git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
1028 lines
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1028 lines
42 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
# Reads the cluster configuration file and primes the database in prep
# for HW discovery and node deployment.
# Preconditions before running the xcatsetup cmd:
# -
# Todo: Limitations on the values in the config file:
# - do not yet support redundant bpcs or fsps
package xCAT_plugin::setup;
use strict;
#use warnings;
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use xCAT::Schema;
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use Data::Dumper;
use xCAT::DBobjUtils;
my $SUB_REQ;
sub handled_commands {
return( { xcatsetup => "setup" } );
sub process_request
use Getopt::Long;
my $request = shift;
$CALLBACK = shift;
$SUB_REQ = shift;
#my $nodes = $request->{node};
#my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
my $args = $request->{arg};
my $HELP;
my %SECTIONS; # which stanzas should be processed
my $SECT;
my $setup_usage = sub {
my $exitcode = shift @_;
my %rsp;
push @{$rsp{data}}, "Usage: xcatsetup [-v|--version] [-?|-h|--help] [-s|--stanzas stanza-list] [--yesreallydeletenodes] <cluster-config-file>";
if ($exitcode) { $rsp{errorcode} = $exitcode; }
# Process the cmd line args
if ($args) { @ARGV = @{$args}; }
else { @ARGV = (); }
if (!GetOptions('h|?|help' => \$HELP, 'v|version' => \$VERSION, 's|stanzas=s' => \$SECT, 'yesreallydeletenodes' => \$DELETENODES) ) { $setup_usage->(1); return; }
if ($HELP || (scalar(@ARGV)==0 && !$VERSION)) { $setup_usage->(0); return; }
if ($VERSION) {
my %rsp;
my $version = xCAT::Utils->Version();
$rsp{data}->[0] = $version;
if ($SECT) {
foreach my $s (split(/[\s,]+/, $SECT)) { $SECTIONS{$s} = 1; }
my $input;
my $filename = fullpath($ARGV[0], $request->{cwd}->[0]);
if (!open($input, $filename)) {
errormsg("Can not open file $filename.", 2);
# Parse the config file
my $success = readFileInput($input);
if (!$success) { return; }
# Write the db entries
writedb($request->{cwd}->[0], \%SECTIONS);
sub readFileInput {
my $input = shift;
my $l;
my $stanza;
my $linenum = 0;
while ($l=<$input>) {
# skip blank and comment lines
next if ( $l =~ /^\s*$/ || $l =~ /^\s*#/ );
# process a real line
if ( $l =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/ ) {
my $attr = $1;
my $val = $2;
#$attr =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove any leading whitespace - already did that
#$attr =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove any trailing whitespace - already did that
$attr =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Convert to lowercase
#$val =~ s/^\s*//;
#$val =~ s/\s*$//;
# set the value in the hash for this stanza
if (!defined($stanza)) { errormsg("expected stanza header at line $linenum.", 3); return; }
$STANZAS{$stanza}->{$attr} = $val;
elsif ( $l =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*:\s*$/) {
$stanza = $1;
else {
errormsg("syntax error on line $linenum.", 3);
return 0;
} # end while - go to next line
return 1;
# A few global variables for common tables that a lot of functions need
my %tables = ('site' => 0,
'nodelist' => 0,
'hosts' => 0,
'ppc' => 0,
'nodetype' => 0,
'nodehm' => 0,
'noderes' => 0,
'postscripts' => 0,
'nodepos' => 0,
my $CECPOSITIONS; # a hash of the cec values in the nodepos table
sub writedb {
my ($cwd, $sections) = @_; # the current dir from the request and the stanzas that should be processed
# Open some common tables that several of the stanzas need
foreach my $tab (keys %tables) {
$tables{$tab} = xCAT::Table->new($tab, -create=>1);
if (!$tables{$tab}) { errormsg("Can not open $tab table in database. Exiting config file processing.", 3); return; }
# Write site table attrs (hash key=xcat-site)
my $domain = $STANZAS{'xcat-site'}->{domain};
if ($domain && (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-site'})) { writesite($domain); }
# Write service LAN info (hash key=xcat-service-lan)
#using hostname-range, write: nodelist.node, nodelist.groups, switches.switch
#using hostname-range and starting-ip, write regex for: hosts.node, hosts.ip
#using num-ports-per-switch, switch-port-prefix, switch-port-sequence, write: switch.node, switch.switch, switch.port
#using dhcp-dynamic-range, write: networks.dynamicrange for the service network.
# * Note: for AIX the permanent IPs for HMCs/FSPs/BPAs (specified in later stanzas) should be within this dynamic range, at the high end. For linux the permanent IPs should be outside this dynamic range.
