452 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This script is used to configure the mics on the host.
# This script is run by xdsh from MN/SN to the host
# parameters
# -m xcatmaster
# -p the path of the mic configuration file. Generally, it's /tftpboot/xcat/miccfg/miccfg.hostname
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;
# enable the autoflush of stdout
select STDOUT;
$| = 1;
my $tmppath = "/tmp/mictmp";
my $logpath = "/var/log/xcat/";
my $logfile = "$logpath/configmic.log";
my $micmnt = "/var/mpss/mnt";
mkpath $tmppath;
mkpath $micmnt;
#open the log file
open (LOG, ">>$logfile") or die "Error: cannot open $logfile\n";
print LOG "\n\n====================================================\nStart mic configuratoin: ".`date`."\n";
my ($master, $cfgpath);
GetOptions ('m=s'=>\$master, 'p=s'=>\$cfgpath);
unless ($master && $cfgpath) {
outputmsg("Error: the -m master and -p path arguments must be specified for configmic.\n", 1);
# get the correct host name for the host
my ($nodename, $nodename_short);
my $masterip = `getent hosts $master | awk {'print \$1'}`;
if ($masterip) {
my $myip = `ip route get $masterip| head -n 1 | sed 's/^.*src//g' | awk {'print \$1'}`;
if ($myip) {
my $myipinfo =`getent hosts $myip`;
if ($myipinfo && $myipinfo =~ /([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)/) {
my $n1 = $2;
my $n2 = $3;
if (length($n1) > length($n2)) {
$nodename_short = $n2;
} else {
$nodename = $n1;
} elsif ($myipinfo && $myipinfo =~ /([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)/) {
$nodename_short = $2;
unless ($nodename) {
$nodename = `hostname`;
unless ($nodename_short) {
$nodename_short = `hostname -s`;
# download the mic configuration file from master
my $cmd = "wget -N --waitretry=10 --random-wait -T 60 http://$master/$cfgpath/miccfg.$nodename_short -P $tmppath";
my ($rc, $output) = runsyscmd ($cmd);
if ($rc) {
$cmd = "wget -N --waitretry=10 --random-wait -T 60 http://$master/$cfgpath/miccfg.$nodename -P $tmppath";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to download mic configuration file from $master\n", 3);
} else {
# Using $nodename_short was correct, so use that from now on
$nodename = $nodename_short;
unless (-r "$tmppath/miccfg.$nodename") {
runsyscmd ("Error: cannot get the mic configuration file from http://$master/$cfgpath/miccfg.$nodename\n", 4);
# parse the configuration file
unless (open (CFGFILE, "<$tmppath/miccfg.$nodename")) {
runsyscmd ("Error: cannot open $tmppath/miccfg.$nodename\n", 5);
# the configureation file should have the following format
my %miccfg;
my $miclist;
my $overlay;
my $ospath;
my $brgname;
my $brgip;
my $brgtype;
while (<CFGFILE>) {
if (/(\d+):(.*)/) {
my $deviceid = $1;
my @params = split (/\|/, $2);
foreach (@params) {
my ($n, $v) = split (/=/, $_, 2);
$miccfg{$deviceid}{$n} = $v;
if ($n eq 'br') {
$brgname = $v;
} elsif (/^miclist=(.*)/) {
$miclist = $1;
} elsif (/^overlay=(.*)/) {
$overlay = $1;
} elsif (/^imgpath=(.*)/) {
$ospath = $1;
} elsif (/^brgip=(.*)/) {
$brgip = $1;
} elsif (/^brgtype=(.*)/) {
$brgtype = $1;
} elsif (/^micmount=(.+)/) {
if ($1 =~ /(.+):(.+)/) {
$miccfg{'micmount'}{$1} = $2;
close (CFGFILE);
$miclist =~ s/,/ /g;
# add the mount entry for mounting of root fs from master to /etc/fstab
# e.g. mount $master:/install/mpss3 /var/mpss/mnt
$cmd = "grep \'$master:$ospath \' $micmnt /etc/fstab ";
($rc, $output) = runsyscmd ($cmd);
if ($rc) {
# not found the exact mount entry
$cmd = "grep $micmnt /etc/fstab";
($rc, $output) = runsyscmd ($cmd);
if (!$rc) {
