4131 lines
144 KiB

# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
xCAT plugin package to handle Kit management
package xCAT_plugin::kit;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
my $kitconf = "kit.conf";
=head3 handled_commands
Return list of commands handled by this plugin
sub handled_commands
return {
lskit => "kit",
addkit => "kit",
rmkit => "kit",
lskitcomp => "kit",
addkitcomp => "kit",
rmkitcomp => "kit",
chkkitcomp => "kit",
lskitdeployparam => "kit",
=head3 process_request
Process the command
sub process_request
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $request_command = shift;
$::CALLBACK = $callback;
$::args = $request->{arg};
my $lock;
my $locked = xCAT::Utils->is_locked("kit", 1);
if ( !locked ) {
$lock = xCAT::Utils->acquire_lock("kit", 1);
unless ($lock){
$callback->({error=>["Can not acquire lock."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
} else {
if ( $::PID and $::PID != $$ ) {
$callback->({error=>["Can not acquire lock, another process is running."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
$::PID = $$;
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
my $rc;
if ($command eq "lskit"){
$rc = lskit($request, $callback, $request_command);
} elsif ($command eq "addkit"){
$rc = addkit($request, $callback, $request_command);
} elsif ($command eq "rmkit"){
$rc = rmkit($request, $callback, $request_command);
} elsif ($command eq "lskitcomp"){
$rc = lskitcomp($request, $callback, $request_command);
} elsif ($command eq "addkitcomp"){
$rc = addkitcomp($request, $callback, $request_command);
} elsif ($command eq "rmkitcomp"){
$rc = rmkitcomp($request, $callback, $request_command);
} elsif ($command eq "chkkitcomp"){
$rc = chkkitcomp($request, $callback, $request_command);
} elsif ($command eq "lskitdeployparam"){
$rc = lskitdeployparam($request, $callback, $request_command);
} else{
$callback->({error=>["Error: $command not found in this module."],errorcode=>[1]});
xCAT::Utils->release_lock($lock, 1);
return 1;
if ( $lock ) {
xCAT::Utils->release_lock($lock, 1);
return $rc;
=head3 get_highest_version
Return the highest version and release for a list of
kit, kitrepo, or kitcomponent names.
Input: @entries: the arrary contains all the data
$key: the key name in entries hash.
$version: compare version nums.
$release: compare release nums.
sub get_highest_version
my $key = shift;
my $version = shift;
my $release = shift;
my @entries = @_;
my $highest;
foreach my $entry ( @entries ) {
$highest=$entry if (!$highest);
my $rc = compare_version($highest,$entry,$key,$version,$release);
if ( $rc == 1 ) {
$highest = $entry;
return $highest->{$key};
=head3 compare_version
Compare the version and release between two kit/kitrepo/kitcomp
Input: $highest: the current highest version or release
$entry: the new entry
$key: the key name in entries hash.
$version: compare version nums.
$release: compare release nums.
sub compare_version
my $highest = shift;
my $entry = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $version = shift;
my $release = shift;
my @a1 = split(/\./, $highest->{$version});
my @a2 = split(/\./, $entry->{$version});
my ($len,$num1,$num2);
if (($release = 'release') &&
(defined $highest->{$release}) && (defined $entry->{$release})){
$len = (scalar(@a1) > scalar(@a2) ? scalar(@a1) : scalar(@a2));
$len = (scalar(@a1) < scalar(@a2) ? scalar(@a1) : scalar(@a2));
$#a1 = $len - 1; # make the arrays the same length before appending release
$#a2 = $len - 1;
if ($release = 'release') {
push @a1, split(/\./, $highest->{$release});
push @a2, split(/\./, $entry->{$release});
$len = (scalar(@a1) < scalar(@a2) ? scalar(@a1) : scalar(@a2));
$num1 = '';
$num2 = '';
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; $i++)
my ($d1,$w1) = $a1[$i] =~ /^(\d*)(\w*)/;
my ($d2,$w2) = $a2[$i] =~ /^(\d*)(\w*)/;
my $diff = length($d1) - length($d2);
if ($diff > 0) # pad d2
$num1 .= $d1;
$num2 .= ('0' x $diff) . $d2;
elsif ($diff < 0) # pad d1
$num1 .= ('0' x abs($diff)) . $d1;
$num2 .= $d2;
else # they are the same length
$num1 .= $d1;
$num2 .= $d2;
if ( $w1 && $w2)
my ($w_to_d1, $w_to_d2) = comp_word( $w1, $w2);
$num1 .= $w_to_d1;
$num2 .= $w_to_d2;
# Remove the leading 0s or perl will interpret the numbers as octal
$num1 =~ s/^0+//;
$num2 =~ s/^0+//;
#SuSE Changes
# if $num1="", the "eval '$num1 $operator $num2'" will fail. So MUSTBE be sure that $num1 is not a "".
if (length($num1) == 0) { $num1 = 0; }
if (length($num2) == 0) { $num2 = 0; }
return 1 if ( $num2 > $num1 );
return 0 if ( $num2 == $num1 );
return -1;
=head3 comp_word
Compare version1 word and version2 word. This subroutine can only be used to compare
one section in version number, and this section cannot start with number.
if $w1 > $w2, return (1,0)
if $w1 < $w2, return (0,1)
if $w1 == $w2, return (undef, undef)
if ($self->comp_word ( "adfadsfa","acc2")
return (0,1)
the version word cannot contain ".", and cannot start with number.
For examples, following version words cannot be compared by this subroutine:
(123.321, 123.322) You need use subroutine testVersion to do the version comparision
(123abc,12bcd) You need use subroutine testVersion to do the version comparision
sub comp_word
my $self = shift;
my ($w1,$w2) = @_;
return (undef,undef) if (!$w1 || !$w2);
my @strList1 = unpack "C*", $w1;
my @strList2 = unpack "C*", $w2;
my $len = scalar(@strList1) < scalar(@strList2) ? scalar(@strList1) : scalar(@strList2);
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
next if ( $strList1[$i] == $strList2[$i]);
return ( 0, 1) if ( $strList1[$i] < $strList2[$i]);
return ( 1, 0);
return (undef,undef);
=head3 assign_to_osimage
Assign a kit component to osimage
sub assign_to_osimage
my $osimage = shift;
my $kitcomp = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $tabs = shift;
(my $kitcomptable) = $tabs->{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname=> $kitcomp}, 'kitname', 'kitreponame', 'basename', 'kitpkgdeps', 'exlist', 'genimage_postinstall','postbootscripts', 'driverpacks');
(my $osimagetable) = $tabs->{osimage}->getAttribs({imagename=> $osimage}, 'provmethod', 'osarch', 'postbootscripts', 'kitcomponents');
(my $linuximagetable) = $tabs->{linuximage}->getAttribs({imagename=> $osimage}, 'rootimgdir', 'exlist', 'postinstall', 'otherpkglist', 'otherpkgdir', 'driverupdatesrc');
# Reading installdir.
my $installdir = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir();
$installdir = '/install';
$installdir =~ s/\/$//;
# Create osimage direcotry to save kit tmp files
# Adding genimage_postinstall script to linuximage.postintall attribute for diskless image or osimage.postbootscripts for diskfull image.
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{genimage_postinstall} ){
my @kitcompscripts = split ',', $kitcomptable->{genimage_postinstall};
foreach my $kitcompscript ( @kitcompscripts ) {
if ( $osimagetable ) {
my $otherpkgdir;
my $rootimgdir;
if ( $linuximagetable and $linuximagetable->{otherpkgdir} ) {
$otherpkgdir = $linuximagetable->{otherpkgdir};
} else {
$callback->({error => ["Could not read otherpkgdir from osimage $osimage"],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
if ( $osimagetable->{provmethod} =~ /install/ ) {
# for diskfull node
my $match = 0;
my @scripts = split ',', $osimagetable->{postbootscripts};
foreach my $script ( @scripts ) {
if ( $script =~ /^KIT_$osimage.postbootscripts/ ) {
$match = 1;
if ( !-e "$installdir/postscripts/KIT_$osimage.postbootscripts" ) {
if (open(FILE, ">", "$installdir/postscripts/KIT_$osimage.postbootscripts")) {
print FILE "#!/bin/sh\n\n";
my @postbootlines;
if (open(POSTBOOTSCRIPTS, "<", "$installdir/postscripts/KIT_$osimage.postbootscripts")) {
@postbootlines = <POSTBOOTSCRIPTS>;
$callback->({data=>["\nCreating osimage postbootscripts file $installdir/postscripts/KIT_$osimage.postbootscripts"]});
unless ( grep(/$kitcompscript/ , @postbootlines ) ) {
if (open(NEWLIST, ">>", "$installdir/postscripts/KIT_$osimage.postbootscripts")) {
print NEWLIST "otherpkgdir=$otherpkgdir $kitcompscript\n";
if ( !$match ) {
$osimagetable->{postbootscripts} = $osimagetable->{postbootscripts} . ",KIT_$osimage.postbootscripts";
$osimagetable->{postbootscripts} =~ s/^,//;
} else {
# for diskless node
if ( $linuximagetable and $linuximagetable->{rootimgdir} ) {
$rootimgdir = $linuximagetable->{rootimgdir}."/rootimg";
} else {
$callback->({error => ["Could not read rootimgdir from osimage $osimage"],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
if ( !-e "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.postinstall" ) {
if (open(FILE, ">", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.postinstall")) {
print FILE "#!/bin/sh\n\n";
my @postinstalllines;
if (open(POSTINSTALL, "<", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.postinstall")) {
@postinstalllines = <POSTINSTALL>;
$callback->({data=>["\nReading osimage postinstall scripts file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.postinstall"]});
unless ( grep(/$kitcompscript/ , @postinstalllines ) ) {
if (open(NEWLIST, ">>", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.postinstall")) {
print NEWLIST "installroot=$rootimgdir otherpkgdir=$otherpkgdir $installdir/postscripts/$kitcompscript\n";
my $match = 0;
my @scripts = split ',', $linuximagetable->{postinstall};
foreach my $script ( @scripts ) {
if ( $script =~ /KIT_COMPONENTS.postinstall/ ) {
$match = 1;
if ( !$match ) {
$linuximagetable->{postinstall} = $linuximagetable->{postinstall} . ",$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.postinstall";
$linuximagetable->{postinstall} =~ s/^,//;
# Adding postbootscrits to osimage.postbootscripts
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{postbootscripts} ){
my @kitcompscripts = split ',', $kitcomptable->{postbootscripts};
foreach my $kitcompscript ( @kitcompscripts ) {
my $formatedkitcomp = $kitcompscript;
if ( $osimagetable ) {
if ( $osimagetable->{postbootscripts} ){
my $match = 0;
my $added = 0;
my @newscripts;
my @scripts = split ',', $osimagetable->{postbootscripts};
foreach my $script ( @scripts ) {
if ( $script =~ /^$formatedkitcomp$/ ) {
$match = 1;
if ( $script !~ /^BASEXCAT_/ and $script !~ /^KIT_/ ) {
unless ( $added ) {
push @newscripts, $formatedkitcomp;
$added = 1;
push @newscripts, $script;
if ( $match ) {
} elsif ( !$added ) {
push @newscripts, $formatedkitcomp;
my $osimagescripts = join ',', @newscripts;
$osimagetable->{postbootscripts} = $osimagescripts;
} else {
$osimagetable->{postbootscripts} = $formatedkitcomp;
# Adding kit component's repodir to osimage.otherpkgdir
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{kitreponame} ) {
(my $kitrepotable) = $tabs->{kitrepo}->getAttribs({kitreponame=> $kitcomptable->{kitreponame}}, 'kitrepodir');
if ( $kitrepotable and $kitrepotable->{kitrepodir} ) {
if ( $linuximagetable and $linuximagetable->{otherpkgdir} ) {
my $otherpkgdir = $linuximagetable->{otherpkgdir};
my $kitrepodir = $kitrepotable->{kitrepodir};
# Create otherpkgdir if it doesn't exist
unless ( -d "$otherpkgdir" ) {
# Create symlink if doesn't exist
unless ( -d "$otherpkgdir/$kitcomptable->{kitreponame}" ) {
system("ln -sf $kitrepodir $otherpkgdir/$kitcomptable->{kitreponame} ");
} else {
$callback->({error => ["Cannot open linuximage table or otherpkgdir do not exist"],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
} else {
$callback->({error => ["Cannot open kit table or kitdir do not exist"],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
# Reading kitdir
my $kittable;
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{kitname} ) {
($kittable) = $tabs->{kit}->getAttribs({kitname=> $kitcomptable->{kitname}}, 'kitdir', 'kitdeployparams');
# Adding kitcomponent.exlist to osimage.exlist
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{exlist} and $kittable and $kittable->{kitdir} ) {
my @lines;
my $exlistfile = $kitcomptable->{exlist};
my $kitdir = $kittable->{kitdir};
# Adding kit component exlist file to KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist file
if ( -e "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist" ) {
if (open(EXLIST, "<", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist")) {
@lines = <EXLIST>;
$callback->({data=>["\nReading kit component exlist file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist\n"]});
} else {
$callback->({error => ["Could not open kit component exlist file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist"],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
unless ( grep(/^#INCLUDE:$kitdir\/other_files\/$exlistfile#$/ , @lines) ) {
if (open(NEWEXLIST, ">>", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist")) {
print NEWEXLIST "#INCLUDE:$kitdir/other_files/$exlistfile#\n";