# * use the first IP in the specified dynamic range to locate the service network in the networks table
#on aix stop bootp - see section of p hw mgmt doc
#run makedhcp -n
# Write HMC info (hash key=xcat-hmcs)
my $hmcrange = $STANZAS{'xcat-hmcs'}->{'hostname-range'};
if ($hmcrange && (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-hmcs'})) {
unless (writehmc($hmcrange)) { closetables(); return; }
# Write frame info (hash key=xcat-frames)
my $framerange = $STANZAS{'xcat-frames'}->{'hostname-range'};
if ($framerange && (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-frames'})) {
unless (writeframe($framerange, $cwd)) { closetables(); return; }
# Write CEC info (hash key=xcat-cecs)
my $cecrange = $STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'hostname-range'};
if ($cecrange && (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-cecs'})) {
unless (writecec($cecrange, $cwd)) { closetables(); return; }
# Save the CEC positions for all the node definitions later
if ($cecrange) {
$CECPOSITIONS = $tables{'nodepos'}->getNodesAttribs([noderange($cecrange)], ['rack','u']);
#print Dumper($CECPOSITIONS);
# Write BB info (hash key=xcat-building-blocks)
my $framesperbb = $STANZAS{'xcat-building-blocks'}->{'num-frames-per-bb'};
if ($framesperbb && (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-building-blocks'})) {
unless (writebb($framesperbb)) { closetables(); return; }
# Write lpar info in ppc, noderes, servicenode
my $snrange = $STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'hostname-range'};
if ($snrange && (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-service-nodes'})) {
unless (writesn($snrange)) { closetables(); return; }
my $storagerange = $STANZAS{'xcat-storage-nodes'}->{'hostname-range'};
if ($storagerange && (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-storage-nodes'})) {
unless (writestorage($storagerange)) { closetables(); return; }
my $computerange = $STANZAS{'xcat-compute-nodes'}->{'hostname-range'};
if ($computerange && (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-compute-nodes'})) {
unless (writecompute($computerange)) { closetables(); return; }
sub closetables {
# Close all the open common tables to finish up
foreach my $tab (keys %tables) {
if ($tables{$tab}) { $tables{$tab}->close(); }
sub writesite {
if ($DELETENODES) { return 1; }
#write: domain, nameservers=<MN>
my $domain = shift;
infomsg('Defining site attributes...');
# set the domain specified in the config file
#print "domain=$domain\n";
$tables{'site'}->setAttribs({key => 'domain'}, {value => $domain});
# set the site.nameservers value to the site.master value
my $ref = $tables{'site'}->getAttribs({key => 'master'}, 'value');
if ($ref) {
$tables{'site'}->setAttribs({key => 'nameservers'}, {value => $ref->{value} });
# set the HFI switch topology
if ($STANZAS{'xcat-site'}->{topology}) {
$tables{'site'}->setAttribs({key => 'topology'}, {value => $STANZAS{'xcat-site'}->{topology} });
#todo: put dynamic range in networks table
#todo: set site.dhcpinterfaces
return 1;
sub writehmc {
# using hostname-range, write: nodelist.node, nodelist.groups
my $hmcrange = shift;
if ($DELETENODES) { deletenodes('HMCs', $hmcrange); return 1; }
my $hmchash;
unless ($hmchash = parsenoderange($hmcrange)) { return 0; }
my $nodes = [noderange($hmcrange, 0)];
#print "$$nodes[0], $hmcstartnum\n";
infomsg('Defining HMCs...');
if (scalar(@$nodes)) {
#my %nodehash;
#foreach my $n (@$nodes) { print "n=$n\n"; $nodehash{$n} = { node => $n, groups => 'hmc,all' }; }
#print "here\n";
$tables{'nodelist'}->setNodesAttribs($nodes, { groups => 'hmc,all' });
#print "here2\n";
# using hostname-range and starting-ip, write regex for: hosts.node, hosts.ip
my $hmcstartip = $STANZAS{'xcat-hmcs'}->{'starting-ip'};
if ($hmcstartip && isIP($hmcstartip)) {
my $hmcstartnum = $$hmchash{'primary-start'};
my ($ipbase, $ipstart) = $hmcstartip =~/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
# take the number from the nodename, and as it increases, increase the ip addr
my $regex = '|\S+?(\d+)$|' . "$ipbase.($ipstart+" . '$1' . "-$hmcstartnum)|";
$tables{'hosts'}->setNodeAttribs('hmc', {ip => $regex});
# using hostname-range, write regex for: ppc.node, nodetype.nodetype
$tables{'ppc'}->setNodeAttribs('hmc', {comments => 'hmc'});
$tables{'nodetype'}->setNodeAttribs('hmc', {nodetype => 'hmc'});
# Set the 1st two hmcs as the ones CNM should send service events to
$nodes = [noderange($hmcrange, 0)];
$tables{'site'}->setAttribs({key => 'ea_primary_hmc'}, {value => $$nodes[0]});
if (scalar(@$nodes) >= 2) { $tables{'site'}->setAttribs({key => 'ea_backup_hmc'}, {value => $$nodes[1]}); }
return 1;
sub writeframe {
# write hostname-range in nodelist table
my ($framerange, $cwd) = @_;
if ($DELETENODES) { deletenodes('frames', $framerange); return 1; }
infomsg('Defining frames...');
my $nodes = [noderange($framerange, 0)];
#print "$$nodes[0], $framestartnum\n";
if (scalar(@$nodes)) {
#my %nodehash;
#foreach my $n (@$nodes) { print "n=$n\n"; $nodehash{$n} = { node => $n, groups => 'hmc,all' }; }
$tables{'nodelist'}->setNodesAttribs($nodes, { groups => 'frame,all' });
# Using the frame group, write starting-ip in hosts table
my $framestartip = $STANZAS{'xcat-frames'}->{'starting-ip'};
if ($framestartip && isIP($framestartip)) {
my $framehash = parsenoderange($framerange);
my $framestartnum = $$framehash{'primary-start'};
my ($ipbase, $ipstart) = $framestartip =~/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
