git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
1162 lines
28 KiB
1162 lines
28 KiB
# IBM(c) 2010 EPL license
=head1 mkay4z
Description: Create an autoyast template for Linux on System z.
Author: Thang Pham (
Returns: Autoyast template
Usage: mkay4z [conf_file] [ref_template], where
[conf_file]: File containing Linux configuration
[ref_template]: Reference autoyast template to build off of
Example: # ./mkay4z conf.txt ref.sles11.s390x.tmpl > custom.sles11.s390x.tmpl
use strict;
use warnings;
# Check arguments
if(@ARGV != 2) {
print <<END;
Invalid arguments!
Create an autoyast template for Linux on System z. For more information,
refer to
Usage: mkay4z [conf file] [ref template], where
[conf file]: File containing Linux configuration
[ref template]: Reference autoyast template to build off of
Example: # ./mkay4z conf.txt ref.sles11.s390x.tmpl > custom.sles11.s390x.tmpl
# Get conf file and reference template
my $file = $ARGV[0];
my $tmpl = $ARGV[1];
# Create parameters to search for
my @search = ('dasd', 'partitions', 'software');
# Get parameters from conf file
my %parms = getParms($file);
# Set parameters for networking and root password
$parms{'hosts'} = '[host_address=replace_host_address,name=replace_long_name replace_short_name]';
$parms{'dns'} = '[hostname=replace_hostname,dhcp_hostname=true,dhcp_resolv=true,domain=replace_domain,nameserver=replace_nameserver]';
$parms{'interfaces'} = '[device=replace_device,bootproto=dhcp,lladdr=replace_lladdr,chanids=replace_ccw_chan_ids]';
$parms{'root_password'} = 'replace_root_password';
# Check that all parameters are given
my $missing = '';
foreach(@search) {
if(!$parms{$_}) {
$missing .= "$_ ";
# If there are missing paramters
if($missing) {
print "Please supply the following parameters in $file: $missing";
# Create <dasd> section
my $dasdSection = createDasd($parms{'dasd'});
# Create <hosts> section
my $hostsSection = createHosts($parms{'hosts'});
# Create <dns> section
my $dnsSection = createDns($parms{'dns'});
# Create <interfaces> section
my ($interfacesSection, %interface) = createInterfaces($parms{'interfaces'});
# Create <modules> section
my $dasdModulesSection = createDasdModules($parms{'dasd'});
my $nicModulesSection = createNicModules(%interface);
# Create <partitions> section
my $partitionsSection = createPartitions($parms{'partitions'});
# Create software section
my $softwareSection = createSoftware($parms{'software'});
# Create password section
my $passwordSection = <<END;
# Create routes section
my $routesSection = createRoutes($parms{'interfaces'});
# Create scripts section
my $scriptsSection = createScripts(%interface);
# Begin to build template
# Edit template by replacing place holders:
# insert_devices
# insert_hosts
# insert_dns
# insert_interfaces
# insert_modules
# insert_partitioning_drives
# insert_software_pattern
# insert_root_password
# insert_routes
# Read in autoyast template
open(FILE, $tmpl);
# Go through each line
while(my $ln = <FILE>) {
# If the line matches the pattern to replace, print replacement
if($ln =~ 'insert_devices') {
print $dasdSection;
} elsif($ln =~ 'insert_hosts') {
print $hostsSection;
} elsif($ln =~ 'insert_dns') {
print $dnsSection;
} elsif($ln =~ 'insert_interfaces') {
print $interfacesSection;
} elsif($ln =~ 'insert_modules') {
print $dasdModulesSection;
print $nicModulesSection;
} elsif($ln =~ 'insert_partitioning_drives') {
print $partitionsSection;
} elsif($ln =~ 'insert_software_pattern') {
print $softwareSection;
} elsif($ln =~ 'insert_root_password') {
print $passwordSection;
} elsif($ln =~ 'insert_routes') {
print $routesSection;
} elsif($ln =~ '<scripts>') {
# Print line
$ln =~ s/\r//g; # Remove return carriage
print $ln;
