2008-06-03 14:56:33 +00:00

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=head1 NAME
B<makedns> - sets up domain name services (DNS) from the entries in /etc/hosts.
B<makedns> I<options>
B<makedns> [B<-h>|B<--help>]
B<makedns> makes a DNS server from the /etc/hosts file entries. It also uses the following
attributes set in the B<site> table as default values: B<domain>, B<forwarders>, B<nameservers>.
The domain value can be overridden by the B<-d> option.
The netmasks from the B<networks> table will also be used if not overridden by the B<-n> option.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 6
=item B<-d> I<domain>
The domain name to use. If not specified, the default used is the B<domain> attribute in the B<site> table.
=item B<-f> I<file>
A file containing more arguments for B<makedns>.
=item B<-z|-Z> nameserver
The hostname of a secondary nameserver to use.
=item B<-b> bootfile
Boot file to use.
=item B<-A>
Do aliases.
=item B<-M>
Do mx records.
=item B<-w>
Do wks.
=item B<-D>
Don't do domains.
=item B<-t>
Do txt records.
=item B<-u> I<user>
=item B<-s> I<server ...>
=item B<-m> I<mx>
mx records.
=item B<-c> I<pattern>
C patterns?
=item B<-e> I<pattern>
Elimination patterns?
=item B<-h> I<host>
=item B<-o> I<options>
Refresh, retry, expire, ttl options, separated by colons.
=item B<-i>
Force serial.
=item B<-H> I<file>
File to read the host entries from. Default is /etc/hosts.
=item B<-C> I<file>
Comments file.
=item B<-N> I<mask>
Default subnet mask.
=item B<-n> I<mask>
Subnet mask. If not specified, all the netmasks from the B<networks> table are used.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Egan Ford E<lt>egan@us.ibm.comE<gt>