git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
347 lines
11 KiB
347 lines
11 KiB
package xCAT_plugin::genimage;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::SvrUtils;
use xCAT::Table;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
my $prinic; #TODO be flexible on node primary nic
my $othernics; #TODO be flexible on node primary nic
my $netdriver;
my $arch;
my $profile;
my $osver;
my $rootlimit;
my $tmplimit;
my $installroot = "/install";
my $kerneldir;
my $kernelver = "";
my $imagename;
my $pkglist;
my $srcdir;
my $destdir;
my $srcdir_otherpkgs;
my $otherpkglist;
my $postinstall_filename;
my $rootimg_dir;
my $mode;
my $permission; #the permission works only for statelite mode currently
my $krpmver;
my $kerneldir;
my $mode;
sub handled_commands {
return {
genimage => "genimage",
sub process_request {
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $installroot = xCAT::Utils->getInstallDir();
@ARGV = @{$request->{arg}};
#my $rsp;
#$rsp->{data}->[0]="genimage plugin gets called with ARGV=@ARGV" ;
'a=s' => \$arch,
'p=s' => \$profile,
'o=s' => \$osver,
'n=s' => \$netdriver,
'i=s' => \$prinic,
'r=s' => \$othernics,
'l=s' => \$rootlimit,
't=s' => \$tmplimit,
'k=s' => \$kernelver,
'g=s' => \$krpmver,
'm=s' => \$mode,
'kerneldir=s' => \$kerneldir,
'permission=s' => \$permission
my $osimagetab;
my $linuximagetab;
my $ref_linuximage_tab;
my $ref_osimage_tab;
my %keyhash = ();
my %updates_os = (); # the hash for updating osimage table
my %updates_linux = (); # the hash for updating linuximage table
#always save the input values to the db
if ($arch) { $updates_os{'osarch'}=$arch; }
if ($profile) { $updates_os{'profile'} = $profile; }
if ($osver) { $updates_os{'osvers'} = $osver; }
if ($netdriver) { $updates_linux{'netdrivers'} = $netdriver; }
if ($prinic) { $updates_linux{'nodebootif'} = $prinic; }
if ($othernics) { $updates_linux{'otherifce'} = $othernics; }
if ($kernelver) { $updates_linux{'kernelver'} = $kernelver; }
if ($krpmver) { $updates_linux{'krpmver'} = $krpmver; }
if ($kerneldir) { $updates_linux{'kerneldir'} = $kerneldir; }
if ($permission){ $updates_linux{'permission'} = $permission; }
# get the info from the osimage and linuximage table
$osimagetab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage', -create=>1);
unless ($osimagetab) {
$callback->({error=>["The osimage table cannot be open."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
$linuximagetab = xCAT::Table->new('linuximage', -create=>1);
unless($linuximagetab) {
$callback->({error=>["The linuximage table cannot be open."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
if (@ARGV > 0) {
if ($arch or $osver or $profile) {
$callback->({error=>["-o, -p and -a options are not allowed when a image name is specified."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
(my $ref_osimage_tab) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'osvers', 'osarch', 'profile', 'provmethod');
unless ($ref_osimage_tab) {
$callback->({error=>["Cannot find image \'$imagename\' from the osimage table."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
(my $ref_linuximage_tab) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'pkglist', 'pkgdir', 'otherpkglist', 'otherpkgdir', 'postinstall', 'rootimgdir', 'kerneldir', 'krpmver', 'nodebootif', 'otherifce', 'kernelver', 'netdrivers', 'permission');
unless ($ref_linuximage_tab) {
$callback->({error=>["Cannot find $imagename from the linuximage table."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
my $provmethod=$ref_osimage_tab->{'provmethod'}; # TODO: not necessary, and need to update both statelite and stateless modes
unless ($osver and $arch and $profile and $provmethod) {
$callback->({error=>["osimage.osvers, osimage.osarch, osimage.profile and osimage.provmethod must be specified for the image $imagename in the database."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
unless ($provmethod eq 'netboot' || $provmethod eq 'statelite') {
$callback->({error=>["\'$imagename\' cannot be used to build diskless image. Make sure osimage.provmethod is 'netboot'."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
unless ( $ref_linuximage_tab->{'pkglist'}) {
$callback->({error=>["A .pkglist file must be specified for image \'$imagename\' in the linuximage table."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
$pkglist = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'pkglist'};
$srcdir = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'pkgdir'};
$srcdir_otherpkgs = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'otherpkgdir'};
$otherpkglist = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'otherpkglist'};
$postinstall_filename = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'postinstall'};
$destdir = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'rootimgdir'};
