git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
1942 lines
51 KiB
Executable File
1942 lines
51 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# © Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# EPL license
# Revision history:
# July, 2010 comments added.
# August, 2009 adapted to generate
package xCAT_plugin::hpblade;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use strict;
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::TableUtils;
use xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils;
use xCAT::Usage;
use IO::Socket;
use Thread 'yield';
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
use XML::Simple;
use Net::SSLeay qw(die_now die_if_ssl_error);
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
#use xCAT::hpoa; # require this dynamically below instead
sub handled_commands {
return {
findme => 'blade',
getmacs => 'nodehm:getmac,mgt',
rscan => 'nodehm:mgt',
rpower => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
gethpbladecons => 'hpblade',
getrvidparms => 'nodehm:mgt',
rvitals => 'nodehm:mgt',
rinv => 'nodehm:mgt',
rbeacon => 'nodehm:mgt',
rspreset => 'nodehm:mgt',
rspconfig => 'nodehm:mgt',
rbootseq => 'nodehm:mgt',
reventlog => 'nodehm:mgt',
switchblade => 'nodehm:mgt',
my $hpoa;
my $activeOABay;
my $slot;
my ($username, $password);
my %mm_comm_pids;
my %macmap; #Store responses from rinv for discovery
my $macmaptimestamp; #reflect freshness of cache
my %oahash;
my $curn;
my $oa;
my $getBladeStatusResponse; # Make this a global here so we can re-use the result
my $status_noop="XXXno-opXXX";
my $eventHash;
my $globalDebug = 0;
my $ctx;
my @cfgtext;
my %bootdevices = (
0 => 'IPL_NO_OP',
1 => 'CD',
2 => 'FLOPPY',
3 => 'USB',
4 => 'HDD',
5 => 'PXE_NIC1',
6 => 'PXE_NIC2' ,
7 => 'PXE_NIC3',
8 => 'PXE_NIC4'
my %bootnumbers = (
'none' => 0,
'c' => 1,
'cd' => 1,
'dvd' => 1,
'cdrom' => 1,
'dvdrom' => 1,
'f' => 2,
'floppy' => 2,
'usb' => 3,
'h' => 4,
'hd' => 4,
'hdd' => 4,
'harddisk' => 4,
'eth0' => 5,
'nic1' => 5,
'pxe_nic1' => 5,
'eth1' => 6,
'nic2' => 6,
'pxe_nic2' => 6,
'eth2' => 7,
'nic3' => 7,
'pxe_nic3' => 7,
'eth3' => 8,
'nic4' => 8,
'pxe_nic4' => 8
my @rscan_attribs = qw(nodetype name id mtm serial mpa groups mgt);
my @rscan_header = (
["type", "%-8s" ],
["name", "" ],
["id", "%-8s" ],
["type-model", "%-12s" ],
["serial-number", "%-15s" ],
["address", "%s\n" ]);
sub waitforack {
my $sock = shift;
my $select = new IO::Select;
my $str;
if ($select->can_read(10)) { # Continue after 10 seconds, even if not acked...
if ($str = <$sock>) {
} else {
$select->remove($sock); #Block until parent acks data
# Login to the OA using credentials found in the database.
sub oaLogin {
my $oaName = shift;
my $result = "";
my $hopa = "";
my $errHash;
# we need to get the info on the OA. If the specfied OA is NOT the
# ACTIVE OA then we return failure because we can't get the desired
# info from a STANDBY OA.
my ($username, $passwd, $encinfo);
my $mpatab = xCAT::Table->new('mpa');
my $ent;
if(defined($mpatab)) {
($ent) = $mpatab->getAttribs({'mpa'=>$oaName}, 'username', 'password');
if (defined($ent->{password})) {$password = $ent->{password}; }
if (defined($ent->{username})) {$username = $ent->{username}; }
$hpoa = xCAT::hpoa->new('oaAddress' => $oaName);
my $loginResponse = $hpoa->userLogIn('username' => $username, 'password' => $password);
if($loginResponse->fault) {
$errHash = $loginResponse->fault;
print Dumper($errHash);
$result = $loginResponse->oaErrorText;
if($loginResponse->fault) {
return(1, "Error on login attempt");
my $response = $hpoa->getEnclosureInfo();
if($response->fault) {
return(1, "Error on get Enclosure Info call");
my $numOABays = $response->result->{oaBays};
# OK We now know how many oaBays we have in this enclosure. Ask the OAs in each bay
# if they are active. If they are not, then leave since we can't get what we want
# from a standby OA
$activeOABay = 0;
for (my $oaBay = 1; $oaBay <= $numOABays; $oaBay++) {
$response = $hpoa->getOaInfo(bayNumber=>$oaBay);
if(!defined $response->result() || $response->result()->{oaRole} eq "OA_ABSENT" ||
$response->result->{youAreHere} eq "false") {
# either there is no OA here or this is not the one I am currently
# communicating with
} elsif ($response->result->{youAreHere} eq "true") {
$activeOABay = $oaBay;
if(! $activeOABay ) {
return(1, "Cannot determine active OnBoard Administrator");
