Create a python library for xcat as a starting point for transition to Python based in xCAT3. There are also plans to switch over to using the SoftLayer Python API (over Perl) xCAT-SoftLayer.spec file will ship lib/python/xcat directory. A new bin file '" is created to help assist users with mounting and unmount the SoftLayer NAS shared filesystem DevOps Task #10959 unser xCAT_SoftLayer project
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import sys
import os
import platform
class xCatError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
def isMounted(mountPoint):
if os.path.ismount(mountPoint):
return True
return False
def run_command(cmd):
Function: run_command
Arguments: cmd - string to be run as a command
Description: runs the command then returns out and err
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
(out,err) = p.communicate()
return (out,err)
def isRhel():
myDistro = platform.linux_distribution()
if "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" or "CentOS" in myDistro:
return True
return False
def isSles():
myDistro = platform.linux_distribution()
if "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server" in myDistro:
return True
return False
def isUbuntu():
myDistro = platform.linux_distribution()
if "Ubuntu" in myDistro:
return True
return False
def getUserInput(question):
response = raw_input("%s: " %(question))
return response
def filterInstalledPackages(pkglist=[]):
fulllist = ""
if isRhel():
# using YUM
import yum
yb = yum.YumBase()
for x in pkglist:
if not yb.rpmdb.searchNevra(name='%s' %(x)):
fulllist += "%s " %(x)
return fulllist
def installPackages(pkglist=[]):
fulllist = filterInstalledPackages(pkglist)
if isRhel():
if fulllist.strip() != "":
cmd = "yum -y install %s" %(fulllist)
out,err = xcatutils.run_command(cmd)
elif isSles():
print "Using zyppr..."
elif isUbuntu():
print "Using apt-get..."
print "Error!"