jbjohnso c99d72a179 Initial xCAT 2.0 import
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@2 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00

360 lines
14 KiB

/* session_start(); */
$TOPDIR = '.';
require_once "$TOPDIR/functions.php";
insertHeader('xCAT Rack Node List', $TOPDIR, '', '');
insertNav('nodes', $TOPDIR);
if (isAIX()) { $aixDisabled = 'disabled'; }
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function _reloadMe(form)
var url = 'nodes.cgi?';
url += 'rack=' + (form.rack.checked?1:0);
url += '&group=' + form.nodegrps.value;
url += '&nodeRange=' + form.nodeRange.value;
window.location = url;
function setCookies(form)
var value = (form.rack.checked?1:0) + '&' + form.nodegrps.value + '&' + form.nodeRange.value;
setCookie('mainpage', value);
function setCookie(name, value)
value = escape(value);
value = value.replace(/\\+/g, '%2B'); // The un_urlize() function in webmin works slightly differently than javascript escape()
document.cookie = name + '=' + value + ';expires=' + (new Date("December 31, 2023")).toGMTString();
function selectAll(element, rack)
var sel = element.checked;
if (rack) {
for (var i=0; i < document.images.length; i++) {
var image = document.images[i];
if (image.src.search(/checked-box\\.gif\$/)>-1 && image.alt.search('^'+rack+'-')>-1) { imageCBClick(image,sel); }
else { // the form checkboxes
var form = element.form;
for(var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
var e = form.elements[i];
if (e.type == "checkbox" && e.name.search(/^node\\d/) > -1) { e.checked = sel; }
function isNodeSelected(form)
if (document.paramForm.rack.checked) { return (form.Nodes.value.length>0 || form.rackNodes.value.length>0); }
// we only continue here if it is the non-rack display
for(var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
var e = form.elements[i];
if (e.type == "checkbox" && e.name.search(/^node\\d/) > -1 && e.checked) { return true; }
return false;
function numNodesSelected(form)
if (document.paramForm.rack.checked) {
if (form.Nodes.value.length>0) { return 2; } // just have to guess that the group or range has more than 1
var val = form.rackNodes.value;
var matches = val.match(/,/g);
if (!matches) { return (val.length>0 ? 1 : 0); }
else { return matches.length + 1; }
// we only continue here if it is the non-rack display
var j = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
var e = form.elements[i];
if (e.type == "checkbox" && e.name.search(/^node\\d/) > -1 && e.checked)
if (++j == 2) { return j; }
return j;
function CBClick(cb) { if (!cb.checked) { cb.form.selAllCheckbox.checked=false; } }
function imageCBClick(image, mode)
if (mode==1 || (mode==2 && (image.checked === undefined || !image.checked))) {
image.src = 'images/checked-box.gif';
image.checked = true;
} else {
image.src = 'images/unchecked-box.gif';
image.checked = false;
var s=image.alt.split(/-/);
var rackCB = document.nodesForm['selAll'+s[0]+'Checkbox'];
rackCB.checked = false;
function gatherRackNodes(form)
if (allSelected(form)) {
if (document.paramForm.nodeRange.value.length > 0) { form.Nodes.value = document.paramForm.nodeRange.value; }
else { form.Nodes.value = '+' + document.paramForm.nodegrps.value; }
else { form.Nodes.value=''; }
if (!document.paramForm.rack.checked) { form.rackNodes.value=''; return; }
var nodes='';
for (var i=0; i < document.images.length; i++) {
var image = document.images[i];
if (image.checked) { var s=image.alt.split(/-/); nodes += s[1] + ','; }
form.rackNodes.value = nodes.replace(/,\$/, '');
function allSelected(form)
if (document.paramForm.rack.checked) {
for(var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
var e = form.elements[i];
if (e.type=="checkbox" && e.name.search(/^selAll\\d+Checkbox/)>-1 && !e.checked) { return false; }
return true;
else { return form.selAllCheckbox.checked; } // non-rack display
<div id=content>
<?php /* phpinfo(); */ ?>
<P align="center"><IMG src="images/csmlogo.gif" border="0"></P>
<H2>Node List on Management Server <?= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] ?></H2>
<FORM name="paramForm" action="nodes.cgi" onsubmit="setCookies(this);">
<TR valign="middle">
<P class="BlueBack"><B>Which Nodes:</B></P>
<TD><B>&nbsp;Group: <SELECT name="nodegrps" size="1" onchange="setCookies(this.form);_reloadMe(this.form);" class="Middle">
my $currentGroup = $::in{group};
if (!$currentGroup) { $currentGroup = 'AllNodes'; }
foreach my $group (@$nodegrp){
my $selected = '';
if($group eq "$currentGroup") { $selected = 'selected'; }