# Last thing. Need to determine if this is the active OA. If not, then we
# just tell the caller, and they can make the decision as to what they want
# to do.
$response = $hpoa->getOaStatus(bayNumber=>$activeOABay);
if($response->result->{oaRole} ne "ACTIVE") {
return (-1);
return ($hpoa);
sub oaLogout
my $hpoa = shift;
my $response = $hpoa->userLogOut();
sub convertSlot {
my $origSlot = shift;
if($origSlot =~ /\D/) {
my $slotNum = $origSlot;
my $slotAlpha = $slotNum;
$slotNum =~ s/\D//;
$slotAlpha =~ s/\d//;
my $side;
if ($slotAlpha eq "a" or $slotAlpha eq "A") {
$side = 1;
} elsif ($slotAlpha eq "b" or $slotAlpha eq "B") {
$side = 2;
} else {
my $returnSlot = $side * 16 + $slotNum;
sub gethpbladecons {
my $noderange = shift;
my $callback=shift;
my $mpatab = xCAT::Table->new('mpa');
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd');
my $tmp;
my $user="USERID";
if ($passtab) {
if (defined($tmp)) {
$user = $tmp->{username};
my $mptab=xCAT::Table->new('mp');
my $mptabhash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['mpa','id']);
foreach my $node (@$noderange) {
my $rsp = {node=>[{name=>[$node]}]};
my $ent=$mptabhash->{$node}->[0]; #$mptab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mpa', 'id']);
if (defined($ent->{mpa})) {
$oa = $ent->{mpa};
$slot = convertSlot($ent->{id});
if($slot == 0) { # want to open a console on the OA
$rsp->{node}->[0]->{mm} = $oa;
} else {
$hpoa = oaLogin($oa);
my $mpInfoResp = $hpoa->getBladeMpInfo("bayNumber"=>$slot);
if($mpInfoResp->fault) {
$rsp->{node}->[0]->{error}= ["Error getting MP info"];
$rsp->{node}->[0]->{errorcode} = [1];
my $ipaddress = $mpInfoResp->result->{ipAddress};
$rsp->{node}->[0]->{mm} = $ipaddress;
($tmp) = $mpatab->getAttribs({'mpa'=>$oa}, 'username');
$user = [$tmp->{username}];
$rsp->{node}->[0]->{username} = $user;
} else {
$rsp->{node}->[0]->{error}=["no mpa defined"];
if (defined($ent->{id})) {
} else {
sub preprocess_request {
my $request = shift;
#if ($request->{_xcatdest}) { return [$request]; } #exit if preprocessed
if ( (defined($request->{_xcatpreprocessed}))
&& ($request->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] == 1))
return [$request];
my $callback=shift;
my @requests;
#display usage statement if -h is present or no noderage is specified
my $noderange = $request->{node}; #Should be arrayref
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
my $extrargs = $request->{arg};
my @exargs=($request->{arg});
if (ref($extrargs)) {
my $usage_string=xCAT::Usage->parseCommand($command, @exargs);
if ($usage_string) {
$request = {};
if (!$noderange) {
$request = {};
# require SOAP::Lite for so we can do it dynamically
my $soapsupport = eval { require SOAP::Lite; };
unless ($soapsupport) { #Still no SOAP::Lite module
$callback->({error=>"SOAP::Lite perl module missing. Install perl-SOAP-Lite before running HP blade commands.",errorcode=>[42]});
return [];
require xCAT::hpoa;
#get the MMs for the nodes for the nodes in order to figure out which service nodes to send the requests to
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new("mp");
unless ($mptab) {
$callback->({data=>["Cannot open mp table"]});
$request = {};
my %mpa_hash=();
my $mptabhash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['mpa','id']);
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq "gethpbladecons") { #Can handle it here and now
return ();
foreach my $node (@$noderange) {
my $ent=$mptabhash->{$node}->[0]; #$mptab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mpa', 'id']);
if (defined($ent->{mpa})) { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{nodes}}, $node;}
else {
$callback->({data=>["no mpa defined for node $node"]});
$request = {};
my $tempid;
if (defined($ent->{id})) {
#if the ide is defined, we need to see if there is a letter embedded in it. If there is,
#then we need to convert the id to the correct slot
$tempid = convertSlot($ent->{id});
push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{ids}}, $tempid;
} else {
push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{ids}}, "";
# find service nodes for the MMs
# build an individual request for each service node
my $service = "xcat";
my @mms=keys(%mpa_hash);
my $sn = xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->get_ServiceNode(\@mms, $service, "MN");
# build each request for each service node
foreach my $snkey (keys %$sn)
#print "snkey=$snkey\n";
my $reqcopy = {%$request};
$reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $snkey;
my $mms1=$sn->{$snkey};
my @moreinfo=();
my @nodes=();
foreach (@$mms1) {
push @nodes, @{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}};
push @moreinfo, "\[$_\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}}) ."\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{ids}}) . "\]";
$reqcopy->{node} = \@nodes;
#print "nodes=@nodes\n";
push @requests, $reqcopy;
return \@requests;
sub build_more_info{
my $noderange=shift;
my $callback=shift;
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new("mp");
my @moreinfo=();
unless ($mptab) {
$callback->({data=>["Cannot open mp table"]});
return @moreinfo;
my %mpa_hash=();
my $mptabhash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['mpa','id']);
foreach my $node (@$noderange) {
my $ent=$mptabhash->{$node}->[0]; #$mptab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mpa', 'id']);
if (defined($ent->{mpa})) { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{nodes}}, $node;}
else {
$callback->({data=>["no mpa defined for node $node"]});
return @moreinfo;;
if (defined($ent->{id})) { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{ids}}, $ent->{id};}
else { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{ids}}, "";}
foreach (keys %mpa_hash) {
push @moreinfo, "\[$_\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}}) ."\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{ids}}) . "\]";
return \@moreinfo;
sub handle_depend {
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $dp = shift;
my %node = ();
my $dep = @$dp[0];
my $dep_hash = @$dp[1];
# send all dependencies (along w/ those dependent on nothing)
# build moreinfo for dependencies
my %mpa_hash = ();
