1349 lines
51 KiB
1349 lines
51 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2010 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
# This script will be used to run xCAT daily regression
# Usage:xCATreg - Run xCAT daily regression
# xCATreg [-?|-h]
# xCATreg [-b branch][-m MN][-f configure file][-a][-V]
# -?/-h: help information for the xCATreg usage.
# -b: when -b is specified, the regression will be done against the specified branch. You can use 2.7, 2.8,master.The default value is master.
# -m: when -m is specified, the regression will be done the specified mn. The default value is all the mn in configuration file.
# -f :specify the configuration file,default value is /xCATreg/regresson.conf
# -a: when -a is specified, run the regression even there is no code updates
# -V: log and message in verbose mode
# Example usage:
# ./xCATreg Run regressoins on master branch and on all platforms in configuration file
# ./xCATreg -b 2.8 -m slesmn -f /root/regressoin.conf -a Run regression on 2.8 branch on slesmn even when there is no code updates.
$ENV{PATH} = "/opt/xcat/bin:/opt/xcat/sbin:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin";
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Time::Local;
use IO::Select;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : -d '/opt/xcat' ? '/opt/xcat' : '/usr';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
my $date;
#my $regrootdir="/home/autotest_code";
#my $mailtitle="P Cluster";
my $regrootdir="/xCATreg";
my $mailtitle="X Cluster";
my $logfiledir = "$regrootdir/log";
my $logfile="";
my $configfiledir = "$regrootdir/conf";
my $configfile = "$regrootdir/conf/xCATreg.conf";
my $xcatcoredir = "$regrootdir/xcatsource/xcat-core";
my $xcatdepdir = "$regrootdir/xcatsource/xcat-dep";
my $osisodir = "$regrootdir/iso";
my $regresultdir = "$regrootdir/regresult";
my $todayregresultdir="";
my $maildir="$regrootdir/mail";
my $mailfile="";
my $rootdir = "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/tools/autotest";
my %confkeys;
my $mail_list = 0;
my $needhelp = 0;
my $branch = "master";
my $management_node = undef;
#my $verbose_mode = 0;
my $updates_regression = 0;
my %mns;
my %pidrecord;
my %piderrrecord;
my %consumptionrecord;
my $commitinfofile="/tmp/commitinfo";
my $gitupdateflag = 0;
my $forceregwithoutupdate=0;
# runcmd
sub runcmd {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $rc = 0;
$::RUNCMD_RC = 0;
my $outref = [];
@$outref = `$cmd 2>&1`;
if ($?)
$rc = $? ;
$::RUNCMD_RC = $rc;
return @$outref;
# clean_outdated_file
sub is5daysago{
my $targetdate= shift;
my $targetdatey="";
my $targetdatem="";
my $targetdated="";
my $datey="";
my $datem="";
my $dated="";
if($targetdate =~ /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/){
if($date =~ /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/){
my $todays=timelocal(0,0,0,$dated,$datem,$datey);
my $targets=timelocal(0,0,0,$targetdated,$targetdatem,$targetdatey);
if($todays - $targets > 432000){
return 1;
return 0;
# clean_outdated_file
sub clean_outdated_file{
opendir(DIR, "$logfiledir");
foreach my $file (readdir DIR){
if($file =~ /xCATreg(\d+).log/){
my $res = is5daysago($1);
&runcmd("rm -f $logfiledir/$file");
opendir(DIR, "$maildir");
foreach my $file (readdir DIR){
if($file =~ /mailreport.(\d+)/){
my $res = is5daysago($1);
&runcmd("rm -f $maildir/$file");
opendir(DIR, "$regresultdir");
foreach my $file (readdir DIR){
if($file =~ /(\d+)/){
my $res = is5daysago($1);
&runcmd("rm -rf $regresultdir/$file");
return 0;
# xCATreg_init
sub xCATreg_init{
#init important attributes
$date = `date +"%Y%m%d"`;
&runcmd("mkdir -p $logfiledir") if(! -e $logfiledir);
&runcmd("mkdir -p $maildir") if(! -e $maildir);
&runcmd("mkdir -p $regresultdir") if(! -e $regresultdir);
&runcmd("mkdir -p $xcatcoredir") if(! -e $xcatcoredir);
&runcmd("mkdir -p $todayregresultdir");
my $cnt=`ps aux|grep xCATreg |grep -v grep|awk '{print \$2}'|wc -l`;
my $out=`ps aux|grep xCATreg |grep -v grep|awk '{print \$2}'`;
for(my $i=1;$i<$cnt+1;$i++){
my $pid=`echo "$out"|sed -n ${i}p`;
next if($pid == $$);
&runcmd("kill $pid");
return 0;
# usage for arguments
sub usage{
print "Usage:xCATreg - Run xcat autotest test cases.\n
Explanation for the options:
-b: when -b is specified, the regression will be done against the specified branch. The default value is master.\n
-m: when -m is specified, run regression on the specified mn. The default value is all the mn in configuration file.\n
-f: specify the configuration file location.\n
-a: when -a is specified, run the regression even there is no code updates.\n
-e: <email_addr> send the test result to email_addr\n\n";
print " xCATreg [-?|-h]\n";
print " xCATreg [-f configure file] [-b branch] [-m mangement node] [-e mail list] [-a] Even code not updates, there will be regression.\n";
print " xCATreg [-f configure file] [-b branch] [-m mangement node] [-e mail list] if code updates there will be regression.\n";
print "\n";
# send messages
sub send_msg {
my $num = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $content;
if ($num == 0) {
$content = "Fatal error:";
} elsif($num == 1) {
$content = "Warning:";
} elsif($num == 2) {
$content = "Notice:";