# take the number from the nodename, and as it increases, increase the ip addr
my $regex = '|\S+?(\d+)$|' . "$ipbase.($ipstart+" . '$1' . "-$framestartnum)|";
$tables{'hosts'}->setNodeAttribs('frame', {ip => $regex});
# Using the frame group, write: nodetype.nodetype, nodehm.mgt
$tables{'nodetype'}->setNodeAttribs('frame', {nodetype => 'bpa'});
# Using the frame group, num-frames-per-hmc, hmc hostname-range, write regex for: ppc.node, ppc.hcp,
# The frame # should come from the nodename
my $idregex = '|\S+?(\d+)$|(0+$1)|';
my %hash = (id => $idregex);
if ($STANZAS{'xcat-site'}->{'use-direct-fsp-control'}) {
$tables{'nodehm'}->setNodeAttribs('frame', {mgt => 'bpa'});
my $hcpregex = '|(.+)|($1)|'; # its managed by itself
$hash{hcp} = $hcpregex;
else {
$tables{'nodehm'}->setNodeAttribs('frame', {mgt => 'hmc'});
# let lsslp fill in the hcp
# Calculate which hmc manages this frame by dividing by num-frames-per-hmc
#my $framesperhmc = $STANZAS{'xcat-frames'}->{'num-frames-per-hmc'};
$tables{'ppc'}->setNodeAttribs('frame', \%hash);
# Write vpd-file to vpd table
if ($STANZAS{'xcat-frames'}->{'vpd-file'}) {
my $filename = fullpath($STANZAS{'xcat-frames'}->{'vpd-file'}, $cwd);
return 1;
sub readwritevpd {
my $filename = shift;
if (!defined($filename)) { return; }
my $content;
if (!open(STANZAF, $filename)) { errormsg("Can not open file $filename.", 2); return; }
while (my $line = <STANZAF>) { $content .= $line; }
close STANZAF;
#print "content=$content";
my $rc = xCAT::DBobjUtils->readFileInput($content);
if ($rc) { errormsg("Error in processing stanza file $filename, rc=$rc.", 2); return; }
$rc = xCAT::DBobjUtils->setobjdefs(\%::FILEATTRS);
if ($rc) { errormsg("Error setting database attributes from stanza file $filename, rc=$rc.", 2); return; }
sub writecec {
# write hostname-range in nodelist table
my ($cecrange, $cwd) = @_;
if ($DELETENODES) { deletenodes('CECs', $cecrange); return 1; }
infomsg('Defining CECs...');
my $nodes = [noderange($cecrange, 0)];
if ($$nodes[0] =~ /\[/) {
errormsg("hostname ranges with 2 sets of '[]' are not supported in xCAT 2.5 and below.", 21);
return 0;
if (scalar(@$nodes)) {
#my %nodehash;
#foreach my $n (@$nodes) { print "n=$n\n"; $nodehash{$n} = { node => $n, groups => 'hmc,all' }; }
$tables{'nodelist'}->setNodesAttribs($nodes, { groups => 'cec,all' });
# Using the cec group, write starting-ip in hosts table
my $cecstartip = $STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'starting-ip'};
my $cechash = parsenoderange($cecrange);
if ($cecstartip && isIP($cecstartip)) {
my ($ipbase, $ip3rd, $ip4th) = $cecstartip =~/^(\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
# take the number from the nodename, and as it increases, increase the ip addr
#print Dumper($cechash);
my $regex;
if (defined($$cechash{'secondary-start'})) {
# using name like f1c1
my $primstartnum = $$cechash{'primary-start'};
my $secstartnum = $$cechash{'secondary-start'};
# Math for 3rd field: ip3rd+primnum-primstartnum
# Math for 4th field: ip4th+secnum-secstartnum
$regex = '|\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)$|' . "$ipbase.($ip3rd+" . '$1' . "-$primstartnum).($ip4th+" . '$2' . "-$secstartnum)|";
else {
# using name like cec01
my $cecstartnum = $$cechash{'primary-start'};
# Math for 4th field: (ip4th-1+cecnum-cecstartnum)%254 + 1
# Math for 3rd field: (ip4th-1+cecnum-cecstartnum)/254 + ip3rd
$regex = '|\S+?(\d+)$|' . "$ipbase.((${ip4th}-1+" . '$1' . "-$cecstartnum)/254+$ip3rd).((${ip4th}-1+" . '$1' . "-$cecstartnum)%254+1)|";
$tables{'hosts'}->setNodeAttribs('cec', {ip => $regex});
# Using the cec group, write: nodetype.nodetype
$tables{'nodetype'}->setNodeAttribs('cec', {nodetype => 'fsp'});
# Write regex for ppc.hcp, nodehm.mgt
if ($STANZAS{'xcat-site'}->{'use-direct-fsp-control'}) {
$tables{'nodehm'}->setNodeAttribs('cec', {mgt => 'fsp'});
my $hcpregex = '|(.+)|($1)|'; # its managed by itself
$tables{'ppc'}->setNodeAttribs('cec', {hcp => $hcpregex});
else {
$tables{'nodehm'}->setNodeAttribs('cec', {mgt => 'hmc'});
# let lsslp fill in the hcp
# Create dynamic groups for the nodes in each cec
my $ntab = xCAT::Table->new('nodegroup', -create=>1,-autocommit=>0);
if (!$ntab) { errormsg("Can not open nodegroup table in database.", 3); }
else {
$nodes = [noderange($cecrange, 0)]; # the setNodesAttribs() function blanks out the nodes array
foreach my $n (@$nodes) {
$ntab->setAttribs({groupname => "${n}nodes"}, {grouptype => 'dynamic', members => 'dynamic', wherevals => "parent==$n" });
# Write supernode-list in ppc.supernode. While we are at it, also assign the cage id and parent.
$nodes = [noderange($cecrange, 0)]; # the setNodesAttribs() function blanks out the nodes array
my %framesupers;
if (!($STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'supernode-list'})) { return 1; }
my $filename = fullpath($STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'supernode-list'}, $cwd);
unless (readsupers($filename, \%framesupers)) { return; }
my $i=0; # the index into the array of cecs
#my $maxcageid=0; # check to see if all frames have same # of cecs if they are using f1c1 type name
#my $alreadywarned=0;
my $numcecs; # how many cecs in a frame we have assigned supernode nums to
my %ppchash;
my %nodehash;
my %nodeposhash;
my @nonexistant; # if there are less cecs in some frames, we may need to delete them
# Collect each nodes supernode num into a hash
foreach my $k (sort keys %framesupers) {
my $f = $framesupers{$k}; # $f is a ptr to an array of super node numbers
if (!$f) { next; } # in case some frame nums did not get filled in by user
my $cageid = 3; #todo: p7 ih starts at 3, but what about other models?