my @moreinfo=();
my $reqcopy = {%$request};
my @nodes=();
foreach my $node (keys %$dep) {
my $mpa = @{$dep_hash->{$node}}[0];
push @{$mpa_hash{$mpa}{nodes}},$node;
push @{$mpa_hash{$mpa}{ids}}, @{$dep_hash->{$node}}[1];
foreach (keys %mpa_hash) {
push @nodes, @{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}};
push @moreinfo, "\[$_\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}}) ."\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{ids}}) . "\]";
$reqcopy->{node} = \@nodes;
my $start = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday();
# build list of dependent nodes w/delays
while(my ($name,$h) = each(%$dep) ) {
foreach ( keys %$h ) {
if ( $h->{$_} =~ /(^\d+$)/ ) {
$node{$_} = $1/1000.0;
# send each dependent node as its delay expires
while (%node) {
my @noderange = ();
my $delay = 0.1;
my $elapsed = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()-$start;
# sort in ascending delay order
foreach (sort {$node{$a} <=> $node{$b}} keys %node) {
if ($elapsed < $node{$_}) {
$delay = $node{$_}-$elapsed;
push @noderange,$_;
delete $node{$_};
if (@noderange) {
foreach my $node (@noderange) {
my $mpa = @{$dep_hash->{$node}}[0];
push @{$mpa_hash{$mpa}{nodes}},$node;
push @{$mpa_hash{$mpa}{ids}}, @{$dep_hash->{$node}}[1];
$reqcopy = {%$request};
foreach (keys %mpa_hash) {
push @nodes, @{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}};
push @moreinfo, "\[$_\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}}) ."\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{ids}}) . "\]";
$reqcopy->{node} = \@nodes;
# clear global hash variable
%oahash = ();
# millisecond sleep
return 0;
sub build_depend {
my $noderange = shift;
my $exargs = shift;
my $depstab = xCAT::Table->new('deps');
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new('mp');
my %dp = ();
my %no_dp = ();
my %mpa_hash;
if (!defined($depstab)) {
unless ($mptab) {
return("Cannot open mp table");
my $depset = $depstab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,[qw(nodedep msdelay cmd)]);
foreach my $node (@$noderange) {
my $delay = 0;
my $dep;
my @ent = @{$depset->{$node}}; #$depstab->getNodeAttribs($node,[qw(nodedep msdelay cmd)]);
foreach my $h ( @ent ) {
if ( grep(/^@$exargs[0]$/, split /,/, $h->{cmd} )) {
if (exists($h->{nodedep})) { $dep=$h->{nodedep}; }
if (exists($h->{msdelay})) { $delay=$h->{msdelay}; }
if (!defined($dep)) {
$no_dp{$node} = 1;
else {
foreach my $n (split /,/,$dep ) {
if ( !grep( /^$n$/, @$noderange )) {
return( "Missing dependency on command-line: $node -> $n" );
} elsif ( $n eq $node ) {
next; # ignore multiple levels
$dp{$n}{$node} = $delay;
# if there are dependencies, add any non-dependent nodes
if (scalar(%dp)) {
foreach (keys %no_dp) {
if (!exists( $dp{$_} )) {
$dp{$_}{$_} = -1;
# build hash of all nodes in preprocess_request() format
my @namelist = keys %dp;
my $mphash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs(\@namelist,['mpa','id']);
while(my ($name,$h) = each(%dp) ) {
my $ent=$mphash->{$name}->[0]; #$mptab->getNodeAttribs($name,['mpa', 'id']);
if (!defined($ent->{mpa})) {
return("no mpa defined for node $name");
my $id = (defined($ent->{id})) ? $ent->{id} : "";
push @{$mpa_hash{$name}},$ent->{mpa};
push @{$mpa_hash{$name}},$id;
@namelist = keys %$h;
my $mpsubhash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs(\@namelist,['mpa','id']);
foreach ( keys %$h ) {
if ( $h->{$_} =~ /(^\d+$)/ ) {
my $ent=$mpsubhash->{$_}->[0]; #$mptab->getNodeAttribs($_,['mpa', 'id']);
if (!defined($ent->{mpa})) {
return("no mpa defined for node $_");
my $id = (defined($ent->{id})) ? $ent->{id} : "";
push @{$mpa_hash{$_}},$ent->{mpa};
push @{$mpa_hash{$_}},$id;
return( [\%dp,\%mpa_hash] );
sub process_request {
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
foreach (keys %mm_comm_pids) {
kill 2, $_;
exit 0;
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $level = shift;
my $noderange = $request->{node};
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
my @exargs;
unless ($command) {
return; #Empty request
# require SOAP::Lite for so we can do it dynamically
my $soapsupport = eval { require SOAP::Lite; };
unless ($soapsupport) { #Still no SOAP::Lite module
$callback->({error=>"SOAP::Lite perl module missing. Install perl-SOAP-Lite before running HP blade commands.",errorcode=>[42]});
return [];
require xCAT::hpoa;
if (ref($request->{arg})) {
@exargs = @{$request->{arg}};
} else {
@exargs = ($request->{arg});
my $moreinfo;
if ($request->{moreinfo}) { $moreinfo=$request->{moreinfo}; }
else { $moreinfo=build_more_info($noderange,$callback);}
if ($command eq "rpower" and grep(/^on|off|boot|reset|cycle$/, @exargs)) {
if ( my ($index) = grep($exargs[$_]=~ /^--nodeps$/, 0..$#exargs )) {
splice(@exargs, $index, 1);
} else {
# handles 1 level of dependencies only
if (!defined($level)) {
my $dep = build_depend($noderange,\@exargs);
if ( ref($dep) ne 'ARRAY' ) {
if (scalar(%{@$dep[0]})) {
handle_depend( $request, $callback, $doreq, $dep );
return 0;
# only 1 node when changing textid to something other than '*'
if ($command eq "rspconfig" and grep(/^textid=[^*]/,@exargs)) {
if ( @$noderange > 1 ) {
$callback->({data=>["Single node required when changing textid"],
my $bladeuser = 'USERID';
my $bladepass = 'PASSW0RD';
my $blademaxp = 64;
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $mpatab = xCAT::Table->new('mpa');
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new('mp');
my $tmp;
#if ($sitetab) {
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("blademaxp");
my $t_entry = $entries[0];
if (defined($t_entry)) { $blademaxp=$t_entry; }
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd');
if ($passtab) {
if (defined($tmp)) {
$bladeuser = $tmp->{username};
$bladepass = $tmp->{password};
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq "findme") {
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new("mp");
unless ($mptab) { return 2; }
my @bladents = $mptab->getAllNodeAttribs([qw(node)]);
my @blades;
foreach (@bladents) {
push @blades,$_->{node};
my %invreq;
$invreq{node} = \@blades;
$invreq{arg} = ['mac'];
$invreq{command} = ['rinv'];
my $mac;
my $ip = $request->{'_xcat_clientip'};