my $timestamp = `date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`;
if ( !open (LOGFILE, ">> $logfiledir/$logfile") ) {
return 1;
print LOGFILE "$content $timestamp $$: $msg.\n";
close LOGFILE;
# read_conf
sub read_conf{
my $myfile=undef;
my $line=undef;
if (!open($myfile, "$configfile")) {
send_msg(0, "Open $configfile failed");
return 1;
while ($line = <$myfile>) {
$line =~ s/\s//g;
next if($line =~ /^#/);
next if($line eq "");
my @attr=split(/=/,$line);
$confkeys{$attr[0]} = $attr[1];
return 0;
# mn_install to install all mn
sub mn_install {
my $mn=shift;
&runcmd("lsdef|grep $confkeys{$mn}");
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][mn_install] Didn't defined $confkeys{$mn} in current control node");
return 1;
my $os = $confkeys{$mn."os"};
my $arch = "ppc64";
$arch="x86_64" if($mn !~ /aix/ && $mn =~ /x/);
my $osimage="";
if($mn !~ /aix/){
$osimage="aix"; #????????need to test for aix
#print "[$mn] : os= $os arch=$arch osimage=$osimage\n";
&runcmd("lsdef -t osimage|grep $osimage");
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][mn_install] Didn't defined $osimage in current control node");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][mn_install] installing $osimage for node $confkeys{$mn}................");
&runcmd("nodeset $confkeys{$mn} osimage=$osimage");
if( $arch =~ /x86_64/){
&runcmd("rpower $confkeys{$mn} boot");
&runcmd("rnetboot $confkeys{$mn}");
if($mn !~ /ubuntu/){
&runcmd("sleep 300");
&runcmd("a=0;while ! `lsdef -l $confkeys{$mn}|grep status|grep booted >/dev/null`; do sleep 10;((a++));if [ \$a -gt 200 ];then break;fi done");}
&runcmd("sleep 1800");
&runcmd("lsdef -l $confkeys{$mn}|grep status|grep booted >/dev/null");
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][mn_install] install $osimage for node $confkeys{$mn} failed");
return 1;
if($mn =~ /ubuntu/){
system("updatenode $confkeys{$mn} -P \"confignics -s\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -j ACCEPT\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
return 0;
# copy code
sub copy_code {
my $mn=shift;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] starting to copy the latest xcat code and dep");
#copy xcat-dep tarball to MN:/
my $depball="";
if($mn =~ /aix/){
$depball = `ls -l $xcatdepdir|awk '{print \$9}'|grep aix|tail -n 1`;
}elsif($mn =~ /ubuntu/){
$depball = `ls -l $xcatdepdir|awk '{print \$9}'|grep ubuntu|tail -n 1`;
$depball = `ls -l $xcatdepdir|awk '{print \$9}'|grep 'xcat-dep-[0-9]\\{12\\}.tar.bz'|tail -n 1`;
if ($depball eq ""){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] can't find dep tarball for $mn under dir $xcatdepdir");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] find dep tarball $depball for $mn");
my $res = system("scp $xcatdepdir/$depball root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/ >/dev/null");
if ($?){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy $depball to $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy $depball to $mn successfully");
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'cd / && tar xvf /$depball' >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($?){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] untar $depball in $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] untar $depball in $mn successfully");
#copy xcat-core source code to MN:/
if($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'mkdir -p /xcatbuild' && scp -r $xcatcoredir root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/xcatbuild/ >/dev/null");
$res = system("scp -r $xcatcoredir root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/ >/dev/null");
if ($res){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy the latest xcat code to $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy the latest xcat code to $mn successfully");
#copy /etc/hosts file to MN
$res = system("scp /etc/hosts root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/etc >/dev/null");
if ($?){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy /etc/hosts to $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy /etc/hosts to $mn successfully");
my $os = $confkeys{$mn."os"};
my $regconf=$mn.".conf";
system("sed -i 's|os=\\S*|os=$os|g' $configfiledir/$regconf");
my $arch = "ppc64";
$arch="x86_64" if($mn !~ /aix/ && $mn =~ /x/);
my $iso;
#copy specific files to MN for each platform
if($mn =~ /rh/){
$res = system("scp /install/$os/$arch/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/ >/dev/null");
if ($?){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release to $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release to $mn successfully");
$os =~ /(\D+)(\d+\.\d+)/;
$iso=`ls -l $osisodir|awk '{print \$9}'|grep RHEL|grep $arch|grep $2|tail -n 1`;
#print "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] iso=$iso\n";
if ($iso eq ""){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] can't find iso for $os and $arch under dir $osisodir");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] find $iso for os=$os and arch=$arch");
$res = system("scp $osisodir/$iso root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/ >/dev/null");
