2008-05-29 17:44:51 +00:00

740 lines
22 KiB

# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT_plugin::dhcp;
use xCAT::Table;
use Data::Dumper;
use MIME::Base64;
use Getopt::Long;
use Socket;
use Sys::Syslog;
use IPC::Open2;
use xCAT::Utils;
my @dhcpconf; #Hold DHCP config file contents to be written back.
my @nrn; # To hold output of netstat -rn to be consulted throughout process
my $domain;
my $omshell;
my $statements; #Hold custom statements to be slipped into host declarations
my $callback;
my $restartdhcp;
sub handled_commands
return {makedhcp => "dhcp",};
sub delnode
my $node = shift;
my $inetn = inet_aton($node);
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac');
if ($mactab) { $ent = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node, [qw(mac)]); }
if ($ent and $ent->{mac})
my @macs = split(/\|/, $ent->{mac});
my $mace;
foreach $mace (@macs)
my $mac;
my $hname;
($mac, $hname) = split(/!/, $mace);
unless ($hname) { $hname = $node; }
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell
"set name = \"$hname\"\n"; #Find and destroy conflict name
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
if ($mac)
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set hardware-address = " . $mac
. "\n"; #find and destroy mac conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
if ($inetn)
my $ip;
if (inet_aton($hname))
$ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($hname));
if ($ip)
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell
"set ip-address = $ip\n"; #find and destroy ip conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set name = \"$node\"\n"; #Find and destroy conflict name
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
if ($inetn)
my $ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($node));
unless ($ip) { return; }
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set ip-address = $ip\n"; #find and destroy ip conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
sub addnode
#Use omshell to add the node.
#the process used is blind typing commands that should work
#it tries to delet any conflicting entries matched by name and
#hardware address and ip address before creating a brand now one
#unfortunate side effect: dhcpd.leases can look ugly over time, when
#doing updates would keep it cleaner, good news, dhcpd restart cleans
#up the lease file the way we would want anyway.
my $node = shift;
my $ent;
my $nrtab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $lstatements = $statements;
my $guess_next_server = 0;
if ($nrtab)
my $ent;
$ent = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['tftpserver']);
if ($ent and $ent->{tftpserver})
$lstatements =
'next-server '
. inet_ntoa(inet_aton($ent->{tftpserver})) . ';'
. $statements;
$guess_next_server = 1;
#else {
# $ent = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['servicenode']);
# if ($ent and $ent->{servicenode}) {
# $statements = 'next-server = \"'.inet_ntoa(inet_aton($ent->{servicenode})).'\";'.$statements;
# }
$guess_next_server = 1;
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac');
unless ($mactab)
error => ["Unable to open mac table, it may not exist yet"],
errorcode => [1]
$ent = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node, [qw(mac)]);
unless ($ent and $ent->{mac})
error => ["Unable to find mac address for $node"],
errorcode => [1]
my @macs = split(/\|/, $ent->{mac});
my $mace;
foreach $mace (@macs)
my $mac;
my $hname;
$hname = "";
($mac, $hname) = split(/!/, $mace);
unless ($hname)
$hname = $node;
} #Default to hostname equal to nodename
unless ($mac) { next; } #Skip corrupt format
my $inetn;
$inetn = "";
if ($hname eq '*NOIP*')
$inetn = "DENIED";
$hname = $node . "-noip" . $mac;
$hname =~ s/://g;
$inetn = inet_aton($hname);
unless ($inetn)
"xCAT DHCP plugin unable to resolve IP for $hname (for $node)"
my $ip;
$ip = "";
if ($inetn eq "DENIED")
$ip = "DENIED";
$ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($hname));
if ($guess_next_server and $ip ne "DENIED")
my $nxtsrv = xCAT::Utils->my_ip_facing($hname);
if ($nxtsrv)
$lstatements = "next-server $nxtsrv;$statements";
#syslog("local4|err", "Setting $node ($hname|$ip) to " . $mac);
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell
"set name = \"$hname\"\n"; #Find and destroy conflict name
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set ip-address = $ip\n"; #find and destroy ip conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set hardware-address = " . $mac
. "\n"; #find and destroy mac conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set name = \"$hname\"\n";
print $omshell "set hardware-address = " . $mac . "\n";
print $omshell "set hardware-type = 1\n";
if ($ip eq "DENIED")
{ #Blacklist this mac to preclude confusion, give best shot at things working
print $omshell "set statements = \"deny booting;\"\n";
print $omshell "set ip-address = $ip\n";
if ($lstatements)
$lstatements = 'send host-name \"'.$node.'\";'.$lstatements;
} else {
$lstatements = 'send host-name \"'.$node.'\";';
print $omshell "set statements = \"$lstatements\"\n";
print $omshell "create\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
unless (grep /#definition for host $node aka host $hname/, @dhcpconf)
push @dhcpconf,
"#definition for host $node aka host $hname can be found in the dhcpd.leases file\n";
sub preprocess_request
my $req = shift;
$callback = shift;
if ($req->{_xcatdest})
return [$req];
} #Exit if the packet has been preprocessed in its history
my @requests =
({%$req}); #Start with a straight copy to reflect local instance
my @sn = xCAT::Utils->getSNList(dhcpserver);
foreach my $s (@sn)
my $reqcopy = {%$req};
$reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $s;
push @requests, $reqcopy;
if (scalar(@requests) > 1)
{ #hierarchy detected, enforce more rigorous sanity
my $ntab = xCAT::Table->new('networks');
if ($ntab)
foreach (@{$ntab->getAllEntries()})
if ($_->{dynamicrange} and not $_->{dhcpserver})
$callback->({error=>["Hierarchy requested, therefore networks.dhcpserver must be set for net=".$_->{net}.""],errorcode=>[1]});
return [];
return \@requests;
sub process_request
my $req = shift;
$callback = shift;
my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my %activenics;
my $querynics = 1;
if ($sitetab)
my $href;
($href) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'dhcpinterfaces'}, 'value');
unless ($href and $href->{value})
{ #LEGACY: singular keyname for old style site value
($href) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'dhcpinterface'}, 'value');
if ($href and $href->{value})
#syntax should be like host|ifname1,ifname2;host2|ifname3,ifname2 etc or simply ifname,ifname2
#depending on complexity of network wished to be described
my $dhcpinterfaces = $href->{value};
my $dhcpif;
foreach $dhcpif (split /;/,$dhcpinterfaces) {
if ($dhcpif =~ /\|/) {
(my $host,$dhcpif) = split /\|/,$dhcpif;
if (xCAT::Utils->thishostisnot($host)) {
foreach (split /[,\s]+/, $dhcpif)
$activenics{$_} = 1;
$querynics = 0;
($href) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'domain'}, 'value');
unless ($href and $href->{value})
{error => ["No domain defined in site tabe"], errorcode => [1]}
$domain = $href->{value};
@dhcpconf = ();
unless ($req->{arg} or $req->{node})
$callback->({data => ["Usage: makedhcp <-n> <noderange>"]});
if (grep /^-n$/, @{$req->{arg}})
if (-e "/etc/dhcpd.conf")
my $bakname = "/etc/dhcpd.conf.xcatbak";
rename("/etc/dhcpd.conf", $bakname);
open($rconf, "/etc/dhcpd.conf"); # Read file into memory
if ($rconf)
while (<$rconf>)
push @dhcpconf, $_;
unless ($dhcpconf[0] =~ /^#xCAT/)
{ #Discard file if not xCAT originated, like 1.x did
@dhcpconf = ();
@nrn = split /\n/, `/bin/netstat -rn`;
splice @nrn, 0, 2; #get rid of header
if ($querynics)
{ #Use netstat to determine activenics only when no site ent.