my $arptable;
if ( -x "/usr/sbin/arp") {
$arptable = `/usr/sbin/arp -n`;
$arptable = `/sbin/arp -n`;
my @arpents = split /\n/,$arptable;
foreach (@arpents) {
if (m/^($ip)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s/) {
unless ($mac) { return };
#Only refresh the the cache when the request permits and no useful answer
if ($macmaptimestamp < (time() - 300)) { #after five minutes, invalidate cache
%macmap = ();
unless ($request->{cacheonly}->[0] or $macmap{$mac} or $macmaptimestamp > (time() - 20)) { #do not refresh cache if requested not to, if it has an entry, or is recent
%macmap = ();
foreach (@{preprocess_request(\%invreq,\&fillresps)}) {
%invreq = %$_;
unless ($macmap{$mac}) {
return 1; #failure
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>1);
#my %request = (
# command => ['makedhcp'],
# node => [$macmap{$mac}]
# );
$request->{noderange} = [$macmap{$mac}];
%{$request}=(); #Clear request. it is done
undef $mactab;
return 0;
my $children = 0;
$SIG{CHLD} = sub { my $cpid; while ($cpid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) > 0) { delete $mm_comm_pids{$cpid}; $children--; } };
my $inputs = new IO::Select;;
foreach my $info (@$moreinfo) {
my $mpa=$1;
my @nodes=split(',', $2);
my @ids=split(',', $3);
#print "mpa=$mpa, nodes=@nodes, ids=@ids\n";
my $user=$bladeuser;
my $pass=$bladepass;
my $ent;
if (defined($mpatab)) {
if (defined($ent->{password})) { $pass = $ent->{password}; }
if (defined($ent->{username})) { $user = $ent->{username}; }
$oahash{$mpa}->{username} = $user;
$oahash{$mpa}->{password} = $pass;
for (my $i=0; $i<@nodes; $i++) {
my $node=$nodes[$i];;
my $nodeid=$ids[$i];
my $sub_fds = new IO::Select;
foreach $oa (sort (keys %oahash)) {
while ($children > $blademaxp) { forward_data($callback,$sub_fds); }
my $cfd;
my $pfd;
socketpair($pfd, $cfd,AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!";
my $cpid = xCAT::Utils->xfork;
unless (defined($cpid)) { die "Fork error"; }
unless ($cpid) {
eval {
if ($@) { die "$@"; }
die "blade plugin encountered a general error while communication with $oa";
$mm_comm_pids{$cpid} = 1;
close ($pfd);
while ($sub_fds->count > 0 or $children > 0) {
while (forward_data($callback,$sub_fds)) {}
<RIB_INFO MODE="write">
-----BEGIN SSH KEY-----
-----END SSH KEY-----
<RIB_INFO MODE="write">
<RIB_INFO MODE="read">
# opens an ssl connection to port 443 of the passed host
sub openSSLconnection($)
my $host = shift;
my ($ssl, $sin, $ip, $nip);
if (not $ip = inet_aton($host))
print "$host is a DNS Name, performing lookup\n" if $globalDebug;
$ip = gethostbyname($host) or die "ERROR: Host $host notfound. \n";
$nip = inet_ntoa($ip);
#print STDERR "Connecting to $nip:443\n";
$sin = sockaddr_in(443, $ip);
socket (S, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "ERROR: socket: $!";
connect (S, $sin) or die "connect: $!";
$ctx = Net::SSLeay::CTX_new() or die_now("ERROR: Failed to create SSL_CTX $! ");
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_options($ctx, &Net::SSLeay::OP_ALL);
die_if_ssl_error("ERROR: ssl ctx set options");
$ssl = Net::SSLeay::new($ctx) or die_now("ERROR: Failed to create SSL $!");
Net::SSLeay::set_fd($ssl, fileno(S));
Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl) and die_if_ssl_error("ERROR: ssl connect");
#print STDERR 'SSL Connected ';
print 'Using Cipher: ' . Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl) if $globalDebug;
#print STDERR "\n\n";
return $ssl;
sub closeSSLconnection($)
my $ssl = shift;
Net::SSLeay::free ($ssl); # Tear down connection
Net::SSLeay::CTX_free ($ctx);
close S;
# usage: sendscript(host, script)
# sends the xmlscript script to host, returns reply
sub sendScript($$)
my $host = shift;
my $script = shift;
my ($ssl, $reply, $lastreply, $res, $n);
$ssl = openSSLconnection($host);
# write header
$n = Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all($ssl, '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\r\n");
print "Wrote $n\n" if $globalDebug;
$n = Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all($ssl, '<LOCFG version="2.21"/>'."\r\n");
print "Wrote $n\n" if $globalDebug;
# write script
$n = Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all($ssl, $script);
print "Wrote $n\n$script\n" if $globalDebug;
$reply = "";
$lastreply = "";
my $reply2return = "";
while(1) {
$lastreply = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl);
die_if_ssl_error("ERROR: ssl read");
if($lastreply eq "") {
sleep(2); # wait 2 sec for more text.
$lastreply = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl);
die_if_ssl_error("ERROR: ssl read");
last READLOOP if($lastreply eq "");
$reply .= $lastreply;
print "lastreply $lastreply \b" if $globalDebug;
# Check response to see if a error was returned.
if($lastreply =~ m/STATUS="(0x[0-9A-F]+)"[\s]+MESSAGE='(.*)'[\s]+\/>[\s]*(([\s]|.)*?)<\/RIBCL>/) {
if($1 eq "0x0000") {
#print STDERR "$3\n" if $3;
} else {
$reply2return = "ERROR: STATUS: $1, MESSAGE: $2";
print "READ: $lastreply\n" if $globalDebug;
if($lastreply =~ m/STATUS="(0x[0-9A-F]+)"[\s]+MESSAGE='(.*)'[\s]+\/>[\s]*(([\s]|.)*?)<\/RIBCL>/) {
if($1 eq "0x0000") {
#Sprint STDERR "$3\n" if $3;
} else {
$reply2return = "ERROR: STATUS: $1, MESSAGE: $2";
return $reply2return;
sub extractValue {
my $inputString = shift;
my $testString = shift;
$testString = "<"."$testString"." VALUE=";
my $start = index ($inputString, $testString) + length $testString;
my $end = index $inputString, "\"", ($start + 1);
return(substr($inputString, ($start + 1), ($end - $start - 1)));
sub iloconfig {
my $oa=shift;
my $user=shift;
my $pass=shift;
my $node=shift;
my $nodeid=shift;
my $parameter;
my $value;
my $assignment;
my $returncode=0;
my $textid=0;
# Before we get going, lets get the info on the MP (iLO)
$slot = convertSlot($nodeid);
my $mpInfoResp = $hpoa->getBladeMpInfo("bayNumber"=>$slot);
if($mpInfoResp->fault) {
my $errorText ="Error getting MP info";
my $ipaddress = $mpInfoResp->result->{ipAddress};
foreach $parameter (@_) {
$assignment = 0;
$value = undef;
if ($parameter =~ /=/) {
$assignment = 1;
($parameter,$value) = split /=/,$parameter,2;
if ($parameter =~ /^sshcfg$/) {
my $fname = "/root/.ssh/";