if ($?){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy ISO $iso to $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy ISO $iso to $mn successfully");
system ("sed -i 's|ISO=/\\S*|ISO=/$iso|g' $configfiledir/$regconf");
if($mn =~ /sles/){
$os =~ /(\D+)(\d+)\.?(\d?)/;
$iso=`ls -l $osisodir| awk '{print \$9}'|grep SLE|grep $arch |grep -- "-$2-SP$3-" |tail -n 1`;
$iso=`ls -l $osisodir| awk '{print \$9}'|grep SLE|grep $arch |grep -v "SP"|grep -- "-$2-"|tail -n 1`;
#print "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] iso=$iso\n";
if ($iso eq ""){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] can't find ISO for os=$os and arch=$arch under dir $osisodir");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] find $iso for os=$os and arch=$arch");
$res = system("scp $osisodir/$iso root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/ >/dev/null");
if ($?){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy ISO $iso to $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy ISO $iso to $mn successfully");
system ("sed -i 's|ISO=/\\S*|ISO=/$iso|g' $configfiledir/$regconf");
if($os =~ /sles11/){
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"mv /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires.org\" && scp $osisodir/find-requires $confkeys{$mn}:/usr/lib/rpm/ > /dev/null");
if ($?){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] For sles11, copy find-requires to $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] For sles11, copy find-requires to $mn successfully");
if($mn =~ /ubuntu/){
$os =~ /(\D+)(\d+\.\d+\.?\d?)/;
my $osversion = $2;
if ($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
$iso=`ls -l $osisodir| awk '{print \$9}'|grep ubuntu|grep amd64 |grep $osversion |tail -n 1`;
}elsif($mn =~ /ubuntupel/){
$iso=`ls -l $osisodir| awk '{print \$9}'|grep ubuntu|grep ppc64el |grep $osversion |tail -n 1`;
#print "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] iso=$iso\n";
if ($iso eq ""){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] can't find ISO for os=$os and arch=$arch under dir $osisodir");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] find $iso for os=$os and arch=$arch");
$res = system("scp $osisodir/$iso root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/ >/dev/null");
if ($?){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy ISO $iso to $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy ISO $iso to $mn successfully");
system ("sed -i 's|ISO=/\\S*|ISO=/$iso|g' $configfiledir/$regconf");
return 0;
# build xcat
sub build_xcat {
my $mn = shift;
#print "=======[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}] build_xcat========\n";
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][build_xcat] starting to build xcat in $confkeys{$mn}");
#modify /etc/resolv.conf
my $dnsserver=`cat /etc/hosts |grep $confkeys{$mn}|awk '{print \$1}'|head -n 1`;
my $res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"sed -i 's:nameserver .*:nameserver $dnsserver:g' /etc/resolv.conf\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][install_xcat] modify resolv.conf in $mn failed");
return 1;
if($mn =~ /rh/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'yum -y groupinstall \"Development tools\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'yum -y groupinstall \"Perl Support\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'yum -y install createrepo' >/dev/null 2>&1");
if($mn =~ /sles/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'zypper -n install perl-DBI' >/dev/null 2>&1");
if($mn =~ /ubuntu/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"echo \"nameserver\" >> /etc/resolv.conf\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get -y install software-properties-common' >/dev/null 2>&1");
if($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu \$(lsb_release -sc) main\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu \$(lsb_release -sc)-updates main\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu \$(lsb_release -sc) universe\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu \$(lsb_release -sc)-updates universe\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
}elsif($mn =~ /ubuntupel/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports \$(lsb_release -sc) main\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports \$(lsb_release -sc)-updates main\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports \$(lsb_release -sc) universe\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports \$(lsb_release -sc)-updates universe\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"wget -O - \"http://sourceforge.net/projects/xcat/files/ubuntu/apt.key/download\" | apt-key add -\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get clean all' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get update' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get -y install build-essential dpkg-dev dh-make debhelper fakeroot gnupg lintian pbuilder quilt reprepro libsoap-lite-perl libdbi-perl' >/dev/null 2>&1");
#build xcat core ball
if($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} '/xcatbuild/xcat-core/build-ubunturepo -c UP=0 BUILDALL=1 > /var/log/xcat/build_xcat.log 2>&1' >/dev/null 2>&1");