# Adding KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist file to osimage.exlist if not existing.
if ( $linuximagetable ) {
if ( $linuximagetable->{exlist} ) {
my $match = 0;
my @exlists= split ',', $linuximagetable->{exlist};
foreach my $exlist ( @exlists ) {
if ( $exlist =~ /^$installdir\/osimages\/$osimage\/kits\/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist$/ ) {
$match = 1;
unless ( $match ) {
$linuximagetable->{exlist} = $linuximagetable->{exlist} . ',' . "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist";
} else {
$linuximagetable->{exlist} = "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist";
# Adding kitdeployparams to a otherpkglist file in osimage
my @kitdeployparams;
if ( $kittable and $kittable->{kitdeployparams} and $kittable->{kitdir} ) {
# Reading contents from kit.kitdeployparams file
my @contents;
my $kitdir = $kittable->{kitdir};
my $kitdeployfile = $kittable->{kitdeployparams};
if ( -e "$kitdir/other_files/$kitdeployfile" ) {
if (open(KITDEPLOY, "<", "$kitdir/other_files/$kitdeployfile") ) {
@contents = <KITDEPLOY>;
@kitdeployparams = @contents;
$callback->({data=>["\nReading kit deployparams from $kitdir/other_files/$kitdeployfile\n"]});
} else {
$callback->({error => ["Could not open kit deployparams file $kitdir/other_files/$kitdeployfile"],errorcode=>[1]});
# Creating kit deployparams file
my @lines;
if ( -e "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist" ) {
if (open(DEPLOYPARAM, "<", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist")) {
@lines = <DEPLOYPARAM>;
$callback->({data=>["\nReading kit deployparams file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist\n"]});
} else {
$callback->({error => ["Could not open kit deployparams file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist"],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
# Checking if the kit deployparams have been written in the generated kit deployparams file.
my @l;
foreach my $content ( @contents ) {
chomp $content;
my $matched = 0;
foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
chomp $line;
if ( $line =~ /$content/ ) {
$matched = 1;
unless ( $matched ) {
push @l, $content . "\n";
# Write the missing lines to kit deployparams file
if (open(NEWDEPLOYPARAM, ">>", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist")) {
# Write this kit deployparams to osimage.otherpkglist if not existing.
if ( $linuximagetable ) {
if ( $linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} ) {
my $match = 0;
my @otherpkglists= split ',', $linuximagetable->{otherpkglist};
foreach my $otherpkglist ( @otherpkglists ) {
if ( $otherpkglist =~ /^$installdir\/osimages\/$osimage\/kits\/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist$/ ) {
$match = 1;
unless ( $match ) {
$linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} = $linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} . ',' . "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist";
} else {
$linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} = "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist";
# Adding kit component basename to osimage.otherpkgs.pkglist
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{basename} and $kitcomptable->{kitreponame} ) {
my @lines;
my $basename = $kitcomptable->{basename};
my $kitreponame = $kitcomptable->{kitreponame};
# Adding kit component basename to KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist file
if ( -e "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist" ) {
if (open(OTHERPKGLIST, "<", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist")) {
@lines = <OTHERPKGLIST>;
$callback->({data=>["\nReading kit component otherpkg file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist\n"]});
} else {
$callback->({error => ["Could not open kit component otherpkg file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist"],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
unless ( grep(/^$kitreponame\/$basename$/, @lines) ) {
if (open(NEWOTHERPKGLIST, ">", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist")) {
if ( $::noupgrade ) {
push @lines, "#NEW_INSTALL_LIST#\n";
foreach my $kitdeployparam ( @kitdeployparams ) {
push @lines, "$kitdeployparam";
push @lines, "$kitreponame/$basename\n";
} else {
print NEWOTHERPKGLIST "$kitreponame/$basename\n";
# Write this kit component otherpkgs pkgfile to osimage.otherpkglist if not existing.
if ( $linuximagetable ) {
if ( $linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} ) {
my $match = 0;
my @otherpkglists= split ',', $linuximagetable->{otherpkglist};
foreach my $otherpkglist ( @otherpkglists ) {
if ( $otherpkglist =~ /^$installdir\/osimages\/$osimage\/kits\/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist$/ ) {
$match = 1;
unless ( $match ) {
$linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} = $linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} . ',' . "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist";
} else {
$linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} = "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist";
# Remove this component basename and pkgnames from KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkg.pkglist
my @lines = ();
my @kitpkgdeps = split ',', $kitcomptable->{kitpkgdeps};
push @kitpkgdeps, $basename;
my @l = ();
if ( -e "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist" ) {
if (open(RMOTHERPKGLIST, "<", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist")) {
$callback->({data=>["\nReading kit component rmpkgs file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist\n"]});
} else {
$callback->({error => ["Could not open kit component rmpkgs file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist"],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
my $changed = 0;
foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
chomp $line;
my $matched = 0;
foreach my $kitpkgdep ( @kitpkgdeps ) {
if ( $line =~ /^-$kitpkgdep$/ ) {
$matched = 1;
$changed = 1;
unless ( $matched ) {
push @l, "$line\n";
if ( $changed ) {
if (open(RMPKGLIST, ">", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist")) {
print RMPKGLIST @l;
} else {
$callback->({error => ["Could not open kit component table and read basename for kit component $kitcomp"],errorcode=>[1]});
return 1;
# Now writing kit component to osimage.kitcomponents
$callback->({data=>["\nAdding this kitcomponent to osimage.kitcomponents\n"]});
if ( $osimagetable ) {
if ( $osimagetable->{kitcomponents} ){
$osimagetable->{kitcomponents} = join( ',', $osimagetable->{kitcomponents}, $kitcomp);
} else {
$osimagetable->{kitcomponents} = $kitcomp;
# Adding driverpacks
if ( $linuximagetable and $linuximagetable->{driverupdatesrc} ) {
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{driverpacks} ) {
my @driverpacks = split ',', $kitcomptable->{driverpacks};
my @driverupdatesrcs = split ',', $linuximagetable->{driverupdatesrc};
my @newdriverupdatesrcs = @driverupdatesrcs;
foreach my $driverpack ( @driverpacks ) {
my $matched = 0;
foreach my $driverupdatesrc ( @driverupdatesrcs ) {
if ( $driverpack eq $driverupdatesrc ) {
$matched = 1;
unless ( $matched ) {
push @newdriverupdatesrcs, $driverpack;
my $newdriverupdatesrc = join ',', @newdriverupdatesrcs;
$linuximagetable->{driverupdatesrc} = $newdriverupdatesrc;
# Write linuximage table with all the above udpates.
$tabs->{linuximage}->setAttribs({imagename => $osimage }, \%{$linuximagetable} );
# Write osimage table with all the above udpates.
$tabs->{osimage}->setAttribs({imagename => $osimage }, \%{$osimagetable} );
=head3 addkit
Add Kits into xCAT
sub addkit
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $request_command = shift;
my $path;
my $rc;
my $xusage = sub {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "addkit: add Kits into xCAT from a list of tarball file or directory which have the same structure with tarball file";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Usage: ";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "\taddkit [-h|--help]";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "\taddkit [-i|--inspection] <kitlist>]";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "\taddkit [-p|--path <path>] <kitlist>] [-V]";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
unless(defined($request->{arg})){ $xusage->(1); return; }
@ARGV = @{$request->{arg}};
if($#ARGV eq -1){
'h|help' => \$help,
'V|verbose' => \$::VERBOSE,
'i|inspection' => \$inspection,
'p|path=s' => \$path,
my %tabs = ();
my @tables = qw(kit kitrepo kitcomponent);
foreach my $t ( @tables ) {
$tabs{$t} = xCAT::Table->new($t,-create => 1,-autocommit => 1);
if ( !exists( $tabs{$t} )) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open xCAT table $t";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my $basename;
my $des = shift @ARGV;
my @kits = split ',', $des;
my @kitnames;
my $hasplugin = 0;
foreach my $kit (@kits) {
my $kitdir = '';
my $kittmpdir = '';
my %kithash;
my %kitrepohash;
my %kitcomphash;
# extract the Kit to kitdir
my $installdir = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir();
$installdir = '/install';
$installdir =~ s/\/$//;
my $dir = $request->{cwd}; #getcwd;
$dir = $dir->[0];
unless(-r $kit){
$kit = "$dir/$kit";
unless (-r $kit) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Can not find $kit";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if(-d "$kit") {
# This is a directory.
# TODO: check if this is a valid kit directory.
$kittmpdir = $kit;
} else {
# should be a tar.bz2 file
system("rm -rf /tmp/tmpkit/");
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Extract Kit $kit to /tmp";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
$rc = system("tar jxvf $kit -C /tmp/tmpkit/");
} else {
$rc = system("tar jxf $kit -C /tmp/tmpkit/");
my @files = readdir($dir);
foreach my $file ( @files ) {
next if ( $file eq '.' || $file eq '..' );
$kittmpdir = "/tmp/tmpkit/$file";
if ( !$kittmpdir ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not find extracted kit in /tmp/tmpkit";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to extract Kit $kit, (Maybe there was no space left?)";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Read kit info from kit.conf
my @lines;
if (open(KITCONF, "<$kittmpdir/$kitconf")) {
@lines = <KITCONF>;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Reading kit configuration file $kittmpdir/$kitconf";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open kit configuration file $kittmpdir/$kitconf";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my $sec;
my $kitname;
my $kitreponame;
my $kitcompname;
my $scripts;
my $kitrepoid = 0;
my $kitcompid = 0;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
# Read through each line of kit.conf.
my $key, $value;
chomp $line;
next if ($line =~ /^$/);
next if ($line =~ /^\s*#/);
# Split the kit.conf to different parts: kit, kitrepo, kitcomponent.
if ($line =~ /kit:/) {
$sec = "KIT";
} elsif ($line =~ /kitrepo:/) {
$sec = "KITREPO";
$kitrepoid = $kitrepoid + 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /kitcomponent:/) {
$kitcompid = $kitcompid + 1;
} else {
($key,$value) = split /=/, $line;
# Remove spaces in each lines.
$key =~s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$value =~s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# Add each attribute to different hash.
if ( $sec =~ /KIT$/) {
$kithash{$key} = $value;
} elsif ( $sec =~ /KITREPO$/ ) {
$kitrepohash{$kitrepoid}{$key} = $value;
} elsif ( $sec =~ /KITCOMPONENT$/ ) {
if ( $key =~ /postbootscripts/ or $key =~ /genimage_postinstall/ ) {
$scripts = $scripts . ',' . $value;
$kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{$key} = $value;
} else {
$kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{$key} = $value;
#TODO: add check to see the the attributes name are acceptable by xCAT DB.
