal* tables.
B<tabprune> B<eventlog | auditlog | x_teal*> [B<-V>] B<-i> I<recid> |B<-n> I<number of records> | B<-p> I<percentage> | B<-a>
B<tabprune> [B<-h>|B<--help>] [B<-v>|B<--version>]
The tabprune command is used to delete records from the auditlog, eventlog or the x_teal* tables. As an option, the table header and all the rows pruned from the specified table will be displayed in CSV (comma separated values) format.
If TEAL is installed the following tables are also supported: x_tealalert2alert,x_tealalert2event,x_tealalertlog,x_tealcheckpoint,x_tealeventlog.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 10
=item B<-h|--help>
Display usage message.
=item B<-a>
Remove all records.
=item B<-i> I<recid number>
Remove the records whose recid is less than the input recid number.
=item B<-n> I<number>
Remove the number of records input.
=item B<-p> I<percent>
Remove the percentage of records input.
=item B<-V>
Return the records that were removed by this command.
=over 3
=item 0
The command completed successfully.
=item 1
An error has occurred.
=over 2
=item *
To remove all the records in the eventlog table:
B<tabprune> I<eventlog> -a
=item *
To remove all the records in the eventlog table saving the deleted records in eventlog.csv:
B<tabprune> I<eventlog> -V -a > eventlog.csv
=item *
To remove all the records before recid=200 in the auditlog table:
B<tabprune> I<auditlog> -i 200
=item *
To remove 400 records from the auditlog table and display the remove records:
B<tabprune> I<auditlog> -V -n 400
=item *
To remove 50% of the eventlog table:
B<tabprune> I<eventlog> -p 50
=head1 FILES
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<tabrestore(8)|tabrestore.8>, L<tabedit(8)|tabedit.8>,L<tabdump(8)|tabdump.8>