print $scriptsSection;
} else {
# Print line
$ln =~ s/\r//g; # Remove return carriage
print $ln;
=head3 getParms
Description : Get the parameters in the conf file
Arguments : Conf file
Returns : Hash table of parameters
Example : my %parms = getParms($file);
sub getParms {
my ($file) = @_;
# Read in file
open(FILE, $file);
# Go through line in the file
my %parms;
my $name = '';
my $tmp = '';
while(my $ln = <FILE>) {
# If the line contains ={, get the parameter name
if ($ln =~ /={/) {
($name, $tmp) = split(/={/, $ln, 2);
$parms{$name} = '';
if ($name) {
# Append line to parameter
$parms{$name} = $parms{$name} . trim($ln);
# Remove curly brackets
foreach my $key(keys %parms) {
$parms{$key} =~ s/(.*=\{|\})//g;
return %parms;
=head3 trim
Description : Trim the whitespaces in a string
Arguments : String
Returns : Trimmed string
Example : my $str = trim($str);
sub trim {
# Get string
my ($str) = @_;
# Trim right
$str =~ s/\s*$//;
# Trim left
$str =~ s/^\s*//;
return ($str);
=head3 createDasd
Description : Create the <dasd> section
Arguments : Dasd attached to server
Returns : <dasd> section
Example : my $section = createDasd($dasd);
sub createDasd {
# Get string
my ($str) = @_;
# Split the dasd
my @args = split(/\],/, $str);
# Remove square brackets
my $i;
for($i = 0; $i < @args; $i++) {
$args[$i] =~ s/(\[|\])//g;
$args[$i] = trim($args[$i]);
# Create hash table for each dasd
my %dasd;
my @tmp;
my $pos;
my $length;
foreach(@args) {
# Split the arguments
# e.g. 0.0.0100,dasd_eckd_mod,(/dev/dasda,/dev/dasdb)
@tmp = split(/,/,$_,4);
$tmp[0] = trim($tmp[0]);
$dasd{$tmp[0]}{'channel'} = $tmp[0];
$dasd{$tmp[0]}{'modules'} = trim($tmp[1]);
$dasd{$tmp[0]}{'dev_name'} = trim($tmp[2]);
# Remove brackets
$tmp[3] = trim($tmp[3]);
$dasd{$tmp[0]}{'partition_info'} = substr($tmp[3], 1, length($tmp[3])-2);
# Create <dasd> section
# <!-- Dasd attached at 0100 -->
# <listentry>
# <bus>None</bus>
# <bus_hwcfg>none</bus_hwcfg>
# <channel>0.0.0100</channel>
# <format config:type="boolean">true</format>
# <dev_name>/dev/dasda</dev_name>
# <dev_names config:type="list">
# <listentry>/dev/dasda</listentry>
# <listentry>/dev/disk/by-path/ccw-0.0.0100</listentry>
# </dev_names>
# <device>DASD</device>
# <driver>io_subchannel</driver>
# <drivers config:type="list">
# <listentry>
# <active config:type="boolean">true</active>
# <modprobe config:type="boolean">true</modprobe>
# <modules config:type="list">
# <module_entry config:type="list">
# <listentry>dasd_eckd_mod</listentry>
# <listentry></listentry>
# </module_entry>
# </modules>
# </listentry>
# </drivers>
# <formatted config:type="boolean">false</formatted>
# <partition_info>/dev/dasda1 (Linux native)</partition_info>
# <resource>
# <io config:type="list">
# <listentry>
# <active config:type="boolean">true</active>
# <length config:type="integer">1</length>
# <mode>rw</mode>
# </listentry>
# </io>
# </resource>
# <sysfs_bus_id>0.0.0100</sysfs_bus_id>
# </listentry>
my $xml = '';
my @partInfo;
foreach my $id(sort (keys %dasd)){
# If this dasd is to be used for Linux
if ($dasd{$id}{'partition_info'} =~ 'Linux native') {
$xml .= <<END;
<format config:type="boolean">true</format>
<dev_names config:type="list">
<drivers config:type="list">
<active config:type="boolean">true</active>
<modprobe config:type="boolean">true</modprobe>
<modules config:type="list">
<module_entry config:type="list">
<formatted config:type="boolean">false</formatted>
<io config:type="list">
<active config:type="boolean">true</active>
<length config:type="integer">1</length>
} else {
$xml .= <<END;
<dev_names config:type="list">
<drivers config:type="list">
<active config:type="boolean">true</active>
<modprobe config:type="boolean">true</modprobe>