#TODO: need to check if the files are existing or not, like exlist,
unless (keys %kithash) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to add kit $kit because kit.conf is invalid";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $inspection ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kitname=$kithash{kitname}";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, " description=$kithash{description}";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, " version=$kithash{version}";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, " ostype=$kithash{ostype}";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
(my $ref1) = $tabs{kit}->getAttribs({kitname => $kithash{kitname}}, 'basename');
if ( $ref1 and $ref1->{'basename'}){
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to add kit $kithash{kitname} because it is already existing";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Check if the kitcomponent is existing
my @kitcomps = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribs( 'kitcompname' );
foreach my $kitcomp (@kitcomps) {
if ( $kitcomp->{kitcompname} ) {
foreach my $kitcompid (keys %kitcomphash) {
if ( $kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{kitcompname} and $kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{kitcompname} =~ /$kitcomp->{kitcompname}/ ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to add kitcomponent $kitcomp->{kitcompname} because it is already existing";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Adding Kit $kithash{kitname}";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
# Moving kits from tmp directory to kitdir
if (!$path) {
$kitdir = $installdir . "/kits";
} else {
$kitdir = $path;
$kitdir =~ s/\/$//;
$kitdir = $kitdir . "/" . $kithash{kitname};
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Create Kit directory $kitdir";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
# Set kitdir and kitrepodir
$kithash{kitdir} = $kitdir;
foreach my $kitrepoid ( keys %kitrepohash ) {
$kitrepohash{$kitrepoid}{kitrepodir} = $kitdir."/repos/".$kitrepohash{$kitrepoid}{kitreponame};
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Copying Kit from $kittmpdir to $kitdir";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
$rc = system("cp -rfv $kittmpdir/* $kitdir");
} else {
$rc = system("cp -rf $kittmpdir/* $kitdir");
# Coying scripts to /installdir/postscripts/
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Copying kit scripts from $kitdir/other_files/ to $installdir/postscripts";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my @script = split ',', $scripts;
foreach (@script) {
next unless ($_);
$rc = system("cp -rfv $kitdir/other_files/$_ $installdir/postscripts/");
} else {
$rc = system("cp -rf $kitdir/other_files/$_ $installdir/postscripts/");
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to copy scripts from $kitdir/scripts/ to $installdir/postscripts";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Copying plugins to /opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/
if ( -d "$kitdir/plugins/" ) {
chmod(644, "$kitdir/plugins/*");
if ( grep { ($_ ne '.') && ($_ ne '..') } readdir($dir) ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Copying kit plugins from $kitdir/plugins/ to $::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
$rc = system("cp -rfv $kitdir/plugins/* $::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/");
} else {
$rc = system("cp -rf $kitdir/plugins/* $::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/");
$hasplugin = 1;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to copy plugins from $kitdir/plugins/ to $::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Write to DB
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Writing kit configuration into xCAT DB";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
$rc = $tabs{kit}->setAttribs({kitname => $kithash{kitname} }, \%kithash );
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to write kit object into xCAT DB";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
foreach my $kitrepoid (keys %kitrepohash) {
$rc = $tabs{kitrepo}->setAttribs({kitreponame => $kitrepohash{$kitrepoid}{kitreponame} }, \%{$kitrepohash{$kitrepoid}} );
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to write kitrepo $kitrepohash{$kitrepoid}{kitreponame} into xCAT DB";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
foreach my $kitcompid (keys %kitcomphash) {
$rc = $tabs{kitcomponent}->setAttribs({kitcompname => $kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{kitcompname} }, \%{$kitcomphash{$kitcompid}} );
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to write kitcomponent $kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{kitcompname} xCAT DB";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
push @kitnames, $kithash{kitname};
unless ( $inspection ) {
my $kitlist = join ',', @kitnames;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Kit $kitlist was successfully added.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
if ( $hasplugin ) {
# Issue xcatd reload to load the new plugins
system("/etc/init.d/xcatd reload");
=head3 rmkit
Remove Kits from xCAT
sub rmkit
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $request_command = shift;
my $kitdir;
my $rc;
my $xusage = sub {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "rmkit: remove Kits from xCAT";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Usage: ";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "\trmkit [-h|--help]";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "\trmkit [-f|--force] <kitlist>] [-V]";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
unless(defined($request->{arg})){ $xusage->(1); return; }
@ARGV = @{$request->{arg}};
if($#ARGV eq -1){
'h|help' => \$help,
'V|verbose' => \$::VERBOSE,
'f|force' => \$force
my %tabs = ();
my @tables = qw(kit kitrepo kitcomponent osimage);
foreach my $t ( @tables ) {
$tabs{$t} = xCAT::Table->new($t,-create => 1,-autocommit => 1);
if ( !exists( $tabs{$t} )) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open xCAT table $t";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Convert to kitname if input is a basename
my %kitnames;
my $des = shift @ARGV;
my @kits = split ',', $des;
foreach my $kit (@kits) {
# Check if it is a kitname or basename
(my $ref1) = $tabs{kit}->getAttribs({kitname => $kit}, 'basename', 'isinternal');
if ( $ref1 and $ref1->{'basename'}){
if ( $ref1->{'isinternal'} and !$force ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Kit $kit with isinterval attribute cannot be remoed";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
$kitnames{$kit} = 1;
} else {
my @entries = $tabs{kit}->getAllAttribsWhere( "basename = '$kit'", 'kitname', 'isinternal');
unless (@entries) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Kit $kit could not be found in DB $t";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
if ( $entry->{'isinternal'} and !$force ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Kit $entry->{kitname} with isinterval attribute cannot be remoed";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
$kitnames{$entry->{kitname}} = 1;
# Remove each kit
my @entries = $tabs{'osimage'}->getAllAttribs( 'imagename', 'kitcomponents' );
my @kitlist;
my $hasplugin;
foreach my $kitname (keys %kitnames) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Removing kit $kitname";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
# Remove osimage.kitcomponents.
# Find all the components in this kit.
my $kitcompnames;
my @kitcomphash = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribsWhere( "kitname = '$kitname'", 'kitcompname', 'postbootscripts', 'genimage_postinstall');
if (@entries && (@entries > 0)) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Removing kit components from osimage.kitcomponents";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
# Check osimage.kitcomponents
my @kitcomponents = split ',', $entry->{kitcomponents};
foreach my $kitcomponent ( @kitcomponents ) {
chomp $kitcomponent;
# Compare with each component in osimage.kitcomponents list.
foreach my $kitcomp ( @kitcomphash ) {
my $kitcompname = $kitcomp->{kitcompname};
# Remove this component from osimage.kitcomponents if -f option.
if ("$kitcompname" =~ /^$kitcomponent$/) {
unless ($force) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to remove kit component $kitcomponent because:$kitcomponent is being used by osimage $entry->{imagename}";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Remove this component from osimage.kitcomponents. Mark here.
my $ret = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({ command => ['rmkitcomp'], arg => ['-f','-u','-i',$entry->{imagename}, $kitcompname] }, $request_command, 0, 1);
if ( $::RUNCMD_RC ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to remove kit component $kitcomponent from $entry->{imagename}";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my $kitdir;
(my $ref1) = $tabs{kit}->getAttribs({kitname => $kitname }, 'kitdir');
if ( $ref1 and $ref1->{'kitdir'}){
$kitdir = $ref1->{'kitdir'};
chomp $kitdir;
# remove kit plugins from /opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Removing kit plugins from $::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
opendir($dir, $kitdir."/plugins");
my @files = readdir($dir);
if ( grep { ($_ ne '.') && ($_ ne '..') } @files ) {
$hasplugin = 1;
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ($file eq '.' or $file eq '..') { next; }
if ( -e "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/$file" ) {
system("rm -rfv $::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/$file");
} else {
system("rm -rf $::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/$file");
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Removing kit scripts from /install/postscripts/";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
# remove kit scripts from /install/postscripts/
my $installdir = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir();
$installdir = '/install';
$installdir =~ s/\/$//;
my $scripts;
foreach my $kitcomp ( @kitcomphash ) {
$scripts = $scripts.",".$kitcomp->{postbootscripts} if ( $kitcomp->{postbootscripts} );
$scripts = $scripts.",".$kitcomp->{genimage_postinstall} if ( $kitcomp->{genimage_postinstall} );
$scripts =~ s/^,//;
my @files = split /,/, $scripts;
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ($file eq '.' or $file eq '..') { next; }
if ( -e "$installdir/postscripts/$file" ) {
system("rm -rfv $installdir/postscripts/$file");
} else {
system("rm -rf $installdir/postscripts/$file");
# remove kitdir from /install/kits/
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Removing kitdir from installdir";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
system("rm -rfv $kitdir");
} else {
system("rm -rf $kitdir");
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Removing kit from xCAT DB";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
# Remove kitcomponent
foreach my $kitcomp ( @kitcomphash ) {
my $kitcompname = $kitcomp->{kitcompname};
$tabs{kitcomponent}->delEntries({kitcompname => $kitcompname});
# Remove kitrepo
my @kitrepohash = $tabs{kitrepo}->getAllAttribsWhere( "kitname = '$kitname'", 'kitreponame');
foreach my $kitrepo ( @kitrepohash ) {
my $kitreponame = $kitrepo->{kitreponame};
$tabs{kitrepo}->delEntries({kitreponame => $kitreponame});
# Remove kit
$tabs{kit}->delEntries({kitname => $kitname});
push @kitlist, $kitname;
my $kits = join ',', @kitlist;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Kit $kits was successfully removed.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
if ( $hasplugin ) {
# Issue xcatd reload to load the new plugins
system("/etc/init.d/xcatd reload");
=head3 addkitcomp
Assign Kit component to osimage
sub addkitcomp
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $request_command = shift;
my $kitdir;
my $rc;
my $xusage = sub {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "addkitcomp: assign kit component to osimage";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Usage: ";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "\taddkitcomp [-h|--help]";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "\taddkitcomp [-a|--adddeps] [-f|--force] [-n|--noupgrade] [-V|--verbose] -i <osimage> <kitcompname_list>";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
unless(defined($request->{arg})){ $xusage->(1); return; }
@ARGV = @{$request->{arg}};
if($#ARGV eq -1){
'h|help' => \$help,
'V|verbose' => \$::VERBOSE,
'a|adddeps' => \$adddeps,
'f|force' => \$force,
'n|noupgrade' => \$::noupgrade,
'i=s' => \$osimage
my %tabs = ();
my @tables = qw(kit kitrepo kitcomponent osimage osdistro linuximage);
foreach my $t ( @tables ) {
$tabs{$t} = xCAT::Table->new($t,-create => 1,-autocommit => 1);
if ( !exists( $tabs{$t} )) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open xCAT table $t";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Check if all the kitcomponents are existing before processing
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Checking if kitcomponents are valid";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my %kitcomps;
my $des = shift @ARGV;
my @kitcomponents = split ',', $des;
foreach my $kitcomponent (@kitcomponents) {
# Check if it is a kitcompname or basename
(my $kitcomptable) = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname => $kitcomponent}, 'kitname', 'basename');
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{'basename'}){
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{name} = $kitcomponent;
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{basename} = $kitcomptable->{'basename'};
} else {
my @entries = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribsWhere( "basename = '$kitcomponent'", 'kitcompname' , 'version', 'release');
unless (@entries) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$kitcomponent kitcomponent does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my $highest = get_highest_version('kitcompname', 'version', 'release', @entries);
$kitcomps{$highest}{name} = $highest;
$kitcomps{$highest}{basename} = $kitcomponent;
# Verify if the kitcomponents fitting to the osimage or not.
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Verifying if kitcomponents fit to osimage";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my %os;
my $osdistrotable;
(my $osimagetable) = $tabs{osimage}->getAttribs({imagename=> $osimage}, 'osdistroname', 'serverrole', 'kitcomponents', 'osname', 'osvers', 'osarch');
if ( $osimagetable and $osimagetable->{'osdistroname'}){
($osdistrotable) = $tabs{osdistro}->getAttribs({osdistroname=> $osimagetable->{'osdistroname'}}, 'basename', 'majorversion', 'minorversion', 'arch', 'type');
if ( !$osdistrotable or !$osdistrotable->{basename} ) {
my %rsp;
push @{ $rsp{data} }, "$osdistroname osdistro does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Read basename,majorversion,minorversion,arch,type, from osdistro table
$os{$osimage}{basename} = lc($osdistrotable->{basename});
$os{$osimage}{majorversion} = lc($osdistrotable->{majorversion});
$os{$osimage}{minorversion} = lc($osdistrotable->{minorversion});
$os{$osimage}{arch} = lc($osdistrotable->{arch});
$os{$osimage}{type} = lc($osdistrotable->{type});