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} '/xcat-core/buildlocal.sh CURDIR=/xcat-core > /var/log/xcat/build_xcat.log 2>&1' >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][build_xcat] build xcat in $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][build_xcat] build xcat in $mn successfully");
return 0;
# config mn
sub install_xcat {
my $mn = shift;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][install_xcat] starting to install xcat in $confkeys{$mn}");
my $os = $confkeys{$mn."os"};
my $arch = "ppc64";
$arch="x86_64" if($mn !~ /aix/ && $mn =~ /x/);
if($mn =~ /rh/){
$os =~ /(\D+)(\d+)\.?(\d?)/;
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"cd /xcat-dep/rh$2/$arch && ./mklocalrepo.sh\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"rpm --import /RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"yum -y install xCAT xCAT-test > /var/log/xcat/install_xcat.log 2>&1\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"yum -y install mysql-server mysql mysql-bench mysql-devel mysql-connector-odbc\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"source /etc/profile.d/xcat.sh\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
if($mn =~ /rhx/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"yum install -y perl-Sys-Virt\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
}elsif($mn =~ /sles/){
$os =~ /(\D+)(\d+)\.?(\d?)/;
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"zypper ar file:///xcat-dep/sles$2/$arch xCAT-dep\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"zypper sl -U\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys search --match-exact -s screen\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"zypper -n install xCAT xCAT-test > /var/log/xcat/install_xcat.log 2>&1\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"zypper -n install createrepo\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"zypper -n install mysql-client libmysqlclient_r15 libqt4-sql-mysql libmysqlclient15 perl-DBD-mysql mysql unixODBC\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"source /etc/profile.d/xcat.sh\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
if($mn =~ /slesx/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"zypper -n install perl-Sys-Virt\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
}elsif($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"/xcat-core/mklocalrepo.sh\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"/xcat-dep/mklocalrepo.sh\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get clean all' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get update' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get -y install xcat xCAT-test > /var/log/xcat/install_xcat.log 2>&1' >/dev/null 2>&1");
#check if MN is installed successful
my $lsdefout = `ssh -t $confkeys{$mn} 'bash -l -i -c "lsdef -v"'`;
if($lsdefout !~ /^lsdef - Version/ ){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][install_xcat] install xcat in $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][install_xcat] install xcat in $mn successfully");
return 0;
# do test
sub do_test {
my $mn = shift;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] starting to run regression test in $confkeys{$mn}");
my $regconf=$mn.".conf";
my $res = system("scp $configfiledir/$regconf root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf >/dev/null");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] copy $configfiledir/$regconf to $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] copy $configfiledir/$regconf to $mn successfully");
my $diskfull_installation_flat_testcase="";
my $diskless_installation_flat_testcase="";
my $statelite_installation_flat_testcase="";
my $sn_installation_hierarchy_testcase="";
my $diskfull_installation_hierarchy_testcase="";
my $diskless_installation_hierarchy_testcase="";
my $statelite_installation_hierarchy_testcase="";
my $batbundle="";
if($mn =~ /sles/ || $mn =~ /rh/){
$batbundle="p_rhels_cmd.bundle" if($mn =~ /rhp/);
$batbundle="x_rhels_cmd.bundle" if($mn =~ /rhx/);
$batbundle="p_sles_cmd.bundle" if($mn =~ /slesp/);
$batbundle="x_sles_cmd.bundle" if($mn =~ /slesx/);
}elsif($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
}elsif($mn =~ /ubuntupel/){
if($mn !~ /ubuntu/){
#diskfull installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskfull installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskfull_installation_flat_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskfull installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#commands bundle in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing all commands test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -b $batbundle\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do all commands test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#diskless installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskless installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskless_installation_flat_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskless installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#statelite installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing statelite installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $statelite_installation_flat_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do statelite installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#deploy SN