<modules config:type="list">
<module_entry config:type="list">
<formatted config:type="boolean">true</formatted>
<disk_log_geo config:type="list">
<heads config:type="integer">16</heads>
<sectors config:type="integer">128</sectors>
return $xml;
=head3 createInterfaces
Description : Create the <interfaces> section
Arguments : Interfaces attached to server
Returns : <interfaces> section
Example : my $section = createInterfaces($interfaces);
sub createInterfaces {
# Get string
my ($str) = @_;
# Split the interfaces
my @device = split(/\],/,$str);
# Remove square brackets
my $i;
for($i = 0; $i < @device; $i++) {
$device[$i] =~ s/(\[|\])//g;
$device[$i] = trim($device[$i]);
# Create hash table for each interface
my %interface;
my @args;
my $id;
my $name;
my $value;
# Loop through each interface
foreach(@device) {
# Split the arguments
# e.g. device=eth0,bootproto=static,broadcast=,...
@args = split(/,/,$_);
# Device name should always be the first index
$args[0] =~ s/device=//g;
$id = trim($args[0]);
# Go through each attribute and set hash table
for($i = 1; $i < @args; $i++) {
# Get the attribute name value pair
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $args[$i], 2);
$name = trim($name);
$value = trim($value);
$interface{$id}{$name} = $value;
# Create <interfaces> section
# <interface>
# <bootproto>static</bootproto>
# <broadcast></broadcast>
# <device>eth0</device>
# <ipaddr></ipaddr>
# <name>OSA Express Network card (0.0.0800)</name>
# <netmask></netmask>
# <prefixlen>25</prefixlen>
# <startmode>auto</startmode>
# </interface>
# The layout is different for DHCP:
# <interface>
# <bootproto>dhcp</bootproto>
# <device>eth0</device>
# <lladdr>02:00:00:FF:FF:FF</lladdr>
# <startmode>auto</startmode>
# <usercontrol>no</usercontrol>
# </interface>
my $xml = '';
foreach my $id(keys %interface){
# Create static interface
if($interface{$id}{'bootproto'} eq 'static') {
$xml .= <<END;
# Create DHCP interface
else {
$xml .= <<END;
return ($xml, %interface);
=head3 createPartitions
Description : Create the <partitions> section
Arguments : Partitions to create on server
Returns : <partitions> section
Example : my $section = createPartitions($partitions);
sub createPartitions {
# Get string
my ($str) = @_;
# Split the interfaces
my @device = split(/\],/,$str);
# Remove square brackets
my $i;
for($i = 0; $i < @device; $i++) {
$device[$i] =~ s/(\[|\])//g;
$device[$i] = trim($device[$i]);
# Create hash table for each partitions
my %partitions;
my @args;
my $id;
# Loop through each partitions
foreach(@device) {
# Split the arguments
# e.g. device=/dev/dasda,filesystem=ext3,(mount=/;size=4G),(lvm_group=VG;size=max)
# device=/dev/VG,(lv_name=LV_home;filesystenm=ext3;mount=/home;size=3G),(lv_name=LV_opt;filesystem=ext3;mount=/opt;size=3G)
@args = split(/,/,$_,2);
# Device name should always be the first index
$args[0] =~ s/device=//g;
$id = trim($args[0]);
# Partition setup should always be the second index
$partitions{$id}{'partition'} = trim($args[1]);
# Create <partitions> section
# <drive>
# <device>/dev/dasda</device>
# <partitions config:type="list">
# <partition>
# <create config:type="boolean">true</create>
# <filesystem config:type="symbol">ext3</filesystem>
# <format config:type="boolean">true</format>
# <mount>/</mount>
# <mountby config:type="symbol">path</mountby>
# <partition_id config:type="integer">131</partition_id>
# <partition_nr config:type="integer">1</partition_nr>
# <partition_type>primary</partition_type>
# <size>max</size>
# </partition>
# </partitions>
# <use>all</use>
# </drive>
# The layout is different for LVM:
# <drive>
# <device>/dev/dasdb</device>
# <initialize config:type="boolean">true</initialize>
# <partitions config:type="list">
# <partition>
# <create config:type="boolean">true</create>
# <crypt_fs config:type="boolean">false</crypt_fs>
# <filesystem config:type="symbol">ext3</filesystem>
# <format config:type="boolean">false</format>
# <loop_fs config:type="boolean">false</loop_fs>
# <lvm_group>VG</lvm_group>
# <mountby config:type="symbol">path</mountby>
# <resize config:type="boolean">false</resize>
# <size>max</size>
# </partition>
# </partitions>
# <use>all</use>
# </drive>
my $xml = '';