# found the mount to $micmnt with another master or directory, remove the entry and umount it
my $trans = $micmnt;
$trans =~ s/\//\\\//g;
$cmd = "sed \"/$trans/d\" /etc/fstab > $tmppath/fstab.tmp";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to configure fstab.\n", 6);
copy ("$tmppath/fstab.tmp", "/etc/fstab");
$cmd = "umount -l -f $micmnt";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to run umount -l -f $micmnt\n", 7);
$cmd = "echo \"$master:$ospath $micmnt nfs timeo=14,intr 1 2\" >>/etc/fstab";
runsyscmd ($cmd);
$cmd = "mount -a";
runsyscmd ($cmd);
} else {
# run mount -a anyway
$cmd = "mount -a";
runsyscmd ($cmd);
# the dir structure in mount opint 'mnt'
# |--mnt
# | `--system (files for system boot)
# | |--common.filelist
# | `--common
# | `--overlay
# | `--overlay
# | `--rpm
# | `--simple
# | |--simple.cfg (the file must be multiple lines of 'a->b' format; 'a' is dir name in simple/, 'b' is the path on mic for 'a'
# | `--package (2.8.3) / rootimg (2.8.4 and later)
# | |--the base file for fs
# | `--opt/mic
# | |--yy.filelist
# | `--yy
# | |--xx.filelist
# | `--xx
# make sure the remote files are accessable
unless (-r "$micmnt/common.filelist") {
outputmsg("Error: cannot access the $micmnt/common.filelist\n", 8);
# initialize mic card if it has not been
if (! -f "/etc/mpss/default.conf") {
$cmd = "micctrl --initdefaults";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to initiate the mic configuration file.\n", 200)
# start to configure the mic
# stop the mpss service first
$cmd = "service mpss stop";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to stop mpss service.\n", 100);
# make sute the mpss has been stopped
my $i = 5;
while ($i > 0) {
$cmd = "service mpss status";
($rc, $output) = runsyscmd ($cmd);
if (grep /mpss is stopped/, @$output) {
sleep 2;
# remove the mic configuration files and source files for ramfs, them will be recreated base on setting
unlink ("/etc/mpss/default.conf");
foreach my $mic (split (/ /, $miclist)) {
unlink ("/etc/mpss/$mic.conf");
unlink ("/var/mpss/$mic.filelist");
rmtree ("/var/mpss/$mic");
# reset the configuration to default
$cmd = "micctrl --initdefaults $miclist";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to initiate the mic devices.\n", 200);
# configure the base dir
#$cmd = "micctrl --basedir=/opt/intel/mic/mnt/opt/intel/mic/filesystem/base --list=/opt/intel/mic/mnt/opt/intel/mic/filesystem/base.filelist $miclist";
#runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to change the base dir for mic file system..\n", 101);
# configure the commondir
$cmd = "micctrl --commondir=$micmnt/common --list=$micmnt/common.filelist $miclist";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to set the common dir for mic file system.\n", 102);
# configure the overlay file system
my @ols = split (/,/, $overlay);
foreach (@ols) {
if (/^filelist:(.+)/) {
$cmd = "micctrl --overlay=Filelist --source=$micmnt/overlay/$1/ --target=$micmnt/overlay/$1.filelist --state=on $miclist";
} elsif (/^ofilelist:(.+)/) { # for 2.8.4 and later
$cmd = "micctrl --overlay=Filelist --source=$micmnt/overlay/rootimg/ --target=$micmnt/overlay/rootimg/opt/mic/$1.filelist --state=on $miclist";
} elsif (/^pfilelist:(.+)/) { # only for 2.8.3
$cmd = "micctrl --overlay=Filelist --source=$micmnt/overlay/package/ --target=$micmnt/overlay/package/opt/mic/$1.filelist --state=on $miclist";
} elsif (/^rpm:(.+)/) {
$cmd = "micctrl --overlay=RPM --source=$micmnt/overlay/rpm/ --state=on $miclist";
} elsif (/^simple:(.+)->(.+)/) {