# Read serverrole from osimage.
$os{$osimage}{serverrole} = lc($osimagetable->{'serverrole'});
} elsif ( !$osimagetable or !$osimagetable->{'osname'} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage does not contains a valid 'osname' attribute";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
} elsif ( !$osimagetable->{'osvers'} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage does not contains a valid 'osvers' attribute";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
} elsif ( !$osimagetable->{'osarch'} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage does not contains a valid 'osarch' attribute";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
} else {
$os{$osimage}{type} = lc($osimagetable->{'osname'});
$os{$osimage}{arch} = lc($osimagetable->{'osarch'});
$os{$osimage}{serverrole} = lc($osimagetable->{'serverrole'});
my ($basename, $majorversion, $minorversion) = $osimagetable->{'osvers'} =~ /^(\D+)(\d+)\W+(\d+)/;
$os{$osimage}{basename} = lc($basename);
$os{$osimage}{majorversion} = lc($majorversion);
$os{$osimage}{minorversion} = lc($minorversion);
foreach my $kitcomp ( keys %kitcomps ) {
(my $kitcomptable) = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname => $kitcomp}, 'kitname', 'kitreponame', 'serverroles', 'kitcompdeps');
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{'kitname'} and $kitcomptable->{'kitreponame'}) {
# Read serverroles from kitcomponent table
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{serverroles} = lc($kitcomptable->{'serverroles'});
# Read ostype from kit table
(my $kittable) = $tabs{kit}->getAttribs({kitname => $kitcomptable->{'kitname'}}, 'ostype');
if ( $kittable and $kittable->{ostype} ) {
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{ostype} = lc($kittable->{ostype});
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$kitcomptable->{'kitname'} ostype does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Read osbasename, osmajorversion,osminorversion,osarch,compat_osbasenames from kitrepo table
(my $kitrepotable) = $tabs{kitrepo}->getAttribs({kitreponame => $kitcomptable->{'kitreponame'}}, 'osbasename', 'osmajorversion', 'osminorversion', 'osarch', 'compat_osbasenames');
if ($kitrepotable and $kitrepotable->{osbasename} and $kitrepotable->{osmajorversion} and $kitrepotable->{osarch}) {
if ($kitrepotable->{compat_osbasenames}) {
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osbasename} = lc($kitrepotable->{osbasename}) . ',' . lc($kitrepotable->{compat_osbasenames});
} else {
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osbasename} = lc($kitrepotable->{osbasename});
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osmajorversion} = lc($kitrepotable->{osmajorversion});
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osminorversion} = lc($kitrepotable->{osminorversion});
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osarch} = lc($kitrepotable->{osarch});
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$kitcomp osbasename,osmajorversion,osminorversion or osarch does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$kitcomp kitname or kitrepo name does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( !$force ) {
# Validate each attribute in kitcomp.
my $catched = 0;
my @osbasename = split ',', $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osbasename};
foreach (@osbasename) {
if ( $os{$osimage}{basename} eq $_ ) {
$catched = 1;
unless ( $catched ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp with attribute OS";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $os{$osimage}{majorversion} ne $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osmajorversion} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp with attribute majorversion";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osminorversion} and ($os{$osimage}{minorversion} ne $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osminorversion}) ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp with attribute minorversion";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $os{$osimage}{arch} ne $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osarch} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp with attribute arch";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $os{$osimage}{type} ne $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{ostype} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp with attribute type";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $os{$osimage}{serverrole} ) {
my $match = 0;
my @os_serverroles = split /,/, $os{$osimage}{serverrole};
my @kitcomp_serverroles = split /,/, $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{serverroles};
foreach my $os_serverrole (@os_serverroles) {
foreach my $kitcomp_serverrole (@kitcomp_serverroles) {
if ( $os_serverrole eq $kitcomp_serverrole ) {
$match = 1;
if ( $match ) {
if ( !$match ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp with attribute serverrole";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{'kitcompdeps'} ) {
my @kitcompdeps = split ',', $kitcomptable->{'kitcompdeps'};
foreach my $kitcompdep ( @kitcompdeps ) {
my @entries = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribsWhere( "basename = '$kitcompdep'", 'kitcompname' , 'version', 'release');
unless (@entries) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Cannot find any matched kit component for kit component $kitcomp dependency $kitcompdep";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my $highest = get_highest_version('kitcompname', 'version', 'release', @entries);
if ( $adddeps ) {
if ( !$kitcomps{$highest}{name} ) {
$kitcomps{$highest}{name} = $highest;
} else {
my $catched = 0;
if ( $osimagetable and $osimagetable->{'kitcomponents'}) {
my @oskitcomps = split ',', $osimagetable->{'kitcomponents'};
foreach my $oskitcomp ( @oskitcomps ) {
if ( $highest eq $oskitcomp ) {
$catched = 1;
foreach my $k ( keys %kitcomps ) {
if ( $kitcomps{$k}{basename} and $kitcompdep eq $kitcomps{$k}{basename} ) {
$catched = 1;
if ( !$catched ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kit component dependency $highest for kit component $kitcomp is not existing in osimage or specified in command line";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kitcomponent $kitcomp fits to osimage $osimage";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
# Now assign each component to the osimage
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Assigning kitcomponent to osimage";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my @kitcomps;
my @oskitcomps;
my $catched = 0;
my @kitlist;
if ( $osimagetable and $osimagetable->{'kitcomponents'}) {
@oskitcomps = split ',', $osimagetable->{'kitcomponents'};
my @newkitcomps = keys %kitcomps;
foreach ( keys %kitcomps ) {
my $kitcomp = shift @newkitcomps;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Assigning kit component $kitcomp to osimage $osimage";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
# Check if this component is existing in osimage.kitcomponents
foreach my $oskitcomp ( @oskitcomps ) {
if ( $kitcomp eq $oskitcomp ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$kitcomp kit component is already in osimage $osimage";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
$catched = 1;
# No matching kitcomponent name in osimage.kitcomponents, now checking their basenames.
if ( !$catched ) {
my $add = 0;
foreach my $oskitcomp ( @oskitcomps ) {
# Compare this kit component's basename with basenames in osimage.kitcomponents
(my $kitcomptable) = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname => $kitcomp}, 'basename', 'version', 'release');
if ( !$kitcomptable or !$kitcomptable->{'basename'} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$kitcomp kit component does not have basename";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
(my $oskitcomptable) = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname => $oskitcomp}, 'basename', 'version', 'release');
if ( !$oskitcomptable or !$oskitcomptable->{'basename'} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$oskitcomp kit component does not have basename";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
if ( $kitcomptable->{'basename'} eq $oskitcomptable->{'basename'} ) {
my $rc = compare_version($oskitcomptable,$kitcomptable,'kitcompname', 'version', 'release');
if ( $rc == 1 and !$::noupgrade ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Upgrading kit component $oskitcomp to $kitcomp";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my $ret = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({ command => ['rmkitcomp'], arg => ['-f','-u','-i',$osimage, $oskitcomp] }, $request_command, -2, 1);
if ( !$ret ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to remove kit component $kitcomp from $osimage";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
$add = 1;
} elsif ( $rc == 0 ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Do nothing since kit component $oskitcomp in osimage $osimage has the same basename/version and release with kit component $kitcomp";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
} elsif ( !$::noupgrade ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kit component $oskitcomp is already in osimage $osimage, and has a newer release/version than $kitcomp. Downgrading kit component is not supported";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Now assign this component to osimage
my $rc = assign_to_osimage( $osimage, $kitcomp, $callback, \%tabs);
push @kitlist, $kitcomp;
my $kitnames = join ',', @kitlist;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Kit components $kitnames were added to osimage $osimage successfully";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
=head3 rmkitcomp
Remove Kit component from osimage
sub rmkitcomp
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $request_command = shift;
my $kitdir;
my $rc;
my $xusage = sub {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "rmkitcomp: remove kit component from osimage";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Usage: ";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "\trmkitcomp [-h|--help]";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "\trmkitcomp [-u|--uninstall] [-f|--force] [-V|--verbose] -i <osimage> <kitcompname_list>";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
unless(defined($request->{arg})){ $xusage->(1); return; }
@ARGV = @{$request->{arg}};
if($#ARGV eq -1){
'h|help' => \$help,
'V|verbose' => \$::VERBOSE,
'u|uninstall' => \$uninstall,
'f|force' => \$force,
'i=s' => \$osimage
my %tabs = ();
my @tables = qw(kit kitrepo kitcomponent osimage osdistro linuximage);
foreach my $t ( @tables ) {
$tabs{$t} = xCAT::Table->new($t,-create => 1,-autocommit => 1);
if ( !exists( $tabs{$t} )) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open xCAT table $t";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
return 1;
# Check if all the kitcomponents are existing before processing
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Checking if kitcomponents are valid";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my %kitcomps;
my $des = shift @ARGV;
my @kitcomponents = split ',', $des;
foreach my $kitcomponent (@kitcomponents) {
# Check if it is a kitcompname or basename
(my $kitcomptable) = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname => $kitcomponent}, 'kitname', 'kitpkgdeps', 'postbootscripts', 'genimage_postinstall', 'kitreponame', 'exlist', 'basename', 'driverpacks');
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{'kitname'}){
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{name} = $kitcomponent;
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitname} = $kitcomptable->{kitname};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitpkgdeps} = $kitcomptable->{kitpkgdeps};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{basename} = $kitcomptable->{basename};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{exlist} = $kitcomptable->{exlist};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{postbootscripts} = $kitcomptable->{postbootscripts};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitreponame} = $kitcomptable->{kitreponame};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{driverpacks} = $kitcomptable->{driverpacks};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{genimage_postinstall} = $kitcomptable->{genimage_postinstall};
} else {
my @entries = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribsWhere( "basename = '$kitcomponent'", 'kitcompname' , 'version', 'release');
unless (@entries) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$kitcomponent kitcomponent does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my $highest = get_highest_version('kitcompname', 'version', 'release', @entries);
$kitcomps{$highest}{name} = $highest;
(my $kitcomptable) = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname => $highest}, 'kitname', 'kitpkgdeps', 'postbootscripts', 'genimage_postinstall', 'kitreponame', 'exlist', 'basename', 'driverpacks');
$kitcomps{$highest}{kitname} = $kitcomptable->{kitname};
$kitcomps{$highest}{kitpkgdeps} = $kitcomptable->{kitpkgdeps};
$kitcomps{$highest}{basename} = $kitcomptable->{basename};
$kitcomps{$highest}{exlist} = $kitcomptable->{exlist};
$kitcomps{$highest}{postbootscripts} = $kitcomptable->{postbootscripts};
$kitcomps{$highest}{kitreponame} = $kitcomptable->{kitreponame};
$kitcomps{$highest}{driverpacks} = $kitcomptable->{driverpacks};
$kitcomps{$highest}{genimage_postinstall} = $kitcomptable->{genimage_postinstall};
# Check if the kitcomponents are existing in osimage.kitcomponents attribute.
(my $osimagetable) = $tabs{osimage}->getAttribs({imagename => $osimage}, 'kitcomponents', 'postbootscripts', 'provmethod');
if ( !$osimagetable or !$osimagetable->{'kitcomponents'} ){
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$osimage osimage does not exist or not includes any kit components";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( !$osimagetable->{'provmethod'} ){
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$osimage osimage is missing provmethod";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my @osikitcomps = split ',', $osimagetable->{'kitcomponents'};
foreach my $osikitcomp ( @osikitcomps ) {
if ( exists($kitcomps{$osikitcomp}) ) {
$kitcomps{$osikitcomp}{matched} = 1;
my $invalidkitcomp = '';
foreach my $kitcomp ( keys %kitcomps) {
if ( !$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{matched} ) {
if ( !$invalidkitcomp ) {
$invalidkitcomp = $kitcomp;
} else {
$invalidkitcomp = join(',', $invalidkitcomp, $kitcomp);
if ( $invalidkitcomp ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$invalidkitcomp kit components are not assigned to osimage $osimage";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Now check if there is any other kitcomponent depending on this one.