my $numcecs = 0;
foreach my $s (@$f) { # loop thru the supernode nums in this frame
my $supernum = $s;
my $numnodes = 4;
if ($s =~ /\(\d+\)/) { ($supernum, $numnodes) = $s =~ /^(\d+)\((\d+)\)/; }
for (my $j=0; $j<$numnodes; $j++) { # assign the next few nodes to this supernode num
my $nodename = $$nodes[$i++];
#print "Setting $nodename supernode attribute to $supernum,$j\n";
$ppchash{$nodename} = { supernode => "$supernum,$j", id => $cageid, parent => $k };
$nodehash{$nodename} = { groups => "${k}cecs,cec,all" };
my ($framenum) = $k =~ /\S+?(\d+)$/;
$nodeposhash{$nodename} = { rack => $framenum+0, u => $cageid };
$cageid += 2;
if (defined($$cechash{'secondary-start'}) && $numcecs != ($$cechash{'secondary-end'}-$$cechash{'secondary-start'}+1)) {
# There are some cecs in this frame that did not get assigned supernode nums - maybe they do not exist
#infomsg("Warning: the xcat-cecs:hostname-range of $cecrange appears to be using frame and CEC numbers in the CEC hostnames, but there is not the same number of CECs in each frame (according to the supernodelist). This causes the supernode numbers to be assigned to the wrong CECs.");
my $totalcecs = $$cechash{'secondary-end'}-$$cechash{'secondary-start'}+1;
#print "skipping cecs ", $numcecs+1, "-$totalcecs\n";
if ($STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'delete-unused-cecs'}) {
# mark to be delete the unused cecs that do not have supernode nums specified
for (my $l=1; $l<=($totalcecs-$numcecs); $l++) { push @nonexistant, $$nodes[$i++]; }
else {
$i += ($totalcecs - $numcecs); # fast-forward over the cecs in this frame that do not have supernode nums
# Now write all of the attribute values to the tables
if (scalar(keys %framesupers)) {
if (scalar(@nonexistant)) {
my $nr = join(',', @nonexistant);
print "deleting $nr\n";
my $ret = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({ command => ['rmdef'], arg => [$nr,'-t','node'] }, $SUB_REQ, 0, 1);
return 1;
# Read/parse the supernode-list file and return the values in a hash of arrays
sub readsupers {
my $filename = shift;
my $framesup = shift;
if (!defined($filename)) { return; }
my $input;
if (!open($input, $filename)) {
errormsg("Can not open file $filename.", 2);
return 0;
my $l;
my $linenum = 0;
while ($l=<$input>) {
# skip blank and comment lines
next if ( $l =~ /^\s*$/ || $l =~ /^\s*#/ );
#print "l=$l\n";
# process a real line - name, then colon, then only whitespace, numbers, and parens
my ($frame, $supernums);
if ( ($frame, $supernums) = $l =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*:\s*([\s,\(\)\d]+)$/ ) {
#print "frame=$frame, supernums=$supernums\n";
my $supers = [split(/[\s,]+/, $supernums)];
# check the format of the super number entries
foreach my $s (@$supers) {
unless ($s=~/^\d+$/ || $s=~/^\d+\(\d+\)$/) { errormsg("invalid supernode specification $s in supernode-list file line $linenum.",8); return 0; }
# store the entries
$$framesup{$frame} = $supers;
else {
errormsg("syntax error on supernode-list file line $linenum.", 3);
return 0;
} # end while - go to next line
return 1;
sub writebb {
my $framesperbb = shift;
infomsg('Defining building blocks...');
# Set site.sharedtftp=1 since we have bldg blocks
$tables{'site'}->setAttribs({key => 'sharedtftp'}, {value => 1});
# Using num-frames-per-bb write ppc.parent (frame #) for bpas
if ($framesperbb !~ /^\d+$/) { errormsg("invalid non-integer value for num-frames-per-bb: $framesperbb", 7); return 0; }
my $bbregex = '|\S+?(\d+)$|((($1-1)/' . $framesperbb . ')+1)|';
$tables{'ppc'}->setNodeAttribs('frame', {parent => $bbregex});
return 1;
# Create service node definitions
sub writesn {
my $range = shift;
infomsg('Defining service nodes...');
# We support name formats: sn01 or (todo:) b1s1
my $nodes = [noderange($range, 0)];
my $rangeparts = parsenoderange($range);
my ($startnum) = $$rangeparts{'primary-start'}; # save this value for later
if (scalar(@$nodes)) {
$tables{'nodelist'}->setNodesAttribs($nodes, { groups => 'service,all' });
# Write regex for: hosts.node, hosts.ip
my $startip = $STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'starting-ip'};
if ($startip && isIP($startip)) {
my ($ipbase, $ipstart) = $startip =~/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
# take the number from the nodename, and as it increases, increase the ip addr
my $regex = '|\S+?(\d+)$|' . "$ipbase.($ipstart+" . '$1' . "-$startnum)|";
my %hash = (ip => $regex);
my $otherint = $STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'otherinterfaces'};
if ($otherint) {
# need to replace each ip addr in otherinterfaces with a regex
my @ifs = split(/[\s,]+/, $otherint);
foreach my $if (@ifs) {
my ($nic, $startip) = split(/:/, $if);
if (!isIP($startip)) { next; }
($ipbase, $ipstart) = $startip =~/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
$if = "$nic:$ipbase.($ipstart+" . '$1' . "-$startnum)";
$regex = '|\S+?(\d+)$|' . join(',', @ifs) . '|';
#print "regex=$regex\n";
$hash{otherinterfaces} = $regex;
$tables{'hosts'}->setNodeAttribs('service', \%hash);
