-Save the singular set of kernel/initrd/command line arguments when switching away from iscsi to, say, shell -Add implicit imgserver to destiny, assume the management node if nothing else specified -Reorder tftp boot directory hosting iscsi bootstrap, avoid race condition -Change wcons to a perl script in preparation for more sophisticated operation/syntax -Schema changes to iscsi table, place the vlan column after port to reflect relative importance to user git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@420 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
42 lines
971 B
Executable File
42 lines
971 B
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#A placeholder wcons, a fuller port from 1.3 is needed
use Getopt::Long qw(:config getopt_compat);
use File::Basename;
use Data::Dumper;
unless ($ENV{DISPLAY}) {
print '$DISPLAY not set';
exit 1;
my $mydir = dirname($0);
my $sb;
my $tilefact;
my $font;
'sb' => \$sb,
'tile|t:i' => \$tilefact,
'font|f=s' => \$font
my $nodes=`nodels $ARGV[0]`;
my @nodes = split /\n/,$nodes;
my $firstnode = shift @nodes;
if (defined($tilefact)) {
system("xterm -name $firstnode -title $firstnode -n $firstnode -geometry +0+0 -e $mydir/rcons $firstnode &");
my $xinfo = `xwininfo -name $firstnode`
} else {
system("xterm -name $firstnode -title $firstnode -n $firstnode -e $mydir/rcons $firstnode &");
foreach (@nodes) {
system("xterm -name $_ -title $_ -n $_ -e $mydir/rcons $_ &");
#print Dumper(\@ARGV);
#MYDIR=`dirname $0`
#for n in $NODES
# xterm -name wcons -T $n -n $n -e $MYDIR/rcons $n &