2009-06-19 07:38:00 +00:00

470 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT_monitoring::rmcmetrix;
#Modules to use:
#use threads;
#use threads::shared;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT_monitoring::rrdutil;
#metrix{Attr}{NodeNameList}{Name} = value
#NodeNameList could be NodeNameList | summary | number
#Attr could be Attribute | summary | number
#sub print_metrix
# to print all content of %metrix, for debug
# None
# None
sub print_metrix
my $key1;
my $key2;
my $key3;
my $value;
while(($key1, $key2) = each %metrix){
if(! exists($metrix{$key1}{$key2})){
print "$key1=>$key2\n";
while(($key2, $key3) = each %{$metrix{$key1}}){
if(! exists($metrix{$key1}{$key2}{$key3})){
print "$key1.$key2=>$key3\n";
while(($key3, $value) = each %{$metrix{$key1}{$key2}}){
print "$key1.$key2.$key3=>$value\n";
#sub update_metrix2rrd
# update RRDtool database based on content of %metrix,
# all statistic be stored as GAUGE in RRDtool,
# $step the base interval in seconds with which data will be fed into the RRD
# None
sub update_metrix2rrd
my $step = shift @_;
my $ret = 0;
my $attr;
my $nnlist;
my $name;
my $value;
my $rmcrrdroot = "/var/rrd";
my $rrddir = undef;
my $rrd = undef;
my $process_time = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("date +%s", 0);
$process_time = (int $process_time/$step)*$step;
my $temp = undef;
while(($attr, $nnlist) = each %metrix){
while(($nnlist, $name) = each %{$metrix{$attr}}){
if($nnlist eq 'number'){
$rrddir = "$rmcrrdroot/$nnlist";
if(! -d $rrddir){
xCAT::Utils->runcmd("mkdir -p $rrddir");
if($nnlist eq 'summary'){
$rrd = "$rrddir/"."$attr.rrd";
$temp = $metrix{$attr}{summary}/$metrix{$attr}{number};
$ret = xCAT_monitoring::rrdutil::push_data_to_rrd($rrd, $temp, $metrix{$attr}{number}, $step, $process_time, 'GAUGE');
if($ret != 0){
return ($ret, "Can't push data to $rrd\n");
} else {
while(($name, $value) = each %{$metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}}){
if($name eq 'number'){
if($name eq 'summary'){
$rrd = "$rrddir/$attr.rrd";
$temp = $metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}{summary}/$metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}{number};
$ret = xCAT_monitoring::rrdutil::push_data_to_rrd($rrd, $temp, $metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}{number}, $step, $process_time, 'GAUGE');
if($ret != 0){
return($ret, "Can't push data to $rrd\n");
} else {
$rrd = "$rrddir/$attr"."_$name.rrd";
xCAT_monitoring::rrdutil::push_data_to_rrd($rrd, $metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}{$name}, 'null', $step, $process_time, 'GAUGE');
if($ret != 0){
return($ret, "Can't push data to $rrd\n");
return (0, "Success");
#sub parse_lsrsrc_output
# parse the output of lsrsrc and store the information to %metrix
# resource class
# array of attributes
# array of output of lsrsrc command
# 0 Success
# !0 Fail
sub parse_lsrsrc_output
my ($rsrc, $pattr, $output) = @_;
my $nnlist = undef;
my $name = undef;
my $line = undef;
my $attr = undef;
my @value = ();
my $i = undef;
my %count = {};
foreach $line (@$output){
@value = split /::/, $line;
$name = $value[0];
$name =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/'.'/;
if($name eq ''){
$name = 'null';
$value[1] =~ /{(\w+)}/;
$nnlist = $1;
$i = 2;
foreach $attr (@$pattr){