my %layoutAttr;
my @layout;
my @attrs;
my $name;
my $value;
# Go through each partition
foreach my $id(sort (keys %partitions)){
# Split partition layout
@layout = split(/,/, $partitions{$id}{'partition'});
%layoutAttr = ();
# Go through each layout
for($i = 0; $i < @layout; $i++) {
# Remove parenthesis
$layout[$i] =~ s/(\(|\))//g;
$layout[$i] = trim($layout[$i]);
# Split layout attributes
@attrs = split(/;/, $layout[$i]);
foreach(@attrs) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $_, 2);
$name = trim($name);
$value = trim($value);
$layoutAttr{$i}{$name} = $value;
# Create <drive> head
$xml .= <<END;
<partitions config:type="list">
# Go through each layout and create <partition> section(s)
my $isLvm;
foreach my $p(keys %layoutAttr){
$isLvm = 0;
# If this partition is an LVM group
if($layoutAttr{$p}{'lvm_group'}) {
$xml .= <<END;
<create config:type="boolean">true</create>
<crypt_fs config:type="boolean">false</crypt_fs>
<filesystem config:type="symbol">$layoutAttr{$p}{'filesystem'}</filesystem>
<format config:type="boolean">false</format>
<loop_fs config:type="boolean">false</loop_fs>
<mountby config:type="symbol">path</mountby>
<partition_id config:type="integer">142</partition_id>
<partition_nr config:type="integer">1</partition_nr>
<resize config:type="boolean">false</resize>
# If this partition is an LVM volume
elsif($layoutAttr{$p}{'lv_name'}) {
$isLvm = 1;
$xml .= <<END;
<create config:type="boolean">true</create>
<crypt_fs config:type="boolean">false</crypt_fs>
<filesystem config:type="symbol">$layoutAttr{$p}{'filesystem'}</filesystem>
<format config:type="boolean">true</format>
<mountby config:type="symbol">path</mountby>
<partition_id config:type="integer">131</partition_id>
<resize config:type="boolean">false</resize>
# Not an LVM
else {
$xml .= <<END;
<create config:type="boolean">true</create>
<filesystem config:type="symbol">$layoutAttr{$p}{'filesystem'}</filesystem>
<format config:type="boolean">true</format>
<mountby config:type="symbol">path</mountby>
<partition_id config:type="integer">131</partition_id>
<partition_nr config:type="integer">1</partition_nr>
# Create <drive> tail
if(!$isLvm) {
$xml .= <<END;
} else {
$xml .= <<END;
<type config:type="symbol">CT_LVM</type>
return $xml;
=head3 createHosts
Description : Create the <hosts> section
Arguments : Hosts to be created on server
Returns : <hosts> section
Example : my $section = createHosts($hosts);
sub createHosts {
# Get string
my ($str) = @_;
# Split the hosts
my @hosts = split(/\],/,$str);
# Remove square brackets
my $i;
for($i = 0; $i < @hosts; $i++) {
$hosts[$i] =~ s/(\[|\])//g;
$hosts[$i] = trim($hosts[$i]);
# Create hash table for each host
my %host;
my @args;
my $id;
my $name;
my $value;
# Loop through each host
foreach(@hosts) {
# Split the arguments
# e.g. host_address=, gpok100
@args = split(/,/,$_);
# Host address should always be the first index
$args[0] =~ s/host_address=//g;
$id = trim($args[0]);
# Go through each attribute and set hash table
for($i = 1; $i < @args; $i++) {
# Get the attribute name value pair
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $args[$i], 2);
$name = trim($name);
$value = trim($value);
$host{$id}{$name} = $value;