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] setting up mysql for installing SN in $mn.....");
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"XCATMYSQLADMIN_PW=12345 XCATMYSQLROOT_PW=12345 mysqlsetup -i\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] set up mysql for installing SN in $mn failed");
return 1;
$res = system ("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"echo \\\"GRANT ALL on xcatdb.* TO xcatadmin@\'%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'12345\'\;\\\" | mysql -u root -p12345\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] grant right to mysql for installing SN in $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] set up mysql for installing SN in $mn.....[done]");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] preparing xcat ball for installing SN in $mn.....");
my $os = $confkeys{$mn."os"};
my $arch = "ppc64";
$arch="x86_64" if($mn !~ /aix/ && $mn =~ /x/);
my $xcatballpath = "/install/post/otherpkgs/$os/$arch/xcat";
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"mkdir -p $xcatballpath/xcat-core && cp -r /xcat-core/build/* $xcatballpath/xcat-core && cp -r /xcat-dep $xcatballpath\"");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] prepare xcat ball for installing SN in $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] prepare xcat ball for installing SN in $mn.....[done]");
if($mn =~ /rhp/){
my $ping_sn_on_rhp_pid = fork();
if( !defined($ping_sn_on_rhp_pid)){
send_msg(0, "fork process for trigger random number generator on redhat+ppc environment to install SN error");
}elsif($ping_sn_on_rhp_pid ==0){
send_msg(2, "....fork 1 process[pid=$$] for trigger random number generator on redhat+ppc environment to install SN..........");
my $snnodename = `cat $configfiledir/$regconf |grep SN|grep =|awk -F'=' '{print \$2}'`;
&runcmd("sleep 900");
my $timecnt=0;
while($timecnt < 180){
my $booted = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"lsdef -l $snnodename|grep status|grep booted\"");
last if($booted==0);
my $booting = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"lsdef -l $snnodename|grep status|grep booting\"");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xdsh $snnodename \"echo 1\"\"") if($booting==0);
&runcmd("sleep 10");
send_msg(2, "....process[pid=$$] for trigger random number generator on redhat+ppc environment to install SN....[exit]");
exit 0;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] installing SN.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $sn_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] install SN.....[done]");
#diskfull installation in hierarchy mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskfull installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskfull_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskfull installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....[done]");
#diskless installation in hierarchy mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskless installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskless_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskless installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....[done]");
#statelite installation in hierarchy mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing statelite installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $statelite_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do statelite installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....[done]");
#diskfull installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskfull installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("ssh -t $confkeys{$mn} 'exec bash -l -i -c \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskfull_installation_flat_testcase\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskfull installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#commands bundle in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing all commands test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("ssh -t $confkeys{$mn} 'exec bash -l -i -c \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -b $batbundle\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do all commands test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#diskless installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskless installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("ssh -t $confkeys{$mn} 'exec bash -l -i -c \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskless_installation_flat_testcase\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskless installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][install_xcat] run regression test in $mn finished");