if($rsrc eq 'IBM.Processor'){
$metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}{$name} += $value[$i];
} else {
$metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}{$name} = $value[$i];
$metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}{summary} += $value[$i];
$metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}{number} += 1;
if($rsrc eq 'IBM.Processor'){
$count{$nnlist}{$name} += 1;
if($rsrc eq 'IBM.Processor'){
foreach $nnlist (keys %count){
foreach $name (keys %{$count{$nnlist}}){
if ($count{$nnlist}{$name} > 1) {
foreach $attr (@$pattr){
$metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}{$name} /= $count{$nnlist}{$name};
return 0;
#sub getmetrix
# Get %metrix using lsrsrc-api, and store to RRD
# $rsrc the resource class of RMC, such as "IBM.EthernetDevice"
# $rname the resource name of resouce class, if ($rname eq "__ALL__") then all
# resource name will be monitoring
# $attrlist the list of attributes of the monitoring resource
# $minute the interval to collect data in minute
# 0 Success
# !0 Fail
sub getmetrix
my ($rsrc, $rname, $attrlist, $minute) = @_;
my @attrs = ();
my $attr = undef;
my $nnlist = undef;
my @names = ();
my $name = undef;
my @output = ();
my $rrd = undef;
my $line = undef;
my $ret = undef;
my $msg = undef;
my $cmd = undef;
@attrs = split /,/, $attrlist;
$attr = join '::', @attrs;
# if(xCAT::Utils->isMN()){
# if($rname eq "__ALL__"){
# $cmd = "CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE=1 lsrsrc-api -i -s $rsrc"."::::Name::NodeNameList::$attr";
# @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
# if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
# $line = join '', @output;
# return ($::RUNCMD_RC, $line);
# }
# &parse_lsrsrc_output($rsrc, \@attrs, \@output);
# } else {
# @names = split /,/, $rname;
# foreach $name (@names){
# $cmd = "CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE=1 lsrsrc-api -i -s $rsrc"."::\'Name==\"$name\"\'::Name::NodeNameList::$attr";
# @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
# if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
# $line = join '', @output;
# return ($::RUNCMD_RC, $line);
# }
# &parse_lsrsrc_output($rsrc, \@attrs, \@output);
# }
# }
# }
if($rname eq "__ALL__"){
$cmd = "CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE=3 lsrsrc-api -i -s $rsrc"."::::Name::NodeNameList::$attr";
@output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
$line = join '', @output;
return ($::RUNCMD_RC, $line);
&parse_lsrsrc_output($rsrc, \@attrs, \@output);
} else {
@names = split /,/, $rname;
foreach $name (@names){
$cmd = "CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE=3 lsrsrc-api -i -s $rsrc"."::\'Name==\"$name\"\'::Name::NodeNameList::$attr";
@output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
$line = join '', @output;
return ($::RUNCMD_RC, $line);
&parse_lsrsrc_output($rsrc, \@attrs, \@output);
foreach $attr (keys %metrix){
foreach $nnlist (keys %{$metrix{$attr}}){
if(($nnlist ne 'summary') && ($nnlist ne 'number')){
$metrix{$attr}{summary} += $metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}{summary};
$metrix{$attr}{number} += $metrix{$attr}{$nnlist}{number};
my $step = $minute * 60;
($ret, $msg) = &update_metrix2rrd($step);
return ($ret, $msg);
