88 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File

# remove entries from the .ssh/known_hosts file for a node
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
# Globals - these are set once and then only read.
my $HELP;
my $file = '~/.ssh/known_hosts';
my $usage = sub {
my $exitcode = shift @_;
print "Usage: khrem <node>\n";
exit $exitcode;
# Process the cmd line args
if (!GetOptions('h|?|help' => \$HELP, 'v|verbose' => \$VERBOSE)) { $usage->(1); }
if ($HELP) { $usage->(0); }
if (scalar(@ARGV)!=1) { $usage->(1); }
my $node = $ARGV[0]; # if they specified a hostname match, only show svrs that start with that
my @output = runcmd("host $node");
my $hostname;
my $line = shift @output;
#print "line=$line\n";
if ($line =~ m/is an alias for /) {
($hostname) = $line =~ m/is an alias for ([^\.]+)/;
#print "hostname=$hostname\n";
$line = shift @output;
#print "line=$line\n";
my ($ip) = $line =~ m/has address (.+)$/;
if (defined($hostname)) {
print "Removing entries from $file for: $node, $hostname, $ip\n";
runcmd("sed -i '/^$node/d;/^$hostname/d;/^$ip/d' $file");
else {
print "Removing entries from $file for: $node, $ip\n";
runcmd("sed -i '/^$node/d;/^$ip/d' $file");
# Pring msg only if -v was specified
sub verbose { if ($VERBOSE) { print shift, "\n"; } }
# Run a command. If called in the context of return an array, it will capture the output
# of the cmd and return it. Otherwise, it will display the output to stdout.
# If the cmd has a non-zero rc, this function will die with a msg.
sub runcmd
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $rc;
$cmd .= ' 2>&1' ;
my @output;
if (wantarray) {
@output = `$cmd`;
$rc = $?;
else {
$rc = $?;
if ($rc) {
$rc = $rc >> 8;
if ($rc > 0) { die "Error: rc $rc return from cmd: $cmd\n"; }
else { die "Error: system error returned from cmd: $cmd\n"; }
elsif (wantarray) { return @output; }