$res = system("scp -r $confkeys{$mn}:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* $todayregresultdir/$mn/ >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] copy regression result to $todayregresultdir/$mn/ failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] copy regression result to $todayregresultdir/$mn/ successfully");
return 0;
# creat report
sub creat_report{
my $mailreport .= "======================================\n";
$mailreport .= " Regression Result Summary\n";
$mailreport .= "======================================\n\n";
# $gitupdateflag = 0 git update out of time
# $gitupdateflag = 1 there isn't new code checkin in last one day
# $gitupdateflag = 2 git update failed
$mailreport .= "Get the latest xcat code from git out of time, stop regression test today!!!\n\n\n";
&runcmd("touch $mailfile && echo \"$mailreport\" > $mailfile");
&runcmd("mv $commitinfofile $commitinfofile.old && echo \"\" > $commitinfofile");
return 0;
}elsif($gitupdateflag==1 && ! $forceregwithoutupdate){
$mailreport .= "There isn't new code checkin last one day, stop regression test today!!!\n\n\n";
&runcmd("touch $mailfile && echo \"$mailreport\" > $mailfile");
&runcmd("mv $commitinfofile $commitinfofile.old && echo \"\" > $commitinfofile");
return 0;
}elsif($gitupdateflag==1 && $forceregwithoutupdate){
$mailreport .= "There isn't new code checkin last one day, But force to run regresson today!!!\n\n\n";
&runcmd("mv $commitinfofile $commitinfofile.old && echo \"\" > $commitinfofile");
$mailreport .= "Get the latest xcat source code from git error, stop regression test today!!!\n\n\n";
&runcmd("touch $mailfile && echo \"$mailreport\" > $mailfile");
&runcmd("mv $commitinfofile $commitinfofile.old && echo \"\" > $commitinfofile");
return 0;
while(my($k,$v) = each %pidrecord){
my $scenario="[".$confkeys{$k."os"};
if($k=~/p/){$scenario.="+PPC64] ";}else{$scenario.="+x86_64] ";}
$mailreport .= "$scenario\n";
if ($v == 0){ # whole regression test finished
my $h=int($consumptionrecord{$k}/3600);
my $m=int(($consumptionrecord{$k} - $h*3600)/60);
my $s=($consumptionrecord{$k} - $h*3600)%60;
my $consumption="$h hours $m minutes $s seconds";
$mailreport .= "\tTime consumption: $consumption\n";
if($piderrrecord{$k} ne ""){
$mailreport .= "\tDeploy MN result: $piderrrecord{$k}\n";
my $totalcnt=0;
my $failcnt=0;
my $faillist="";
opendir(DIR, "$todayregresultdir/$k");
foreach my $file (readdir DIR)
next if($file !~ /xcattest.log/);
my $cnt = `cat $todayregresultdir/$k/$file |grep -- "------END::"|wc -l`;
for(my $i=1;$i<$cnt+1;$i++){
my $line=`cat $todayregresultdir/$k/$file |grep -- "------END::"|sed -n ${i}p`;
if($line =~ /------END::([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)::([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)::Time.+/){
my $failedcase=$1;
if($2 =~ /Failed/){
$faillist.=$failedcase.", ";
$mailreport .= "\tTotal $totalcnt Failed $failcnt\n\tFailed cases: $faillist\n";
}else{ # regression test out of time
$mailreport .= "\tTime consumption: Out of 8 hours!!!!!!\n";
&runcmd("touch $mailfile && echo \"$mailreport\" > $mailfile");
return 0;
# send email
sub send_email{
my $checkinlist="";
my $cnt =`cat $commitinfofile |grep '20[0-9][0-9] [-+]0[0-9]00'|awk '{print \$1}' |grep -v root|sort | uniq|wc -l`;
my $out =`cat $commitinfofile |grep '20[0-9][0-9] [-+]0[0-9]00'|awk '{print \$1}' |grep -v root|sort | uniq`;
for(my $i=1;$i<$cnt+1;$i++){
my $tmpline=`echo "$out"|sed -n ${i}p`;
$checkinlist.= "$tmpline ";
my $totalcnt=0;
my $failcnt=0;
$cnt =`cat $mailfile |grep "Total"|grep "Failed"|wc -l`;
$out =`cat $mailfile |grep "Total"|grep "Failed"`;
for(my $i=1;$i<$cnt+1;$i++){
my $tmpline=`echo "$out"|sed -n ${i}p`;
if($tmpline =~ /Total (\d+) Failed (\d+)/){
# $gitupdateflag = 0 git update out of time
# $gitupdateflag = 1 there isn't new code checkin in last one day
# $gitupdateflag = 2 git update failed
my $subject="";
if($gitupdateflag==0 || $gitupdateflag==2){
$subject = "[$mailtitle] Git update failed, stop regression test today!!!";
}elsif($gitupdateflag==1 && ! $forceregwithoutupdate){
$subject = "[$mailtitle] No code checkin, stop regression test today!!!";
}elsif($gitupdateflag==1 && $forceregwithoutupdate){
$subject = "[$mailtitle] Total:".$totalcnt.", Fail:".$failcnt.", Checkin: NO ONE!!";
$subject = "[$mailtitle] Total:".$totalcnt.", Fail:".$failcnt.", Checkin: ".$checkinlist;
my $mailreport .= "\n\n======================================\n";
$mailreport .= " Commit Codes Last Day\n";
$mailreport .= "======================================\n\n";
&runcmd("echo \"$mailreport\">> $mailfile");
&runcmd("cat $commitinfofile >> $mailfile");
my $attachfile="/tmp/failed_case_detail.txt";
&runcmd("echo \"\" > $attachfile");
if($failcnt > 0){
opendir(DIR, "$todayregresultdir");
foreach my $subdir (readdir DIR){
next if($subdir =~ /^\./);
#print "subdir-> $subdir\n";
my $scenario="[".$confkeys{$subdir."os"};
if($subdir=~/p/){$scenario.="+PPC64] ";}else{$scenario.="+x86_64] ";}
my $separator .= "\n###############################################################\n";
$separator .= " $scenario\n";
$separator .= "###############################################################\n\n";
&runcmd("echo \"$separator\" >> $attachfile");
opendir(SUBDIR, "$todayregresultdir/$subdir");