foreach my $kitcomponent (keys %kitcomps) {
foreach my $osikitcomp ( @osikitcomps ) {
(my $kitcomptable) = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname => $osikitcomp}, 'kitcompdeps');
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{'kitcompdeps'} ) {
my @kitcompdeps = split(',', $kitcomptable->{'kitcompdeps'});
foreach my $kitcompdep (@kitcompdeps) {
# Get the kit component full name from basename.
my @entries = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribsWhere( "basename = '$kitcompdep'", 'kitcompname' , 'version', 'release');
unless (@entries) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kitcomponent $kitcompdep basename does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my $kitcompdepname = get_highest_version('kitcompname', 'version', 'release', @entries);
if ( ($kitcomponent eq $kitcompdepname) and !$force and !exists($kitcomps{$osikitcomp}) ) {
# There is other kitcomponent depending on this one and there is no --force option
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to remove kitcomponent $kitcomponent because $osikitcomp is still depending on it. Use -f option to remove it anyway";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Reading installdir
my $installdir = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir();
$installdir = '/install';
$installdir =~ s/\/$//;
# Remove each kitcomponent from osimage.
my @newosikitcomps;
foreach my $osikitcomp ( @osikitcomps ) {
my $match = 0;
foreach my $kitcomponent (keys %kitcomps) {
if ( $kitcomponent eq $osikitcomp ) {
$match = 1;
if (!$match) {
push @newosikitcomps, $osikitcomp;
my $newosikitcomp = join ',', @newosikitcomps;
$osimagetable->{'kitcomponents'} = $newosikitcomp;
# Remove kitcomponent.postbootscripts and kitcomponent.genimage_postinstall from osimage.postbootscripts.
my @osimagescripts;
my @newosimagescripts;
if ( $osimagetable and $osimagetable->{'postbootscripts'} ){
@osimagescripts = split( ',', $osimagetable->{'postbootscripts'} );
foreach my $osimagescript (@osimagescripts) {
my $match = 0;
foreach my $kitcomponent (keys %kitcomps) {
my @kitcompscripts = split( ',', $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{postbootscripts} );
foreach my $kitcompscript ( @kitcompscripts ) {
if ( $osimagescript =~ /^$kitcompscript$/ ) {
$match = 1;
last if ($match);
if (!$match) {
push @newosimagescripts, $osimagescript;
#Remove genimage_postinstall from osimage.postbootscripts
if ( $osimagescript =~ /KIT_$osimage.postbootscripts/ and -e "$installdir/postscripts/KIT_$osimage.postbootscripts" ) {
foreach my $kitcomponent (keys %kitcomps) {
my @postbootlines;
my @newlines;
if (open(POSTBOOTSCRIPTS, "<", "$installdir/postscripts/KIT_$osimage.postbootscripts")) {
@postbootlines = <POSTBOOTSCRIPTS>;
my $match = 0;
my @kitcompscripts = split( ',', $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{genimage_postinstall} );
foreach my $line ( @postbootlines ) {
chomp $line;
foreach my $kitcompscript ( @kitcompscripts ) {
if ( grep(/$kitcompscript/, $line) ) {
$match = 1;
if ( !$match ) {
push @newlines, $line."\n";
# Now write the new postbootscripts file.
if (open(NEWEXLIST, ">", "$installdir/postscripts/KIT_$osimage.postbootscripts")) {
print NEWEXLIST @newlines;
my $newosimagescript = join ',', @newosimagescripts;
$osimagetable->{'postbootscripts'} = $newosimagescript;
# Remove symlink from osimage.otherpkgdir.
(my $linuximagetable) = $tabs{linuximage}->getAttribs({imagename=> $osimage}, 'postinstall', 'exlist', 'otherpkglist', 'otherpkgdir', 'driverupdatesrc');
if ( $linuximagetable and $linuximagetable->{otherpkgdir} ) {
my $otherpkgdir = $linuximagetable->{otherpkgdir};
foreach my $kitcomponent (keys %kitcomps) {
if ( $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitreponame} ) {
if ( -d "$otherpkgdir/$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitreponame}" ) {
# Check if this repo is used by other kitcomponent before removing the link
my $match = 0;
foreach my $osikitcomp ( @osikitcomps ) {
next if ( $osikitcomp =~ /$kitcomponent/ );
my $depkitrepodir;
(my $kitcomptable) = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname => $osikitcomp}, 'kitreponame');
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{kitreponame} ) {
$depkitrepodir = "$otherpkgdir/$kitcomptable->{kitreponame}";
if ( $depkitrepodir =~ /^$otherpkgdir\/$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitreponame}$/) {
$match = 1;
if ( !$match ) {
system("rm -rf $otherpkgdir/$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitreponame}");
# Remove genimage_postinstall from linuximage table
if ( $linuximagetable->{postinstall} ) {
my @scripts = split ',', $linuximagetable->{postinstall};
foreach my $script ( @scripts ) {
if ( $script =~ /KIT_COMPONENTS.postinstall/ and -e "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.postinstall" ) {
foreach my $kitcomponent (keys %kitcomps) {
my @postinstalllines;
my @newlines;
if (open(POSTINSTALLSCRIPTS, "<", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.postinstall") ) {
@postinstalllines = <POSTINSTALLSCRIPTS>;
my @kitcompscripts = split( ',', $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{genimage_postinstall} );
foreach my $line ( @postinstalllines ) {
chomp $line;
my $match = 0;
foreach my $kitcompscript ( @kitcompscripts ) {
if ( grep(/$kitcompscript/, $line) ) {
$match = 1;
if ( !$match ) {
push @newlines, $line."\n";
# Now write the new postbootscripts file.
if (open(NEWEXLIST, ">", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.postinstall")) {
print NEWEXLIST @newlines;
# Remove kitcomponent exlist,otherpkglist and deploy_params from osimage
my @kitlist;
foreach my $kitcomponent (keys %kitcomps) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Removing kitcomponent $kitcomponent from osimage $osimage";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
if ( !exists($kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitname}) ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not find kit object for kitcomponent $kitcomponent";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Reading kitdir
my $kitdir = '';
my $exlistfile = '';
my $kitname = $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitname};
(my $kittable) = $tabs{kit}->getAttribs({kitname=> $kitname}, 'kitdir', 'kitdeployparams');
# Removing exlist
if ( $linuximagetable and $linuximagetable->{exlist} ) {
my $match = 0;
my @exlists= split ',', $linuximagetable->{exlist};
foreach my $exlist ( @exlists ) {
if ( $exlist =~ /^$installdir\/osimages\/$osimage\/kits\/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist$/ ) {
$match = 1;
my @lines = ();
if ( $match and -e "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist" ) {
if (open(EXLIST, "<", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist")) {
@lines = <EXLIST>;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Reading kit component exlist file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open kit component exlist file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $kittable and $kittable->{kitdir} ) {
$kitdir = $kittable->{kitdir};
if ( exists($kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{exlist}) ) {
$exlistfile = $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{exlist};
my @newlines = ();
foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
chomp $line;
if ( $line =~ /^#INCLUDE:$kitdir\/other_files\/$exlistfile#$/ ) {
push @newlines, $line . "\n";
if (open(NEWEXLIST, ">", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist")) {
print NEWEXLIST @newlines;
# Removing otherpkglist
if ( $linuximagetable and $linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} ) {
my $match = 0;
my @lines = ();
my @otherpkglists = split ',', $linuximagetable->{otherpkglist};
foreach my $otherpkglist ( @otherpkglists ) {
if ( $otherpkglist =~ /^$installdir\/osimages\/$osimage\/kits\/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist$/ ) {
$match = 1;
if ( $match and -e "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist" ) {
if (open(OTHERPKGLIST, "<", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist")) {
@lines = <OTHERPKGLIST>;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Reading kit component otherpkg pkglist $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open kit component exlist file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.exlist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my $basename = '';
if ( exists($kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{basename}) and exists($kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitreponame})) {
$basename = $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{basename};
my $kitreponame = $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitreponame};
my @newlines = ();
my $num = 0;
my $inlist = 0;
foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
chomp $line;
if ( $line =~ /^#NEW_INSTALL_LIST#/ ) {
$num = 1;
$inlist = 1;
if ( $line =~ /^$kitreponame\/$basename$/ ) {
if ( $inlist ) {
foreach ( 1..$num ) {
pop @newlines;
push @newlines, $line . "\n";
if (open(NEWOTHERPKGLIST, ">", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_COMPONENTS.otherpkgs.pkglist")) {
print NEWOTHERPKGLIST @newlines;
# Add this component basename and pkgnames to KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkg.pkglist
if ( $uninstall ) {
my @lines = ();
if ( -e "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist" ) {
if (open(RMOTHERPKGLIST, "<", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist")) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Reading kit component rmpkgs file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open kit component rmpkgs file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my @l = @lines;
my $basename = '';
my $kitreponame = '';
my @kitpkgdeps = ();
if ( exists($kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{basename}) and exists($kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitreponame}) ) {
$basename = $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{basename};
$kitreponame = $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitreponame};
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open kit component table and read basename for kit component $kitcomp";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( exists($kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitpkgdeps}) ) {
@kitpkgdeps = split ',', $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitpkgdeps};
push @kitpkgdeps, $basename;
my $update = 0;
foreach my $kitpkgdep ( @kitpkgdeps ) {
my $matched = 0;
foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
chomp $line;
if ( $line =~ /^-$kitpkgdep$/ ) {
$matched = 1;
unless ( $matched ) {
push @l, "-$kitpkgdep\n";
$update = 1;
if ( $update and open(RMPKGLIST, ">", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist") ) {
print RMPKGLIST @l;
if ( $linuximagetable and $linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} ) {
my $match = 0;
my @otherpkglists= split ',', $linuximagetable->{otherpkglist};
foreach my $otherpkglist ( @otherpkglists ) {
if ( $otherpkglist =~ /^$installdir\/osimages\/$osimage\/kits\/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist$/ ) {
$match = 1;
if ( !$match and -e "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist" ) {
$linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} = $linuximagetable->{otherpkglist} . ",$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_RMPKGS.otherpkgs.pkglist"
# Removing deploy parameters
if ( $kittable and $kittable->{kitdeployparams} and $kittable->{kitdir} ) {
my $kitdir = $kittable->{kitdir};
my $kitdeployfile = $kittable->{kitdeployparams};
# Check if there is other kitcomponent in the same kit.
my $match = 0;
if ( exists($kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitname}) ) {
my $kitname = $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitname};
foreach my $osikitcomp ( @osikitcomps ) {
(my $kitcomptable) = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname=> $osikitcomp}, 'kitname');
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{kitname} and $kitcomptable->{kitname} eq $kitname and !exists($kitcomps{$osikitcomp}{name}) ) {
$match = 1;
unless ( $match ) {
my @contents = ();;
if ( -e "$kitdir/other_files/$kitdeployfile" ) {
if (open(KITDEPLOY, "<", "$kitdir/other_files/$kitdeployfile") ) {
@contents = <KITDEPLOY>;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Reading kit deployparams from $kitdir/other_files/$kitdeployfile";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open kit deployparams file $kitdir/other_files/$kitdeployfile";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my @lines = ();
if ( -e "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist" ) {
system("cp $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist.orig");
if (open(DEPLOYPARAM, "<", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist")) {
@lines = <DEPLOYPARAM>;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Reading kit deployparams file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open kit deployparams file $installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my @newcontents = ();
foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
chomp $line;
my $found = 0;
foreach my $content ( @contents ) {
chomp $content;
if ( $line =~ /$content/ ) {
$found = 1;
unless ( $found ) {
push @newcontents, $line . "\n";
# Write the updated lines to kit deployparams file
if (open(NEWDEPLOYPARAM, ">", "$installdir/osimages/$osimage/kits/KIT_DEPLOY_PARAMS.otherpkgs.pkglist")) {
print NEWDEPLOYPARAM @newcontents;
# Remove driverpacks from linuximage
if ( $linuximagetable and $linuximagetable->{driverupdatesrc} ) {
if ( exists($kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{driverpacks}) ) {
my @driverpacks = split ',', $kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{driverpacks};
my @driverupdatesrcs = split ',', $linuximagetable->{driverupdatesrc};
my @newdriverupdatesrcs = ();
foreach my $driverupdatesrc ( @driverupdatesrcs ) {
my $matched = 0;
foreach my $driverpack ( @driverpacks ) {
if ( $driverpack eq $driverupdatesrc ) {
$matched = 1;
unless ( $matched ) {
push @newdriverupdatesrcs, $driverupdatesrc;
my $newdriverupdatesrc = join ',', @newdriverupdatesrcs;
$linuximagetable->{driverupdatesrc} = $newdriverupdatesrc;
push @kitlist, $kitcomponent;
my $kitcompnames = join ',', @kitlist;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kitcomponents $kitcompnames were removed from osimage $osimage successfully";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
