65 lines
1.7 KiB

Dim myshell, filesys
Dim args, pname, pargs, cmdname
Dim logname, loghandler, fline, output
'Ingore the error box to avoid the stop of postscript running
On Error Resume Next
'WScript.echo "get in runpost"
logname = "c:\xcatpost\xcat.log"
'Initialize the shell and fs objects
Set myshell = WScript.createObject("WScript.Shell")
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open the log file for writting
Set loghandler = filesys.OpenTextFile(logname, 8, True)
' Get script name and arguments
Set args = WScript.Arguments
If args.Count <= 0 Then
ElseIf args.Count = 1 Then
pname = args(0)
pargs = ""
ElseIf args.Count > 1 Then
pname = args(0)
For i = 1 to args.Count - 1
pargs = pargs & " " & args(i)
End If
If Not filesys.FileExists("c:\xcatpost\" & pname) Then
loghandler.WriteLine "Cannot find file: c:\xcatpost\" & pname
End If
cmdname = "cmd /c "
if Right(pname, 4) = ".bat" Or Right(pname, 4) = ".cmd" Then
cmdname = cmdname & "call "
End If
cmdname = cmdname & " c:\xcatpost\" & pname & " " & pargs
loghandler.WriteLine "=========================================="
loghandler.WriteLine now
loghandler.WriteLine "Run script: " & pname & " " & pargs
'Run command
'WScript.echo cmdname
Set output = myshell.Exec(cmdname)
' Handle the output from the script
Do While Not output.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
fline = output.StdOut.ReadLine()
loghandler.WriteLine fline
loghandler.WriteLine "The return code is: " & output.ExitCode
loghandler.WriteLine ""