# Create <hosts> section
# e.g.
# <hosts_entry>
# <host_address></host_address>
# <names config:type="list">
# <name> gpok100</name>
# </names>
# </hosts_entry>
my $xml = '';
# Create standard localhost entry
$xml .= <<END;
<names config:type="list">
# Create host entries
foreach my $id(keys %host){
$xml .= <<END;
<names config:type="list">
return $xml;
=head3 createDns
Description : Create the <dns> section
Arguments : DNS to use
Returns : <dns> section
Example : my $section = createDns($dns);
sub createDns {
# Get string
my ($str) = @_;
# Split the hosts
my @dns = split(/\],/,$str);
# Remove square brackets
my $i;
for($i = 0; $i < @dns; $i++) {
$dns[$i] =~ s/(\[|\])//g;
$dns[$i] = trim($dns[$i]);
# Create hash table for each DNS
my %dn;
my @args;
my $id;
my $name;
my $value;
# Loop through each host
foreach(@dns) {
# Split the arguments
# e.g. hostname=gpok100,,nameserver=
@args = split(/,/,$_);
# Hostname should always be the first index
$args[0] =~ s/hostname=//g;
$id = trim($args[0]);
# Go through each attribute and set hash table
for($i = 1; $i < @args; $i++) {
# Get the attribute name value pair
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $args[$i], 2);
$name = trim($name);
$value = trim($value);
$dn{$id}{$name} = $value;
# Create <dns> section
# <dhcp_hostname config:type="boolean">false</dhcp_hostname>
# <dhcp_resolv config:type="boolean">false</dhcp_resolv>
# <domain></domain>
# <hostname>gpok100</hostname>
# <nameservers config:type="list">
# <nameserver></nameserver>
# </nameservers>
my $xml = '';
foreach my $id(keys %dn){
$xml .= <<END;
<dhcp_hostname config:type="boolean">$dn{$id}{'dhcp_hostname'}</dhcp_hostname>
<dhcp_resolv config:type="boolean">$dn{$id}{'dhcp_resolv'}</dhcp_resolv>
<nameservers config:type="list">
return $xml;
=head3 createDasdModules
Description : Create the <modules> section for each dasd attached
Arguments : Dasd attached to server
Returns : <modules> section
Example : my $section = createDasdModules($modules);
sub createDasdModules {
# Get string
my ($str) = @_;
# Split the dasd
my @args = split(/\],/,$str);
# Remove square brackets
my $i;
for($i = 0; $i < @args; $i++) {
$args[$i] =~ s/(\[|\])//g;
$args[$i] = trim($args[$i]);
# Create hash table for each dasd
my %modules;
my @tmp;
foreach(@args) {
# Split the arguments
# e.g. 0.0.0100,dasd_eckd_mod,/dev/dasda,(/dev/dasda1;/dev/dasda2)
@tmp = split(/,/,$_,4);
$tmp[0] = trim($tmp[0]);
$modules{$tmp[0]}{'channel'} = $tmp[0];
$modules{$tmp[0]}{'module'} = trim($tmp[1]);
# Create <modules> section
# <module_entry>
# <device>dasd-bus-ccw-0.0.0100</device>
# <module>dasd_eckd_mod</module>
# <options></options>
# </module_entry>
my $xml = '';
foreach my $id(keys %modules){
$xml .= <<END;
return $xml;
=head3 createNicModules
Description : Create the <modules> section for each interface attached
Arguments : Hash table of interfaces
Returns : <modules> section
Example : my $section = createNicModules(%interfaces);
sub createNicModules {
# Get hash table
my (%interface) = @_;
# Create <modules> section
# <module_entry>
# <ccw_chan_ids>0.0.0800 0.0.0801 0.0.0802</ccw_chan_ids>
# <ccw_chan_mode>FOOBAR</ccw_chan_mode>
# <ccw_chan_num>3</ccw_chan_num>
# <device>eth0</device>
# <module>qeth</module>
# <options/>
# </module_entry>
my $xml = '';