#sub get_metrix_conf
# Get configure for table monsetting, and return an array
# None;
# an array of configuration (rsrc0, attrlist0, minute0, rsrc1, attrlist1,minute1, ...)
sub get_metrix_conf
my @conf = ();
my @tmp = ();
my $rsrc = undef;
my $namelist = undef;
my $attrlist = undef;
my $minute = undef;
my $key = undef;
my $value = undef;
my $conftable = xCAT::Table->new('monsetting');
@tmp = $conftable->getAttribs({'name'=>'rmcmon'}, ('key','value'));
foreach (@tmp) {
$key = $_->{key};
$value = $_->{value};
if($key =~ /^rmetrics_(\S+)/){
push @conf, $1;
if($value =~ /\]/){
($namelist, $value) = split /\]/, $value;
$namelist =~ s/\[//;
} else {
$namelist = "__ALL__";
push @conf, $namelist;
($attrlist, $minute) = split /:/, $value;
push @conf, $attrlist;
push @conf, $minute;
return @conf;
#sub get_sum_metrix
# Consolidates data collected by SNs and MN and stores to local RRD
# $attrlist the list of attributes of the monitoring resource
# 0 Success
# !0 Fail
sub get_sum_metrix
my $code = undef;
my $msg = undef;
my ($attrlist, $minute) = @_;
my $result = undef;
my @rmc_nodes = ();
my @svc_nodes = ();
my $node = undef;
my $temp = undef;
# my @threads = ();
# my $current_thread = 0;
my $i = undef;
# my %summary:shared; #summary{$attr}{$node}
my %summary = {};
my @attributes = ();
my $attribute = undef;
my $nodename = undef;
my $time = undef;
# my $end:shared;
my $end = undef;
$end = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("date +%s", 0);
# my $step:shared;
my $step = undef;
$step = $minute * 60;
#to share %summary
@attributes = split /,/, $attrlist;
# foreach $attribute (@attributes){
# $summary{$attribute} = &share({});
# }
$result = `lsrsrc-api -s IBM.MngNode::::Name 2>&1`;
@rmc_nodes=split(/\n/, $result);
foreach $node (@rmc_nodes){
push @svc_nodes, $node;
$node = `hostname`;
push @svc_nodes, $node;
foreach $node (@svc_nodes){
# $threads[$current_thread] = threads->new(\&getsum, $attrlist, $node);
# $current_thread++;
&getsum($attrlist, $node);
sub getsum{
my ($attrs, $n) = @_;
my @attr = split /,/,$attrs;
my $a = undef;
my $start = undef;
my $result = undef;
my $timestamp = undef;
my $sum = undef;
my $num = undef;
my $localhost = `hostname`;
foreach $a (@attr){
if(-f "/var/rrd/cluster/$a.rrd"){
$start = `rrdtool last /var/rrd/cluster/$a.rrd`;
} else {
$start = ((int $end/$step) - 244)*$step;
if($n eq $localhost){
$result = xCAT_monitoring::rrdutil::RRD_fetch("/var/rrd/summary/$a.rrd",$start, $end);
} else {
$result = xCAT_monitoring::rrdutil::RRD_fetch("summary/$a.rrd",$start, $end, $n);
my $line = pop(@$result);
if($line =~ /ERROR/){
return (-1, $line);
} else {
push @$result, $line;
# $summary{$a}{$n} = &share({});
foreach $line (@$result){
if($line =~ /NaNQ/){
} elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+): (\S+) (\S+)/){
$timestamp = $1;
$sum = $2;
$num = $3;
# $summary{$a}{$n}{$timestamp} = &share({});
# $summary{$a}{$n}{$timestamp}{sum} = &share({});
# $summary{$a}{$n}{$timestamp}{num} = &share({});
$summary{$a}{$n}{$timestamp}{sum} = $sum;
$summary{$a}{$n}{$timestamp}{num} = $num;
return (0, 'Success');
# for($i=0; $i<$current_thread; $i++){
# ($code, $msg) = $threads[$i]->join();
# if($code != 0){
# warn("$msg\n");
# }
# }
my %summetrix = {};
foreach $attribute (keys %summary){
foreach $nodename (keys %{$summary{$attribute}}){
foreach $time (keys %{$summary{$attribute}{$nodename}}){
print "$attribute.$nodename.$time $summary{$attribute}{$nodename}{$time}{sum} $summary{$attribute}{$nodename}{$time}{num}\n";
$temp = $summary{$attribute}{$nodename}{$time}{sum} * $summary{$attribute}{$nodename}{$time}{num};
$summetrix{$attribute}{$time}{sum} += $temp;
$summetrix{$attribute}{$time}{num} += $summary{$attribute}{$nodename}{$time}{num};
my $rrdcluster = "/var/rrd/cluster";
if(! -d $rrdcluster){
system("mkdir -p $rrdcluster");
foreach $attribute (keys %summetrix){
my @times = keys(%{$summetrix{$attribute}});
my @sorttimes = sort @times;
foreach $time (@sorttimes){
$temp = $summetrix{$attribute}{$time}{sum}/$summetrix{$attribute}{$time}{num};
$code = xCAT_monitoring::rrdutil::push_data_to_rrd("$rrdcluster/$attribute.rrd", $temp, $summetrix{$attribute}{$time}{num}, $step, $time, 'GAUGE');
if($code != 0){
return($code, "Can't push data to $rrdcluster/$attribute.rrd");
return (0, 'Success');