$cmd = "micctrl --overlay=Simple --source=$micmnt/overlay/simple/$1 --target=$2 --state=on $miclist";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to set the overlay dir for mic file system.\n", 103);
# configure bridge for mic
my ($netbit, $brc, $mtu);
if ($brgtype && $brgtype =~ /Internal/i) {
$cmd = "micctrl --addbridge=$brgname --type=Internal --ip=$brgip";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to add bridge for mic.\n", 111);
} else {
# for External bridge, it must has been set up correctly
# get the ip of the bridge
$cmd = "ip -4 addr show";
($rc, $output) = runsyscmd ($cmd);
$cmd = "ip -4 route show";
my ($rc2, $output2) = runsyscmd ($cmd);
foreach (@$output) {
if (/inet\s+([\d\.]+)\/(\d+)\s+brd\s+([\d\.]+) scope global $brgname/) {
$brgip = $1;
$netbit = $2;
$brc = $3;
} elsif (/\d+:\s+$brgname:.*mtu\s+(\d+)/) {
$mtu = $1;
unless ($brgip && $netbit && $brc) {
outputmsg("Error: failed to get ip for the bridge $brgname.\n", 110);
# add the bridge to mic configuration
# since the micctrl --addbridge=<brgname> --type=external --ip=<ip of brg> --netbits=8 does not
# work with '--netbis=8', the bridge configuration has been done by changing cfg file directly.
#$cmd = "echo \"Bridge $brg External $brip $netbit $mtu\" >> /etc/sysconfig/mic/default.conf";
#runsyscmd ($cmd);
$cmd = "micctrl --addbridge=$brgname --type=external --ip=$brgip --netbits=$netbit --mtu=$mtu";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to add bridge for mic.\n", 111);
# do the mic specific configuration
foreach my $micid (keys %miccfg) {
if ($micid !~ /^\d*$/) {
# not mic specific, return
my $micname = $miccfg{$micid}{'name'};
# set the boot device to be staticramfs so that the osimage don't need to generated for every boot
#$cmd = "micctrl --rootdev=StaticRamFS --target=/opt/intel/mic/filesystem/$micname.image mic$micid";
#runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to set root image for mic.\n", 104);
# set the linux kernel location
#$cmd = "micctrl --osimage=$micmnt/lib/firmware/mic/uos.img mic$micid";
#runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to linux kernle location for mic.\n", 105);
# set the autoboot
if ($miccfg{$micid}{'onboot'} =~ /no/i) {
$cmd = "micctrl --autoboot=no mic$micid";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to set the autoboot for mic.\n", 106);
} elsif($miccfg{$micid}{'onboot'} =~ /yes/i) {
$cmd = "micctrl --autoboot=yes mic$micid";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to set the autoboot for mic.\n", 106);
# set the hostname
$cmd = "sed \"s/Hostname .*/Hostname \"$micname\"/\" /etc/mpss/mic$micid.conf > $tmppath/mic$micid.conf";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to set hostname for mic.\n", 107);
copy ("$tmppath/mic$micid.conf", "/etc/mpss/mic$micid.conf");
# configure the Verbose log
if ($miccfg{$micid}{'vlog'} =~ /yes/i) {
$cmd = "sed \"s/VerboseLogging .*/VerboseLogging \"Enabled\"/\" /etc/mpss/mic$micid.conf > $tmppath/mic$micid.conf";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to set Verbose log for mic.\n", 108);
copy ("$tmppath/mic$micid.conf", "/etc/mpss/mic$micid.conf");
# configure the power management
if (defined ($miccfg{$micid}{'powermgt'})) {
$cmd = "micctrl --pm=set ";
foreach my $item (split (/!/, $miccfg{$micid}{'powermgt'})) {
$cmd .= " --$item ";
$cmd .= " mic$micid";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to set power management for mic.\n", 109);