# TODO: how can we do if the user specifies one wrong value to the following attributes?
# currently, one message is output to indicate the users there will be some updates
if ($prinic) {
if ($prinic ne $ref_linuximage_tab->{'nodebootif'}) {
$callback->({info=>["The primary nic is different from the value in linuximage table, will update it."]});
$updates{'nodebootif'} = $prinic;
} else {
$prinic = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'nodebootif'};
if ($othernics) {
if ($othernics ne $ref_linuximage_tab->{'otherifce'}) {
$callback->({info=>["The other ifces are different from the value in linuximage table, will update it."]});
$updates{'otherifce'} = $othernics;
} else {
$othernics = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'otherifce'};
if ($kernelver) {
if ($kernelver ne $ref_linuximage_tab->{'kernelver'}) {
$callback->({info=>["The kernelver is different from the value in linuximage table, will update it."]});
$updates{'kernelver'} = $kernelver;
} else {
$kernelver = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'kernelver'};
if ($krpmver) {
if ($krpmver ne $ref_linuximage_tab->{'krpmver'}) {
$callback->({info=>["The krpmver is different from the value in linuximage table, will update it."]});
$updates{'krpmver'} = $krpmver;
} else {
$krpmver = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'krpmver'};
if ($kerneldir) {
if ($kerneldir ne $ref_linuximage_tab->{'kerneldir'}) {
print "The kerneldir is different from the value in linuximage table, will update it\n";
$updates{'kerneldir'} = $kerneldir;
} else {
$kerneldir = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'kerneldir'};
if ($netdriver) {
if ($netdriver ne $ref_linuximage_tab->{'netdrivers'}) {
$callback->({info=>["The netdrivers is different from the value in linuximage table, will update it."]});
$updates{'netdrivers'} = $netdriver;
} else {
$netdriver = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'netdrivers'};
if ($permission) {
if ($permission ne $ref_linuximage_tab->{'permission'}) {
$callback->({info=>["The permission is different from the value in linuximage table, will update it."]});
$updates{'permission'} = $permission;
} else {
$permission = $ref_linuximage_tab->{'permission'};
### Get the Profile ####
my $osfamily = $osver;
$osfamily =~ s/\d+//g;
$osfamily =~ s/\.//g;
if($osfamily =~ /rh/){
$osfamily = "rh";
# OS version on s390x can contain 'sp', e.g. sles11sp1
# If the $osfamily contains 'sles' and 'sp', the $osfamily = sles
if ($osfamily =~ /sles/ && $osfamily =~ /sp/) {
$osfamily = "sles";
$osfamily =~ s/ //g;
#-m flag is used only for ubuntu, debian and ferdora12, for others genimage will create
#initrd.gz for both netboot and statelite, no -m is needed.
if ($mode) {
if (($osfamily ne "ubuntu") && ($osfamily ne "debian") && ($osver !~ /fedora12/)) {
$callback->({error=>["-m flag is valid for Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora12 only."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
$profDir = "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/$osfamily";
unless(-d $profDir){
$callback->({error=>["Unable to find genimage script in $profDir."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
if ($krpmver) {
if ($osfamily ne "sles") {
$callback->({error=>["-g flag is valid for Sles only."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
my $cmd="cd $profDir; ./genimage";
if ($arch) { $cmd .= " -a $arch";}
if ($osver) { $cmd .= " -o $osver";}
if ($profile) { $cmd .= " -p $profile";}
if ($netdriver) { $cmd .= " -n $netdriver";}
if ($prinic) { $cmd .= " -i $prinic";}
if ($othernics) { $cmd .= " -r $othernics";}
if ($rootlimit) { $cmd .= " -l $rootlimit";}
if ($tmplimit) { $cmd .= " -t $tmplimit";}
if ($kernelver) { $cmd .= " -k $kernelver";}
if ($krpmver) { $cmd .= " -g $krpmver";}
if ($mode) { $cmd .= " -m $mode";}
if ($permission) { $cmd .= " --permission $permission"; }
if ($kerneldir) { $cmd .= " --kerneldir $kerneldir"; }
$cmd.= " --internal";
if ($srcdir) { $cmd .= " --srcdir $srcdir";}
if ($pkglist) { $cmd .= " --pkglist $pkglist";}
if ($srcdir_otherpkgs) { $cmd .= " --otherpkgdir $srcdir_otherpkgs"; }
if ($otherpkglist) { $cmd .= " --otherpkglist $otherpkglist"; }
if ($postinstall_filename) { $cmd .= " --postinstall $postinstall_filename"; }
if ($destdir) { $cmd .= " --rootimgdir $destdir"; }
if ($imagename) {
$cmd.= " $imagename";
my $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("$cmd", 0, 1);
#save the new settings to the osimage and linuximage tables
if ($output && (@$output > 0)) {
my $i=0;
while ($i < @$output) {
if ( $output->[$i] =~ /The output for table updates starts here/) {
#print "----got here $i\n";
my $tn;
my %keyhash;
my %updates;
my $s1=$output->[$i +1];
my $s2=$output->[$i +2];
my $s3=$output->[$i +3];
if ($s1 =~ /^table::(.*)$/) {
if ($s2 =~ /^imagename::(.*)$/) {
$keyhash{'imagename'} = $1;
if ($tn eq 'osimage') {
} elsif ($tn eq 'linuximage') {
my @a=split("::", $s3);
for (my $j=0; $j < @a; $j=$j+2) {
$updates{$a[$j]} = $a[$j+1];
splice(@$output, $i, 5);
if (($tn) && (keys(%keyhash) > 0) && (keys(%updates) > 0)) {
my $tab= xCAT::Table->new($tn, -create=>1);
if ($tab) {
$tab->setAttribs(\%keyhash, \%updates);
#print "table=$tn,%keyhash,%updates\n";
#print Dumper(%keyhash);
#print Dumper(%updates);
} else {
#remove the database upgrade section