# Write regex for:, nodetype.nodetype, etc.
$tables{'ppc'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {id => '1'});
$tables{'nodetype'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {nodetype => 'osi', arch => 'ppc64'});
$tables{'nodehm'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {mgt => 'fsp', cons => 'fsp'});
$tables{'noderes'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {netboot => 'yaboot'});
my $sntab = xCAT::Table->new('servicenode', -create=>1);
if (!$sntab) { errormsg("Can not open servicenode table in database.", 3); }
else {
$sntab->setNodeAttribs('service', {nameserver=>1, dhcpserver=>1, tftpserver=>1, nfsserver=>1, conserver=>1, monserver=>1, ftpserver=>1, nimserver=>1, ipforward=>1});
if ($STANZAS{'ll-config'}->{'central_manager_list'}) { # write the LL postscript for service nodes
my $ref = $tables{'postscripts'}->getNodeAttribs('service', 'postscripts');
#print Dumper($ref);
my $posts;
if ($ref && $ref->{postscripts}=~/\S/) {
$posts = $ref->{postscripts};
if ($posts !~ /(^|,)llserver\.sh(,|$)/) { $posts .= ","; }
else { $posts = ""; }
$tables{'postscripts'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {postscripts => $posts });
# Figure out what cec each sn is in and write ppc.hcp and ppc.parent
# Math for SN in BB: cecnum = ( ( (snnum-1) / snsperbb) * cecsperbb) + cecstart-1 + snpositioninbb
my $cecsperbb = $STANZAS{'xcat-building-blocks'}->{'num-cecs-per-bb'};
if ($cecsperbb !~ /^\d+$/) { errormsg("invalid non-integer value for num-cecs-per-bb: $cecsperbb", 7); return 0; }
my $snsperbb = $STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'num-service-nodes-per-bb'};
if ($snsperbb !~ /^\d+$/) { errormsg("invalid non-integer value for num-service-nodes-per-bb: $snsperbb", 7); return 0; }
my @positions = split(/[\s,]+/, $STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'cec-positions-in-bb'});
if (scalar(@positions) != $snsperbb) { errormsg("invalid number of positions specified for xcat-service-nodes:cec-positions-in-bb.", 3); return 0; }
my $cechash = parsenoderange($STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'hostname-range'});
my $cecbase = $$cechash{'primary-base'};
my $cecstart = $$cechash{'primary-start'};
my $ceclen = length($$cechash{'primary-start'});
# these are only needed for names like f2c3
my $secbase = $$cechash{'secondary-base'};
my $secstart = $$cechash{'secondary-start'};
my $secend = $$cechash{'secondary-end'};
my $seclen = length($$cechash{'secondary-start'});
$nodes = [noderange($range, 0)];
my %nodehash;
my %nodeposhash;
my %grouphash;
# Go thru each service node and calculate which cec it is in
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@$nodes); $i++) {
# figure out the BB num to add this node to that group
my $bbnum = int($i/$snsperbb) + 1;
my $bbname = "bb$bbnum";
$grouphash{$$nodes[$i]} = {groups => "${bbname}service,service,all"};
# figure out the CEC num
my $snpositioninbb = $positions[$i % $snsperbb]; # the offset within the BB
my $cecnum = ( int($i/$snsperbb) * $cecsperbb) + $snpositioninbb; # which cec num, counting from the beginning
my $cecname;
if (!$secbase) {
$cecname = $cecbase . sprintf("%0${ceclen}d", $cecnum);
else { # calculate the 2 indexes for a name like f2c3
# we essentially have to do base n math, where n is the size of the second range
my $n = $secend - $secstart + 1;
my $primary = int(($cecnum-1) / $n) + 1;
my $secondary = ($cecnum-1) % $n + 1;
$cecname = $cecbase . sprintf("%0${ceclen}d", $primary) . $secbase . sprintf("%0${seclen}d", $secondary);
#print "sn=$$nodes[$i], cec=$cecname\n";
$nodehash{$$nodes[$i]} = {hcp => $cecname, parent => $cecname};
#print Dumper($CECPOSITIONS);
#print "cecname=$cecname\n";
$nodeposhash{$$nodes[$i]} = {rack => $CECPOSITIONS->{$cecname}->[0]->{rack}, u => $CECPOSITIONS->{$cecname}->[0]->{u}};
# Create dynamic groups for the nodes in each service node
my $ntab = xCAT::Table->new('nodegroup', -create=>1,-autocommit=>0);
if (!$ntab) { errormsg("Can not open nodegroup table in database.", 3); }
else {
$nodes = [noderange($range, 0)]; # the setNodesAttribs() function blanks out the nodes array
foreach my $n (@$nodes) {
$ntab->setAttribs({groupname => "${n}nodes"}, {grouptype => 'dynamic', members => 'dynamic', wherevals => "xcatmaster==$n" });
return 1;
# Create storage node definitions
sub writestorage {
my $range = shift;
infomsg('Defining storage nodes...');
my $nodes = [noderange($range, 0)];
my $rangeparts = parsenoderange($range);
my ($startnum) = $$rangeparts{'primary-start'}; # save this value for later
if (scalar(@$nodes)) {
$tables{'nodelist'}->setNodesAttribs($nodes, { groups => 'storage,all' });
# Write regex for: hosts.node, hosts.ip
my $startip = $STANZAS{'xcat-storage-nodes'}->{'starting-ip'};
if ($startip && isIP($startip)) {
my ($ipbase, $ipstart) = $startip =~/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
# take the number from the nodename, and as it increases, increase the ip addr
my $regex = '|\S+?(\d+)$|' . "$ipbase.($ipstart+" . '$1' . "-$startnum)|";
my %hash = (ip => $regex);
my $otherint = $STANZAS{'xcat-storage-nodes'}->{'otherinterfaces'};
if ($otherint) {
# need to replace each ip addr in otherinterfaces with a regex
my @ifs = split(/[\s,]+/, $otherint);
foreach my $if (@ifs) {
my ($nic, $startip) = split(/:/, $if);
if (!isIP($startip)) { next; }
($ipbase, $ipstart) = $startip =~/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
$if = "$nic:$ipbase.($ipstart+" . '$1' . "-$startnum)";
$regex = '|\S+?(\d+)$|' . join(',', @ifs) . '|';
#print "regex=$regex\n";
$hash{otherinterfaces} = $regex;
my $aliases = $STANZAS{'xcat-storage-nodes'}->{'aliases'};
if ($aliases) {
# support more than 1 alias
my @alist = split(/[\s,]+/, $aliases);
foreach my $a (@alist) { $a = '($1)' . $a; } # prepend the hostname
$regex = '|(.+)|' . join(',', @alist) . '|';
$hash{hostnames} = $regex;
$tables{'hosts'}->setNodeAttribs('storage', \%hash);