# Write linuximage table with all the above udpates.
$tabs{linuximage}->setAttribs({imagename => $osimage }, \%{$linuximagetable} );
# Write osimage table with all the above udpates.
$tabs{osimage}->setAttribs({imagename => $osimage }, \%{$osimagetable} );
=head3 chkkitcomp
Check if the kit components fits to osimage
sub chkkitcomp
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $request_command = shift;
my $xusage = sub {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "chkkitcomp: Check if kit component fits to osimage";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Usage: ";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "\tchkkitcomp [-h|--help]";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "\tchkkitcomp [-V|--verbose] -i <osimage> <kitcompname_list>";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
unless(defined($request->{arg})){ $xusage->(1); return; }
@ARGV = @{$request->{arg}};
if($#ARGV eq -1){
'h|help' => \$help,
'V|verbose' => \$::VERBOSE,
'i=s' => \$osimage
my %tabs = ();
my @tables = qw(kit kitrepo kitcomponent osimage osdistro linuximage);
foreach my $t ( @tables ) {
$tabs{$t} = xCAT::Table->new($t,-create => 1,-autocommit => 1);
if ( !exists( $tabs{$t} )) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not open xCAT table $t";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Check if all the kitcomponents are existing before processing
my %kitcomps;
my %kitcompbasename;
my $des = shift @ARGV;
my @kitcomponents = split ',', $des;
foreach my $kitcomponent (@kitcomponents) {
# Check if it is a kitcompname or basename
(my $kitcomptable) = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname => $kitcomponent}, 'kitname', 'kitcompdeps', 'kitpkgdeps', 'kitreponame', 'basename', 'serverroles');
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{'kitname'}){
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{name} = $kitcomponent;
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitname} = $kitcomptable->{kitname};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitpkgdeps} = $kitcomptable->{kitpkgdeps};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitcompdeps} = $kitcomptable->{kitcompdeps};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{basename} = $kitcomptable->{basename};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{kitreponame} = $kitcomptable->{kitreponame};
$kitcomps{$kitcomponent}{serverroles} = $kitcomptable->{serverroles};
$kitcompbasename{$kitcomptable->{basename}} = 1;
} else {
my @entries = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribsWhere( "basename = '$kitcomponent'", 'kitcompname' , 'version', 'release');
unless (@entries) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$kitcomponent kitcomponent does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my $highest = get_highest_version('kitcompname', 'version', 'release', @entries);
$kitcomps{$highest}{name} = $highest;
(my $kitcomptable) = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAttribs({kitcompname => $highest}, 'kitname', 'kitpkgdeps', 'kitcompdeps', 'kitreponame', 'basename', 'serverroles');
$kitcomps{$highest}{kitname} = $kitcomptable->{kitname};
$kitcomps{$highest}{kitpkgdeps} = $kitcomptable->{kitpkgdeps};
$kitcomps{$highest}{kitcompdeps} = $kitcomptable->{kitcompdeps};
$kitcomps{$highest}{basename} = $kitcomptable->{basename};
$kitcomps{$highest}{kitreponame} = $kitcomptable->{kitreponame};
$kitcomps{$highest}{serverroles} = $kitcomptable->{serverroles};
$kitcompbasename{$kitcomponent} = 1;
# Verify if the kitcomponents fitting to the osimage or not.
my %os;
my $osdistrotable;
(my $osimagetable) = $tabs{osimage}->getAttribs({imagename=> $osimage}, 'osdistroname', 'serverrole', 'kitcomponents', 'osname', 'osvers', 'osarch');
if ( $osimagetable and $osimagetable->{'osdistroname'}){
($osdistrotable) = $tabs{osdistro}->getAttribs({osdistroname=> $osimagetable->{'osdistroname'}}, 'basename', 'majorversion', 'minorversion', 'arch', 'type');
if ( !$osdistrotable or !$osdistrotable->{basename} ) {
my %rsp;
push @{ $rsp{data} }, "$osdistroname osdistro does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Read basename,majorversion,minorversion,arch,type, from osdistro table
$os{$osimage}{basename} = lc($osdistrotable->{basename});
$os{$osimage}{majorversion} = lc($osdistrotable->{majorversion});
$os{$osimage}{minorversion} = lc($osdistrotable->{minorversion});
$os{$osimage}{arch} = lc($osdistrotable->{arch});
$os{$osimage}{type} = lc($osdistrotable->{type});
# Read serverrole from osimage.
$os{$osimage}{serverrole} = lc($osimagetable->{'serverrole'});
} elsif ( !$osimagetable or !$osimagetable->{'osname'} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage does not contains a valid 'osname' attribute";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
} elsif ( !$osimagetable->{'osvers'} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage does not contains a valid 'osvers' attribute";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
} elsif ( !$osimagetable->{'osarch'} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage does not contains a valid 'osarch' attribute";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
} else {
$os{$osimage}{type} = lc($osimagetable->{'osname'});
$os{$osimage}{arch} = lc($osimagetable->{'osarch'});
$os{$osimage}{serverrole} = lc($osimagetable->{'serverrole'});
my ($basename, $majorversion, $minorversion) = $osimagetable->{'osvers'} =~ /^(\D+)(\d+)\W+(\d+)/;
$os{$osimage}{basename} = lc($basename);
$os{$osimage}{majorversion} = lc($majorversion);
$os{$osimage}{minorversion} = lc($minorversion);
my @kitcompnames;
foreach my $kitcomp ( keys %kitcomps ) {
if ( $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitname} and $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitreponame}) {
# Read ostype from kit table
(my $kittable) = $tabs{kit}->getAttribs({kitname => $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitname}}, 'ostype');
if ( $kittable and $kittable->{ostype} ) {
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{ostype} = lc($kittable->{ostype});
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$kitcomp ostype does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Read osbasename, osmajorversion,osminorversion,osarch,compat_osbasenames from kitrepo table
(my $kitrepotable) = $tabs{kitrepo}->getAttribs({kitreponame => $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitreponame}}, 'osbasename', 'osmajorversion', 'osminorversion', 'osarch', 'compat_osbasenames');
if ($kitrepotable and $kitrepotable->{osbasename} and $kitrepotable->{osmajorversion} and $kitrepotable->{osarch}) {
if ($kitrepotable->{compat_osbasenames}) {
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osbasename} = lc($kitrepotable->{osbasename}) . ',' . lc($kitrepotable->{compat_osbasenames});
} else {
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osbasename} = lc($kitrepotable->{osbasename});
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osmajorversion} = lc($kitrepotable->{osmajorversion});
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osminorversion} = lc($kitrepotable->{osminorversion});
$kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osarch} = lc($kitrepotable->{osarch});
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$kitcomp osbasename,osmajorversion,osminorversion or osarch does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "$kitcomp kitname $kitcomptable->{'kitname'} or kitrepo name $kitcomptable->{'kitreponame'} or serverroles $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{serverroles} does not exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Validate each attribute in kitcomp.
my $catched = 0;
my @osbasename = split ',', $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osbasename};
foreach (@osbasename) {
if ( $os{$osimage}{basename} eq $_ ) {
$catched = 1;
unless ( $catched ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kit component $kitcomp doesn't fit to osimage $osimage with attribute OS";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $os{$osimage}{majorversion} ne $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osmajorversion} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kit component $kitcomp doesn't fit to osimage $osimage with attribute majorversion";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osminorversion} and ($os{$osimage}{minorversion} ne $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osminorversion}) ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kit component $kitcomp doesn't fit to osimage $osimage with attribute minorversion";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $os{$osimage}{arch} ne $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{osarch} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kit component $kitcomp doesn't fit to osimage $osimage with attribute arch";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $os{$osimage}{type} ne $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{ostype} ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kit component $kitcomp doesn't fit to osimage $osimage with attribute type";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $os{$osimage}{serverrole} ) {
my $match = 0;
my @os_serverroles = split /,/, $os{$osimage}{serverrole};
my @kitcomp_serverroles = split /,/, $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{serverroles};
foreach my $os_serverrole (@os_serverroles) {
foreach my $kitcomp_serverrole (@kitcomp_serverroles) {
if ( $os_serverrole eq $kitcomp_serverrole ) {
$match = 1;
if ( $match ) {
if ( !$match ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $osimage doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp with attribute serverrole";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Check if this kit component's dependencies are in the kitcomponent list.