if ( ! -s $fname ) {
# Key file specified does not exist. Error!
push @cfgtext,"rspconfig:key file does not exist";
open (KEY, "$fname");
my $key = readline(KEY);
$script =~ s/AdMiNnAmE/$user/;
$script =~ s/PaSsWoRd/$pass/;
my $reply = sendScript($ipaddress, $script);
push @cfgtext,$reply;
if ($parameter =~ /^network$/) {
if($value) {
# If value is set, then the user wans us to set these values
my ($newip,$newhostname,$newgateway,$newmask) = split /,/,$value;
$script = $script."<IP_ADDRESS VALUE=\"$newip\"\/>" if ($newip);
$script = $script."<GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS VALUE=\"$newgateway\"\/>" if($newgateway);
$script = $script."<SUBNET_MASK VALUE=\"$newmask\"\/>" if($newmask);
$script = $script."$MOD_NETWORK_SETTINGS_FOOTER";
$script =~ s/AdMiNnAmE/$user/;
$script =~ s/PaSsWoRd/$pass/;
my $reply = sendScript($ipaddress, $script);
if ($newip) { push @cfgtext,"iLO IP: $newip"; }
if ($newgateway){ push @cfgtext,"Gateway: $newgateway"; }
if ($newmask) { push @cfgtext,"Subnet Mask: $newmask"; }
push @cfgtext, $reply;
} else {
my $script = "$GET_NETWORK_SETTINGS";
$script =~ s/AdMiNnAmE/$user/;
$script =~ s/PaSsWoRd/$pass/;
my $reply = sendScript($ipaddress, $script);
my $readipaddress = extractValue($reply, "IP_ADDRESS");
my $gateway = extractValue($reply, "GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS");
my $netmask = extractValue($reply, "SUBNET_MASK");
push @cfgtext,"iLO IP: $readipaddress";
push @cfgtext, "Gateway: $gateway";
push @cfgtext, "Subnet mask: $netmask";
push @cfgtext, $reply;
return 0, @cfgtext;
sub getmacs
(my $code,my @macs)=inv('mac');
my $mkey;
my $nic2Find;
my $nrtab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
if ($nrtab) {
my $nent = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($curn,['primarynic','installnic']);
if ($nent) {
if (defined $nent->{installnic}) { #Prefer the install nic
} elsif (defined $nent->{primarynic}) { #see if primary nic was set
$nic2Find = $nent->{$mkey};
# We now have the nic2Find, so we need to convert this to the NIC format
# Strip away the "eth"
my $interface = $nic2Find;
$nic2Find =~ s/eth//;
my $numberPxeNic = $nic2Find + 1;
my $pxeNic = "NIC ".$numberPxeNic;
if ($code==0) {
my $mac;
my @allmacs;
foreach my $macEntry (@macs) {
if ($macEntry =~ /MAC ADDRESS $pxeNic/) {
$mac = $macEntry;
$mac =~ s/MAC ADDRESS $pxeNic: //;
$mac = lc $mac;
if (! $mac) {
return 1,"Unable to retrieve MAC address for interface $pxeNic from OnBoard Administrator";
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>1);
return 0,":mac.mac set to $mac";
} else {
return $code,$macs[0];
sub inv {
my @invitems;
my @output;
foreach (@_) {
push @invitems, split( /,/,$_);
my $item;
unless(scalar(@invitems)) {
@invitems = ("all");
# Before going off to handle the items, issue a getBladeInfo, getBladeMpInfo, and getOaInfo
my $getBladeInfoResult = $hpoa->getBladeInfo("bayNumber" => $slot);
if($getBladeInfoResult->fault) {
return(1, "getBladeInfo on node $curn failed");
my $getBladeMpInfoResult = $hpoa->getBladeMpInfo("bayNumber" => $slot);
if($getBladeMpInfoResult->fault) {
return(1, "getBladeMpInfo on node $curn fault");
my $getOaInfoResult = $hpoa->getOaInfo("bayNumber" => $activeOABay);
if($getOaInfoResult->fault) {
my $errHash = $getOaInfoResult->fault;
return(1, "getOaInfo failed");
while (my $item = shift @invitems) {
if($item =~ /^all/) {
push @invitems,(qw(mtm serial mac firm));
if($item =~ /^firm/) {
push @invitems,(qw(bladerom mprom oarom));
if($item =~ /^bladerom/) {
push @output,"BladeFW: ". $getBladeInfoResult->result->{romVersion};
if($item =~ /^mprom/) {
push @output, "iLOFW: ". $getBladeMpInfoResult->result->{fwVersion};
if($item =~ /~oarom/) {
push @output, "OA FW: ". $getOaInfoResult->result->{fwVersion};
if($item =~ /^model/ or $item =~ /^mtm/ ) {
push @output,"Machine Type/Model: ". $getBladeInfoResult->result->{partNumber};
if($item =~ /^serial/) {
push @output, "Serial Number: ". $getBladeInfoResult->result->{serialNumber};
if($item =~ /^mac/) {
my $numberOfNics = $getBladeInfoResult->result->{numberOfNics};
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numberOfNics; $i++) {
my $mac = $getBladeInfoResult->result->{nics}->{bladeNicInfo}[$i]->{macAddress};
my $port = $getBladeInfoResult->result->{nics}->{bladeNicInfo}[$i]->{port};
push @output, "MAC ADDRESS ".$port.": ".$mac;
#push@output, "MAC Address ".($_+1).": ".$getBladeInfoResult->result->{nics}->{bladeNicInfo}[$i]->{macAddress};
return(0, @output);
sub CtoF {
my $Ctemp = shift;
return((($Ctemp * 9) / 5) + 32);
my %chassiswidevitals;
sub vitals {
my @output;
my $tmp;
my @vitems;
if ( $#_ == 0 && $_[0] eq '' ) { pop @_; push @_,"all" } #-- default is all if no argument given
if ( defined $slot and $slot > 0 ) { #-- blade query
foreach (@_) {
if ($_ eq 'all') {
# push @vitems,qw(temp voltage wattage summary fan);
push @vitems,qw(cpu_temp memory_temp system_temp ambient_temp summary fanspeed);
push @vitems,qw(led power);;
} elsif ($_ =~ '^led') {
push @vitems,qw(led);
} else {
push @vitems,split( /,/,$_);
} else { #-- chassis query
foreach (@_) {
if ($_ eq 'all') {
# push @vitems,qw(voltage wattage power summary);
push @vitems,qw(cpu_temp memory_temp system_temp ambient_temp summary fanspeed);
# push @vitems,qw(errorled beaconled infoled templed);
push @vitems,qw(led power);
} elsif ($_ =~ '^led') {
push @vitems,qw(led);
} elsif ($_ =~ '^cool') {
push @vitems,qw(fanspeed);
} elsif ($_ =~ '^temp') {
push @vitems,qw(ambient_temp);
} else {
push @vitems,split( /,/,$_);
my @vitals;
if ( defined $slot and $slot > 0) { #-- querying some blade
if (grep /temp/, @vitems) {
my $tempResponse = $hpoa->getBladeThermalInfoArray("bayNumber" => $slot);
if($tempResponse->fault) {
push @output, "Request to get Temperature info on slot $slot failed";