# Write, nodetype.nodetype, etc.
$tables{'ppc'}->setNodeAttribs('storage', {id => '1'});
$tables{'nodetype'}->setNodeAttribs('storage', {nodetype => 'osi', arch => 'ppc64'});
$tables{'nodehm'}->setNodeAttribs('storage', {mgt => 'fsp', cons => 'fsp'});
$tables{'noderes'}->setNodeAttribs('storage', {netboot => 'yaboot'});
# Figure out what cec each storage node is in and write ppc.hcp, ppc.parent, noderes.xcatmaster, noderes.servicenode
# Math for SN in BB: cecnum = ( ( (snnum-1) / snsperbb) * cecsperbb) + cecstart-1 + snpositioninbb
my $cecsperbb = $STANZAS{'xcat-building-blocks'}->{'num-cecs-per-bb'};
if ($cecsperbb !~ /^\d+$/) { errormsg("invalid non-integer value for num-cecs-per-bb: $cecsperbb", 7); return 0; }
my $snsperbb = $STANZAS{'xcat-storage-nodes'}->{'num-storage-nodes-per-bb'};
if ($snsperbb !~ /^\d+$/) { errormsg("invalid non-integer value for num-storage-nodes-per-bb: $snsperbb", 7); return 0; }
my @positions = split(/[\s,]+/, $STANZAS{'xcat-storage-nodes'}->{'cec-positions-in-bb'});
if (scalar(@positions) != $snsperbb) { errormsg("invalid number of positions specified for xcat-storage-nodes:cec-positions-in-bb.", 3); return 0; }
my $cechash = parsenoderange($STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'hostname-range'});
my $cecbase = $$cechash{'primary-base'};
my $cecstart = $$cechash{'primary-start'};
my $ceclen = length($$cechash{'primary-start'});
# these are only needed for names like f2c3
my $secbase = $$cechash{'secondary-base'};
my $secstart = $$cechash{'secondary-start'};
my $secend = $$cechash{'secondary-end'};
my $seclen = length($$cechash{'secondary-start'});
my $sns = [noderange($STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'hostname-range'}, 0)];
$nodes = [noderange($range, 0)];
my %nodehash;
my %nodeposhash;
my %grouphash;
my %nodereshash;
# Go thru each storage node and calculate which cec it is in
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@$nodes); $i++) {
# figure out the BB num to add this node to that group
my $bbnum = int($i/$snsperbb) + 1;
my $bbname = "bb$bbnum";
$grouphash{$$nodes[$i]} = {groups => "${bbname}storage,storage,all"};
# figure out the CEC num
my $snpositioninbb = $positions[$i % $snsperbb]; # the offset within the BB
my $cecnum = ( int($i/$snsperbb) * $cecsperbb) + $snpositioninbb; # which cec num, counting from the beginning
my $cecname;
if (!$secbase) {
$cecname = $cecbase . sprintf("%0${ceclen}d", $cecnum);
else { # calculate the 2 indexes for a name like f2c3
# we essentially have to do base n math, where n is the size of the second range
my $n = $secend - $secstart + 1;
my $primary = int(($cecnum-1) / $n) + 1;
my $secondary = ($cecnum-1) % $n + 1;
$cecname = $cecbase . sprintf("%0${ceclen}d", $primary) . $secbase . sprintf("%0${seclen}d", $secondary);
#print "sn=$$nodes[$i], cec=$cecname\n";
$nodehash{$$nodes[$i]} = {hcp => $cecname, parent => $cecname};
$nodeposhash{$$nodes[$i]} = {rack => $CECPOSITIONS->{$cecname}->[0]->{rack}, u => $CECPOSITIONS->{$cecname}->[0]->{u}};
# Now determine the service node this compute node is under
#my $bbnum = int(($cecnum-1) / $cecsperbb) + 1;
my $cecinthisbb = ($cecnum-1) % $cecsperbb + 1;
my $servsperbb = $STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'num-service-nodes-per-bb'};
my $cecspersn = int($cecsperbb / $servsperbb);
my $snoffset = int(($cecinthisbb-1) / $cecspersn) + 1;
my $snsbeforethisbb = ($bbnum-1) * $servsperbb;
my $snnum = $snsbeforethisbb + $snoffset;
my $snname = $$sns[$snnum-1];
# generate a list of the other SNs in this BB
my $othersns;
for (my $s=$snsbeforethisbb+1; $s<=$snsbeforethisbb+$servsperbb; $s++) {
if ($s != $snnum) { $othersns .= ',' . $$sns[$s-1]; }
$nodereshash{$$nodes[$i]} = {xcatmaster => $snname, servicenode => "$snname$othersns"};
return 1;
# Create compute node definitions
sub writecompute {
my $range = shift;
infomsg('Defining compute nodes...');
my $nodes = [noderange($range, 0)];
if (scalar(@$nodes)) {
$tables{'nodelist'}->setNodesAttribs($nodes, { groups => 'compute,all' });
# Write regex for: hosts.node, hosts.ip
my $nodehash = parsenoderange($range);
my $startip = $STANZAS{'xcat-compute-nodes'}->{'starting-ip'};
if ($startip && isIP($startip)) {
my ($ipbase, $ip3rd, $ip4th) = $startip =~/^(\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
# take the number from the nodename, and as it increases, increase the ip addr
my $startnum = $$nodehash{'primary-start'};
# Math for 4th field: (ip4th-1+nodenum-startnum)%254 + 1
# Math for 3rd field: (ip4th-1+nodenum-startnum)/254 + ip3rd
my $regex = '|\S+?(\d+)$|' . "$ipbase.((${ip4th}-1+" . '$1' . "-$startnum)/254+$ip3rd).((${ip4th}-1+" . '$1' . "-$startnum)%254+1)|";