print qq(<OPTION value='$group' $selected>$group</OPTION>\n);
</SELECT> &nbsp;</B>or<B> &nbsp;Node Range: </B><INPUT size="20" type="text" name="nodeRange" value="$::in{nodeRange}" onchange="setCookies(this.form);_reloadMe(this.form);" class="Middle"></TD>
<INPUT type="checkbox" name="rack" onclick="setCookies(this.form);_reloadMe(this.form);"> Show Nodes in Racks (have to first <A href="hwctrl/rack.cgi">set the physical location</A>)</TD>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> document.paramForm.rack.checked = ($rackChecked==1 ? true : false); </SCRIPT>
<FORM name="nodesForm" action="nodes.cgi"
if (this.nodesNeeded === undefined || this.nodesNeeded == 2) { // need 1 or more nodes
if (isNodeSelected(this)) { return true; }
else { alert('Select one or more nodes before pressing an action button.'); return false; }
else if (this.nodesNeeded == 1) { // need exactly 1 node
if (numNodesSelected(this) == 1) { return true; }
else { alert('Exactly one node must be selected for this action.'); this.nodesNeeded=undefined; return false; }
else if (this.nodesNeeded == 0) { return true; } // 0 or more nodes is ok
else { return true; }
<TD><P class="BlueBack"><B>Node<BR>Actions:</B></P></TD>
<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<TR><TD nowrap>
<INPUT type=submit name=propButton value="Attributes" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=defineButton value="Define Like" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=createGroupButton value="Create Group" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=pingNodesButton value="Ping" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=updateButton value="Updatenode" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=runcmdButton value="Run Cmd" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=copyFilesButton value="Copy Files" class=but>
<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<TR><TD nowrap>
<INPUT type=submit name=softMaintButton value="Soft Maint" class=but onclick="this.form.nodesNeeded=1;">
<INPUT type=submit name=hwctrlButton value="HW Ctrl" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=rsaButton value="RSA/MM/FSP" class=but onclick="this.form.nodesNeeded=1;">
<INPUT type=submit name=installButton value="Install" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=perfmonButton value="Perf Mon" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=webminButton value="Webmin" class=but onclick="this.form.nodesNeeded=1;">
<INPUT type=submit name=diagButton value="Diagnose" class=but onclick="this.form.nodesNeeded=1;">
<INPUT type=submit name=removeButton value="Remove" class=but>
<TD colspan="2" height="5"></TD>
<TR valign="top">
<TD colspan="2" align="center">
<!--CSM if (!($rackChecked==1)) { -->
echo "<TABLE cellpadding=0><TBODY align=center valign=middle><TR valign=bottom class=BlueBack>\n";
echo "<TD align=left><INPUT type=checkbox name=selAllCheckbox onclick='selectAll(this,0)'><FONT size='-2'>Select All</FONT> &nbsp; <B>Name</B></TD>\n";
echo "<TD><B>HW Type</B></TD><TD><B>OS</B></TD><TD><B>Mode</B></TD><TD><B>Status</B></TD><TD><B>HW Ctrl Pt</B></TD><TD><B>Comment</B></TD></TR>\n";
$index =0;
foreach my $na (@$nodeAttrs)
if ($index > $::config{MaxNodesDisplayed})
print qq(<TR><TD colspan=7 align=center><I>Note: Number of nodes to be displayed exceeds the maximum of $::config{MaxNodesDisplayed} specified on the <A href="/config.cgi?csm" target=_parent>Module Config page</A>. To see the rest of the nodes, specify a node range or node group at the top of this page, or change the maximum value.</I></TD></TR>\n);
my ($hostname, $type, $osname, $distro, $version, $mode, $status, $conport, $hcp, $nodeid, $pmethod, $location, $comment) = split(/:\|:/, $na);
print "<TR bgcolor='#d8dff1'><TD align=left nowrap><INPUT type='checkbox' name='node$index' value='$hostname' onclick='CBClick(this)'><A href='properties.cgi?nodes=$hostname'>$hostname</A></TD>\n";
my $image = GuiUtils->getHWTypeImage($type, $pmethod);
my $alt = $type;
print qq(<TD><IMG src="images/$image" alt="$alt" title="$alt" border=0></TD>\n);
if ($osname=~/aix/i) { $image = 'aix-s.gif'; $alt = 'AIX'; }
elsif ($distro=~/redhat/i) { $image = 'redhat-s.gif'; $alt = 'RedHat'; }
elsif ($distro=~/suse|sles/i) { $image = 'suse-s.gif'; $alt = 'SuSE/SLES'; }
else { $image = ''; $alt = 'Unknown';}
if (length($image)) { print qq(<TD nowrap><IMG src="images/$image" alt="$alt" title="$alt" border=0 align=top> $version</TD>\n); }
else { print "<TD>$osname $distro $version</TD>\n"; }