if ( $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitcompdeps} and !exists( $kitcompbasename{ $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitcompdeps} } ) ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kit component $kitcomp dependency $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitcompdeps} doesn't exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
push @kitcompnames, $kitcomp;
my $kitcompnamelist = join ',', @kitcompnames;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Kit components $kitcompnamelist fit to osimage $osimage";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
=head3 lskit_usage
Display the lskit usage
sub lskit_usage {
my $rsp;
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
"\nUsage: lskit - List info for one or more kits.\n";
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
" lskit [-V|--verbose] [-x|--xml|--XML] [-K|--kitattr kitattr_names] [-R|--repoattr repoattr_names] [-C|--compattr compattr_names] [kit_names]\n ";
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, " lskit [-h|--help|-?] \n";
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
" lskit [-v|--version] \n ";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 0;
=head3 lskitcomp_usage
Display the lskitcomp usage
sub lskitcomp_usage {
my $rsp;
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
"\nUsage: lskitcomp - List info for one or more kit components.\n";
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
" lskitcomp [-V|--verbose] [-x|--xml|--XML] [-C|--compattr compattr_names] [-O|--osdistro os_distro] [-S|--serverrole server_role] [kitcomp_names]\n ";
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, " lskitcomp [-h|--help|-?] \n";
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
" lskitcomp [-v|--version] \n ";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 0;
=head3 lskitdeployparam_usage
Display the lskitdeployparam usage
sub lskitdeployparam_usage {
my $rsp;
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
"\nUsage: lskitdeployparam - List the kit deployment parameters for either one or more kits, or one or more kit components.\n";
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
" lskitdeployparam [-V|--verbose] [-x|--xml|--XML] [-k|--kitname kit_names] [-c|--compname comp_names]\n ";
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, " lskitdeployparam [-h|--help|-?] \n";
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
" lskitdeployparam [-v|--version] \n ";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 0;
=head3 create_version_response
Create a response containing the command name and version
sub create_version_response {
my $rsp;
my $version = xCAT::Utils->Version();
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, "$::command - $version\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK );
=head3 create_error_response
Create a response containing a single error message
Arguments: error message
sub create_error_response {
my $error_msg = shift;
my $rsp;
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, $error_msg;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", $rsp, $::CALLBACK );
=head3 lskit_processargs
Process the lskit command line
0 - OK
1 - just print version
2 - just print help
3 - error
sub lskit_processargs {
if ( defined( @{$::args} ) ) {
@ARGV = @{$::args};
# parse the options
# options can be bundled up like -vV, flag unsupported options
Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling", "no_ignore_case", "no_pass_through" );
my $getopt_success = Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
'help|h|?' => \$::opt_h,
'kitattr|K=s' => \$::opt_K,
'repoattr|R=s' => \$::opt_R,
'compattr|C=s' => \$::opt_C,
'verbose|V' => \$::opt_V,
'version|v' => \$::opt_v,
'xml|XML|x' => \$::opt_x,
if (!$getopt_success) {
return 3;
# Option -h for Help
if ( defined($::opt_h) ) {
return 2;
# Option -v for version
if ( defined($::opt_v) ) {
return 1; # no usage - just exit
# Option -V for verbose output
if ( defined($::opt_V) ) {
$::VERBOSE = 1;
# Option -K for kit attributes
if ( defined($::opt_K) ) {
$::kitattrs = split_comma_delim_str($::opt_K);
if (check_attr_names_exist('kit', $::kitattrs) != 0) {
return 3;
# Option -R for kit repo attributes
if ( defined($::opt_R) ) {
$::kitrepoattrs = split_comma_delim_str($::opt_R);
if (check_attr_names_exist('kitrepo', $::kitrepoattrs) != 0) {
return 3;
# Option -C for kit component attributes
if ( defined($::opt_C)) {
$::kitcompattrs = split_comma_delim_str($::opt_C);
if (check_attr_names_exist('kitcomponent', $::kitcompattrs) != 0) {
return 3;
# Kit names
my $kitnames_str = shift(@ARGV);
if ( defined($kitnames_str) ) {
my @tmp = split(/,/, $kitnames_str);
$::kitnames = \@tmp;
if (check_attr_values_exist('kit', 'kitname', 'kit names', $::kitnames) != 0) {
return 3;
# Other attributes are not allowed
my $more_input = shift(@ARGV);
if ( defined($more_input) ) {
create_error_response("Invalid input: $more_input \n");
return 3;
return 0;
=head3 lskitcomp_processargs
Process the lskitcomp command line
0 - OK
1 - just print version
2 - just print help
3 - error
sub lskitcomp_processargs {
if ( defined( @{$::args} ) ) {
@ARGV = @{$::args};
# parse the options
# options can be bundled up like -vV, flag unsupported options
Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling", "no_ignore_case", "no_pass_through" );
my $getopt_success = Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
'help|h|?' => \$::opt_h,
'compattr|C=s' => \$::opt_C,
'osdistro|O=s' => \$::opt_O,
'serverrole|S=s' => \$::opt_S,
'verbose|V' => \$::opt_V,
'version|v' => \$::opt_v,
'xml|XML|x' => \$::opt_x,
if (!$getopt_success) {
return 3;
# Option -h for Help
if ( defined($::opt_h) ) {
return 2;
# Option -v for version
if ( defined($::opt_v) ) {
return 1; # no usage - just exit
# Option -V for verbose output
if ( defined($::opt_V) ) {
$::VERBOSE = 1;
# Option -C for kit component attributes
if ( defined($::opt_C) ) {
$::kitcompattrs = split_comma_delim_str($::opt_C);
if (check_attr_names_exist('kitcomponent', $::kitcompattrs) != 0) {
return 3;
# Option -O for osdistro name
$::osdistroname = $::opt_O;
if ( defined($::osdistroname) ) {
if (check_attr_values_exist('osdistro', 'osdistroname', 'os distro', [$::osdistroname]) != 0) {
return 3;
# Option -S for server role
$::serverrole = $::opt_S;
# Kit component names
my $kitcompnames_str = shift(@ARGV);
if ( defined($kitcompnames_str) ) {
my @tmp = split(/,/, $kitcompnames_str);
$::kitcompnames = \@tmp;
if (check_attr_values_exist('kitcomponent', 'kitcompname', 'kit component names', $::kitcompnames) != 0) {
return 3;
# Other attributes are not allowed
my $more_input = shift(@ARGV);
if ( defined($more_input) ) {
create_error_response("Invalid input: $more_input \n");
return 3;
return 0;
=head3 lskitdeployparam_processargs
Process the lskitdeployparam command line
0 - OK
1 - just print version
2 - just print help
3 - error
sub lskitdeployparam_processargs {
if ( defined( @{$::args} ) ) {
@ARGV = @{$::args};
# parse the options
# options can be bundled up like -vV, flag unsupported options
Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling", "no_ignore_case", "no_pass_through" );
my $getopt_success = Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
'help|h|?' => \$::opt_h,
'kitname|k=s' => \$::opt_k,
'compname|c=s' => \$::opt_c,
'verbose|V' => \$::opt_V,
'version|v' => \$::opt_v,
'xml|XML|x' => \$::opt_x,
if (!$getopt_success) {
return 3;
# Option -h for Help
if ( defined($::opt_h) ) {
return 2;
# Option -v for version
if ( defined($::opt_v) ) {
return 1; # no usage - just exit
# Option -V for verbose output
if ( defined($::opt_V) ) {
$::VERBOSE = 1;
# Ensure -k and -c option not used together
if (defined($::opt_k) && defined($::opt_c)) {
create_error_response("The -k and -c options cannot be used together.");
return 3;
# Ensure -k or -c option are specified
if (!defined($::opt_k) && !defined($::opt_c)) {
create_error_response("The -k or -c option must be specified.");
return 3;
# Option -k for kit names
if ( defined($::opt_k) ) {
$::kitnames = split_comma_delim_str($::opt_k);
if (check_attr_values_exist('kit', 'kitname', 'kit names', $::kitnames) != 0) {
return 3;
# Option -c for kitocmponent names
if ( defined($::opt_c) ) {
$::kitcompnames = split_comma_delim_str($::opt_c);
if (check_attr_values_exist('kitcomponent', 'kitcompname', 'kit component names', $::kitcompnames) != 0) {
return 3;
# Other attributes are not allowed
my $more_input = shift(@ARGV);
if ( defined($more_input) ) {
create_error_response("Invalid input: $more_input \n");
return 3;
return 0;
=head3 split_comma_delim_str
Split comma-delimited list of strings into an array.
Arguments: comma-delimited string
Returns: Returns list of strings (ref)
sub split_comma_delim_str {
my $input_str = shift;
my @result = split(/,/, $input_str);
return \@result;
=head3 ensure_kitname_attr_in_list
Checks if 'kitname' attribute is in specified attribute list.
If not, then add it.
Arguments: list of attribute names (ref)
sub ensure_kitname_attr_in_list {
my $attrs = shift;
if (defined($attrs)) {
if (! grep(/^kitname$/, @$attrs)) {
push(@$attrs, "kitname");
=head3 check_attr_names_exist
Check if list of DB attribute names exist in a table
Arguments: a table name
a list of attribute names to check (ref)
0 - OK
1 - error
sub check_attr_names_exist {
my $tablename = shift;
my $attrs = shift;
my @badattrs = ();
if (defined($attrs)) {
my $schema = xCAT::Table->getTableSchema($tablename);
my @cols = @{$schema->{cols}};
foreach my $attr (@{$attrs}) {
if (! grep {$_ eq $attr} @cols ) {
push(@badattrs, $attr);
if (scalar @badattrs > 0) {
my $error = sprintf("The following %s attributes are not valid: %s.",
$tablename, join(",",@badattrs));
return 1;
return 0;
=head3 check_attr_values_exist
Check if a list of DB attribute values exist
table name
table attribute
table attribute desc (e.g. kit names), this string is added to error message
list of values to check (ref)
0 - OK
1 - error
sub check_attr_values_exist {
my $tablename = shift;
my $tableattr = shift;
my $tableattr_desc = shift;
my $values_to_check = shift;
my @badvalues = ();
my $filter_stmt = db_build_filter_stmt({$tableattr => $values_to_check});
my $rows = db_get_table_rows($tablename, [$tableattr], $filter_stmt);
my @values_in_DB = map {$_->{$tableattr}} @$rows;
foreach my $value_to_check (@{$values_to_check}) {
if (! grep {$_ eq $value_to_check} @values_in_DB ) {
push(@badvalues, $value_to_check);
if (scalar @badvalues > 0) {
my $error;
if ($tableattr_desc =~ /s$/) {
$error = sprintf("The following %s are not valid: %s.", $tableattr_desc, join(",",@badvalues));
} else {
$error = sprintf("The following %s is not valid: %s.", $tableattr_desc, join(",",@badvalues));
return 1;
return 0;
=head3 lskit
Support for listing kits
0 - OK
1 - help
2 - error
sub lskit {
my $rc = 0;
# process the command line
# 0=success, 1=version, 2=help, 3=error
$rc = lskit_processargs(@_);
if ( $rc != 0 ) {
if ( $rc != 1) {
return ( $rc - 1 );
# Prepare the hash tables to pass to the output routines
my $kit_hash = get_kit_hash($::kitnames, $::kitattrs);
my $kitrepo_hash = get_kitrepo_hash($::kitnames, $::kitrepoattrs);
my $kitcomp_hash = get_kitcomp_hash($::kitnames, $::kitcompattrs);
# Now display the output
my @kitnames = keys(%$kit_hash);
if (scalar @kitnames == 0) {
my $rsp = {};
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, "No kits were found.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK);
return 0;
if (defined($::opt_x)) {
create_lskit_xml_response($kit_hash, $kitrepo_hash, $kitcomp_hash);
} else {
create_lskit_stanza_response($kit_hash, $kitrepo_hash, $kitcomp_hash);
return 0;
=head3 lskitcomp
Support for listing kit components
0 - OK
1 - help
2 - error
sub lskitcomp {
my $rc = 0;
# process the command line
# 0=success, 1=version, 2=help, 3=error
$rc = lskitcomp_processargs(@_);
if ( $rc != 0 ) {
if ( $rc != 1) {
return ( $rc - 1 );
# Get the list of kitcomponents to display
## Build the initial kitcomponent list, filtering the kitcomponents whose:
## - name matches one of the user-specified names
## - AND, reponame refers to a repo that is compatible with the user-specified osdistro
my $compat_kitreponames = undef;
if (defined($::osdistroname)) {
$compat_kitreponames = get_compat_kitreponames($::osdistroname);
my $kitcomps = get_kitcomp_list($::kitcompnames, $compat_kitreponames, $::kitcompattrs);
## Filter the kitcomponent list by user-specified server role
if (defined($::serverrole)) {
my @tmplist = ();
foreach my $kitcomp (@$kitcomps) {
if (defined($kitcomp->{serverroles})) {
my @serverroles = split(/,/, $kitcomp->{serverroles});
if (grep {$_ eq $::serverrole } @serverroles) {
push(@tmplist, $kitcomp);
} else {
# If kit component doesn't have server roles, it means
# it supports any server role.
push(@tmplist, $kitcomp);
@$kitcomps = @tmplist;
# Check if kit component list is empty
if (scalar(@$kitcomps) == 0) {
my $rsp = {};
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, "No kit components were found.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK);
return 0;
# Prepare the hash tables to pass to the output routines
## Kit hash table
my @kitnames = map {$_->{kitname}} @$kitcomps;
my $kit_hash = get_kit_hash(\@kitnames, ['kitname']);
## Kit component hash table
my $kitcomp_hash = create_hash_from_table_rows($kitcomps, 'kitname');
## Now display the output
if (defined($::opt_x)) {
create_lskit_xml_response($kit_hash, {}, $kitcomp_hash);
} else {
create_lskit_stanza_response($kit_hash, {}, $kitcomp_hash);
return 0;
=head3 lskitdeployparam
Support for listing kit deployment parameters
0 - OK
1 - help
2 - error
sub lskitdeployparam {
my $rc = 0;
# process the command line
# 0=success, 1=version, 2=help, 3=error
$rc = lskitdeployparam_processargs(@_);
if ( $rc != 0 ) {
if ( $rc != 1) {
return ( $rc - 1 );
# Get the kit deployment parameter files to read
## First get the list of kits
my $kitnames = undef;
if (defined($::kitnames)) {
$kitnames = $::kitnames;
} elsif (defined $::kitcompnames) {
my $kitcomps = get_kitcomp_list($::kitcompnames, undef, ['kitname','kitcompname']);
my @tmp = map {$_->{kitname}} @$kitcomps;
$kitnames = \@tmp;
} else {
# unreachable code
## Then get the kit deployment parameter file for each kit
my $kits = get_kit_list($kitnames, ['kitname','kitdir','kitdeployparams']);
# Read the kit deployment parameter files. The format is:
# #ENV:KIT_KIT1_PARAM1=value11#
# #ENV:KIT_KIT1_PARAM2=value12#
# #ENV:KIT_KIT2_PARAM1=value21#
my $deployparam_hash = {};
foreach my $kit (@$kits) {
my $deployparam_file = $kit->{kitdir}."/other_files/".$kit->{kitdeployparams};
if (defined($deployparam_file)) {
open(my $fh, "<", $deployparam_file) || die sprintf("Failed to open file %s because: %s", $deployparam_file, $!);
while (<$fh>) {
chomp $_;
if ($_ =~ /^#ENV:.+=.+#$/) {
my $tmp = $_;
$tmp =~ s/^#ENV://;
$tmp =~ s/#$//;
(my $name, my $value) = split(/=/, $tmp);
$deployparam_hash->{$name} = $value;
# Now display the output
my $rsp = {};
if (defined($::opt_x)) {
# Output XML format
foreach my $deployparam_key (sort(keys(%$deployparam_hash))) {
my $output_hash = {"kitdeployparam" => {"name" => "", "value" => ""}};
$output_hash->{kitdeployparam}->{name} = $deployparam_key;
$output_hash->{kitdeployparam}->{value} = $deployparam_hash->{$deployparam_key};
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, $output_hash;
} else {
# Output Stanza format
foreach my $deployparam_key (sort(keys(%$deployparam_hash))) {
my $output = "kitdeployparam:\n";
$output .= sprintf(" name=%s\n", $deployparam_key);
$output .= sprintf(" value=%s\n", $deployparam_hash->{$deployparam_key});
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, $output;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $::CALLBACK);
return 0
=head3 get_kit_hash
Returns a hash table containing kit entries indexed by kit name.
