daniceexi 45d902c128 fix some minor problems
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2009-09-21 11:30:05 +00:00

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=head1 B<NAME>
B<renergy> - remote energy management tool
=head1 B<SYNOPSIS>
B<renergy> [-h | --help]
B<renergy> [-v | --version]
B<renergy> noderange [-V] {all | {[savingstatus]
[cappingstatus] [cappingmaxmin] [cappingvalue]
[cappingsoftmin] [averageAC] [averageDC]
[ambienttemp] [exhausttemp] [CPUspeed]}}
B<renergy> noderange [-V] {{savingstatus}={on | off}
| {cappingstatus}={on | off} | {cappingwatt}=watt
| {cappingperc}=percentage}
This renergy command can be used to manage the energy attributes of
a machine. Presently, it only supports IBM POWER6 rack-mounted servers.
Note: The keyword 'server' in this document is identical to
'rack-mounted server'.
The parameter 'noderange' can be a list of node names (CEC's name).
Note: Lpar name is not acceptable.
B<renergy> command can accept multiple attributes to query. If only
keywords list is specified, without the '=', it displays the current
B<energy> command can only set one attribute once running.
For the attributes that are not supported by certain server, the return
value will be 'na'.
Before running the B<energy> command, a prerequisite package
B<xCAT-cimclient> needs to be downloaded from IBM web site and installed.
Each query operation for attribute CPUspeed, averageAC or averageDC
costs about 30 seconds to complete. Query for the others attributes
will get response immediately.
The energy capability of specific hardware:
Supports attributes: all
9125-F2A, 9119-FHA
Supports attributes: savingstatus,CPUspeed,ambienttemp,
9117-MMA (cpu speed should greater than 4.0 GHz)
Supports attributes: powersaving
=head1 B<OPTIONS>
-h | --help
Display the usage message.
-v | --version
Display the version information.
Verbose output.
Query all of the energy attributes.
Query the Power Saving status. The result should be
'on' or 'off'.
Note: To support the power saving attribute, POWER6
processors should greater than or equal to 4.0 GHz.
savingstatus={on | off}
Set the Power Saving status. The value must be 'on'
or 'off'.
Note: The setting value needs about 2 minutes to take
Query the Power Capping status. The result should be
'on' or 'off'.
cappingstatus={on | off}
Set the Power Capping status. The value must be 'on'
or 'off'.
Set the Power Capping value base on the watt unit.
If the 'watt' > maximum of cappingmaxmin or 'watt'
< minimum of cappingmaxmim, the setting operation
will fail.
Set the Power Capping value base on the percentage of
the max-min of capping value.
Query the maximum and minimum of Power Capping value
that can be set for a CEC. (Unit is watt)
Query the current Power Capping value. (Unit is watt)
Query the minimum value that can be assigned to Pcap
without guaranteed enforceability. (Unit is watt)
Query the average power consumed (Input). (Unit is watt)
Note: For 9125 and 9119 server, the value of attribute
averageAC is the aggregate for all of the servers in the
Query the average power consumed (Output). (Unit is
Query the current ambient temperature. (Unit is centigrade)
Query the current exhaust temperature. (Unit is centigrade)
Query the effective CPU speed. (Unit is MHz)
0 The command completed successfully.
1 An error has occurred.
=head1 B<EXAMPLES>
1. Query all the attributes which CEC1,CEC2 supported
B<renergy> CEC1,CEC2 all
The output of the query operation:
CEC1: savingstatus: on
CEC1: cappingstatus: on
CEC1: cappingmin: 782 W
CEC1: cappingmax: 850 W
CEC1: cappingvalue: 816 W
CEC1: cappingsoftmin: 200 W
CEC1: averageAC: 430 W
CEC1: averageDC: 364 W
CEC1: ambienttemp: 25 C
CEC1: exhausttemp: 32 C
CEC1: CPUspeed: 3621 MHz
CEC2: savingstatus: off
CEC2: cappingstatus: off
CEC2: cappingmin: na
CEC2: cappingmax: na
CEC2: cappingvalue: na
CEC2: cappingsoftmin: na
CEC2: averageAC: na
CEC2: averageDC: na
CEC2: ambienttemp: na
CEC2: exhausttemp: na
CEC2: CPUspeed: na
2. Query the attributes savingstatus, cappingstatus
and CPUspeed of server CEC1
B<renergy> CEC1 savingstatus,cappingstatus,CPUspeed
The output of the query operation:
CEC1: savingstatus: off
CEC1: cappingstatus: on
CEC1: CPUspeed: 3621 MHz
3. Turn on the Power saving function of CEC1
B<renergy> CEC1 savingstatus=on
The output of the setting operation:
CEC1: Set savingstatus succeeded.
CEC1: This setting may need some minutes to take effect.
4. Set the Power Capping value base on the percentage of the
max-min capping value
B<renergy> CEC1 cappingperc=50
If the maximum capping value of the CEC1 is 850w, and the
minimum capping value of the CEC1 is 782w, the Power Capping
value will be set as ((850-782)*50% + 782) = 816w.
The output of the setting operation:
CEC1: Set cappingperc succeeded.
CEC1: cappingvalue: 816
=head1 B<FILES>