foreach (@nrn)
my @ent = split /\s+/;
if ($ent[0] eq "")
if ($ent[7] =~ m/(ipoib|ib|vlan|bond|eth|myri|man|wlan)/)
{ #Mask out many types of interfaces, like xCAT 1.x
$activenics{$ent[7]} = 1;
unless ($dhcpconf[0])
{ #populate an empty config with some starter data...
foreach (keys %activenics)
if (grep /^-a$/, @{$req->{arg}})
if (grep /-d$/, @{$req->{arg}})
$req->{node} = [];
my $nodelist = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
my @entries = ($nodelist->getAllNodeAttribs([qw(node)]));
foreach (@entries)
push @{$req->{node}}, $_->{node};
$req->{node} = [];
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac');
my @entries = ($mactab->getAllNodeAttribs([qw(mac)]));
foreach (@entries)
push @{$req->{node}}, $_->{node};
if ($req->{node})
@ARGV = @{$req->{arg}};
$statements = "";
GetOptions('s|statements=s' => \$statements);
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd');
my $ent;
($ent) = $passtab->getAttribs({key => "omapi"}, qw(username password));
unless ($ent->{username} and $ent->{password})
} # TODO sane err
#Have nodes to update
open($omshell, "|/usr/bin/omshell > /dev/null");
print $omshell "key "
. $ent->{username} . " \""
. $ent->{password} . "\"\n";
print $omshell "connect\n";
foreach (@{$req->{node}})
if (grep /^-d$/, @{$req->{arg}})
delnode $_;
unless (xCAT::Utils->nodeonmynet($_))
addnode $_;
foreach (@nrn)
my @line = split /\s+/;
if ($ent[0] eq "")
if ($activenics{$line[7]} and $line[3] !~ /G/)
addnet($line[0], $line[2]);
if ($restartdhcp) {
system("/etc/init.d/dhcpd restart");
system("chkconfig dhcpd on");
sub addnet
my $net = shift;
my $mask = shift;
my $nic;
if ($net eq "") {
unless (grep /\} # $net\/$mask subnet_end/, @dhcpconf)
foreach (@nrn)
{ # search for relevant NIC
my @ent = split /\s+/;
if ($ent[0] eq "")
if ($ent[0] eq $net and $ent[2] eq $mask)
$nic = $ent[7];
#print " add $net $mask under $nic\n";
my $idx = 0;
while ($idx <= $#dhcpconf)
if ($dhcpconf[$idx] =~ /\} # $nic nic_end\n/)
unless ($dhcpconf[$idx] =~ /\} # $nic nic_end\n/)
return 1; #TODO: this is an error condition
# if here, means we found the idx before which to insert
my $nettab = xCAT::Table->new("networks");
my $nameservers;
my $gateway;
my $tftp;
my $range;
my $myip;
$myip = xCAT::Utils->my_ip_facing($net);
if ($nettab)
my ($ent) =
$nettab->getAttribs({net => $net, mask => $mask},
qw(tftpserver nameservers gateway dynamicrange dhcpserver));
if ($ent and $ent->{nameservers})
$nameservers = $ent->{nameservers};
warning => [
"No $net specific entry for nameservers, and dhcp plugin not sourcing from site yet (TODO)"
if ($ent and $ent->{tftpserver})
$tftp = $ent->{tftpserver};
{ #presume myself to be it, dhcp no longer does this for us
$tftp = $myip;
if ($ent and $ent->{gateway})
$gateway = $ent->{gateway};
if ($ent and $ent->{dynamicrange})
unless ($ent->{dhcpserver}
and xCAT::Utils->thishostisnot($ent->{dhcpserver}))
{ #If specific, only one dhcp server gets a dynamic range
$range = $ent->{dynamicrange};
$range =~ s/[,-]/ /g;
warning => [
"No dynamic range specified for $net, unknown systems on this network will not receive an address"
error =>
["Unable to open networks table, please run makenetworks"],
errorcode => [1]
return 1;
my @netent;
my $maskn = unpack("N", inet_aton($mask));
my $netn = unpack("N", inet_aton($net));
@netent = (
" subnet $net netmask $mask {\n",
" max-lease-time 43200;\n",