list of kit names (ref)
list of kit attribute names (ref)
Returns: hash table (ref)
{ kitname1 => [{kitname1,basename1,...}],
kitname2 => [{kitname2,basename2,...}],
sub get_kit_hash {
my $tablename = 'kit';
my $kitnames = shift;
my $kitattrs = shift;
my $filter_hash = {};
if (defined($kitnames)) {
$filter_hash->{kitname} = $kitnames;
my $filter_stmt = undef;
if (scalar(keys(%$filter_hash)) > 0) {
$filter_stmt = db_build_filter_stmt($filter_hash);
my $rows = db_get_table_rows($tablename, $kitattrs, $filter_stmt);
return create_hash_from_table_rows($rows, 'kitname');
=head3 get_kitrepo_hash
Returns a hash table containing lists of kit repository entries
indexed by kit name.
list of kit names (ref)
list of kit repo attribute names (ref)
Returns: hash table (ref)
{ kitname1 => [{kitrepo11,...},{kitrepo12,...}],
kitname2 => [{kitrepo21,...},{kitrepo22,...}],
sub get_kitrepo_hash {
my $tablename = 'kitrepo';
my $kitnames = shift;
my $kitrepoattrs = shift;
my $filter_hash = {};
if (defined($kitnames)) {
$filter_hash->{kitname} = $kitnames;
my $filter_stmt = undef;
if (scalar(keys(%$filter_hash)) > 0) {
$filter_stmt = db_build_filter_stmt($filter_hash);
my $rows = db_get_table_rows($tablename, $kitrepoattrs, $filter_stmt);
return create_hash_from_table_rows($rows, 'kitname');
=head3 get_kitcomp_hash
Returns a hash table containing lists of kit component entries
indexed by kit name.
list of kit names (ref)
list of kit component attribute names (ref)
Returns: hash table (ref)
{ kitname1 => [{kitcomp11,...},{kitcomp12,...}],
kitname2 => [{kitcomp21,...},{kitcomp22,...}],
sub get_kitcomp_hash {
my $tablename = 'kitcomponent';
my $kitnames = shift;
my $kitcompattrs = shift;
my $filter_hash = {};
if (defined($kitnames)) {
$filter_hash->{kitname} = $kitnames;
my $filter_stmt = undef;
if (scalar(keys(%$filter_hash)) > 0) {
$filter_stmt = db_build_filter_stmt($filter_hash);
my $rows = db_get_table_rows($tablename, $kitcompattrs, $filter_stmt);
return create_hash_from_table_rows($rows, 'kitname');
=head3 get_kit_list
Returns a list of kit, filtering the kits by:
- kit name
list of kit attributes to query (ref)
list of kit names for filtering (ref)
Returns a list of kit(ref)
sub get_kit_list {
my $kitnames = shift;
my $kitattrs = shift;
my $filter_hash = {};
if (defined($kitnames)) {
$filter_hash->{kitname} = $kitnames;
my $filter_stmt = undef;
if (scalar(keys(%$filter_hash)) > 0) {
$filter_stmt = db_build_filter_stmt($filter_hash);
return db_get_table_rows('kit', $kitattrs, $filter_stmt);
=head3 get_kitcomp_list
Returns a list of kit components, filtering the kit components by:
- kit component name
- kit repository name
list of kit component names for filtering (ref)
list of kit repo names for filtering (ref)
list of kit component attributes to query (ref)
Returns a list of kit components (ref)
sub get_kitcomp_list {
my $kitcompnames = shift;
my $kitreponames = shift;
my $kitcompattrs = shift;
my $filter_hash = {};
if (defined($kitcompnames)) {
$filter_hash->{kitcompname} = $kitcompnames;
if (defined($kitreponames)) {
$filter_hash->{kitreponame} = $kitreponames;
my $filter_stmt = undef;
if (scalar(keys(%$filter_hash)) > 0) {
$filter_stmt = db_build_filter_stmt($filter_hash);
return db_get_table_rows('kitcomponent', $kitcompattrs, $filter_stmt);
=head3 get_compat_kitreponames
Returns a list of kitreponames which are compatible with the specified
List of kitreponames (ref)
sub get_compat_kitreponames {
my $osdistroname = shift;
my @compat_kitrepos = ();
## Get the osdistro info
my $filter_stmt = db_build_filter_stmt({'osdistroname' => [$osdistroname]});
my $osdistros = db_get_table_rows('osdistro', undef, $filter_stmt);
my $osdistro = $osdistros->[0];
#print Dumper($osdistro);
## Get the kitrepos, which are compatible with the osdistro info
my $kitrepos = db_get_table_rows('kitrepo', undef, undef);
foreach my $kitrepo (@$kitrepos) {
## To check if kitrepo is compatible with an osdistro, the following 4 things
## must be true:
## 1) The kitrepo basename must be same as or compatible with osdistro basename.
## 2) The kitrepo major verison must be same as osdistro major version.
## 3) The kitrepo minor version must either:
## - Be same as osdistro minor version
## - OR, be empty which matches any osdistro minor version
## 4) The kitrepo arch must be same as osdistro arch.
if (defined($kitrepo->{osbasename})) {
my @kitrepo_compat_basenames = ();
if (defined($kitrepo->{compat_osbasenames})) {
@kitrepo_compat_basenames = split(/,/, $kitrepo->{compat_osbasenames});
if ($kitrepo->{osbasename} ne $osdistro->{basename} &&
! grep {$_ eq $osdistro->{basename}} @kitrepo_compat_basenames ) {
if (defined($kitrepo->{osmajorversion}) && $kitrepo->{osmajorversion} ne $osdistro->{majorversion}) {
if (defined($kitrepo->{osminorversion}) && $kitrepo->{osminorversion} ne $osdistro->{minorversion}) {
if (defined($kitrepo->{osarch}) && $kitrepo->{osarch} ne $osdistro->{arch}) {
push(@compat_kitrepos, $kitrepo);
#print Dumper(@compat_kitrepos);
my @compat_kitreponames = map {$_->{kitreponame}} @compat_kitrepos;
return \@compat_kitreponames;
=head3 db_build_filter_stmt
Returns a SQL 'where' statement which is used to filter the
result of a kit, kit repository or kit component query.
hash table
- each entry represents a filter
- each entry has a key <keyN>, and a list of values <valuesN>.
- each entry is added to 'where' stmt as follows:
<key1> in (comma-separated list of <values1>)
<key2> in (comma-separated list of <values2>)
Returns: string containing SQL 'where' statement
sub db_build_filter_stmt {
my $filter_hash = shift;
my $filter_stmt = "";
for my $filter_key (keys(%$filter_hash)) {
my $filter_values = $filter_hash->{$filter_key};
my $values_str = join ",", map {'\''.$_.'\''} @$filter_values;
if ($filter_stmt eq "") {
$filter_stmt = sprintf("%s in (%s)", $filter_key, $values_str);
} else {
$filter_stmt .= sprintf(" AND %s in (%s)", $filter_key, $values_str);
return $filter_stmt;
=head3 db_get_table_rows
Returns a list of table rows. Each table row is a hash table.
table name
attribute list
where statement
Returns: list of table rows (ref)
sub db_get_table_rows {
my $tablename = shift;
my $attrs = shift;
my $filter_stmt = shift;
if (!defined($attrs)) {
@{$attrs} = ();
my $schema = xCAT::Table->getTableSchema($tablename);
foreach my $c (@{$schema->{cols}}) {
push @{$attrs}, $c;
my $table = xCAT::Table->new($tablename);
my @table_rows = ();
if (defined($filter_stmt)) {
if (length($filter_stmt) > 0) {
@table_rows = $table->getAllAttribsWhere($filter_stmt, @{$attrs});
} else {
@table_rows = $table->getAllAttribs(@{$attrs});
return \@table_rows;
=head3 create_hash_from_table_rows
Returns a hash table containing table rows indexed by specified
table attribute.
list of table rows (each row is a hash table)
table attribute
Returns: hash table (ref)
{ kitname1 => [row11,row12,...}],
kitname2 => [row21,row22,...}],
sub create_hash_from_table_rows {
my $table_rows = shift;
my $table_attr = shift;
my $result = {};
foreach my $row (@$table_rows) {
my $hash_key = $row->{$table_attr};
if (! defined($result->{$hash_key})) {
$result->{$hash_key} = [];
push(@{$result->{$hash_key}}, $row);
return $result;
=head3 create_lskit_xml_response
Prepare a response that returns the kit, kit repository, and
kit component info in XML format.
kit hash table
kit repo hash table
kit component hash table
Note: Hash tables are created by create_hash_from_table_rows()
sub create_lskit_xml_response {
my $kit_hash = shift;
my $kitrepo_hash = shift;
my $kitcomp_hash = shift;
my $rsp = {};
for my $kitname (sort(keys(%$kit_hash))) {
my $output_hash = {"kitinfo" => {"kit" => [], "kitrepo" => [], "kitcomponent" => [] } };
# Kit info
if (defined($kit_hash->{$kitname})) {
my $kit = $kit_hash->{$kitname}->[0];
push(@{$output_hash->{kitinfo}->{kit}}, $kit);
# Kit repository info
if (defined($kitrepo_hash->{$kitname})) {
for my $kitrepo (@{$kitrepo_hash->{$kitname}}) {
push(@{$output_hash->{kitinfo}->{kitrepo}}, $kitrepo);
# Kit component info
if (defined($kitcomp_hash->{$kitname})) {
for my $kitcomp (@{$kitcomp_hash->{$kitname}}) {
push(@{$output_hash->{kitinfo}->{kitcomp}}, $kitcomp);
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, $output_hash;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $::CALLBACK);
=head3 create_lskit_stanza_response
Prepare a response that returns the kit, kit repository, and
kit component info in stanza-like format.
kit hash table
kit repo hash table
kit component hash table
Note: Hash tables are created by create_hash_from_table_rows()
sub create_lskit_stanza_response {
my $kit_hash = shift;
my $kitrepo_hash = shift;
my $kitcomp_hash = shift;
my $rsp = {};
my $count = 0;
for my $kitname (sort(keys(%$kit_hash))) {
my $output .= "\n----------------------------------------------------\n";
# Kit info
if (defined($kit_hash->{$kitname})) {
my $kit = $kit_hash->{$kitname}->[0];
$output .= "kit:\n";
for my $kit_attr (sort(keys(%$kit))) {
$output .= sprintf(" %s=%s\n", $kit_attr, $kit->{$kit_attr});
$output .= "\n";
# Kit repository info
if (defined($kitrepo_hash->{$kitname})) {
for my $kitrepo (@{$kitrepo_hash->{$kitname}}) {
$output .= "kitrepo:\n";
for my $kitrepo_attr (sort(keys(%$kitrepo))) {
$output .= sprintf(" %s=%s\n", $kitrepo_attr, $kitrepo->{$kitrepo_attr});
$output .= "\n";
# Kit component info
if (defined($kitcomp_hash->{$kitname})) {
for my $kitcomp (@{$kitcomp_hash->{$kitname}}) {
$output .= "kitcomponent:\n";
for my $kitcomp_attr (sort(keys(%$kitcomp))) {
$output .= sprintf(" %s=%s\n", $kitcomp_attr, $kitcomp->{$kitcomp_attr});
$output .= "\n";
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, $output;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $::CALLBACK);