# configure network for each mic
$cmd = "micctrl --network=static --bridge=".$miccfg{$micid}{br}." --ip=".$miccfg{$micid}{ip}." mic$micid";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to generate IP configuration for mic.\n", 104);
# configure nfs mount for each mic
foreach my $msrc (keys %{$miccfg{'micmount'}}) {
my $mntsrc;
if (defined $miccfg{$micid}{'statemnt'}) {
if ($miccfg{$micid}{'statemnt'} =~ /:/) {
# for 'statemnt' is a nfs server plus dir like 192.168.1:/nfs
$mntsrc = $miccfg{$micid}{'statemnt'}."/$msrc";
} else {
# for 'statemnt' is a nfs server ip
$mntsrc = $miccfg{$micid}{'statemnt'}.":/$msrc";
} else {
$mntsrc = "$brgip:/$msrc";
$cmd = "micctrl --addnfs=$mntsrc --dir=$miccfg{micmount}{$msrc} mic$micid";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to add nfs mount for mic.\n", 104);
# since there's a bug that nfsserver cannot be set, just manully change it
if ($mntsrc =~ /^(.+):/) {
if ($1 ne $brgip) {
$cmd = "sed -i \'s/$brgip/$1/g\' /var/mpss/mic$micid/etc/fstab";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to hack nfs mount for mic.\n", 104);
# take the configuration to effect
$cmd = "micctrl --resetconfig mic$micid";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to spread the configuration.\n", 201);
# back up the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow which generated by 'micctrl --initdefaults'
system ("/bin/cp -rf /var/mpss/mic$micid/etc/passwd /tmp/mictmp/passwd");
system ("/bin/cp -rf /var/mpss/mic$micid/etc/shadow /tmp/mictmp/shadow");
# copy the system files which generated by genimage to the micdir
# e.g. /etc/hosts /etc/passwd ...
my $src = "$micmnt/system/*";
my $dst = "/var/mpss/mic$micid";
$cmd = "/bin/cp -rf $src $dst";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to copy the overlay dir.\n", 300);
# append /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow which generated by 'micctrl --initdefaults'
system ("/bin/grep micuser /tmp/mictmp/passwd >> /var/mpss/mic$micid/etc/passwd");
system ("/bin/grep micuser /tmp/mictmp/shadow >> /var/mpss/mic$micid/etc/shadow");
# generate the static root file system in ramdisk format
$cmd = "micctrl --updateramfs mic$micid";
runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to generate the static ramfs.\n", 301);
# start the mpss service after the configuration
$cmd = "service mpss start >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null";
$i = 5;
while ($i > 0) {
$cmd = "service mpss status";
($rc, $output) = runsyscmd ($cmd, "Error: failed to get the status of mpss.\n", 100);
if (grep /mpss is running/, @$output) {
sleep 2;
# notice nodeset command, the configuratoin has been done
foreach my $micid (keys %miccfg) {
if ($micid !~ /^\d*$/) {
# not mic specific, return
outputmsg ("MICMSG:$miccfg{$micid}{'name'}: Done\n");
print LOG "mpss has been started\n";
print LOG "\nFinish the mic configuratoin: ".`date`."====================================================\n";
close (LOG);
exit 0;
# run command
sub runsyscmd {
my $cmd = shift;
my $errmsg = shift;
my $rc = shift;
print LOG "---------------------------------------------\n";
print LOG "Run command: $cmd\n";
if (!($cmd =~ /2>&1$/)) { $cmd .= ' 2>&1'; }
my @output = `$cmd`;
my $errcode = 0;
if ($?) {
$errcode = $? >> 8;
foreach (@output) {
print LOG $_;
print LOG "---------------------------------------------\n";
if ($rc && $errcode) {
outputmsg($errmsg, $rc);
exit $rc;
return ($errcode, \@output);
# display the output message
sub outputmsg{
my $msg = shift;
my $rc =shift;
print LOG $msg;
print $msg;
if ($rc) {
exit $rc;