foreach my $file (readdir SUBDIR){
next if($file !~ /^failedcases/);
next if(-z "$todayregresultdir/$subdir/$file");
#print "\t$file\n";
system("cat $todayregresultdir/$subdir/$file >> $attachfile");
if($failcnt > 0){
system("cat $mailfile"." | /bin/mail -s \"$subject\" -a $attachfile \"$mail_list\"");
system("cat $mailfile"." | /bin/mail -s \"$subject\" \"$mail_list\"");
if($failcnt > 0){
system("cat $mailfile"." | /bin/mail -s \"$subject\" -a $attachfile \"$confkeys{mailgroup}\"");
system("cat $mailfile"." | /bin/mail -s \"$subject\" \"$confkeys{mailgroup}\"");
return 0;
#git update
#return value:
#0 successful
#1 code is already at latest version
#2 someting error
sub git_update{
send_msg(2, "[git update] starting to update xcat source code from git");
my $res = system("cd $xcatcoredir && git checkout $branch > /dev/nul 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[git update] change to branch $branch....[failed]");
return 2;
send_msg(2, "[git update] change to branch $branch....[ok]");
my $gitpulloutput = "/tmp/gitpulloutput";
my $trytime=1;
while($trytime < 4){
$res = system("cd $xcatcoredir && git pull > $gitpulloutput 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[git update] pull the latest code to control node....[$trytime failed]");
&runcmd("sleep 120");
if($trytime == 4){
send_msg(0, "[git update] pull the latest code to control node....[finally failed]");
return 2;
$res = system("grep 'Already up-to-date' $gitpulloutput > /dev/nul 2>&1");
if ($res == 0 && ! $forceregwithoutupdate) {
send_msg(2, "[git update] code is already at latest version. exit regresson");
return 1;
}elsif($res == 0 && $forceregwithoutupdate){
send_msg(2, "[git update] code is already at latest version. But force to run regresson");
return 0;
send_msg(2, "[git update] pull the latest code to control node....[ok]");
my $lastcommitfile="/tmp/lastcommitfile";
my $lastcommitinfo;
if (-f $lastcommitfile){
$lastcommitinfo = `cat $lastcommitfile`;
$lastcommitinfo = "";
#print "lastcommitinfo=$lastcommitinfo\n";
if($lastcommitinfo eq ""){
$res = system("cd $xcatcoredir && git log --since=\"1 days ago\" --pretty=format:\"%cn %ad %s\" --name-status > $commitinfofile");
if ($res != 0 || (-f $commitinfofile and -z _)){
send_msg(0, "[git update] get commit information....[failed]");
return 2;
send_msg(0, "[git update] get commit information....[ok]");
$res = system("cd $xcatcoredir && git log $lastcommitinfo..HEAD --pretty=format:\"%cn %ad %s\" --name-status > $commitinfofile");
if ($res != 0 || (-f $commitinfofile and -z _)){
send_msg(0, "[git update] get commit information....[failed]");
return 2;
send_msg(2, "[git update] get commit information....[ok]");
$res = system("cd $xcatcoredir && git log -n 1|awk 'NR==1'|awk '{print \$2}' > $lastcommitfile");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[git update] get latest commit number failed");
return 0;
# Mainfunction
send_msg(2,"..............(_ /......");
send_msg(2,".........START .........");
# step 0. Parse input arguments
send_msg(2, "step 1, Parse input arguments............");
if (
!GetOptions("h|?" => \$needhelp,
"f=s" => \$configfile,
"b=s" => \$branch,
"m=s" => \$management_node,
"V" => \$verbose_mode,
"U" => \$updates_regression,
"e=s" => \$send_msg)
if (
!GetOptions("h|?" => \$needhelp,
"f=s" => \$configfile,
"b=s" => \$branch,
"m=s" => \$management_node,
"a" => \$forceregwithoutupdate,
"e=s" => \$mail_list)
send_msg(0, "step 0, PARSE ARGUMENTS returns error, exit");
if ($needhelp)
exit 0;
# step 1. Read configuration files
send_msg(2, "step 2, Reading xCATreg conf............");
my $rst = read_conf();
unless (! $rst) {
send_msg(0, "read xCATreg configuration failed...........exit");
foreach my $k (keys %confkeys) {
print "$k = $confkeys{$k}\n";
# begin to find which mn should be used
if ($management_node) {
my @all;
if ($management_node =~ /,/) {
@all = split /,/, $management_node;
} else {
push @all, $management_node;
foreach my $mn (@all) {
foreach my $k (keys %confkeys) {
if ($confkeys{$k} eq $mn) {
$mns{$k} = $mn;
send_msg(2, "specify mn :$mn");
my $gitpid = fork();
if( !defined($gitpid)){
send_msg(0, "fork process for git update error");
}elsif($gitpid ==0){
close PREAD;
send_msg(2, "..........fork 1 process[pid=$$] for git update..........");
my $res = git_update();
if($res > 1){
send_msg(0, "git_update......[failed]");
syswrite CWRITE,"git update failed\n";
close CWRITE;
exit 1;
if($res == 1){
send_msg(2, "git_update......[not find new code]");
syswrite CWRITE,"git update got nothing\n";
close CWRITE;
exit 1;
send_msg(2, "git_update......[ok]");
syswrite CWRITE,"git update successful\n";
close CWRITE;
exit 0;
{#main process
close CWRITE;
my $gitstarttime = time();
my $gitprocess=1;
my $gitselect = new IO::Select;
my @hdls;
if (@hdls = $gitselect->can_read(0)) {
my $hdl;
foreach $hdl (@hdls) {
if ($hdl == \*PREAD) {
my $line;
if ($line){
if($line =~ /successful/){
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: $line");
if($line =~ /failed/){
send_msg(0, "[[main]]: $line");
if($line =~ /nothing/){
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: there isn't new code checkin during last one day.");