elsif (! $tempResponse->result) {
# If is the case then the temperature data is not yet available.
push @output, "Temperature data not available.";
} else {
# We have data so go process it....
my @tempdata = $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo};
my $lastElement = $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[-1]->{sensorNumber};
if(grep /cpu_temp/, @vitems) {
my $index = -1;
do {
if(grep /CPU/, $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{description}) {
my $Ctemp = $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{temperatureC};
my $desc = $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{description};
my $Ftemp = CtoF($Ctemp);
push @output , "$desc Temperature: $Ctemp C \( $Ftemp F \)";
} until $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{sensorNumber} eq $lastElement;
if(grep /memory_temp/, @vitems) {
my $index = -1;
do {
if(grep /Memory/, $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{description}) {
my $Ctemp = $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{temperatureC};
my $desc = $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{description};
my $Ftemp = CtoF($Ctemp);
push @output , "$desc Temperature: $Ctemp C \( $Ftemp F \)";
} until $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{sensorNumber} eq $lastElement;
if(grep /system_temp/, @vitems) {
my $index = -1;
do {
if(grep /System/, $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{description}) {
my $Ctemp = $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{temperatureC};
my $desc = $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{description};
my $Ftemp = CtoF($Ctemp);
push @output , "$desc Temperature: $Ctemp C \( $Ftemp F \)";
} until $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{sensorNumber} eq $lastElement;
if(grep /ambient_temp/, @vitems) {
my $index = -1;
do {
if(grep /Ambient/, $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{description}) {
my $Ctemp = $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{temperatureC};
my $desc = $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{description};
my $Ftemp = CtoF($Ctemp);
push @output , "$desc Temperature: $Ctemp C \( $Ftemp F \)";
} until $tempResponse->result->{bladeThermalInfo}[$index]->{sensorNumber} eq $lastElement;
if(grep /fanspeed/, @vitems) {
my $fanInfoResponse = $hpoa->getFanInfo("bayNumber" => $slot);
if($fanInfoResponse->fault) {
push @output, "Request to get Fan Info from slot $slot failed ";
} elsif (! $fanInfoResponse->result ) {
push @output, "No Fan Information";
} else {
my $fanStatus = $fanInfoResponse->result->{operationalStatus};
my $fanMax = $fanInfoResponse->result->{maxFanSpeed};
my $fanCur = $fanInfoResponse->result->{fanSpeed};
my $fanPercent = ($fanCur / $fanMax) * 100;
push @output, "Fan status: $fanStatus Percent of max: $fanPercent\%";
if(grep /led/, @vitems) {
my $currstat = $getBladeStatusResponse->result->{uid};
if ($currstat eq "UID_ON") {
push @output, "Current UID Status On";
} elsif ($currstat eq "UID_OFF") {
push @output, "Current UID Status Off";
} elsif ($currstat eq "UID_BLINK") {
push @output, "Current UID Status Blinking";
if(grep /power/, @vitems) {
my $currPowerStat = $getBladeStatusResponse->result->{powered};
if($currPowerStat eq "POWER_ON") {
push @output , "Current Power Status On";
} elsif ($currPowerStat eq "POWER_OFF") {
push @output,"Current Power Status Off";
return(0, @output);
sub buildEventHash {
my $logText = shift;
my $eventLogFound = 0;
my $eventFound = 0;
my $eventNumber = 0;
my @lines = split /^/, $logText;
foreach my $line (@lines){
if(! $eventLogFound ) {
if(! $line =~ m/EVENT_LOG/) {
} elsif ($line =~ m/EVENT_LOG/) {
$eventLogFound = 1;
if(! $eventFound && $line =~ m/\<EVENT/) {
$eventFound = 1;
} elsif ($eventFound && $line =~ m/\/\>/) {
$eventFound = 0;
# We have a good line. Need to split it up and build the hash.
my ($desc, $value) = split /=/, $line;
for ($desc) {
for ($value) {
$eventHash->{event}->{$eventNumber}->{$desc} = $value;
return $eventNumber;
sub eventlog {
my $subcommand= shift;
my @output;
$subcommand = "all" if $subcommand eq "";
if ($subcommand eq "all" or $subcommand =~ /\d+/) {
my $mpEventLogResponse = $hpoa->getBladeMpEventLog("bayNumber"=>$slot, "maxsize"=>640000);
if($mpEventLogResponse->fault) {
return(1, "Attempt to retrieve Event Log faulted");
my $logText = $mpEventLogResponse->result->{logContents};
my $numEvents = buildEventHash($logText);
my $recCount = 0;
$eventHash->{'event'} = {
map {
$recCount++ => $_->[1]
} sort {
$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]
} map {
(defined $_->{LAST_UPDATE} && $_->{LAST_UPDATE} ne '[NOT SET]')
? [ &extractDate($_->{LAST_UPDATE}), $_]
: [ $_->{SELID}, $_ ]
} map {
$eventHash->{'event'}{$_}{SELID} = $_;
} grep {
defined $eventHash->{'event'}{$_}
} keys %{$eventHash->{'event'}}
my $limitEvents = ($subcommand eq "all" ? $recCount : $subcommand);
for (my $index = 0; $index < $limitEvents; $index++) {
my $class = $eventHash->{event}->{$recCount}->{CLASS};
my $severity = $eventHash->{event}->{$recCount}->{SEVERITY};
my $dateTime = $eventHash->{event}->{$recCount}->{LAST_UPDATE};
my $desc = $eventHash->{event}->{$recCount}->{DESCRIPTION};
unshift @output,"$class $severity:$dateTime $desc";
return(0, @output);
} elsif ($subcommand eq "clear") {
return(1, "Command not supported");
} else {
return(1, "Command '$subcommand' not supported");
sub rscan {
my $args = shift;
my @values;
my $result;
my %opt;
@ARGV = @$args;
$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
local *usage = sub {
my $usage_string=xCAT::Usage->getUsage("rscan");
return( join('',($_[0],$usage_string)));
if ( !GetOptions(\%opt,qw(V|Verbose w x z))){
