git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
619 lines
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619 lines
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# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
package xCAT::PPCcfg;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use xCAT::Usage;
# Globals
my %rspconfig = (
sshcfg => \&sshcfg,
frame => \&frame,
hostname => \&hostname
# Parse the command line for options and operands
sub parse_args {
my $request = shift;
my $command = $request->{command};
my $args = $request->{arg};
my %opt = ();
my %cmds = ();
my @fsp = (
my @bpa = (
my @ppc = (
my %rsp = (
cec=> \@fsp,
fsp => \@fsp,
bpa => \@bpa,
ivm => \@ppc,
hmc => \@ppc
# Get support command list
#my $typetab = xCAT::Table->new( 'nodetype' );
#my $nodes = $request->{node};
#foreach (@$nodes) {
# if ( defined( $typetab )) {
# my ($ent) = $typetab->getAttribs({ node=>$_},'nodetype');
# if ( defined($ent) ) {
# $request->{hwtype} = $ent->{nodetype};
# last;
# }
# }
my $nodes = $request->{node};
foreach my $nn (@$nodes) {
$request->{hwtype} = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getnodetype($nn);
last if ($request->{hwtype});
my $supported = $rsp{$request->{hwtype}};
# Responds with usage statement
local *usage = sub {
my $usage_string = xCAT::Usage->getUsage($command);
return( [$_[0], $usage_string] );
# Process command-line arguments
if ( !defined( $args )) {
return(usage( "No command specified" ));
# Checks case in GetOptions, allows opts
# to be grouped (e.g. -vx), and terminates
# at the first unrecognized option.
@ARGV = @$args;
$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );
$request->{method} = undef;
if ( !GetOptions( \%opt, qw(V|Verbose resetnet))) {
return( usage() );
# Check for "-" with no option
if ( grep(/^-$/, @ARGV )) {
return(usage( "Missing option: -" ));
# Check for "=" with no argument
if (my ($c) = grep(/=$/, @ARGV )) {
return(usage( "Missing argument: $c" ));
# Check for unsupported commands
foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) {
my ($command,$value) = split( /=/, $arg );
if ( !grep( /^$command$/, @$supported) and !$opt{resetnet}) {
return(usage( "Invalid command: $arg" ));
if ( exists( $cmds{$command} )) {
return(usage( "Command multiple times: $command" ));
$cmds{$command} = $value;
# Check command arguments
foreach ( keys %cmds ) {
if ( $cmds{$_} ) {
my $result = parse_option( $request, $_, $cmds{$_} );
if ( $result ) {
return( usage($result) );
# Return method to invoke
if ( $request->{hwtype} =~ /(^hmc|ivm)$/ ) {
$request->{method} = "cfg";
return( \%opt );
# Return method to invoke
if ( exists($cmds{frame}) or exists($cmds{hostname}) ) {
$request->{hcp} = "hmc";
$request->{method} = "cfg";
return( \%opt );
# Return method to invoke
if ( $opt{resetnet} ) {
$request->{hcp} = "hmc";
$request->{method} = "resetnet";
return( \%opt );
# Return method to invoke
if ( exists($cmds{HMC_passwd}) or exists($cmds{general_passwd}) or exists($cmds{admin_passwd}) or exists($cmds{"*_passwd"}) ) {
$request->{hcp} = "hmc";
$request->{method} = "passwd";
return( \%opt );
$request->{method} = \%cmds;
return( \%opt );
# Parse the command line optional arguments
sub parse_option {
my $request = shift;
my $command = shift;
my $value = shift;
# Set/get time
if ( $command =~ /^time$/ ) {
if ( $value !~
return( "Invalid time format '$value'" );
# Set/get date
if ( $command =~ /^date$/ ) {
if ( $value !~
return( "Invalid date format '$value'" );
# Set/get options
if ( $command =~ /^(autopower|iocap|sshcfg)$/ ) {
if ( $value !~ /^(enable|disable)$/i ) {
return( "Invalid argument '$value'" );
# Deconfiguration policy
if ( $command =~ /^decfg$/ ) {