$gitprocess = 0;
if(time() - $gitstarttime > 7200) {
#if(time() - $gitstarttime > 2) {
send_msg(0, "[[main]] 2 hours is expired. git update out of time");
&runcmd("sleep 2");
close PREAD;
&runcmd("kill $gitpid") if($gitprocess==1);
send_msg(2, "[[main]]........git process[$gitpid] exit successful..............");
# $gitupdateflag = 0 git update out of time
# $gitupdateflag = 1 there isn't new code checkin in last one day
# $gitupdateflag = 2 there is something wrong during git update
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: creat regression result report...........");
$rst = creat_report();
if ($rst) {
send_msg(0, "[[main]]: creat regression result report...........[FAILED]");
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: creat regression result report...........[OK]");
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: send report email...........");
$rst = send_email();
if ($rst) {
send_msg(0, "[[main]]: send report email...........[FAILED]");
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: send report email...........[OK]");
exit 1;
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: git update successful, start regression today........");
#exit 0
my $platformfork = 0;
my $timingork = 0;
# begin child process
foreach my $m (keys %mns) {
$platformfork += 1;
my $mn = $mns{$m};
my $pid = fork();
if ( !defined($pid) ) {
send_msg(0, "fork process for $m error");
} elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { # child process
send_msg(2, "..........fork process[pid=$$] for $m [$confkeys{$m}]..........");
my $res;
# step 3. Install MNs,
send_msg(2, "[$m]step 3, Running mn_install...............");
$res = mn_install($m);
if ($res) {
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$m->$mn: install $mn failed\n";
exit 1;
send_msg(2, "[$m]step 3, Run mn_install...............[OK]");
# step 4. Copy code to MNs
send_msg(2, "[$m]step 4, Running copy_code...............");
$res = copy_code($m);
if ($res) {
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$m->$mn: copy xcat source code to $mn failed\n";
exit 1;
send_msg(2, "[$m]step 4, Run copy_code...............[OK]");
# step 5. Build xcat code in MNs
send_msg(2, "[$m]step 5, Running build_xcat...............");
$res = build_xcat($m);
if ($res) {
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$m->$mn: build new xcat in $mn failed\n";
exit 1;
send_msg(2, "[$m]step 5, Run build_xcat...............[OK]");
# step 6. Read xCAT MN's configuration
send_msg(2, "[$m]step 6, Running install_xcat...............");
$res = install_xcat($m);
if ($res) {
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$m->$mn: install new xcat in $mn failed\n";
exit 1;
send_msg(2, "[$m]step 6, Run install_xcat...............[OK]");
# step 7. Genrate local configuration file for xcattest
# Do test
# Write log
send_msg(2, "[$m]step 7, Running do_test...............");
$res = do_test($m);
if ($res) {
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$m->$mn: run regression test cases in $mn failed\n";
exit 1;
send_msg(2, "[$m]step 7, Running do_test...............[OK]");
send_msg(2, "whole regression test for $mn finished");
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$m->$mn: whole regression test are successful\n";
exit 0;
} # end of child process
&runcmd("mkdir -p $todayregresultdir/$m");
$pidrecord{$m} = $pid;
$piderrrecord{$m} = "";
} # end of foreach
{ # parent process
close MNWRITE;
my $rst;
my $regstarttime = time();
my $select = new IO::Select;
while ($platformfork) {
my @hdls;
if (@hdls = $select->can_read(0)) {
my $hdl;
foreach $hdl (@hdls) {
if ($hdl == \*CONTROLREAD) {
my $line;
if ($line){
if($line =~ /successful/){
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: $line");
$line =~ s/^REPORTFROM:(.+)->.+/$1/g;
$pidrecord{$line} = 0;
$consumptionrecord{$line} = time() - $regstarttime;
if($line =~ /failed/){
send_msg(0, "[[main]]: $line");
my $tmp = $line;
$line =~ s/^REPORTFROM:(.+)->.+/$1/g;
$pidrecord{$line} = 0;
$consumptionrecord{$line} = time() - $regstarttime;
$tmp =~ s/REPORTFROM:.+->.+:(.+)/$1/g;
$piderrrecord{$line} = $tmp;
$platformfork -= 1;
if(time() - $regstarttime > 28800) {
#if($curtime - $regstarttime > 10) {
send_msg(1, "[timing] 8 hours is expired");
&runcmd("sleep 1");
send_msg(0, "[[main]]: there are $platformfork platform's regression test return out of time");
while(my($k,$v) = each %pidrecord){
&runcmd("kill $v") if ($v != 0);
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: all platform's regression test return on time");
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: creat regression result report...........");
$rst = creat_report();
if ($rst) {
send_msg(0, "[[main]]: creat regression result report...........[FAILED]");
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: creat regression result report...........[OK]");
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: send report email...........");
$rst = send_email();
if ($rst) {
send_msg(0, "[[main]]: send report email...........[FAILED]");
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: send report email...........[OK]");
send_msg(2, "[[main]]: main process exit");
exit 0;