if ( defined($ARGV[0]) ) {
return(1,usage("Invalid argument: @ARGV\n"));
if (exists($opt{x}) and exists($opt{z})) {
return(1,usage("-x and -z are mutually exclusive\n"));
my $encInfo = $hpoa->getEnclosureInfo();
if( $encInfo->fault) {
return(1, "Attempt tp get enclosure information has failed");
my $numBays = $encInfo->result->{bladeBays};
my $calcBladeBays = $numBays * 3; # Need to worry aboyt casmir blades
my $encName = $encInfo->result->{enclosureName};
my $enctype = $encInfo->result->{name};
my $encmodel = $encInfo->result->{partNumber};
my $encserial = $encInfo->result->{serialNumber};
push @values,join(",","hpoa",$encName,0,"$enctype-$encmodel",$encserial,$oa);
my $max = length($encName);
for( my $i = 1; $i <= $calcBladeBays; $i++) {
my $bayInfo = $hpoa->getBladeInfo("bayNumber"=>$i);
if($bayInfo->fault) {
return(1, "Attempt to get blade info from bay $i has failed");
if($bayInfo->result->{presence} eq "ABSENT" ) {
# no blade in the bya
my $name = $bayInfo->result->{serverName};
my $bayNum = $i;
my $type = $bayInfo->result->{bladeType};
my $model = $bayInfo->result->{name};
my $serial = $bayInfo->result->{serialNumber};
push @values, join (",", "hpblade", $name, $bayNum, "$type-$model", $serial, "");
my $format = sprintf "%%-%ds",($max+2);
$rscan_header[1][1] = $format;
if (exists($opt{x})) {
$result = rscan_xml($oa,\@values);
elsif ( exists( $opt{z} )) {
$result = rscan_stanza($oa,\@values);
else {
foreach ( @rscan_header ) {
$result .= sprintf @$_[1],@$_[0];
foreach (@values ){
my @data = split /,/;
my $i = 0;
foreach (@rscan_header) {
$result .= sprintf @$_[1],$data[$i++];
if (!exists( $opt{w})) {
my @tabs = qw(mp nodehm nodelist);
my %db = ();
foreach (@tabs) {
$db{$_} = xCAT::Table->new( $_, -create=>1, -autocommit=>0 );
if ( !$db{$_} ) {
return(1,"Error opening '$_'" );
foreach (@values) {
my @data = split /,/;
my $name = $data[1];
my ($k1,$u1);
$k1->{node} = $name;
$u1->{mpa} = $oa;
$u1->{id} = $data[2];
$db{mp}{commit} = 1;
my ($k2,$u2);
$k2->{node} = $name;
$u2->{mgt} = "hpblade";
$db{nodehm}{commit} = 1;
my ($k3,$u3);
$k3->{node} = $name;
$u3->{groups} = "blade,all";
$db{nodelist}{commit} = 1;
foreach ( @tabs ) {
if ( exists( $db{$_}{commit} )) {
return (0,$result);
sub rscan_xml {
my $mpa = shift;
my $values = shift;
my $xml;
foreach (@$values) {
my @data = split /,/;
my $i = 0;
my $href = {
Node => { }
foreach ( @rscan_attribs ) {
my $d = $data[$i++];
my $type = $data[0];
if ( /^name$/ ) {
} elsif ( /^nodetype$/ ) {
$d = $type;
} elsif ( /^groups$/ ) {
$d = "$type,all";
} elsif ( /^mgt$/ ) {
$d = "blade";
} elsif ( /^mpa$/ ) {
$d = $mpa;
$href->{Node}->{$_} = $d;
$xml.= XMLout($href,NoAttr=>1,KeyAttr=>[],RootName=>undef);
return( $xml );
sub rscan_stanza {
my $mpa = shift;
my $values = shift;
my $result;
foreach (@$values) {
my @data = split /,/;
my $i = 0;
my $type = $data[0];
$result .= "$data[1]:\n\tobjtype=node\n";
foreach ( @rscan_attribs ) {
my $d = $data[$i++];
if ( /^name$/ ) {
} elsif ( /^nodetype$/ ) {
$d = $type;
} elsif ( /^groups$/ ) {
$d = "$type,all";
} elsif ( /^mgt$/ ) {
$d = "blade";
} elsif ( /^mpa$/ ) {
$d = $mpa;
$result .= "\t$_=$d\n";
return( $result );
sub beacon {
my $subcommand = shift;
if($subcommand eq "stat" ) {
my $currstat = $getBladeStatusResponse->result->{uid};
if ($currstat eq "UID_ON") {
return(0, "on");
} elsif ($currstat eq "UID_OFF") {
return(0, "off");
} elsif ($currstat eq "UID_BLINK") {
return(0, "blink");
my $response;
if($subcommand eq "on") {
$response =$hpoa->setBladeUid('bayNumber' => $slot, 'uid' => "UID_CMD_ON");
if($response->fault) {
my $errHash = $response->fault;
my $result = $response->oaErrorText;
print "result is $result \n";
return("1", "Uid On failed");
} else {
return("0", "");
} elsif ($subcommand eq "off") {
$response = $hpoa->setBladeUid('bayNumber' => $slot ,'uid' => "UID_CMD_OFF");
if($response->fault) {
my $errHash = $response->fault;
my $result = $response->oaErrorText;
print "result is $result \n";
return("1", "Uid Off failed");
} else {
return("0", "");
} elsif ($subcommand eq "blink") {
$response = $hpoa->setBladeUid('bayNumber' => $slot, 'uid' => "UID_CMD_BLINK");
if($response->fault) {
my $errHash = $response->fault;
my $result = $response->oaErrorText;
print "result is $result \n";
return("1", "Uid Blink failed");
} else {
return("0", "");
} else {
return(1, "subcommand unsupported");
return(1, "subcommand unsupported");
sub bootseq {
my @args=@_;
my $data;
my @order=();
if ($args[0] eq "list" or $args[0] eq "stat") {
# Before going off to handle the items, issue a getBladeInfo and getOaInfo
my $getBladeBootInfoResult = $hpoa->getBladeBootInfo("bayNumber"=> $slot);
if($getBladeBootInfoResult->fault) {
return(1, "getBladeBootInfo on node $curn failed");
# Go through the the IPL Array from the last call to GetBladeStatus
my $numberOfIpls = $getBladeBootInfoResult->result->{numberOfIpls};
foreach (my $i = 0; $i < $numberOfIpls; $i++) {
foreach (my $j = 0; $j <= 7; $j++) {
if($getBladeBootInfoResult->result->{ipls}->{ipl}[$j]->{bootPriority} eq ($i + 1)) {
push(@order, $getBladeBootInfoResult->result->{ipls}->{ipl}[$j]->{iplDevice});
return (0, lc join(',',@order));
} else {
foreach (@args) {
my @neworder=(split /,/,$_);
push @order,@neworder;
my $number=@order;
if ($number > 5) {
return (1,"Only five boot sequence entries allowed");
my $nonespecified=0;
my $foundnic = 0;
foreach (@order) {
if(($bootnumbers{$_} > 4)) {
if($foundnic == 1) {
# only one nic allowed. error out
return(1, "Only one Eth/Nic device permitted.");
} else {
$foundnic = 1;
unless (defined($bootnumbers{$_})) { return (1,"Unsupported device $_"); }
unless ($bootnumbers{$_}) { $nonespecified = 1; }
