2009-07-03 11:13:07 +00:00

158 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Getopt::Long;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
#Modules to use
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT_monitoring::rrdutil;
use xCAT_monitoring::rmcmetrix;
#Error handle
# $c error code
# $m error msg
# None;
sub err_handle
my ($c, $m) = @_;
if($c != 0){
print "ERROR: $m\n";
#sub getcrontime
# $minute interval in minute
# string whose format is "MIN HOUR DAY MONTH *"
sub getcrontime
my $minute = shift @_;
my ($min, $hour, $day, $month);
my $temp = undef;
my $temp1 = undef;
$temp = $minute % 60 ;
if($temp < 2){
$min = '*';
} else {
$temp1 = $temp;
$min = '0';
while($temp1 < 60){
$min = $min.",$temp1";
$temp1 = $temp1 + $temp;
$minute = int $minute/60;
$temp = $minute % 24;
if($temp < 2){
$hour = '*';
} else {
$temp1 = $temp;
$hour = '0';
while($temp1 < 24){
$hour = $hour.",$temp1";
$temp1 = $temp1 + $temp;
$minute = int $minute/24;
$temp = $minute % 31;
if($temp < 2){
$day = '*';
} else {
$temp1 = $temp;
$day = '0';
while($day < 31){
$day = $day.",$temp1";
$temp1 = $temp1 + $temp;
$minute = int $minute/31;
$temp = $minute % 12;
if($temp < 2){
$month = '*';
} else {
$month = '0';
while($month < 12){
$month = $month.",$temp1";
$temp1 = $temp1 + $temp;
return "$min $hour $day $month *";
# 1. To start RRD server
# ./rmcmetrixmon init rrdserver
# 2. To stop RRD server
# ./rmcmetrixmon clean rrdserver
# 3. To start a data collector
# ./rmcmetrixmon init resourceclass resoucename attr0, attr1, attr2, ... minute
# 4. To stop all data collectors and data consolidators
# ./rmcmetrixmon clean
# 5. To work as a data collector
# ./rmcmetrixmon data resourceclass resourcename attr0, attr1, attr2, ... minute
# 6. To work as a data consolidator
# ./rmcmetrixmon sum resourceclass attr0, attr1, attr2, ... minute
my $cmd = $ARGV[0];
my @tabs = ();
my $entry = undef;
my $minute = undef;
my $crontime = undef;
my $code = 0;
my $msg = undef;
if($cmd eq 'init'){
if ($ARGV[1] eq 'rrdserver'){
$code = xCAT_monitoring::rrdutil::start_RRD_server('13900', "/var/rrd/");
&err_handle($code, "can't start RRD server");
exit 0;
$minute = $ARGV[4];
$crontime = &getcrontime($minute);
($code, $msg) = xCAT::Utils->add_cron_job("$crontime /opt/xcat/sbin/rmcmon/rmcmetrixmon data $ARGV[1] $ARGV[2] $ARGV[3] $ARGV[4] > /dev/null");
&err_handle($code, $msg);
$minute = $minute * 5;
$crontime = &getcrontime($minute);
($code, $msg) = xCAT::Utils->add_cron_job("$crontime /opt/xcat/sbin/rmcmon/rmcmetrixmon sum $ARGV[1] $ARGV[3] $ARGV[4] > /dev/null");
&err_handle($code, $msg);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'clean'){
if ($ARGV[1] eq 'rrdserver'){
$code = xCAT_monitoring::rrdutil::stop_RRD_server();
&err_handle($code, "can't stop RRD server");
exit 0;
$msg = `rm -rf /var/rrd/*`;
&err_handle($?, $msg);
@tabs = `/usr/bin/crontab -l 2>/dev/null;`;
foreach $entry (@tabs){
if($entry =~ /rmcmetrixmon/){
($code, $msg) = xCAT::Utils->remove_cron_job($entry);
&err_handle($code, $msg);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'data'){
($code, $msg) = &xCAT_monitoring::rmcmetrix::getmetrix($ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], $ARGV[3], $ARGV[4]);
&err_handle($code, $msg);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'sum'){
($code, $msg) = &xCAT_monitoring::rmcmetrix::get_sum_metrix($ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]);
&err_handle($code, $msg);
} else {
print "ERROR:Invalid parameter\n";