#my $regex = '|\D+(\d+)|' . "$ipbase.($ipstart+" . '$1' . "-$startnum)|";
my %hash = (ip => $regex);
my $otherint = $STANZAS{'xcat-compute-nodes'}->{'otherinterfaces'};
if ($otherint) {
# need to replace each ip addr in otherinterfaces with a regex
my @ifs = split(/[\s,]+/, $otherint);
foreach my $if (@ifs) {
my ($nic, $startip) = split(/:/, $if);
if (!isIP($startip)) { next; }
($ipbase, $ip3rd, $ip4th) = $startip =~/^(\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
#$if = "$nic:$ipbase.($ipstart+" . '$1' . "-$startnum)";
$if = "$nic:$ipbase.((${ip4th}-1+" . '$1' . "-$startnum)/254+$ip3rd).((${ip4th}-1+" . '$1' . "-$startnum)%254+1)";
$regex = '|\S+?(\d+)$|' . join(',', @ifs) . '|';
#print "regex=$regex\n";
$hash{otherinterfaces} = $regex;
my $aliases = $STANZAS{'xcat-compute-nodes'}->{'aliases'};
if ($aliases) {
# support more than 1 alias
my @alist = split(/[\s,]+/, $aliases);
foreach my $a (@alist) { $a = '($1)' . $a; } # prepend the hostname
$regex = '|(.+)|' . join(',', @alist) . '|';
$hash{hostnames} = $regex;
$tables{'hosts'}->setNodeAttribs('compute', \%hash);
# Write regex for: nodetype.nodetype, etc.
$tables{'nodetype'}->setNodeAttribs('compute', {nodetype => 'osi', arch => 'ppc64'});
$tables{'nodehm'}->setNodeAttribs('compute', {mgt => 'fsp', cons => 'fsp'});
$tables{'noderes'}->setNodeAttribs('compute', {netboot => 'yaboot'});
if ($STANZAS{'ll-config'}->{'central_manager_list'}) { # write the LL postscript for compute nodes
my $ref = $tables{'postscripts'}->getNodeAttribs('compute', 'postscripts');
#print Dumper($ref);
my $posts;
if ($ref && $ref->{postscripts}=~/\S/) {
$posts = $ref->{postscripts};
if ($posts !~ /(^|,)llcompute\.sh(,|$)/) { $posts .= ","; }
else { $posts = ""; }
$tables{'postscripts'}->setNodeAttribs('compute', {postscripts => $posts });
# Figure out what cec each compute node is in and write ppc.hcp, ppc.parent,, noderes.xcatmaster, noderes.servicenode
my $cecsperbb = $STANZAS{'xcat-building-blocks'}->{'num-cecs-per-bb'};
if ($cecsperbb !~ /^\d+$/) { errormsg("invalid non-integer value for num-cecs-per-bb: $cecsperbb", 7); return 0; }
my $lparspercec = $STANZAS{'xcat-lpars'}->{'num-lpars-per-cec'};
if ($lparspercec !~ /^\d+$/) { errormsg("invalid non-integer value for num-lpars-per-cec: $lparspercec", 7); return 0; }
my $snsperbb = $STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'num-service-nodes-per-bb'};
# store the positions of service and storage nodes, so we can avoid those
my %snpositions;
my @positions = split(/[\s,]+/, $STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'cec-positions-in-bb'});
foreach (@positions) { $snpositions{$_} = 1; }
@positions = split(/[\s,]+/, $STANZAS{'xcat-storage-nodes'}->{'cec-positions-in-bb'});
foreach (@positions) { $snpositions{$_} = 1; }
my $cecs = [noderange($STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'hostname-range'}, 0)];
my $sns = [noderange($STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'hostname-range'}, 0)];
$nodes = [noderange($range, 0)];
my %nodehash;
my %nodeposhash;
my %nodereshash;
# set these incrementers to the imaginary position just before the 1st position
my $cecnum = 0;
my $lparid = $lparspercec;
# Go thru each compute node and calculate which cec it is in
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@$nodes); $i++) {
if ($lparid >= $lparspercec) { $cecnum++; $lparid=1; } # at the end of the cec
else { $lparid++ }
if ($lparid == 1) { # check if this is a service or storage node position
my $pos = ($cecnum-1) % $cecsperbb + 1;
if ($snpositions{$pos}) {
if ($lparid >= $lparspercec) { $cecnum++; $lparid=1; } # at the end of the cec
else { $lparid++ }
my $cecname = $$cecs[$cecnum-1];
my $id = $lparid;
if ($lparspercec == 8) {
#todo: for now assume 8 means a p7 IH. Make a different way to determine this is a p7 IH
$id = ( ($lparid-1) * 4) + 1;
#print "sn=$$nodes[$i], cec=$cecname\n";
$nodehash{$$nodes[$i]} = {hcp => $cecname, parent => $cecname, id => $id};
$nodeposhash{$$nodes[$i]} = {rack => $CECPOSITIONS->{$cecname}->[0]->{rack}, u => $CECPOSITIONS->{$cecname}->[0]->{u}};
# Now determine the service node this compute node is under
my $bbnum = int(($cecnum-1) / $cecsperbb) + 1;
my $cecinthisbb = ($cecnum-1) % $cecsperbb + 1;
my $cecspersn = int($cecsperbb / $snsperbb);
my $snoffset = int(($cecinthisbb-1) / $cecspersn) + 1;
my $snsbeforethisbb = ($bbnum-1) * $snsperbb;
my $snnum = $snsbeforethisbb + $snoffset;
my $snname = $$sns[$snnum-1];
# generate a list of the other SNs in this BB
my $othersns;
for (my $s=$snsbeforethisbb+1; $s<=$snsbeforethisbb+$snsperbb; $s++) {
if ($s != $snnum) { $othersns .= ',' . $$sns[$s-1]; }
$nodereshash{$$nodes[$i]} = {xcatmaster => $snname, servicenode => "$snname$othersns"};
return 1;