if ( $value !~ /^(enable|disable):.*$/i ) {
return( "Invalid argument '$value'" );
# Processor deconfiguration
if ( $command =~ /^procdecfg$/ ) {
if ( $value !~ /^(configure|deconfigure):\d+:(all|[\d,]+)$/i ) {
return( "Invalid argument '$value'" );
# Memory deconfiguration
elsif ( $command =~ /^memdecfg$/ ) {
if ($value !~/^(configure|deconfigure):\d+:(unit|bank):(all|[\d,]+)$/i){
return( "Invalid argument '$value'" );
if ( $command eq 'network'){
my ( $adapter_name, $ip, $host, $gateway, $netmask) =
split /,/, $value;
return ( "Network interface name is required") if ( ! $adapter_name);
return ( "Invalide network interface name $adapter_name") if ( $adapter_name !~ /^eth\d$/);
return undef if ( $ip eq '*');
return ( "Invalid IP address format") if ( $ip and $ip !~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/);
return ( "Invalid netmask format") if ( $netmask and $netmask !~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/);
if ( $command eq 'frame' ){
if ( $value !~ /^\d+$/i && $value ne '*' ) {
return( "Invalid frame number '$value'" );
if ( $command eq 'admin_passwd' or $command eq 'general_passwd' or $command eq '*_passwd' ){
my ($passwd,$newpasswd) = split /,/, $value;
if ( !$passwd or !$newpasswd) {
return( "Current password and new password couldn't be empty" );
if ( $command eq 'HMC_passwd' ) {
my ($passwd,$newpasswd) = split /,/, $value;
if ( !$newpasswd ) {
return( "New password couldn't be empty for user 'HMC'" );
return undef;
# Update passwords for different users on FSP/BPA
sub passwd {
my $request = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my $exp = shift;
my $args = $request->{arg};
my $result;
my $users;
foreach my $arg ( @$args ) {
my ($user,$value) = split /=/, $arg;
my ($passwd,$newpasswd) = split /,/, $value;
$user =~ s/_passwd$//;
$user =~ s/^HMC$/access/g;
if ( $user eq "*" ) {
push @$users, "access";
push @$users, "admin";
push @$users, "general";
} else {
push @$users, $user;
foreach my $usr ( @$users ) {
while ( my ($cec,$h) = each(%$hash) ) {
while ( my ($node,$d) = each(%$h) ) {
my $type = @$d[4];
my $data = xCAT::PPCcli::chsyspwd( $exp, $usr, $type, $cec, $passwd, $newpasswd );
my $Rc = shift(@$data);
my $usr_back = $usr;
$usr_back =~ s/^access$/HMC/g;
push @$result, [$node,"$usr_back: @$data[0]",$Rc];
# Write the new password to table
if ( $Rc == SUCCESS ) {
xCAT::PPCdb::update_credentials( $node, $type, $usr_back, $newpasswd );
return( [@$result] );
# Handles all PPC rspconfig commands
sub cfg {
my $request = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my $exp = shift;
my $args = $request->{arg};
my $result;
foreach ( @$args ) {
# Ignore switches in command-line
unless ( /^-/ ) {
my ($cmd,$value) = split /=/;
no strict 'refs';
$result = $rspconfig{$cmd}( $request, $exp, $value, $hash );
use strict;
return( $result );
# Enables/disables/displays SSH access to HMC/IVM
sub sshcfg {
my $request = shift;
my $exp = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my $server = @$exp[3];
my $userid = @$exp[4];
my $fname = ((xCAT::Utils::isAIX()) ? "/.ssh/":"/root/.ssh/")."";
my $auth = "/home/$userid/.ssh/authorized_keys2";
# Get SSH key on Management Node
unless ( open(RSAKEY,"<$fname") ) {
return( [[$server,"Error opening '$fname'",RC_ERROR]] );
my ($sshkey) = <RSAKEY>;
# userid@host not found in key file
if ( $sshkey !~ /\s+(\S+\@\S+$)/ ) {
return( [[$server,"Cannot find userid\@host in '$fname'",RC_ERROR]] );
my $logon = $1;
# Determine if SSH is enabled
if ( !defined( $mode )) {
my $result = xCAT::PPCcli::send_cmd( $exp, "cat $auth" );
my $Rc = shift(@$result);
# Return error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
return( [[$server,@$result[0],$Rc]] );