if ($nonespecified and $bootnumbers{$_}) { return (1,"Error: cannot specify 'none' before a device"); }
unless ($bootnumbers{$order[0]}) {
return (1,"Error: cannot specify 'none' as first device");
# Build array to be sent to the blade here
my @ipl;
my $i = 1;
foreach my $dev (@order) {
push @ipl, {"bootPriority"=>"$i", "iplDevice" => "$bootdevices{$bootnumbers{$order[$i - 1]}}"};
my $setiplResponse = $hpoa->setBladeIplBootPriority("bladeIplArray" => ['ipl', \@ipl, "" ], "bayNumber" => $slot);
if($setiplResponse->fault) {
my $errHash = $setiplResponse->fault;
my $result = $setiplResponse->oaErrorText;
print "result is $result \n";
return(1, "Error on slot $slot setting ipl");
return bootseq('list');
sub power {
my $subcommand = shift;
my $command2Send;
my $currPowerStat;
my $returnState;
$returnState = "";
$currPowerStat = $getBladeStatusResponse->result->{powered};
if($subcommand eq "stat" || $subcommand eq "state") {
if($currPowerStat eq "POWER_ON") {
return(0, "on");
} elsif ($currPowerStat eq "POWER_OFF") {
return(0, "off");
if ($subcommand eq "on") {
if($currPowerStat eq "POWER_OFF") {
$command2Send = "MOMENTARY_PRESS";
$returnState = "on";
} else {
return(0, "on");
} elsif ($subcommand eq "off") {
if($currPowerStat eq "POWER_ON") {
$command2Send = "PRESS_AND_HOLD";
$returnState = "off";
} else {
return(0, "off");
} elsif ($subcommand eq "reset") {
$command2Send = "RESET";
} elsif ($subcommand eq "cycle") {
if($currPowerStat eq "POWER_ON") {
$command2Send = "MOMENTARY_PRESS";
} elsif ($subcommand eq "boot") {
if($currPowerStat eq "POWER_OFF") {
$command2Send = "MOMENTARY_PRESS";
$returnState = "off on";
} else {
$command2Send = "COLD_BOOT";
$returnState = "on reset";
} elsif ($subcommand eq "softoff") {
if($currPowerStat eq "POWER_ON") {
$command2Send = "MOMENTARY_PRESS";
#If we got here with a command to send, do it, otherwise just return
if($command2Send) {
my $pwrResult = $hpoa->setBladePower('bayNumber' => $slot, 'power' => $command2Send);
if($pwrResult->fault) {
return(1, "Node $curn - Power command failed");
return(0, $returnState);
sub bladecmd {
my $oa = shift;
my $node = shift;
$slot = shift;
my $user = shift;
my $pass = shift;
my $command = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $error;
if ($slot > 0) {
$getBladeStatusResponse = $hpoa->getBladeStatus('bayNumber' => $slot);
if($getBladeStatusResponse->fault) {
my $errHash = $getBladeStatusResponse->fault;
my $result = $getBladeStatusResponse->oaErrorText;
if ($getBladeStatusResponse->result->{presence} ne "PRESENT") {
return (1, "Target bay empty");
if ($command eq "rbeacon") {
return beacon(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "rpower") {
return power(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "rvitals") {
return vitals(@args);
} elsif ($command =~ /r[ms]preset/) {
return resetmp(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "rspconfig") {
return iloconfig($oa,$user,$pass,$node,$slot,@args);
} elsif ($command eq "rbootseq") {
return bootseq(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "switchblade") {
return switchblade(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "getmacs") {
return getmacs(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "rinv") {
return inv(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "reventlog") {
return eventlog(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "rscan") {
return rscan(\@args);
return (1,"$command not a supported command by blade method");
sub forward_data {
my $callback = shift;
my $fds = shift;
my @ready_fds = $fds->can_read(1);
my $rfh;
my $rc = @ready_fds;
foreach $rfh (@ready_fds) {
my $data;
if ($data = <$rfh>) {
while ($data !~ /ENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci/) {
$data .= <$rfh>;
print $rfh "ACK\n";
my $responses=thaw($data);
foreach (@$responses) {
} else {
yield; #Try to avoid useless iterations as much as possible
return $rc;
sub doblade {
my $out = shift;
$oa = shift;
my $oahash = shift;
my $command = shift;
my %namedargs = @_;
my @exargs = @{$namedargs{-args}};
my $node;
my $args = \@exargs;
$hpoa = oaLogin($oa);
# We are now logged into the OA and have a pointer to the OA session. Process
# the command.
#get new node status
my %nodestat=();
my $check=0;
my $nsh={};
foreach $node (sort (keys %{$oahash->{$oa}->{nodes}})) {
$curn = $node;
my ($rc, @output) = bladecmd($oa, $node, $oahash->{$oa}->{nodes}->{$node}, $oahash->{$oa}->{username}, $oahash->{$oa}->{password}, $command, @$args);
foreach(@output) {
my %output;
if ( $command eq "rscan" ) {
$output{data} = [$_];
else {
(my $desc,my $text) = split (/:/,$_,2);
unless ($text) {
} else {
$desc =~ s/^\s+//;
$desc =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($desc) {
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
$output{node}->[0]->{errorcode} = $rc;
print $out freeze([\%output]);
print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
#update the node status to the nodelist.status table
if ($check) {
my %node_status=();
#foreach (keys %nodestat) { print "node=$_,status=" . $nodestat{$_} ."\n"; } #Ling:remove
foreach my $node (keys %nodestat) {
my $stat=$nodestat{$node};
if ($stat eq "no-op") { next; }
if (exists($node_status{$stat})) {
my $pa=$node_status{$stat};
push(@$pa, $node);
else {
xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::setNodeStatusAttributes(\%node_status, 1);
#my $msgtoparent=freeze(\@outhashes); # = XMLout(\%output,RootName => 'xcatresponse');
#print $out $msgtoparent; #$node.": $_\n";
sub extractDate {
use Time::Local;
my $date = shift;
return 0 unless $date =~ m/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{4}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})/;
return timegm(0,$5,$4,$2,$1,$3);