# Parse a noderange like n01-n20, n[01-20], or f[1-2]c[01-10].
# Returns a hash that contains: primary-base, primary-start, primary-end, primary-pad, secondary-base, secondary-start, secondary-end, secondary-pad
sub parsenoderange {
my $nr = shift;
my $ret = {};
# Check for a 3 square bracket range, e.g. f[1-2]c[01-10]p[1-8]
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\]\s*$/ ) {
($$ret{'primary-base'}, $$ret{'primary-start'}, $$ret{'primary-end'}, $$ret{'secondary-base'}, $$ret{'secondary-start'}, $$ret{'secondary-end'}, $$ret{'tertiary-base'}, $$ret{'tertiary-start'}, $$ret{'tertiary-end'}) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
if ( (length($$ret{'primary-start'}) != length($$ret{'primary-end'})) || (length($$ret{'secondary-start'}) != length($$ret{'secondary-end'})) || (length($$ret{'tertiary-start'}) != length($$ret{'tertiary-end'})) ) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. The beginning and ending numbers of the range must have the same number of digits.", 5); return undef; }
if ( ($$ret{'primary-start'} != 1) || ($$ret{'secondary-start'} != 1) || ($$ret{'tertiary-start'} != 1) ) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. Currently noderanges must start at 1.", 5); return undef; }
return $ret;
# Check for a 2 square bracket range, e.g. f[1-2]c[01-10]
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\]\s*$/ ) {
($$ret{'primary-base'}, $$ret{'primary-start'}, $$ret{'primary-end'}, $$ret{'secondary-base'}, $$ret{'secondary-start'}, $$ret{'secondary-end'}) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
if ( (length($$ret{'primary-start'}) != length($$ret{'primary-end'})) || (length($$ret{'secondary-start'}) != length($$ret{'secondary-end'})) ) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. The beginning and ending numbers of the range must have the same number of digits.", 5); return undef; }
if ( ($$ret{'primary-start'} != 1) || ($$ret{'secondary-start'} != 1) ) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. Currently noderanges must start at 1.", 5); return undef; }
return $ret;
# Check for a square bracket range, e.g. n[01-20]
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\]\s*$/ ) {
($$ret{'primary-base'}, $$ret{'primary-start'}, $$ret{'primary-end'}) = ($1, $2, $3);
if (length($$ret{'primary-start'}) != length($$ret{'primary-end'})) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. The beginning and ending numbers of the range must have the same number of digits.", 5); return undef; }
if ($$ret{'primary-start'} != 1) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. Currently noderanges must start at 1.", 5); return undef; }
return $ret;
# Check for normal range, e.g. n01-n20
my $base2;
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)(\d+)\-(\S+?)(\d+)\s*$/ ) {
($$ret{'primary-base'}, $$ret{'primary-start'}, $base2, $$ret{'primary-end'}) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
if ($$ret{'primary-base'} ne $base2) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr", 5); return undef; }
if (length($$ret{'primary-start'}) != length($$ret{'primary-end'})) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. The beginning and ending numbers of the range must have the same number of digits.", 5); return undef; }
if ($$ret{'primary-start'} != 1) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. Currently noderanges must start at 1.", 5); return undef; }
return $ret;
# It may be a simple single nodename
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*([^\[\]\-\:\s]+?)(\d+)\s*$/ ) {
($$ret{'primary-base'}, $$ret{'primary-start'}, $$ret{'primary-end'}) = ($1, $2, $2);
return $ret;
errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr", 5);
return undef; # range did not match any of the cases above
# Verify this is valid IP address format (ipv4 only for right now).
# If not, print error msg and return 0.
sub isIP {
my $ip = shift;
if ($ip =~ /^\s*\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s*$/) { return 1; }
errormsg("invalid IP address format: $ip", 6);
return 0;
sub errormsg {
my $msg = shift;
my $exitcode = shift;
my %rsp;
push @{$rsp{error}}, $msg;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('E', \%rsp, $CALLBACK, $exitcode);
sub infomsg {
my $msg = shift;
my %rsp;
push @{$rsp{info}}, $msg;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('I', \%rsp, $CALLBACK);
sub fullpath {
my ($filename, $cwd) = @_;
if ($filename =~ /^\s*\//) { return $filename; } # it was already a full path
return xCAT::Utils->full_path($filename, $cwd);
sub deletenodes {
my ($name, $range) = @_;
if ($range !~ /\S/) { return; }
infomsg("Deleting $name...");
#my $nr = [$hmcrange];
my $ret = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({ command => ['rmdef'], arg => [$range,'-t','node'] }, $SUB_REQ, 0, 1);
#xCAT::MsgUtils->message('D', {data=>$ret}, $CALLBACK);