# Find logon in key file
foreach ( @$result ) {
if ( /= $logon$/ ) {
return( [[$server,"enabled",SUCCESS]] );
return( [[$server,"disabled",SUCCESS]] );
# Enable/disable SSH
my $result = xCAT::PPCcli::mkauthkeys( $exp, $mode, $logon, $sshkey );
my $Rc = shift(@$result);
# Return error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
return( [[$server,@$result[0],$Rc]] );
return( [[$server,lc($mode."d"),SUCCESS]] );
sub frame {
my $request = shift;
my $exp = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my $arg = $request->{arg};
foreach ( @$arg ) {
my $result;
my $Rc;
my $data;
my ($cmd, $value) = split /=/, $_;
if ( $cmd ne "frame" ) {
return( [[@$exp[2],"Multiple option $cmd and frame is not accepted",SUCCESS]] );
# Open xCAT database to sync with
# the frame number between hcp
# and database
my $tab = xCAT::Table->new( "ppc" );
while ( my ($cec,$h) = each(%$hash) ) {
while ( my ($node,$d) = each(%$h) ) {
if ( !defined($value) ) {
# Get frame number
$data = xCAT::PPCcli::lssyscfg( $exp, @$d[4], @$d[2], 'frame_num' );
$Rc = shift(@$data);
# Return error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
return( [[$node,@$data[0],$Rc]] );
push @$result, [$node,@$data[0],SUCCESS];
# Set frame number to database
$tab->setNodeAttribs( $node, { id=>@$data[0] } );
} elsif ( $value eq '*' ) {
# Set frame number
# Read the settings from database
my $ent=$tab->getNodeAttribs( $node,['id'] );
# Return error
if ( !defined($ent) or !defined($ent->{id}) ) {
return( [[$node,"Cannot find frame num in database",RC_ERROR]] );
$data = xCAT::PPCcli::chsyscfg( $exp, "bpa", $d, "frame_num=".$ent->{id} );
$Rc = shift(@$data);
# Return error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
return( [[$node,@$data[0],$Rc]] );
push @$result, [$node,@$data[0],SUCCESS];
} else {
# Set frame number
# Read the frame number from opt
$data = xCAT::PPCcli::chsyscfg( $exp, "bpa", $d, "frame_num=$value" );
$Rc = shift(@$data);
# Return error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
return( [[$node,@$data[0],$Rc]] );
push @$result, [$node,@$data[0],SUCCESS];
# Set frame number to database
$tab->setNodeAttribs( $node, { id=>$value } );
return( [@$result] );
sub hostname {
my $request = shift;
my $exp = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my $arg = $request->{arg};
my $result;
foreach ( @$arg ) {
my $data;
my $Rc;
my ($cmd, $value) = split /=/, $_;
if ( $cmd ne "hostname" ) {
return( [[@$exp[2],"Multiple option $cmd and hostname is not accepted",SUCCESS]] );
while ( my ($cec,$h) = each(%$hash) ) {
while ( my ($node,$d) = each(%$h) ) {
if ( !defined($value) ) {
# Get system name
$data = xCAT::PPCcli::lssyscfg( $exp, @$d[4], @$d[2], 'name' );
$Rc = shift(@$data);
# Return error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
push @$result, [$node,@$data[0],$Rc];
push @$result, [$node,@$data[0],SUCCESS];
} elsif ( $value eq '*' ) {
$data = xCAT::PPCcli::chsyscfg( $exp, @$d[4], $d, "new_name=$node" );
$Rc = shift(@$data);
# Return error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
push @$result, [$node,@$data[0],$Rc];
push @$result, [$node,@$data[0],SUCCESS];
} else {
$data = xCAT::PPCcli::chsyscfg( $exp, @$d[4], $d, "new_name=$value" );
$Rc = shift(@$data);
# Return error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
push @$result, [$node,@$data[0],$Rc];
push @$result, [$node,@$data[0],SUCCESS];
return( [@$result] );
# Do resetnet
sub resetnet {
my $request = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my %nodehash;
foreach ( @{$request->{noderange}}) {
$nodehash{$_} = 1;
# go to use lsslp do_resetnet
my $result = xCAT_plugin::lsslp::do_resetnet($request, \%nodehash);
return [$result];