bp-sawyers fe1edbd1e4 Preferences page working
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@154 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
2007-12-11 19:44:21 +00:00

57 lines
2.3 KiB

var CommandWindow = {};
CommandWindow.updateCommandResult = function() {
//todo: add commandQueryObj.value to the history select box
var commandQueryObj = $('commandQuery');
var copyChkBoxObj = $('copyChkBox');
var nodelistTxtObj = $('nodeList');
var nodegrpsCboBoxObj = $('nodegrpsCboBox');
var pshChkBoxObj = $('pshChkBox');
var serialChkBoxObj = $('serialChkBox');
var verifyChkBoxObj = $('verifyChkBox');
var fanoutTxtBoxObj = $('fanoutTxtBox');
var userIDTxtBoxObj = $('userIDTxtBox');
var rshellTxtBoxObj = $('rshellTxtBox');
var monitorChkBoxObj = $('monitorChkBox');
var ret_codeChkBoxObj = $('ret_codeChkBox');
// Do AJAX call and get HTML here.
var url = "dsh_action.php";
var postPara = "command=" + encodeURIComponent(commandQueryObj.value);
if (nodelistTxtObj) { postPara += "&node=" + encodeURIComponent(nodelistTxtObj.value); }
if (nodegrpsCboBoxObj) { postPara += "&nodegrps=" + encodeURIComponent(nodegrpsCboBoxObj.options[nodegrpsCboBoxObj.selectedIndex].value); }
if (copyChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "&copy=on"; else postPara += "&copy=off";
if (pshChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "&psh=on"; else postPara += "&psh=off";
if (serialChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "&serial=on"; else postPara += "&serial=off";
if (verifyChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "&verify=on"; else postPara += "&verify=off";
postPara += "&fanout=" + encodeURIComponent(fanoutTxtBoxObj.value);
postPara += "&userID=" + encodeURIComponent(userIDTxtBoxObj.value);
postPara += "&rshell=" + encodeURIComponent(rshellTxtBoxObj.value);
if (monitorChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "&monitor=on"; else postPara += "&monitor=off";
if (ret_codeChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "&ret_code=on"; else postPara += "&ret_code=off";
new Ajax.Request(url, {
method: 'post', postBody: postPara,
onSuccess: function(transport) {
var htmlContent = transport.responseText;
var win = new Window({className: "dialog",
width: 350,
height: 400,
zIndex: 100,
resizable: true,
title: "Running commands",
showEffect: Effect.BlindDown,
hideEffect: Effect.SwitchOff,
draggable: true,
wiredDrag: true});
win.getContent().innerHTML = htmlContent;
//win.setStatusBar("Status bar info");