my $script = '';
foreach my $id(sort (keys %interface)){
$xml .= <<END;
return $xml;
=head3 createSoftware
Description : Create the <software> section
Arguments : Software to be installed
Returns : <software> section
Example : my $section = createSoftware($dns);
sub createSoftware {
# Get string
my ($str) = @_;
# Split the software
# e.g. base,gnome
my @software = split(/,/,$str);
# Create <software> section
# <pattern>Basis-Devel</pattern>
# <pattern>Minimal</pattern>
# <pattern>base</pattern>
# <pattern>documentation</pattern>
# <pattern>file_server</pattern>
# <pattern>gnome</pattern>
# <pattern>print_server</pattern>
# <pattern>x11</pattern>
my $xml = '';
foreach (@software){
$xml .= <<END;
return $xml;
=head3 createRoutes
Description : Create the <routes> section
Arguments : Routing configuration
Returns : <routes> section
Example : my $section = createRoutes($route);
sub createRoutes {
# Get string
my ($str) = @_;
# Split the interfaces
my @device = split(/\],/,$str);
# Remove square brackets
my $i;
for($i = 0; $i < @device; $i++) {
$device[$i] =~ s/(\[|\])//g;
$device[$i] = trim($device[$i]);
# Create hash table for each interface
my %interface;
my @args;
my $id;
my $name;
my $value;
# Loop through each interface
foreach(@device) {
# Split the arguments
# e.g. device=eth0,bootproto=static,broadcast=,...
@args = split(/,/,$_);
# Device name should always be the first index
$args[0] =~ s/device=//g;
$id = trim($args[0]);
# Go through each attribute and set hash table
for($i = 1; $i < @args; $i++) {
# Get the attribute name value pair
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $args[$i], 2);
$name = trim($name);
$value = trim($value);
$interface{$id}{$name} = $value;
# Create <routes> section
# <ip_forward config:type="boolean">false</ip_forward>
# <routes config:type="list">
# <route>
# <destination>default</destination>
# <device>eth0</device>
# <gateway></gateway>
# <netmask>-</netmask>
# </route>
# </routes>
my $xml = '';
my $dest = '';
foreach my $id(sort (keys %interface)){
if(!$dest) {
# The first interface is the default route
$dest = 'default';
} else {
# Get network
$dest = substr($interface{$id}{'ipaddr'}, 0, rindex($interface{$id}{'ipaddr'}, '.'));
$dest .= ".0";
# Do not set route for DHCP interface
if(!($interface{$id}{'bootproto'} eq 'dhcp')) {
$xml .= <<END;
return $xml;
=head3 createScripts
Description : Create the <scripts> section to configure interfaces
Arguments : Hash table of interfaces to configure with post-scripts
Returns : <scripts> section
Example : my $section = createScripts(%interfaces);
sub createScripts {
# Get hash table
my (%interface) = @_;
# Default route is being added by autoyast (bug)
# Setting default route in post-script
my $xml = '';
my $script = '';
foreach my $id(sort (keys %interface)){
# Set the default route for the firs interface
# Do not set default route for DHCP interface
if(!$script && !($interface{$id}{'bootproto'} eq 'dhcp')) {
$script .= <<END;
echo "default - $id" > /etc/sysconfig/network/routes
# Create <scripts> section
if($script) {
$xml .= <<END;
<post-scripts config:type="list">
return $xml;
} |