" min-lease-time 43200;\n",
" default-lease-time 43200;\n"
if ($gateway)
my $gaten = unpack("N", inet_aton($gateway));
if (($gaten & $maskn) == ($maskn & $netn))
push @netent, " option routers $gateway;\n";
error => [
"Specified gateway $gateway is not valid for $net/$mask, must be on same network"
errorcode => [1]
if ($tftp)
push @netent, " next-server $tftp;\n";
push @netent, " option log-servers $myip;\n";
push @netent, " option ntp-servers $myip;\n";
push @netent, " option domain-name \"$domain\";\n";
if ($nameservers)
push @netent, " option domain-name-servers $nameservers;\n";
push @netent, " if option client-architecture = 00:00 { #x86\n";
push @netent, " filename \"pxelinux.0\";\n";
push @netent,
" } else if option client-architecture = 00:02 { #ia64\n ";
push @netent, " filename \"elilo.efi\";\n";
push @netent,
" } else if substring(filename,0,1) = null { #otherwise, provide yaboot if the client isn't specific\n ";
push @netent, " filename \"/yaboot\";\n";
push @netent, " }\n";
if ($range) { push @netent, " range dynamic-bootp $range;\n" }
push @netent, " } # $net\/$mask subnet_end\n";
splice(@dhcpconf, $idx, 0, @netent);
sub addnic
my $nic = shift;
my $firstindex = 0;
my $lastindex = 0;
unless (grep /} # $nic nic_end/, @dhcpconf)
{ #add a section if not there
print "Adding NIC $nic\n";
push @dhcpconf, "shared-network $nic {\n";
push @dhcpconf, "\} # $nic nic_end\n";
#return; #Don't touch it, it should already be fine..
#my $idx=0;
#while ($idx <= $#dhcpconf) {
# if ($dhcpconf[$idx] =~ /^shared-network $nic {/) {
# $firstindex = $idx; # found the first place to chop...
# } elsif ($dhcpconf[$idx] =~ /} # $nic network_end/) {
# $lastindex=$idx;
# }
# $idx++;
#print Dumper(\@dhcpconf);
#if ($firstindex and $lastindex) {
# splice @dhcpconf,$firstindex,($lastindex-$firstindex+1);
#print Dumper(\@dhcpconf);
sub writeout
my $targ;
open($targ, '>', "/etc/dhcpd.conf");
foreach (@dhcpconf)
print $targ $_;
sub newconfig
# This function puts a standard header in and enough to make omapi work.
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd', -create => 1);
push @dhcpconf, "#xCAT generated dhcp configuration\n";
push @dhcpconf, "\n";
push @dhcpconf, "authoritative;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "ddns-update-style none;\n";
push @dhcpconf,
"option client-architecture code 93 = unsigned integer 16;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "\n";
push @dhcpconf, "omapi-port 7911;\n"; #Enable omapi...
push @dhcpconf, "key xcat_key {\n";
push @dhcpconf, " algorithm hmac-md5;\n";
(my $passent) =
$passtab->getAttribs({key => omapi, username => 'xcat_key'}, 'password');
my $secret = encode_base64(genpassword(32)); #Random from set of 62^32
chomp $secret;
if ($passent->{password}) { $secret = $passent->{password}; }
data =>
["The dhcp server must be restarted for OMAPI function to work"]
$passtab->setAttribs({key => omapi},
{username => 'xcat_key', password => $secret});
push @dhcpconf, " secret \"" . $secret . "\";\n";
push @dhcpconf, "};\n";
push @dhcpconf, "omapi-key xcat_key;\n";
sub genpassword
#Generate a pseudo-random password of specified length
my $length = shift;
my $password = '';
my $characters =
srand; #have to reseed, rand is not rand otherwise
while (length($password) < $length)
$password .= substr($characters, int(rand 63), 1);
return $password;