print "<TD>$mode</TD>\n";
if ($status == 1) { $image = 'green-ball-m.gif'; $alt = 'On'; }
elsif ($status == 127 && $mode eq 'PreManaged') { $image = 'blue-ball-m.gif'; $alt = 'Unconfigured'; }
elsif ($status == 127) { $image = 'yellow-ball-m.gif'; $alt = 'Unknown'; }
else { $image = 'red-ball-m.gif'; $alt = 'Off'; }
print qq(<TD><IMG src="images/$image" alt="$alt" title="$alt" border=0></TD>\n);
print "<TD>$hcp</TD>\n";
print "<TD>$comment</TD></TR>\n";
} -->
<?= "</TBODY></TABLE>\n" ?>
} # not rack
else { # show nodes in racks
print qq(<TABLE><TBODY valign=bottom><TR>\n);
# xSeries frames are 78.7in H x 23.6in W (3.3 ratio). The server enclosure area is approx 71.4 x 19 (3.75 ratio). Each U is approx 1.725
my $bord=0;
my $index=0;
for (my $fnum=1; $fnum<scalar(@frames); $fnum++) {
my $frame = $frames[$fnum];
if (!defined($frame)) { next; } # no nodes in this frame
print qq(<TD><INPUT type=checkbox name=selAll${fnum}Checkbox onclick='selectAll(this,$fnum)'><B> Rack $fnum</B>\n);
print qq(<TABLE bgcolor="#303030" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><TBODY><TR><TD width=1 height=$bord></TD><TD></TD><TD width=1 height=$bord></TD></TR>\n);
for (my $i=1; $i<=42;)
my $u = $$frame[$i];
if (defined($u))
my ($hostname, $image, $alt, $size) = @$u;
if (ref($image)) { # this a bladecenter chassis
my $chassis = $image; # this is really a ref to an array of blades
print qq(<TR><TD></TD><TD><TABLE bgcolor="#303030" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><TBODY><TR>\n);
for (my $j=1; $j<=14; $j++) {
my $b = $$chassis[$j];
if (defined($b)) {
my ($h, $im, $a) = @$b;
print qq(<TD><IMG src='images/unchecked-box.gif' alt='$fnum-$h' title='$fnum-$h' border=0 onclick='imageCBClick(this,2);'><BR>);
print qq(<IMG src="images/$im" alt="$a" title="$a" border=0></TD>\n);
else { print qq(<TD bgcolor="#999999" height=25 width=12></TD>\n); } # empty blade slot
print qq(</TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>\n);
else { # this is regular rack mounted node
print qq(<TR><TD></TD><TD><IMG src='images/unchecked-box.gif' alt='$fnum-$hostname' title='$fnum-$hostname' border=0 align=middle onclick='imageCBClick(this,2);'>);
print qq(<IMG src="images/$image" alt="$alt" title="$alt" border=0 align=middle></TD></TR>\n);
$i += $size;
else { print qq(<TR><TD></TD><TD bgcolor="#999999" height=5 width=50></TD></TR>\n); $i++; } # empty slot
print qq(<TR><TD height=$bord></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD>\n);
print qq(</TR></TBODY></TABLE>\n);
} # rack
<INPUT type=hidden name=rackNodes value=''>
<INPUT type=hidden name=Nodes value=''>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
if ($AIXdisable) {
document.nodesForm.softMaintButton.disabled = true;
document.nodesForm.rsaButton.disabled = true;
document.nodesForm.installButton.disabled = true;
<H4 class="BlueBack">Tips:</H4>
<LI>Select 1 or more nodes &amp; click on an&nbsp;action button. &nbsp;Or choose
1 of the main tasks on the left. &nbsp;The&nbsp;<A href="/help.cgi/csm/intro" target="_blank">Help&nbsp;link</A>&nbsp;at&nbsp;the&nbsp;top&nbsp;left&nbsp;really&nbsp;does&nbsp;help.&nbsp; It describes what all these buttons do.
<LI>The Status colors: &nbsp;<FONT color="#00cc00">green</FONT>=reachable, <FONT color="#ff0000">red</FONT>=not reachable, <FONT color="#cccc00">yellow</FONT>=unknown/error, <FONT color="#0000ff">blue</FONT>=node not managed.
<LI>If too many nodes are displayed, use the Group or Node Range selections
to focus what is displayed.
<LI>The <A href="/config.cgi?csm" target="_parent">Console/Settings link</A> at the top left is the way to set preferences. &nbsp;There is a verbose
option there to have this interface display the commands it is running.
<LI>If you are running this over a phone line, we recommend using the <A href="../webmin/change_theme.cgi?theme=">Old Webmin theme</A> (which is now the default) for faster loading. &nbsp;Of course, the <A href="../webmin/change_theme.cgi?theme=mscstyle3">MSC Linux theme</A> looks nicer. &nbsp;(If you change the theme, you will have to navigate
back to this page in the Cluster category.)
<LI>Did you know you can run as many browser windows with this interface as
you want? &nbsp;This can be handy to view information from multiple pages&nbsp;of&nbsp;this&nbsp;interface
at the same time.
<P align="center"><FONT size="-1"><B>CSM Version:</B> $rpmVersions{'csm.server'} &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <B>CSM Web Interface Version:</B>&nbsp;$rpmVersions{'xcsm.web'}</FONT></P>